6 research outputs found

    Extensions of Self-Improving Sorters

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    Ailon et al. (SICOMP 2011) proposed a self-improving sorter that tunes its performance to the unknown input distribution in a training phase. The distribution of the input numbers x_1,x_2,...,x_n must be of the product type, that is, each x_i is drawn independently from an arbitrary distribution D_i, and the D_i\u27s are independent of each other. We study two extensions that relax this requirement. The first extension models hidden classes in the input. We consider the case that numbers in the same class are governed by linear functions of the same hidden random parameter. The second extension considers a hidden mixture of product distributions

    Self-Improving Voronoi Construction for a Hidden Mixture of Product Distributions

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    We propose a self-improving algorithm for computing Voronoi diagrams under a given convex distance function with constant description complexity. The n input points are drawn from a hidden mixture of product distributions; we are only given an upper bound m = o(?n) on the number of distributions in the mixture, and the property that for each distribution, an input instance is drawn from it with a probability of ?(1/n). For any ? ? (0,1), after spending O(mn log^O(1)(mn) + m^? n^(1+?) log(mn)) time in a training phase, our algorithm achieves an O(1/? n log m + 1/? n 2^O(log^* n) + 1/? H) expected running time with probability at least 1 - O(1/n), where H is the entropy of the distribution of the Voronoi diagram output. The expectation is taken over the input distribution and the randomized decisions of the algorithm. For the Euclidean metric, the expected running time improves to O(1/? n log m + 1/? H)

    A Generalization of Self-Improving Algorithms

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    Ailon et al. [SICOMP'11] proposed self-improving algorithms for sorting and Delaunay triangulation (DT) when the input instances x1,⋯ ,xnx_1,\cdots,x_n follow some unknown \emph{product distribution}. That is, xix_i comes from a fixed unknown distribution Di\mathsf{D}_i, and the xix_i's are drawn independently. After spending O(n1+ε)O(n^{1+\varepsilon}) time in a learning phase, the subsequent expected running time is O((n+H)/ε)O((n+ H)/\varepsilon), where H∈{HS,HDT}H \in \{H_\mathrm{S},H_\mathrm{DT}\}, and HSH_\mathrm{S} and HDTH_\mathrm{DT} are the entropies of the distributions of the sorting and DT output, respectively. In this paper, we allow dependence among the xix_i's under the \emph{group product distribution}. There is a hidden partition of [1,n][1,n] into groups; the xix_i's in the kk-th group are fixed unknown functions of the same hidden variable uku_k; and the uku_k's are drawn from an unknown product distribution. We describe self-improving algorithms for sorting and DT under this model when the functions that map uku_k to xix_i's are well-behaved. After an O(poly(n))O(\mathrm{poly}(n))-time training phase, we achieve O(n+HS)O(n + H_\mathrm{S}) and O(nα(n)+HDT)O(n\alpha(n) + H_\mathrm{DT}) expected running times for sorting and DT, respectively, where α(⋅)\alpha(\cdot) is the inverse Ackermann function

    29th International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation: ISAAC 2018, December 16-19, 2018, Jiaoxi, Yilan, Taiwan

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