2,282 research outputs found

    IPMSM torque control strategies based on LUTs and VCT feedback for robust control under machine parameter variations

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    In recent years, Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines (IPMSMs) have attracted a considerable attention in the scientific community and industry for Electric and Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV) propulsion systems. Lookup Table (LUT) based Field Oriented Control (FOC) strategies are widely used for IPMSM torque control. However, LUTs strongly depend on machine parameters. Deviations of these parameters due to machine ageing, temperature or manufacturing inaccuracies can lead to control instabilities in the field weakening region. In this paper, two novel hybrid IPMSM control strategies combining the usage of LUTs and Voltage Constraint Tracking (VCT) feedbacks are proposed in order to overcome the aforementioned controllability issues. Simulation results that demonstrate the validity of the proposed approaches are presented.Postprint (author's final draft

    Observer techniques for estimating the state-of-charge and state-of-health of VRLABs for hybrid electric vehicles

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    The paper describes the application of observer-based state-estimation techniques for the real-time prediction of state-of-charge (SoC) and state-of-health (SoH) of lead-acid cells. Specifically, an approach based on the well-known Kalman filter, is employed, to estimate SoC, and the subsequent use of the EKF to accommodate model non-linearities to predict battery SoH. The underlying dynamic behaviour of each cell is based on a generic Randles' equivalent circuit comprising of two-capacitors (bulk and surface) and three resistors, (terminal, transfer and self-discharging). The presented techniques are shown to correct for offset, drift and long-term state divergence-an unfortunate feature of employing stand-alone models and more traditional coulomb-counting techniques. Measurements using real-time road data are used to compare the performance of conventional integration-based methods for estimating SoC, with those predicted from the presented state estimation schemes. Results show that the proposed methodologies are superior with SoC being estimated to be within 1% of measured. Moreover, by accounting for the nonlinearities present within the dynamic cell model, the application of an EKF is shown to provide verifiable indications of SoH of the cell pack

    Optimization-Based Power Management of Hybrid Power Systems with Applications in Advanced Hybrid Electric Vehicles and Wind Farms with Battery Storage

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    Modern hybrid electric vehicles and many stationary renewable power generation systems combine multiple power generating and energy storage devices to achieve an overall system-level efficiency and flexibility which is higher than their individual components. The power or energy management control, ``brain\u27 of these ``hybrid\u27 systems, determines adaptively and based on the power demand the power split between multiple subsystems and plays a critical role in overall system-level efficiency. This dissertation proposes that a receding horizon optimal control (aka Model Predictive Control) approach can be a natural and systematic framework for formulating this type of power management controls. More importantly the dissertation develops new results based on the classical theory of optimal control that allow solving the resulting optimal control problem in real-time, in spite of the complexities that arise due to several system nonlinearities and constraints. The dissertation focus is on two classes of hybrid systems: hybrid electric vehicles in the first part and wind farms with battery storage in the second part. The first part of the dissertation proposes and fully develops a real-time optimization-based power management strategy for hybrid electric vehicles. Current industry practice uses rule-based control techniques with ``else-then-if\u27 logic and look-up maps and tables in the power management of production hybrid vehicles. These algorithms are not guaranteed to result in the best possible fuel economy and there exists a gap between their performance and a minimum possible fuel economy benchmark. Furthermore, considerable time and effort are spent calibrating the control system in the vehicle development phase, and there is little flexibility in real-time handling of constraints and re-optimization of the system operation in the event of changing operating conditions and varying parameters. In addition, a proliferation of different powertrain configurations may result in the need for repeated control system redesign. To address these shortcomings, we formulate the power management problem as a nonlinear and constrained optimal control problem. Solution of this optimal control problem in real-time on chronometric- and memory- constrained automotive microcontrollers is quite challenging; this computational complexity is due to the highly nonlinear dynamics of the powertrain subsystems, mixed-integer switching modes of their operation, and time-varying and nonlinear hard constraints that system variables should satisfy. The main contribution of the first part of the dissertation is that it establishes methods for systematic and step-by step improvements in fuel economy while maintaining the algorithmic computational requirements in a real-time implementable framework. More specifically a linear time-varying model predictive control approach is employed first which uses sequential quadratic programming to find sub-optimal solutions to the power management problem. Next the objective function is further refined and broken into a short and a long horizon segments; the latter approximated as a function of the state using the connection between the Pontryagin minimum principle and Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations. The power management problem is then solved using a nonlinear MPC framework with a dynamic programming solver and the fuel economy is further improved. Typical simplifying academic assumptions are minimal throughout this work, thanks to close collaboration with research scientists at Ford research labs and their stringent requirement that the proposed solutions be tested on high-fidelity production models. Simulation results on a high-fidelity model of a hybrid electric vehicle over multiple standard driving cycles reveal the potential for substantial fuel economy gains. To address the control calibration challenges, we also present a novel and fast calibration technique utilizing parallel computing techniques. The second part of this dissertation presents an optimization-based control strategy for the power management of a wind farm with battery storage. The strategy seeks to minimize the error between the power delivered by the wind farm with battery storage and the power demand from an operator. In addition, the strategy attempts to maximize battery life. The control strategy has two main stages. The first stage produces a family of control solutions that minimize the power error subject to the battery constraints over an optimization horizon. These solutions are parameterized by a given value for the state of charge at the end of the optimization horizon. The second stage screens the family of control solutions to select one attaining an optimal balance between power error and battery life. The battery life model used in this stage is a weighted Amp-hour (Ah) throughput model. The control strategy is modular, allowing for more sophisticated optimization models in the first stage, or more elaborate battery life models in the second stage. The strategy is implemented in real-time in the framework of Model Predictive Control (MPC)

