523 research outputs found

    Development of Global Warming E-Module Based on Socio Scientific Issues (SSI) to Improve Students' Critical Thinking Skills and Sustainability Awareness

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    Science education has a role in realising the global vision to encourage the achievement of 21st century competencies. One of them is by implementing science learning with the Socio Scientific Issues (SSI) context. The Research and Development study aims to produce a global warming E-Module based on Socio Scientific Issues (SSI) to improve students' critical thinking skills and sustainability awareness. The research and development design used is the ADDIE (Analysis Design Development Implementation Evaluation) model design. The research subjects for e-module implementation were 38 students of class X SMA Negeri 3 Cibinong. Research data were obtained through e-module validation questionnaire, critical thinking skills essay questions, sustainability awareness questionnaire, and student response questionnaire.  Data analysis techniques using shapiro wilk, paired sample t-test. Based on the research results, it can be concluded that the SSI-based global warming e-module is valid/suitable for use in terms of feasibility (content, presentation and language), as well as in terms of media with the percentages respectively being 91% and 97%. The CVI results related to the feasibility of the e-module are 0.99 (valid). Learning using the SSI-based global warming e-module can improve students' critical thinking skills in the high category with an average score of N-Gain critical thinking skills of 0.78. Learning using the SSI-based global warming e-module can increase students' sustainability awareness in the medium category with an average N-Gain sustainability awareness score of 0.45. Student responses to the SSI-based global warming e-module were very good with an average score percentage of 91%.Pendidikan sains memiliki peran mewujudkan visi global untuk mendorong pencapaian kompetensi abad 21. Salah satunya dengan menerapkan pembelajaran sains yang  berkonteks Socio Scientific Issues (SSI). Penelitian Research and Development bertujuan untuk menghasilkan E-Module pemanasan global berbasis Socio Scientific Issues (SSI) untuk meningkatkan keterampilan berpikir kritis dan sustainability awareness siswa. Desain penelitian dan pengembangan yang digunakan adalah desain model ADDIE (Analysis Design Development Implementation Evaluation). Subjek penelitian untuk implementasi e-module adalah 38 siswa kelas X SMA Negeri 3 Cibinong. Data penelitian diperoleh melalui angket validasi e-module, soal essay keterampilan berpikir kritis, angket sustainability awareness, serta angket respon siswa.  Teknik analisis data menggunakan shapiro wilk, paired sample t-test. Berdasarkan hasil penilaian pada aspek kelayakan dan media masing-masing sebesar 91% dan 97%. Hasil penilaian guru IPA juga menunjukkan nilai CVI sebesar 0,99. Pembelajaran menggunakan E-module Pemanasan Global berbasis SSI dapat meningkatkan keterampilan berpikir kritis dan sustainability awareness dengan perolehan skor rata-rata N-gain 0,78 (kategori  tinggi)  dan  0,45  (kategori sedang). Respon siswa terhadap e-module Pemanasan Global berbasis SSI sangat baik dengan rata-rata persentase skor sebesar 91%

    MasqueArray: Automatic makeup selector/applicator

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    Discusses the design of a computer which selects and applies makeup

    Reflections on the design of HappyHere, a digital installation facilitating participation, reflection and discussion on wellbeing data in the Arts sector.

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    In the Arts sector there is increasing interest in the relationship between art and wellbeing. In this paper, we present research exploring the ways in which HappyHere engaged participants to reflect on and discuss wellbeing while visiting a leading art gallery. We describe the design of HappyHere and explain how tangible interactions in a community space can provide a novel approach for engaging participants and gathering data to enable the evaluation of mental wellbeing in museums and galleries. Finally, we reflect on qualitative research with participants and volunteers throughout the twelve-week deployment of the project. This paper disseminates the design process to allow Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) researchers to deploy similar digital installations in new environments and establishes insights to inform the development of future tangible wellbeing research studies in the Arts and wider community, benefitting HCI researchers, arts professionals, healthcare practitioners and visitors to arts organisations

    Reflections on the design of HappyHere, a digital installation facilitating participation, reflection and discussion on wellbeing data in the Arts sector.

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    In the Arts sector there is increasing interest in the relationship between art and wellbeing. In this paper, we present research exploring the ways in which HappyHere engaged participants to reflect on and discuss wellbeing while visiting a leading art gallery. We describe the design of HappyHere and explain how tangible interactions in a community space can provide a novel approach for engaging participants and gathering data to enable the evaluation of mental wellbeing in museums and galleries. Finally, we reflect on qualitative research with participants and volunteers throughout the twelve-week deployment of the project. This paper disseminates the design process to allow Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) researchers to deploy similar digital installations in new environments and establishes insights to inform the development of future tangible wellbeing research studies in the Arts and wider community, benefitting HCI researchers, arts professionals, healthcare practitioners and visitors to arts organisations

