7 research outputs found

    Evaluation of academic website using eye tracker and ueq: a case study in a website of xyz

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    The current study evaluated academic website using eye tracking and User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ). A total of 46 participants have been recruited for this study but then the data was reduced to 33 participants due to random response errors of an item in UEQ followed by reducing in eye tracker’s data. Eye tracker had a gaze plot (scan path) data and task completion time as time to first view area of interest (AOI) where these data were used to evaluate important gaze plot and whether the provision of information in website has been clearly done. Gaze plot gave insight where important link, information and picture should be put in the website. Furthermore, Kruskal Wallis and Mann Whitney U test were also applied to see the difference between each task which were used to improve sub menu’s name. At the same time, UEQ data showed that only novelty should be improved to be more creative, inventive, leading edge and innovative. Thus, this recommendation provides more input in designing website for academic use

    The evaluation of academic website using eye tracker and UEQ: a case study in a website of xyz

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    The current study evaluated the academic website using eye tracking and User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ). A total of 46 participants had been recruited for this study but then the data were reduced to 33 participants due to random response errors of an item in UEQ followed by reducing in eye tracker's data. Eye tracker had a gaze plot (scan path) data and task completion time as time to first view area of interest (AOI) where these data were used to evaluate important gaze plot and whether the provision of information in website had been clearly done. The gaze plot gave insight where important link, information and picture should be put in the website. Furthermore, Kruskal Wallis and Mann Whitney U test were also applied to see the difference between each task which were used to improve sub menu's name. At the same time, UEQ data showed that only novelty should be improved to be more creative, inventive, leading edge and innovative. Thus, this recommendation provides more input in designing website for academic use


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan bagaimana kemampuan literasi matematis siswa SMP dalam menyelesaikan soal berbasis PISA konten change and relationship ditinjau dari gaya kognitif visualizer dan verbalizer dan mendeskripsikan penyebab dari kesulitan saat menyelesaikan soal berbasis PISA konten change and relationship. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode studi kasus, dengan subjek sebanyak 26 siswa kelas VII di salah satu SMP Negeri di Bandung. Instrumen penelitian berupa angket gaya kognitif menggunakan VVQ, tes kemampuan literasi matematis dan wawancara semi-terstruktur. Dari pengelompokkan VVQ dipilih 6 siswa partisipans, masing-masing 3 siswa visualizer dan 3 siswa verbalizer untuk dianalisis dan diwawancara. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa 1) capaian literasi matematis untuk siswa visualizer pada indikator merumuskan memperoleh persentase sebesar 82%, untuk indikator menggunakan memperoleh 82% dan untuk indikator menafsirkan memperoleh 43%; 2) capaian literasi matematis untuk siswa verbalizer pada indikator merumuskan memperoleh persentase sebesar 60%, indikator menggunakan memperoleh 61% dan untuk indikator menafsirkan memperoleh 28%; 3) penyebab kesulitan siswa visualizer dan verbalizer dalam menyelesaikan soal berbasis PISA konten change and relationship yaitu pada indikator merumuskan: kurang memahami maksud soal, memiliki kebiasaan tidak menuliskan apa yang diketahui dan ditanyakan, pada indikator menggunakan: lupa dan kurang paham dengan materi yang dipelajari, keliru dalam menyelesaikan soal, kebingungan menentukan strategi dan langkah-langkah penyelesaian. Pada indikator menafsirkan: tergesa-gesa dalam pengerjaan, belum mampu memanajemen waktu dengan baik, tidak melakukan evaluasi, memiliki kebiasaan tidak menuliskan kesimpulan. Kata Kunci: Kemampuan Literasi Matematis, Visualizer dan Verbalizer, Konten Perubahan dan Hubungan

    Exploring the Role of Culture in Online Searching Behavior from a Cognitive Perspective

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    This research investigates differences in Web search behavior from a “cultural cognition” perspective, which was introduced by Nisbett and Norenzayan (2002). To explore the impact of culture and thinking styles on searching behavior is the objective. The overarching hypothesis is that there are cultural differences in cognitive styles and that these differences may lead into different searching behaviors. The findings help search engine designers provide an adaptive navigation support to users from different cultural backgrounds and cognitive styles. The fundamental research question underpinning this research becomes what are the relationships between users’ cognitive styles and cultural background, and their Web search behavior? The results of this doctoral study help with understanding how cognitive processes are modulated by cultures so as to give rise to cultural specific thinking and Web navigation styles. The assumption here is that differences in cognitive style will drive variations in Web search behavior based on national cultural orientation. To examine the research hypotheses, hundred and eleven research subjects are selected from three cultural groups: Americans, Iranians, and Chinese. The two independent factors that are studied in this experimental research are: cultural background and cognitive style. After answering a demographic questionnaire, the participants are given two types of task scenarios to perform on Google while two tracking applications (TechSmith Morae and MyGaze) record their mouse and eye movements. The users’ search behavior is studied through several measures of eye gaze, click behavior, and viewing pattern. By employing the Repeated Measures Analysis of Variance (RM ANOVA) test, the relationships between the independent variables and the search measurements are studied and analyzed using SAS statistical analysis application. This research was conducted in a controlled usability lab, and the participants were provided with a $10 incentive upon finishing the experiment. Even though the results from the statistical analysis did not show significant evidence to support variation in cognitive styles between the participating cultural groups, country of origin appeared to be a strong predictor of differences in the measurements of search behavior. Considering the research hypotheses and the results, we found that the Americans’ search behaviors tended to be more analytical and less explorative, whereas the Iranians and Chinese tended to engage in more exploratory behaviors

    Eye-Tracking Users' Behavior in Relation to Cognitive Style within an E-learning Environment

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    Macht der kognitive Stil einen Unterschied?: Folgen verschiedener Visualisierungsarten und Modalitäten für den Lernerfolg in Bezug auf den visuellen und verbalen kognitiven Stil

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    This doctoral thesis is based on three quantitative studies conducted on 464 participants. The main goal was to investigate the role of visual-verbal cognitive style when learning with dynamic and non-dynamic learning materials. The first study revealed important differences regarding the way in which visualizers and verbalizers observe static picture/text combinations in order to learn from them. That is to say that visualizers concentrated mostly on pictures while verbalizers on texts, exhibiting an active way of learning but mostly within textual (verbalizers) or pictorial (visualizers) areas of stimuli. Contradictory to expectations, visualizers did not directly show any supremacy in dealing with pictures, as they did not identify relevant areas sooner than verbalizers. Indirectly though, the results confirmed that verbalizers are less proficient in decoding pictorial information, as they switched to non-informative parts of it sooner than visualizers. Although the retention test did not show any differences on learning outcomes between both groups, visualizers achieved better results on a comprehension test. The results of the second study confirmed that, when learning with system controlled multimedia environments, spoken explanatory narration brings better results than a written one does. Additionally, an influence of the visual cognitive style on learning with written explanatory text was found. That is, when using a combination of static pictures and written text, higher visual cognitive style comes along with better learning outcome. On the other hand, a combination of higher visual cognitive style, animation and written modality of explanations results in deterioration of learning outcome. The study did not provide any significant results regarding an influence of verbal cognitive style on learning. In the third study the issues of learner/ system control were addressed, when learning with spoken modality of explanatory text. The results revealed that spoken modality design yielded better outcomes when learning in system-paced design rather than self-paced and with animation rather than static pictures. In the group of highly developed visualizers though, the combination of static pictures, self-pacing and spoken narration led to a decline of learning outcomes and to cognitive overload. Again, there were no significant results regarding the verbal cognitive style. The results of the three studies support the assumption of an important role of cognitive style in learning. They indicate a moderating role of visual cognitive style when learning with dynamic and non-dynamic multimedia. This role depends on the design (self-controlled, system-controlled) and modality of explanations (spoken, written) though. Additionally, the differences in gaze patterns between visualizers and verbalizers shed more light on the way in which these two groups of learners retrieve information from multimedia materials. This doctoral research makes a contribution to theoretical research on multimedia learning and cognitive styles, as well as to practical implications on learning materials’ design and efficient education.Diese Dissertation umfasst drei quantitative Studien mit insgesamt 464 Teilnehmern. Dabei war das Hauptziel, die Rolle visueller und verbaler kognitiver Stile beim Lernen mit dynamischen und nicht-dynamischen Lernmaterialien zu untersuchen. Die erste Studie enthüllte deutliche Unterschiede in Bezug auf die Art und Weise, in welcher Visualisierer und Verbalisierer statische Bild/Text-Kombinationen analysieren, um von diesen zu lernen. Konkret konzentrieren sich Visualisierer primär auf die Bilder, wohingegen Verbalisierer eher auf die Texte fokussieren. Lernende beider Typen weisen jedoch dabei eine aktive Art des Lernens innerhalb ihrer präferierten Stimuli auf. Entgegen der Erwartungen zeigten Visualisierer jedoch keine Überlegenheit im Umgang mit Bildern im Vergleich zu Verbalisierern, da sie keine schnellere und effektivere Identifikation relevanter Bereiche innerhalb der Bilder erzielten. Indirekt bestätigen jedoch die Ergebnisse, dass Verbalisierer weniger Kompetenzen im Umgang mit Bildinformationen aufwiesen, da sie schneller auf die nicht-informativen Bereiche der Bilder wechselten als die Visualisierer. Obwohl der Wissenstest in Bezug auf den Lernerfolg keine Unterschiede zwischen den beiden Gruppen zeigte, erreichten die Visualisierer bessere Resultate im Verständnistest. Die Ergebnisse der zweiten Studie bestätigten, dass beim Lernen mit einer multimedialen, nichtinteraktiven Lernumgebung eine auditive Erklärung zu besseren Lernergebnissen führt als ein schriftlich dargebotener Text. Zudem konnte ein Einfluss des visuellen kognitiven Stils auf das Lernen mit Texten aufgezeigt werden. Dieser stellt sich durch die Tatsache dar, dass Personen mit einem ausgeprägteren visuellen kognitiven Stil einen besseren Lernerfolg erzielen, wenn eine Kombination aus statischen Bildern und geschriebenem Text verwendet wird. Andererseits kann jedoch eine Kombination aus einem ausgeprägten visuellen kognitiven Stil, Animationen und auditiven Erklärungen wiederum zu einer Verschlechterung des Lernerfolgs führen. Die Studie konnte jedoch keine signifikanten Ergebnisse in Bezug auf den Einfluss verbaler kognitiver Stile auf das Lernen nachweisen. In der dritten Studie ging es um den Einfluss interaktiver Kontrollelemente (selbstgesteuert vs. systemgesteuert) beim Lernen mit auditiven Erklärungen oder schriftlichen Texten. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass auditive Erklärungen zu besseren Lernerfolgen führt, wenn systemgesteuert statt selbstgesteuert (also nicht-interaktiv) gelernt wird. Zudem zeigte in diesem Fall die Verwendung von Animationen bessere Resultate als die von statischen Bildern. In der Gruppe der „Visualisierer“ mit ausgeprägtem visuellen kognitiven Stil führte die Kombination von statischen Bildern, selbstgesteuertem Design und auditiv dargebotenen Informationen hingegen zu einer kognitiven Überlastung und einem Rückgang der Lernerfolge. Auch in dieser Studie gab es keine signifikanten Ergebnisse in Bezug auf den verbalen kognitiven Stil. Die Ergebnisse der drei Studien unterstützen die Annahme, dass der kognitive Stil eine wichtige Rolle beim Lernen spielt. Insbesondere der visuelle kognitive Stil scheint einen moderierenden Einfluss beim Lernen mit dynamischen und nicht-dynamischen Medien auszuüben. Dieser Einfluss hängt dabei vom Design (selbstgesteuert vs. systemgesteuert) und der Modalität der Erklärungen (auditiv vs. textuell) ab. Zudem konnte durch die Analyse der Blickmuster zwischen Visualisierern und Verbalisierern ein erweitertes Verständnis darüber gewonnen werden, wie die beiden Gruppen unterschiedlich mit Informationen aus multimedialen Materialien umgehen. Diese Doktorarbeit leistet damit einen Beitrag zur theoretischen Forschung im Bereich des multimedialen Lernens und kognitiver Stile sowie zu praktischen Konsequenzen des Designs von Lernmaterialien zu effektiver Bildung

    An empirical investigation of the effectiveness of eLearning strategies in higher education: a Rasch model for Saudi Arabia

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    The adoption of eLearning in higher education (HE) is growing in the educational technology literature. However, high-impact, effective, eLearning applications are rarely reported. How learners interact with the technical components during the learning process is yet to be fully understood. The interactivity is a principle element for the design and evaluation of digital learning environments. Its nature and effects in relation to learners' performance is critical for the selection of eLearning strategies and the articulation of ePedagogical practices. Thus, this thesis aims to investigate the ePedagogical environment to understand the nature of the interactive effects of instructional delivery modes and individual's cognitive preferences on learners' performance. The investigation is driven by measuring the effects of the interplay between the two key variables representing each dimension. Data were obtained through a series of 2x3 factorial quasi-experiments which were conducted at four HE institutions in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The empirical studies examined the performance of 162 female undergraduates who had different cognitive preferences and received instruction through one of three delivery modes: i) face-to-face, ii) fully computerised and iii) blended modes. The participants were in their third year of the undergraduate Management of Information Systems program and were required to enrol in the course Information Systems Analysis and Design for the first time. Three instruments were utilised for the data collection; i) the cognitive style analysis test (CSA), ii) the pre-test and iii) the post-test. The validity and reliability of the cognitive performance measures (the pre-and-post-tests) were established under the auspices of the Rasch model using the QUEST interactive test analysis system software. The cognitive performance measurement scale was found to be unidimensional with a strong item fit statistic, ranging from 0.81 to 1.00, indicating that the test-items have measured the intended underlying construct. The subsequent performance analyses were conducted using Cohen's effect size to compare the extent of differences between the experimental groups. The results confirmed the interactional effects of delivery modes and learners' cognitive preference on their cognitive performance. It was also found that participants were able to achieve their best performance under the computerised delivery mode, which had the highest effect size of ES= 0.29 among the F-2-F and blended modes. This thesis enhances the conceptualisation of the interactivity between the human and technological dimensions of the eLearning environment. It highlights the nature and level of the interaction, information that may be utilised to improve the design and evaluation practices of personalised HE learning. The study also demonstrates that the application of the Rasch measurement approach is effective for agile instructional design and performance measurement. It proposes an empirically validated ISD model that guides the effective design of digital learning environments for the Saudi Arabian HE sector