10 research outputs found

    Web Service Discovery in a Semantically Extended UDDI Registry: the Case of FUSION

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    Service-oriented computing is being adopted at an unprecedented rate, making the effectiveness of automated service discovery an increasingly important challenge. UDDI has emerged as a de facto industry standard and fundamental building block within SOA infrastructures. Nevertheless, conventional UDDI registries lack means to provide unambiguous, semantically rich representations of Web service capabilities, and the logic inference power required for facilitating automated service discovery. To overcome this important limitation, a number of approaches have been proposed towards augmenting Web service discovery with semantics. This paper discusses the benefits of semantically extending Web service descriptions and UDDI registries, and presents an overview of the approach put forward in project FUSION, towards semantically-enhanced publication and discovery of services based on SAWSDL

    Web Service Discovery in the FUSION Semantic Registry

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    The UDDI specification was developed as an attempt to address the key challenge of effective Web service discovery and has become a widely adopted standard. However, the text-based indexing and search mechanism that UDDI registries offer does not suffice for expressing unambiguous and semantically rich representations of service capabilities, and cannot support the logic-based inference capacity required for facilitating automated service matchmaking. This paper provides an overview of the approach put forward in the FUSION project for overcoming this important limitation. Our solution combines SAWSDL-based service descriptions with service capability profiling based on OWL-DL, and automated matchmaking through DL reasoning in a semantically extended UDDI registry

    Combining SAWSDL, OWL-DL and UDDI for Semantically Enhanced Web Service Discovery

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    UDDI registries are included as a standard offering within the product suite of any major SOA vendor, serving as the foundation for establishing design-time and run-time SOA governance. Despite the success of the UDDI specification and its rapid uptake by the industry, the capabilities of its offered service discovery facilities are rather limited. The lack of machine-understandable semantics in the technical specifications and classification schemes used for retrieving services, prevent UDDI registries from supporting fully automated and thus truly effective service discovery. This paper presents the implementation of a semantically-enhanced registry that builds on the UDDI specification and augments its service publication and discovery facilities to overcome the aforementioned limitations. The proposed solution combines the use of SAWSDL for creating semantically annotated descriptions of service interfaces and the use of OWL-DL for modelling service capabilities and for performing matchmaking via DL reasoning

    Supporting Semantically Enhanced Web Service Discovery for Enterprise Application Integration

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    The availability of sophisticated Web service discovery mechanisms is an essential prerequisite for increasing the levels of efficiency and automation in EAI. In this chapter, we present an approach for developing service registries building on the UDDI standard and offering semantically-enhanced publication and discovery capabilities in order to overcome some of the known limitations of conventional service registries. The approach aspires to promote efficiency in EAI in a number of ways, but primarily by automating the task of evaluating service integrability on the basis of the input and output messages that are defined in the Web service’s interface. The presented solution combines the use of three technology standards to meet its objectives: OWL-DL, for modelling service characteristics and performing fine-grained service matchmaking via DL reasoning, SAWSDL, for creating semantically annotated descriptions of service interfaces, and UDDI, for storing and retrieving syntactic and semantic information about services and service providers

    Service Selection Using Quality Matchmaking

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    This paper proposes a quality matchmaker which introduces four algorithms or filters: interface matching, quality criteria matchmaking, quality value constraints matching, and mathematical matchmaking. These four algorithms use the quality matchmaker sub-components to implement their roles. The quality matchmaker has three sub-components which are: interface matchmaking, quality criteria matchmaking and mathematical matchmaking. A quality matchmaking process (QMP) is introduced to demonstrate the above four algorithms and to select the best Web service. The mathematical matchmaking algorithm is the most important step that uses a mathematical model in order to select the best candidates Web service based on requester's quality requirements and preferences. Two techniques are used in a mathematical model: Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Euclidean distance

    Mobile computing and sensor Web services for coastal buoys

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    Mobile device technology with the influence of the Internet is creating a lot of Webbased services so that people can have easy and 24-hour access to the services. Recently, the Google’s Android has revolutionized applications development for the mobile platform. As there is an increasing number of companies exposing their services as Web services, enabling flexible mobile access to distributed Web resources is a relevant challenge. However, the current Web is a collection of human readable pages that are unintelligible to computer programs. Semantic Web and Web services have the potential of overcoming this limitation. For this, a standard ontology called Ontology Web Language for Services (OWL-S) is employed. The vision is to automatically discover services like Sensor Web services from mobile. In this thesis, a mobile framework is developed for the automatic discovery of services. The application is implemented for the Coastal Sensor Web and the Semantic Web service