    Convex modeling of energy buffers in power control applications

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    This paper describes modeling steps for presenting energy buffers as convex models in power control applications. Except obtaining the optimal control, the paper also shows how convex optimization can be used to simultaneously size the energy buffer while optimally controlling a trajectory following system. The energy buffers are capacitors and batteries with quadratic power losses, while the resulting convex problem is a semidefinite program. The convex modeling steps are described through a problem of optimal buffer sizing and control of a hybrid electric vehicle. The studied vehicle is a city bus driven along a perfectly known bus line. The paper also shows modeling steps for alternative convex models where power losses and power limits of the energy buffer are approximated. The approximated models show significant decrease in computation time without visible impact on the optimal result

    Efficiency enhancement strategy implementation in hybrid electric vehicles using sliding mode control

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    Introduction. Hybrid electric vehicles are offering the most economically viable choices in today's automotive industry, providing best solutions for a very high fuel economy and low rate of emissions. The rapid progress and development of this industry has prompted progress of human beings from primitive level to a very high industrial society where mobility used to be a fundamental need. However, the use of large number of automobiles is causing serious damage to our environment and human life. At present most of the vehicles are relying on burning of hydrocarbons in order to achieve power of propulsion to drive wheels. Therefore, there is a need to employ clean and efficient vehicles like hybrid electric vehicles. Unfortunately, earlier control strategies of series hybrid electric vehicle fail to include load disturbances during the vehicle operation and some of the variations of the nonlinear parameters (e.g. stator’s leakage inductance, resistance of winding etc.). The novelty of the proposed work is based on designing and implementing two robust sliding mode controllers (SMCs) on series hybrid electric vehicle to improve efficiency in terms of both speed and torque respectively. The basic idea is to let the engine operate only when necessary keeping in view the state of charge of battery. Purpose. In proposed scheme, both performance of engine and generator is being controlled, one sliding mode controllers is controlling engine speed and the other one is controlling generator torque, and results are then compared using 1-SMC and 2-SMC’s. Method. The series hybrid electric vehicle powertrain considered in this work consists of a battery bank and an engine-generator set which is referred to as the auxiliary power unit, traction motor, and power electronic circuits to drive the generator and traction motor. The general strategy is based on the operation of the engine in its optimal efficiency region by considering the battery state of charge. Results .Mathematical models of engine and generator were taken into consideration in order to design sliding mode controllers both for engine speed and generator torque control. Vehicle was being tested on standard cycle. Results proved that, instead of using only one controller for engine speed, much better results are achieved by simultaneously using two sliding mode controllers, one controlling engine speed and other controlling generator torque.Вступ. Гібридні електромобілі пропонують найбільш економічно доцільний вибір у сучасній автомобільній промисловості, надаючи найкращі рішення для дуже високої економії палива та низького рівня викидів. Швидкий прогрес та розвиток цієї галузі підштовхнули людей до переходу від примітивного рівня до дуже високого індустріального суспільства, де мобільність була фундаментальною потребою. Однак використання великої кількості автомобілів завдає серйозної шкоди довкіллю та життю людини. Нині більшість транспортних засобів покладаються на спалювання вуглеводнів задля досягнення потужності руху на провідних колесах. Отже, необхідно використовувати чисті та ефективні транспортні засоби, такі як гібридні електромобілі. На жаль, раніше стратегії управління серійним гібридним електромобілем не враховували збурення навантаження під час роботи автомобіля і деякі зміни нелінійних параметрів (наприклад, індуктивність розсіювання статора, опір обмотки і т.д.). Новизна запропонованої роботи заснована на розробці та реалізації двох надійних контролерів ковзного режиму (SMC) на серійному гібридному електромобілі для підвищення ефективності з точки зору швидкості та моменту, що крутить, відповідно. Основна ідея полягає в тому, щоб дозволити двигуну працювати тільки тоді, коли це необхідно з урахуванням стану заряду акумулятора. Мета. У пропонованій схемі контролюються характеристики як двигуна, так і генератора, один контролер ковзного режиму регулює швидкість двигуна, а інший регулює крутний момент генератора, а потім результати порівнюються з використанням режимів 1-SMC і 2-SMC. Метод. Силова установка серійного гібридного електромобіля, що розглядається в даній роботі, складається з акумуляторної батареї та установки двигун-генератор, яка називається допоміжною силовою установкою, тяговим двигуном та силовими електронними схемами для приводу генератора та тягового двигуна. Загальна стратегія заснована на роботі двигуна в області оптимальної ефективності з урахуванням рівня заряду акумуляторної батареї. Результати. Математичні моделі двигуна та генератора були прийняті до уваги для розробки регуляторів ковзного режиму як для керування частотою обертання двигуна, так і для керування крутним моментом генератора. Транспортний засіб випробовувався за стандартним циклом. Результати показали, що замість використання лише одного регулятора частоти обертання двигуна набагато кращі результати досягаються при одночасному використанні двох регуляторів ковзного режиму, один з яких керує частотою обертання двигуна, а інший - моментом, що крутить, генератора

    Efficiency enhancement strategy implementation in hybrid electric vehicles using sliding mode control

