
Verification of the FtCayuga fault-tolerant microprocessor system. Volume 2: Formal specification and correctness theorems


Presented here is a formal specification and verification of a property of a quadruplicately redundant fault tolerant microprocessor system design. A complete listing of the formal specification of the system and the correctness theorems that are proved are given. The system performs the task of obtaining interactive consistency among the processors using a special instruction on the processors. The design is based on an algorithm proposed by Pease, Shostak, and Lamport. The property verified insures that an execution of the special instruction by the processors correctly accomplishes interactive consistency, providing certain preconditions hold, using a computer aided design verification tool, Spectool, and the theorem prover, Clio. A major contribution of the work is the demonstration of a significant fault tolerant hardware design that is mechanically verified by a theorem prover

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