    JRegistre : un registre UDDI extensible

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    La mise en place de marchĂ©s Ă©lectroniques, perçus comme des places publiques Ă©lectroniques d'affaires oĂč les partenaires ne se connaissant pas forcĂ©ment, requiert la mise en place d'une sorte de registre public dans lequel les entreprises offrant un service donnĂ© viennent inscrire leurs services, et que les entreprises en quĂȘte de services viennent consulter. L'organisme de normalisation OASIS a proposĂ© une norme pour la description et la fouille de services d'entreprises dans un registre public: la norme UDDI (Universal Description Discovery and Integration). Cependant, le type des requĂȘtes supportĂ©es par cette norme reste primitif. Par exemple, la norme UDDI n'offre pas de mĂ©canisme qui permette de choisir de maniĂšre intelligente un service Web en se basant sur des critĂšres intrinsĂšques au service; on se base principalement sur des mĂ©ta-donnĂ©es attribuĂ©es par un ĂȘtre humain. Plusieurs chercheurs ont proposĂ© des extensions Ă  UDDI pour supporter des requĂȘtes de recherche plus complexes. Cependant, ces requĂȘtes ne sont pas toujours exĂ©cutĂ©es au niveau du registre UDDI, et donc ne peuvent pas ĂȘtre partagĂ©es. Quand elles sont exĂ©cutĂ©es sur un registre UDDI, elles font dĂ©faut Ă  la norme. Dans cette recherche, nous proposons une plate-forme d'extension gĂ©nĂ©rique de registre UDDI qui supporte, 1) l'ajout dynamique de nouvelles requĂȘtes complexes, et 2) la co-existence de requĂȘtes normalisĂ©es avec les requĂȘtes Ă©tendues. Notre solution consiste en un intermĂ©diaire (broker) qui agit comme un courtier entre les clients et les registres UDDI standards (Mili et al.,2005). Ce courtier peut ĂȘtre configurĂ© Ă  l'exĂ©cution pour supporter de nouvelles requĂȘtes. Notre solution a comme avantages, 1) la rĂ©trocompatibilitĂ©, et 2) l'extension dynamique. Nous dĂ©crivons notre implantation basĂ©e sur le registre jUDDI, une implantation de la fondation Apache du registre UDDI et AspectJ, une extension orientĂ©e aspect s de Java, dĂ©veloppĂ©e par la fondation Eclipseℱ. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Services Web, DĂ©couverte et invocation dynamique, Standard UDDI, Extensions UDDI, jUDDI, AspectJ

    A semantic web service-based framework for generic personalization and user modeling

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    Correctness-aware high-level functional matching approaches for semantic web services

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    Existing service matching approaches trade precision for recall, creating the need for humans to choose the correct services, which is a major obstacle for automating the service matching and the service aggregation processes. To overcome this problem, the matchmaker must automatically determine the correctness of the matching results according to the defined users' goals. That is, only service(s)-achieving users' goals are considered correct. This requires the high-level functional semantics of services, users, and application domains to be captured in a machine-understandable format. Also this requires the matchmaker to determine the achievement of users' goals without invoking the services. We propose the G+ model to capture the high-level functional specifications of services and users (namely goals, achievement contexts and external behaviors) providing the basis for automated goal achievement determination; also we propose the concepts substitutability graph to capture the application domains' semantics. To avoid the false negatives resulting from adopting existing constraint and behavior matching approaches during service matching, we also propose new constraint and behavior matching approaches to match constraints with different scopes, and behavior models with different number of state transitions. Finally, we propose two correctness-aware matching approaches (direct and aggregate) that semantically match and aggregate semantic web services according to their G+ models, providing the required theoretical proofs and the corresponding verifying simulation experiments

    Extending Web Service Architecture with a Quality Component: Web Service Architecture and Quality Component

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    The Web service technology provides standard mechanisms for describing the interface of the services available on the Web, as well as protocols for locating such services and invoking them. Each Web service has an associated Web Services Description Language (WSDL) document which describes how it works and how to invoke it. Such document is registered at a Universal Description, Discovery and Integration (UDDI) registry that provides a discovery service for the WSDL descriptions. The Web services architecture consists of three components: Service Provider, Service Requester and UDDI Registry, and the interactions between them through publish, find, and bind operations. Between finding and binding steps there is another crucial step, which is not fully considered by current approaches. This is the step of selection. The UDDI service registry hosts hundreds of similar Web services, which makes it difficult for the service requesters to choose from them, as the selection is based on the functional properties only. However, many similar services are differentiated by their quality criteria. Therefore, quality criteria are important to be considered in the web service selection. This thesis proposes a quality-based Web service architecture (QWSA) that extends the current Web service architecture with a quality server. The quality server consists of four main components: quality manager, quality matchmaker, quality report analyzer, and quality database. The main purpose of quality server is to assist service requester to select the best available service that fulfils his/her preference by matching between a service requester’s quality requirement and the service providers’ quality specifications. In addition, this thesis reports the development of a quality matchmaking process (QMP) based on the proposed architecture by building a quality service selection system (QSSS). This QSSS has been verified and validated using a case study of Amazon E-commerce service (ECS)