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    Introduction. Hybrid electric vehicles are offering the most economically viable choices in today's automotive industry, providing best solutions for a very high fuel economy and low rate of emissions. The rapid progress and development of this industry has prompted progress of human beings from primitive level to a very high industrial society where mobility used to be a fundamental need. However, the use of large number of automobiles is causing serious damage to our environment and human life. At present most of the vehicles are relying on burning of hydrocarbons in order to achieve power of propulsion to drive wheels. Therefore, there is a need to employ clean and efficient vehicles like hybrid electric vehicles. Unfortunately, earlier control strategies of series hybrid electric vehicle fail to include load disturbances during the vehicle operation and some of the variations of the nonlinear parameters (e.g. stator’s leakage inductance, resistance of winding etc.). The novelty of the proposed work is based on designing and implementing two robust sliding mode controllers (SMCs) on series hybrid electric vehicle to improve efficiency in terms of both speed and torque respectively. The basic idea is to let the engine operate only when necessary keeping in view the state of charge of battery. Purpose. In proposed scheme, both performance of engine and generator is being controlled, one sliding mode controllers is controlling engine speed and the other one is controlling generator torque, and results are then compared using 1-SMC and 2-SMC’s. Method. The series hybrid electric vehicle powertrain considered in this work consists of a battery bank and an engine-generator set which is referred to as the auxiliary power unit, traction motor, and power electronic circuits to drive the generator and traction motor. The general strategy is based on the operation of the engine in its optimal efficiency region by considering the battery state of charge. Results .Mathematical models of engine and generator were taken into consideration in order to design sliding mode controllers both for engine speed and generator torque control. Vehicle was being tested on standard cycle. Results proved that, instead of using only one controller for engine speed, much better results are achieved by simultaneously using two sliding mode controllers, one controlling engine speed and other controlling generator torque.Вступ. Гібридні електромобілі пропонують найбільш економічно доцільний вибір у сучасній автомобільній промисловості, надаючи найкращі рішення для дуже високої економії палива та низького рівня викидів. Швидкий прогрес та розвиток цієї галузі підштовхнули людей до переходу від примітивного рівня до дуже високого індустріального суспільства, де мобільність була фундаментальною потребою. Однак використання великої кількості автомобілів завдає серйозної шкоди довкіллю та життю людини. Нині більшість транспортних засобів покладаються на спалювання вуглеводнів задля досягнення потужності руху на провідних колесах. Отже, необхідно використовувати чисті та ефективні транспортні засоби, такі як гібридні електромобілі. На жаль, раніше стратегії управління серійним гібридним електромобілем не враховували збурення навантаження під час роботи автомобіля і деякі зміни нелінійних параметрів (наприклад, індуктивність розсіювання статора, опір обмотки і т.