1,377 research outputs found

    Tagging, Folksonomy & Co - Renaissance of Manual Indexing?

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    This paper gives an overview of current trends in manual indexing on the Web. Along with a general rise of user generated content there are more and more tagging systems that allow users to annotate digital resources with tags (keywords) and share their annotations with other users. Tagging is frequently seen in contrast to traditional knowledge organization systems or as something completely new. This paper shows that tagging should better be seen as a popular form of manual indexing on the Web. Difference between controlled and free indexing blurs with sufficient feedback mechanisms. A revised typology of tagging systems is presented that includes different user roles and knowledge organization systems with hierarchical relationships and vocabulary control. A detailed bibliography of current research in collaborative tagging is included.Comment: Preprint. 12 pages, 1 figure, 54 reference

    Word Sense Disambiguation for Ontology Learning

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    Ontology learning aims to automatically extract ontological concepts and relationships from related text repositories and is expected to be more efficient and scalable than manual ontology development. One of the challenging issues associated with ontology learning is word sense disambiguation (WSD). Most WSD research employs resources such as WordNet, text corpora, or a hybrid approach. Motivated by the large volume and richness of user-generated content in social media, this research explores the role of social media in ontology learning. Specifically, our approach exploits social media as a dynamic context rich data source for WSD. This paper presents a method and preliminary evidence for the efficacy of our proposed method for WSD. The research is in progress toward conducting a formal evaluation of the social media based method for WSD, and plans to incorporate the WSD routine into an ontology learning system in the future

    Semantic modelling of user interests based on cross-folksonomy analysis

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    The continued increase in Web usage, in particular participation in folksonomies, reveals a trend towards a more dynamic and interactive Web where individuals can organise and share resources. Tagging has emerged as the de-facto standard for the organisation of such resources, providing a versatile and reactive knowledge management mechanism that users find easy to use and understand. It is common nowadays for users to have multiple profiles in various folksonomies, thus distributing their tagging activities. In this paper, we present a method for the automatic consolidation of user profiles across two popular social networking sites, and subsequent semantic modelling of their interests utilising Wikipedia as a multi-domain model. We evaluate how much can be learned from such sites, and in which domains the knowledge acquired is focussed. Results show that far richer interest profiles can be generated for users when multiple tag-clouds are combine

    Enhanced Web Search Engines with Query-Concept Bipartite Graphs

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    With rapid growth of information on the Web, Web search engines have gained great momentum for exploiting valuable Web resources. Although keywords-based Web search engines provide relevant search results in response to users’ queries, future enhancement is still needed. Three important issues include (1) search results can be diverse because ambiguous keywords in queries can be interpreted to different meanings; (2) indentifying keywords in long queries is difficult for search engines; and (3) generating query-specific Web page summaries is desirable for Web search results’ previews. Based on clickthrough data, this thesis proposes a query-concept bipartite graph for representing queries’ relations, and applies the queries’ relations to applications such as (1) personalized query suggestions, (2) long queries Web searches and (3) query-specific Web page summarization. Experimental results show that query-concept bipartite graphs are useful for performance improvement for the three applications

    All Purpose Textual Data Information Extraction, Visualization and Querying

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    abstract: Since the advent of the internet and even more after social media platforms, the explosive growth of textual data and its availability has made analysis a tedious task. Information extraction systems are available but are generally too specific and often only extract certain kinds of information they deem necessary and extraction worthy. Using data visualization theory and fast, interactive querying methods, leaving out information might not really be necessary. This thesis explores textual data visualization techniques, intuitive querying, and a novel approach to all-purpose textual information extraction to encode large text corpus to improve human understanding of the information present in textual data. This thesis presents a modified traversal algorithm on dependency parse output of text to extract all subject predicate object pairs from text while ensuring that no information is missed out. To support full scale, all-purpose information extraction from large text corpuses, a data preprocessing pipeline is recommended to be used before the extraction is run. The output format is designed specifically to fit on a node-edge-node model and form the building blocks of a network which makes understanding of the text and querying of information from corpus quick and intuitive. It attempts to reduce reading time and enhancing understanding of the text using interactive graph and timeline.Dissertation/ThesisMasters Thesis Software Engineering 201

    Tag disambiguation based on social network information

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    Within 20 years the Web has grown from a tool for scientists at CERN into a global information space. While returning to its roots as a read/write tool, its entering a more social and participatory phase. Hence a new, improved version called the Social Web where users are responsible for generating and sharing content on the global information space, they are also accountable for replicating the information. This collaborative activity can be observed in two of the most widely practised Social Web services such as social network sites and social tagging systems. Users annotate their interests and inclinations with free form keywords while they share them with their social connections. Although these keywords (tag) assist information organization and retrieval, theysuffer from polysemy.In this study we employ the effectiveness of social network sites to address the issue of ambiguity in social tagging. Moreover, we also propose that homophily in social network sites can be a useful aspect is disambiguating tags. We have extracted the ‘Likes’ of 20 Facebook users and employ them in disambiguation tags on Flickr. Classifiers are generated on the retrieved clusters from Flickr using K-Nearest-Neighbour algorithm and then their degree of similarity is calculated with user keywords. As tag disambiguation techniques lack gold standards for evaluation, we asked the users to indicate the contexts and used them as ground truth while examining the results. We analyse the performance of our approach by quantitative methods and report successful results. Our proposed method is able classify images with an accuracy of 6 out of 10 (on average). Qualitative analysis reveal some factors that affect the findings, and if addressed can produce more precise results

    Effectiveness of Social Media Community Using Optimized Clustering Algorithm

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    Now-a-days social media is used to the introduce new issues and discussion on social media. More number of users participates in the discussion via social media. Different users belong to different kind of groups. Positive and negative comments will be posted by user and they will participate in discussion. Here we proposed system to group different kind of users and system specifies from which category they belong to. For example film industry, politician etc. Once the social media data such as a user messages are parsed and network relationships are identified, data mining techniques can be applied to group of different types of communities. We used K-Means clustering algorithm to cluster data. In this system we detect communities by the clustering messages from large streams of social data. Our proposed algorithm gives better a clustering result and provides a novel use-case of grouping user communities based on their activities. This application is used to the identify group of people who viewed the post and commented on the post. This helps to categorize the users

    Extracting ontological structures from collaborative tagging systems

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