56 research outputs found

    Loss and Dispersion Analysis of Microstructured Fibers by Finite-Difference Method

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    The dispersion and loss in microstructured fibers are studied using a full-vectorial compact-2D finite-difference method in frequency-domain. This method solves a standard eigen-value problem from the Maxwell’s equations directly and obtains complex propagation constants of the modes using anisotropic perfectly matched layers. A dielectric constant averaging technique using Ampere’s law across the curved media interface is presented. Both the real and the imaginary parts of the complex propagation constant can be obtained with a high accuracy and fast convergence. Material loss, dispersion and spurious modes are also discussed

    Modeling and Simulation of Photonic Crystal Fibers and Distributed Feedback Photonic Crystal Fiber Lasers

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    A photonic crystal fiber (PCF) is comprised of a solid or air core surrounded by periodically arranged air holes running along the length of the fiber, which guides light in a fundamentally new way compared to conventional optical fibers, affecting almost all areas of optics and photonics. To analyze the dispersion and loss properties of PCFs, a two-dimensional (2D) finite-difference frequency-domain (FDFD) method combined with the technique of perfectly matched layer (PML) is developed. The propagation constant and loss can be obtained with accuracies in the orders of ∼10-6 and ∼10 -3, respectively. The Bragg fiber is a kind of PCF with alternate layers surrounding a solid or air core. To improve the performance of the above algorithm, a 1D FDFD method in the cylindrical coordinates is proposed to fully utilize the rotational symmetry property of the Bragg fiber. In addition to improving the accuracy, this method reduces the computation region from 2D to a straight line, significantly relieving the computation burden. A second method, called Galerkin method, is also developed under cylindrical coordinates. The mode fields are expanded using orthogonal Laguerre-Gauss functions; and the method is accurate and stable. However, it cannot do the loss analysis. For photonic-band-gap-guiding PCFs, the properties of the confined modes are closely related to the band structures of the cladding photonic crystals. Therefore, a third FDFD method using periodic boundaries is developed in a generalized coordinate system. Various lattice geometries are analyzed in the same manner, and the results are comparable to those obtained by the plane wave expansion method which is commonly used in the literature. Finally, a theoretical model for analyzing distributed feedback (DFB) PCF lasers has been presented. Two structures are investigated: PCFs with triangular lattice (TPCF) and PCFs made of capillary tube (CPCF). The modeling and simulation of erbium-doped and erbium/ytterbium (Er/Yb) co-doped DFB lasers are aimed at finding suitable PCF geometry to achieve low threshold and high output power. Various steps involved in this model are: (1) the properties of PCFs are analyzed by the FDFD method; (2) the Bragg grating is investigated by coupled mode theory; (3) the coupled wave equations are solved by transfer matrix method; and (4) Er atom is modeled as a three-level medium while energy transfer between Yb and Er atoms is considered for Er/Yb co-doped fiber. It is found that a CPCF laser with a smaller mode area is useful for lower-threshold applications and both of CPCF and TPCF lasers with larger mode areas are suitable for high-power operation

    3-D Metamaterials: Trends on Applied Designs, Computational Methods and Fabrication Techniques

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    This work was funded in part by the Predoctoral Grant FPU18/01965 and in part by the financial support of BBVA Foundation through a project belonging to the 2021 Leonardo Grants for Researchers and Cultural Creators, BBVA Foundation. The BBVA Foundation accepts no responsibility for the opinions, statements, and contents included in the project and/or the results thereof, which are entirely the responsibility of the authors.Metamaterials are artificially engineered devices that go beyond the properties of conventional materials in nature. Metamaterials allow for the creation of negative refractive indexes; light trapping with epsilon-near-zero compounds; bandgap selection; superconductivity phenomena; non-Hermitian responses; and more generally, manipulation of the propagation of electromagnetic and acoustic waves. In the past, low computational resources and the lack of proper manufacturing techniques have limited attention towards 1-D and 2-D metamaterials. However, the true potential of metamaterials is ultimately reached in 3-D configurations, when the degrees of freedom associated with the propagating direction are fully exploited in design. This is expected to lead to a new era in the field of metamaterials, from which future high-speed and low-latency communication networks can benefit. Here, a comprehensive overview of the past, present, and future trends related to 3-D metamaterial devices is presented, focusing on efficient computational methods, innovative designs, and functional manufacturing techniques.Predoctoral Grant FPU18/01965BBVA Foundatio

    A comprehensive study for the plasmonic thin-film solar cell with periodic structure

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    A comprehensive study of the plasmonic thin-film solar cell with the periodic strip structure is presented in this paper. The finite-difference frequency-domain method is employed to discretize the inhomogeneous wave function for modeling the solar cell. In particular, the hybrid absorbing boundary condition and the one-sided difference scheme are adopted. The parameter extraction methods for the zeroth-order reflectance and the absorbed power density are also discussed, which is important for testing and optimizing the solar cell design. For the numerical results, the physics of the absorption peaks of the amorphous silicon thin-film solar cell are explained by electromagnetic theory; these peaks correspond to the waveguide mode, Floquet mode, surface plasmon resonance, and the constructively interference between adjacent metal strips. The work is therefore important for the theoretical study and optimized design of the plasmonic thin-film solar cell. © 2010 Optical Society of America.published_or_final_versio

    Finite-Difference Frequency-Domain Method in Nanophotonics

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    Unidirectional and Nonreciprocal Nanophotonic Devices Based on Graphene and Magneto-Optical Materials

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    In this dissertation, we first introduce compact tunable spatial mode converters for graphene parallel plate (GPP) waveguides. The converters are reciprocal and based on spatial modulation of graphene’s conductivity. The wavelength of operation of the mode converters is tunable in the mid-infrared wavelength range by adjusting the chemical potential of a strip on one of the graphene layers of the GPP waveguides. We also introduce optical diodes for GPP waveguides based on a spatial mode converter and a coupler, which consists of a single layer of graphene placed in the middle between the two plates of two GPP waveguides. \par Next, we propose an ultracompact isolator for optical frequencies employing the potential of plasmonics for miniaturizing optical structures along with the magneto-optical (MO) effect of Bismuth Iron Garnet (BIG) to achieve non-reciprocity. The proposed structure consists of a cylindrical cavity placed in the proximity of a metal-dielectric-metal (MDM) waveguide. The isolation occurs due to the frequency splitting phenomenon along with the difference in transmitted power for waves incident on the device from different directions, in the presence of MO activity. The first order perturbation theory is used to explain the frequency splitting phenomenon. The difference between the transmission spectra is described via studying the nature of the resonant modes inside the cavity. The performance of the device can be tuned via changing the parameters of the isolator such as the radius of the cavity and the distance between the MDM and the cavity. Next, we theoretically explore the notion of employing plasmonic multilayered cylindrical cavities to enhance the MO effect at optical frequencies. The frequency splitting observed in the presence of MO activity can be greatly increased in the multilayered cylindrical cavities with alternating layers of BIG and metal. We also investigated the effect of different parameters of the structures on enhancing the MO activity using transfer matrix approach as well as numerical investigations. We showed that, provided that the material and the design are chosen carefully, the MO activity can be noticeably increased. Finally, we designed an all-optical circulator based on the layered structure

    Full-range Gate-controlled Terahertz Phase Modulations with Graphene Metasurfaces

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    Local phase control of electromagnetic wave, the basis of a diverse set of applications such as hologram imaging, polarization and wave-front manipulation, is of fundamental importance in photonic research. However, the bulky, passive phase modulators currently available remain a hurdle for photonic integration. Here we demonstrate full-range active phase modulations in the Tera-Hertz (THz) regime, realized by gate-tuned ultra-thin reflective metasurfaces based on graphene. A one-port resonator model, backed by our full-wave simulations, reveals the underlying mechanism of our extreme phase modulations, and points to general strategies for the design of tunable photonic devices. As a particular example, we demonstrate a gate-tunable THz polarization modulator based on our graphene metasurface. Our findings pave the road towards exciting photonic applications based on active phase manipulations

    Numerical methods for computing Casimir interactions

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    We review several different approaches for computing Casimir forces and related fluctuation-induced interactions between bodies of arbitrary shapes and materials. The relationships between this problem and well known computational techniques from classical electromagnetism are emphasized. We also review the basic principles of standard computational methods, categorizing them according to three criteria---choice of problem, basis, and solution technique---that can be used to classify proposals for the Casimir problem as well. In this way, mature classical methods can be exploited to model Casimir physics, with a few important modifications.Comment: 46 pages, 142 references, 5 figures. To appear in upcoming Lecture Notes in Physics book on Casimir Physic

    Design and Optimization of Nanoplasmonic Waveguide Devices

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    In this dissertation, we introduce compact absorption switches consisting of plasmonic metal-dielectric-metal (MDM) waveguides coupled to multisection cavities. The optimized multisection cavity switches lead to greatly enhanced modulation depth compared to optimized conventional Fabry-Perot cavity switches. We find that the modulation depth of the optimized multisection cavity switches is greatly enhanced compared to the optimized conventional Fabry-Perot cavity switches due to the great enhancement of the total electromagnetic field energy in the cavity region. We then investigate how to improve the computational efficiency of the design of nanoplasmonic devices. More specifically, we show that the space mapping algorithm, originally developed for microwave circuit optimization, can enable the efficient design of nanoplasmonic waveguide devices which satisfy a set of desired specifications. Space mapping utilizes a physics-based coarse model to approximate a fine model accurately describing a device. Here the fine model is a full-wave finite-difference frequency-domain (FDFD) simulation of the device, while the coarse model is based on transmission line theory. We demonstrate that, when the iterative space mapping algorithm is used, it converges fast to a design which meets all the specifications. In addition, full-wave FDFD simulations of only a few candidate structures are required before the iterative process is terminated. Use of the space mapping algorithm therefore results in large reductions in the required computation time when compared to any direct optimization method of the fine FDFD model. We finally introduce a method for the sensitivity analysis of active nanophotonic waveguide devices to variations in the dielectric permittivity of the active material. More specifically, we present an analytical adjoint sensitivity method for the power transmission coefficient of nano optical devices, which is directly derived from Maxwell\u27s equations, and is not based on any specific numerical discretization method. We apply the derived formula to calculate the sensitivity of the power transmission coefficient with respect to the real and imaginary parts of the dielectric permittivity of the active material for two-dimensional and three-dimensional plasmonic devices, and compare the results with the ones obtained by directly calculating the sensitivity