    A persuasive approach to designing interactive tools around the promises and perils of social platforms

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    Every day, people interact with various social platforms. Diverse forms of social platforms opened up a plethora of data to study information dissemination and understanding crowd behavior in finer details. However, there is a flip side to this. People do not only get benefited by using social platforms; rather these platforms can also be exploited for spreading organized disinformation and unintended misinformation to a large audience. These social platforms, with access to the history of users' socio-political biases, can emerge as tools to shape mass opinion. Such a broad spectrum of diversity raises questions about how we can identify the promises and perils of social platforms and how we can design user-centric tools around them. Efficient identification of such promises and perils of social computing systems will require a convergence of social science, behavioral psychology, and persuasion theory with computing. My research shows ways to this convergence. In my dissertation, I have taken a theoretical approach to explain the existing structures of social platforms. My findings helped me to develop interactive tools for masses leveraging socio-political and psychological cues from the crowd. My work is empirical in nature, for which I drew intuitions from theories in social science and used a combination of qualitative and quantitative data analysis techniques to extract insights on users' behavior. My research leads to practical systems for human-centric applications and to this end, I chose a specific type of social platform: crowdfunding platform. Specifically, this dissertation makes three contributions. First, it investigates how different forms of crowdfunding platforms become promising resources in our daily life. To this end, I present two work. The first work demonstrates how scientific crowdfunding platforms assist young researchers to seek funding for their research projects through expert endorsements. The second work focuses on the novice entrepreneurs and explains how enterprise crowdfunding platforms assist novices to gather funding from the crowd for their creative ideas and how persuasive promotional videos are essential for those campaigns to be successful. The findings of this work led to the next part of this dissertation where I designed and built VidLyz, an interactive online tool, that can explain the significance and implication of persuasion factors to novice entrepreneurs who have no formal training in advertising and media studies. A follow-up user study showed that VidLyz can effectively guide novices step-by-step to make a concrete plan for their campaign videos. Finally, I take a step further and investigates the flip side of social platforms: how social platforms can increase onion polarization on traditionally stigmatized topics such as equal rights for LGBTIQ people. I show that even after getting exposed to content both in favor of and against equal rights for LGBTIQ people simultaneously, users develop a more polarized opinion on the stigmatized issue after the exposure. In the last part, this dissertation shows promising ways to mitigate the effect of attitude polarization and in-group sensitization with the help of behavioral priming techniques. The findings of this dissertation present structured ways of uncovering the promises and perils of social platforms and shows how these aspects can be leveraged to build interactive socio-technical systems. Overall, it may be fair to see this dissertation as a step forward to design socio-technical systems based on the knowledge learned from the interaction of the users of social platforms

    Use Cases for Design Personas : A Systematic Review and New Frontiers

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    Personas represent the needs of users in diverse populations and impact design by endearing empathy and improving communication. While personas have been lauded for their benefits, we could locate no prior review of persona use cases in design, prompting the question: how are personas actually used to achieve these benefits? To address this question, we review 95 articles containing persona application across multiple domains, and identify software development, healthcare, and higher education as the top domains that employ personas. We then present a three-stage design hierarchy of persona usage to describe how personas are used in design tasks. Finally, we assess the increasing trend of persona initiatives aimed towards social good rather than solely commercial interests. Our findings establish a roadmap of best practices for how practitioners can innovatively employ personas to increase the value of designs and highlight avenues of using personas for socially impactful purposes.© 2022 Copyright held by the owner/author(s). Publication rights licensed to ACM. ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-9157-3/22/04. https://doi.org/10.1145/3491102.3517589fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Spring Student Showcase Abstract Book

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    Book of abstracts for Spring 2019 Student Showcase for the Research and Creative Inquir

    Making intelligent systems team players: Case studies and design issues. Volume 1: Human-computer interaction design

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    Initial results are reported from a multi-year, interdisciplinary effort to provide guidance and assistance for designers of intelligent systems and their user interfaces. The objective is to achieve more effective human-computer interaction (HCI) for systems with real time fault management capabilities. Intelligent fault management systems within the NASA were evaluated for insight into the design of systems with complex HCI. Preliminary results include: (1) a description of real time fault management in aerospace domains; (2) recommendations and examples for improving intelligent systems design and user interface design; (3) identification of issues requiring further research; and (4) recommendations for a development methodology integrating HCI design into intelligent system design

    Practicing storytelling in design with Pitchify:A tool to assist in pitching design concepts

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    Learning from Recent British Information Literacy Models: A Report to ACRL\u27s Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education Task Force

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    Information literacy is a fluid concept, shaped by our experiences, and changes in our information rich society. Guidelines articulating information literacy need modification to reflect the current form of this evolving concept. This report highlights the work of four groups in the United Kingdom to create innovative guidelines to assist practitioners in the promotion and teaching of information literacy