4,045 research outputs found

    The formal verification of generic interpreters

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    The task assignment 3 of the design and validation of digital flight control systems suitable for fly-by-wire applications is studied. Task 3 is associated with formal verification of embedded systems. In particular, results are presented that provide a methodological approach to microprocessor verification. A hierarchical decomposition strategy for specifying microprocessors is also presented. A theory of generic interpreters is presented that can be used to model microprocessor behavior. The generic interpreter theory abstracts away the details of instruction functionality, leaving a general model of what an interpreter does

    Formal mechanization of device interactions with a process algebra

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    The principle emphasis is to develop a methodology to formally verify correct synchronization communication of devices in a composed hardware system. Previous system integration efforts have focused on vertical integration of one layer on top of another. This task examines 'horizontal' integration of peer devices. To formally reason about communication, we mechanize a process algebra in the Higher Order Logic (HOL) theorem proving system. Using this formalization we show how four types of device interactions can be represented and verified to behave as specified. The report also describes the specification of a system consisting of an AVM-1 microprocessor and a memory management unit which were verified in previous work. A proof of correct communication is presented, and the extensions to the system specification to add a direct memory device are discussed

    Verification of the FtCayuga fault-tolerant microprocessor system. Volume 1: A case study in theorem prover-based verification

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    The design and formal verification of a hardware system for a task that is an important component of a fault tolerant computer architecture for flight control systems is presented. The hardware system implements an algorithm for obtaining interactive consistancy (byzantine agreement) among four microprocessors as a special instruction on the processors. The property verified insures that an execution of the special instruction by the processors correctly accomplishes interactive consistency, provided certain preconditions hold. An assumption is made that the processors execute synchronously. For verification, the authors used a computer aided design hardware design verification tool, Spectool, and the theorem prover, Clio. A major contribution of the work is the demonstration of a significant fault tolerant hardware design that is mechanically verified by a theorem prover

    A smart end-effector for assembly of space truss structures

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    A unique facility, the Automated Structures Research Laboratory, is being used to investigate robotic assembly of truss structures. A special-purpose end-effector is used to assemble structural elements into an eight meter diameter structure. To expand the capabilities of the facility to include construction of structures with curved surfaces from straight structural elements of different lengths, a new end-effector has been designed and fabricated. This end-effector contains an integrated microprocessor to monitor actuator operations through sensor feedback. This paper provides an overview of the automated assembly tasks required by this end-effector and a description of the new end-effector's hardware and control software

    Deep Space Communications Complex Command Subsystem Mark IVA

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    The Deep Space Communications Complex Command Subsystem will require major changes for the Mark IVA era. A description of the subsystem and its assemblies is contained in this article

    From FPGA to ASIC: A RISC-V processor experience

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    This work document a correct design flow using these tools in the Lagarto RISC- V Processor and the RTL design considerations that must be taken into account, to move from a design for FPGA to design for ASIC

    Verification of the FtCayuga fault-tolerant microprocessor system. Volume 2: Formal specification and correctness theorems

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    Presented here is a formal specification and verification of a property of a quadruplicately redundant fault tolerant microprocessor system design. A complete listing of the formal specification of the system and the correctness theorems that are proved are given. The system performs the task of obtaining interactive consistency among the processors using a special instruction on the processors. The design is based on an algorithm proposed by Pease, Shostak, and Lamport. The property verified insures that an execution of the special instruction by the processors correctly accomplishes interactive consistency, providing certain preconditions hold, using a computer aided design verification tool, Spectool, and the theorem prover, Clio. A major contribution of the work is the demonstration of a significant fault tolerant hardware design that is mechanically verified by a theorem prover

    Microprocessor-based multichannel flutter monitor using dynamic strain gage signals

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    Two microprocessor-based multichannel monitors for monitoring strain gage signals during aerodynamic instability (flutter) testing in production type turbojet engines were described. One system monitors strain gage signals in the time domain and gives an output indication whenever the signal amplitude of any gage exceeds a pre-set alarm or abort level for that particular gage. The second system monitors the strain gage signals in the frequency domain and therefore is able to use both the amplitude and frequency information. Thus, an alarm signal is given whenever the spectral content of the strain gage signal exceeds, at any point, its corresponding amplitude vs. frequency limit profiles. Each system design is described with details on design trade-offs, hardware, software, and operating experience
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