д.). Новизна запропонованої роботи заснована на розробці та реалізації двох надійних контролерів ковзного режиму (SMC) на серійному гібридному електромобілі для підвищення ефективності з точки зору швидкості та моменту, що крутить, відповідно. Основна ідея полягає в тому, щоб дозволити двигуну працювати тільки тоді, коли це необхідно з урахуванням стану заряду акумулятора. Мета. У пропонованій схемі контролюються характеристики як двигуна, так і генератора, один контролер ковзного режиму регулює швидкість двигуна, а інший регулює крутний момент генератора, а потім результати порівнюються з використанням режимів 1-SMC і 2-SMC. Метод. Силова установка серійного гібридного електромобіля, що розглядається в даній роботі, складається з акумуляторної батареї та установки двигун-генератор, яка називається допоміжною силовою установкою, тяговим двигуном та силовими електронними схемами для приводу генератора та тягового двигуна. Загальна стратегія заснована на роботі двигуна в області оптимальної ефективності з урахуванням рівня заряду акумуляторної батареї. Результати. Математичні моделі двигуна та генератора були прийняті до уваги для розробки регуляторів ковзного режиму як для керування частотою обертання двигуна, так і для керування крутним моментом генератора. Транспортний засіб випробовувався за стандартним циклом. Результати показали, що замість використання лише одного регулятора частоти обертання двигуна набагато кращі результати досягаються при одночасному використанні двох регуляторів ковзного режиму, один з яких керує частотою обертання двигуна, а інший - моментом, що крутить, генератора

    A stochastic method for the energy management in hybrid electric vehicles

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    There are many approaches addressing the problem of optimal energy management in hybrid electric vehicles; however, most of them optimise the control strategy for particular driving cycles. This paper takes into account that the driving cycle is not a priori known to obtain a near-optimal solution. The proposed method is based on analysing the power demands in a given receding horizon to estimate future driving conditions and minimise the fuel consumption while cancelling the expected battery energy consumption after a defined time horizon. Simulations show that the proposed method allows charge sustainability providing near-optimal results. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.This research has been partially supported by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion through Project TRA2010-16205 uDiesel and by the Conselleria de Educacio Cultura i Esports de la Generalitat Valenciana through Project GV/2103/044 AECOSPH.Payri González, F.; Guardiola, C.; Plá Moreno, B.; Blanco-Rodriguez, D. (2014). A stochastic method for the energy management in hybrid electric vehicles. Control Engineering Practice. 29:257-265. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.conengprac.2014.01.004S2572652

    A review of intelligent road preview methods for energy management of hybrid vehicles

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    Due to the shortage of fuel resources and concerns of environmental pressure, vehicle electrification is a promising trend. Hybrid vehicles are suitable alternatives to traditional vehicles. Travelling information is essential for hybrid vehicles to design the optimal control strategy for fuel consumption minimization and emissions reduction. In general, there are two ways to provide the information for the energy management strategy (EMS) design. First is extracting terrain information by utilizing global positioning system (GPS) and intelligent transportation system (ITS). However, this method is difficult to be implemented currently due to the computational complexity of extracting information. This leads to the second method which is predicting future vehicle speed and torque demand in a certain time horizon based on current and previous vehicle states. To support optimal EMS development, this paper presents a comprehensive review of prediction methods based on different levels of trip information for the EMS of hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) and plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV)