5 research outputs found

    Using EEG-validated Music Emotion Recognition Techniques to Classify Multi-Genre Popular Music for Therapeutic Purposes

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    Music is observed to possess significant beneficial effects to human mental health, especially for patients undergoing therapy and older adults. Prior research focusing on machine recognition of the emotion music induces by classifying low-level music features has utilized subjective annotation to label data for classification. We validate this approach by using an electroencephalography-based approach to cross-check the predictions of music emotion made with the predictions from low-level music feature data as well as collected subjective annotation data. Collecting 8-channel EEG data from 10 participants listening to segments of 40 songs from 5 different genres, we obtain a subject-independent classification accuracy for EEG test data of 98.2298% using an ensemble classifier. We also classify low-level music features to cross-check music emotion predictions from music features with the predictions from EEG data, obtaining a classification accuracy of 94.9774% using an ensemble classifier. We establish links between specific genre preference and perceived valence, validating individualized approaches towards music therapy. We then use the classification predictions from the EEG data and combine it with the predictions from music feature data and subjective annotations, showing the similarity of the predictions made by these approaches, validating an integrated approach with music features and subjective annotation to classify music emotion. We use the music feature-based approach to classify 250 popular songs from 5 genres and create a musical playlist application to create playlists based on existing psychological theory to contribute emotional benefit to individuals, validating our playlist methodology as an effective method to induce positive emotional response

    Music Mood Player Implementation Applied in Daycare Using Self Organizing Map Method

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    . Music is an art, entertainment and human activity that involve some organized sounds. Music is closely related to human psychology. A piece of music often associated with certain adjectives such as happy, sad, romantic and many more. The linkage between the music with a certain mood has been widely used in various occasions by people, there for music classification based on relevance to a particular emotion is important. Daycare is one example of an institution that used music as therapy or tools of support in each of its parenting activities. This research concerns in implementation of a music mood player using Self Organizing Map applied at the Daycare. The features that are used on this music mood player are rhythm patterns of the music. The mood parameters that used in this system is based on Robert Thayer\u27s energy-stress model which are exuberance / happy, contentment / relax, anxious and depression. The system is tested using a set of songs with various genres and the classification results are compared with the mood obtained by child psychology expert. The system can be set automatically according to the activities at daycare.