61 research outputs found

    Variational Analysis in Semi-Infinite and Infinite Programming, II: Necessary Optimality Conditions

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    This paper concerns applications of advanced techniques of variational analysis and generalized differentiation to problems of semi-infinite and infinite programming with feasible solution sets defined by parameterized systems of infinitely many linear inequalities of the type intensively studied in the preceding development [5] from our viewpoint of robust Lipschitzian stability. We present meaningful interpretations and practical examples of such models. The main results establish necessary optimality conditions for a broad class of semi-infinite and infinite programs, where objectives are generally described by nonsmooth and nonconvex functions on Banach spaces and where infinite constraint inequality systems are indexed by arbitrary sets. The results obtained are new in both smooth and nonsmooth settings of semi-infinite and infinite programming

    From the Farkas Lemma to the Hahn–Banach Theorem

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    This paper provides new versions of the Farkas lemma characterizing those inequalities of the form f(x) ≥ 0 which are consequences of a composite convex inequality (S ◦ g)(x) ≤ 0 on a closed convex subset of a given locally convex topological vector space X, where f is a proper lower semicontinuous convex function defined on X, S is an extended sublinear function, and g is a vector-valued S-convex function. In parallel, associated versions of a stable Farkas lemma, considering arbitrary linear perturbations of f, are also given. These new versions of the Farkas lemma, and their corresponding stable forms, are established under the weakest constraint qualification conditions (the so-called closedness conditions), and they are actually equivalent to each other, as well as equivalent to an extended version of the so-called Hahn–Banach–Lagrange theorem, and its stable version, correspondingly. It is shown that any of them implies analytic and algebraic versions of the Hahn–Banach theorem and the Mazur–Orlicz theorem for extended sublinear functions.This research was partially supported by MINECO of Spain, grant MTM2011-29064-C03-02, and by the NAFOSTED of Vietnam

    Duality Results for Conic Convex Programming

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    This paper presents a unified study of duality properties for the problem of minimizing a linear function over the intersection of an affine space with a convex cone in finite dimension. Existing duality results are carefully surveyed and some new duality properties are established. Examples are given to illustrate these new properties. The topics covered in this paper include Gordon-Stiemke type theorems, Farkas type theorems, perfect duality, Slater condition, regularization, Ramana's duality, and approximate dualities. The dual representations of various convex sets, convex cones and conic convex programs are also discussed

    On Finite Linear Systems Containing Strict Inequalities

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    This paper deals with linear systems containing finitely many weak and/or strict inequalities, whose solution sets are referred to as evenly convex polyhedral sets. The classical Motzkin theorem states that every (closed and convex) polyhedron is the Minkowski sum of a convex hull of finitely many points and a finitely generated cone. In this sense, similar representations for evenly convex polyhedra have been recently given by using the standard version for classical polyhedra. In this work, we provide a new dual tool that completely characterizes finite linear systems containing strict inequalities and it constitutes the key for obtaining a generalization of Motzkin theorem for evenly convex polyhedra.This research was partially supported by MINECO of Spain and ERDF of EU, Grants MTM2014-59179-C2-1-P and ECO2016-77200-P

    Variational Analysis in Semi-Infinite and Infinite Programming, II: Necessary Optimality Conditions

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    This paper concerns applications of advanced techniques of variational analysis and generalized differentiation to problems of semi-infinite and infinite programming with feasible solution sets defined by parameterized systems of infinitely many linear inequalities of the type intensively studied in the preceding development [Cánovas et al., SIAM J. Optim., 20 (2009), pp. 1504–1526] from the viewpoint of robust Lipschitzian stability. The main results establish necessary optimality conditions for broad classes of semi-infinite and infinite programs, where objectives are generally described by nonsmooth and nonconvex functions on Banach spaces and where infinite constraint inequality systems are indexed by arbitrary sets. The results obtained are new in both smooth and nonsmooth settings of semi-infinite and infinite programming. We illustrate our model and results by considering a practically meaningful model of water resource optimization via systems of reservoirs.This research was partially supported by grants MTM2008-06695-C03 (01-02) from MICINN (Spain), ACOMP/2009/047&133, and ACOMP/2010/269 from Generatitat Valenciana (Spain)

    Tangential Extremal Principles for Finite and Infinite Systems of Sets, II: Applications to Semi-infinite and Multiobjective Optimization

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    This paper contains selected applications of the new tangential extremal principles and related results developed in Part I to calculus rules for infinite intersections of sets and optimality conditions for problems of semi-infinite programming and multiobjective optimization with countable constraint

    Implicit Mathematical Decision Criteria

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    Implicit Mathematical Decision Criteria

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