176,458 research outputs found

    Recurrent backpropagation and the dynamical approach to adaptive neural computation

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    Error backpropagation in feedforward neural network models is a popular learning algorithm that has its roots in nonlinear estimation and optimization. It is being used routinely to calculate error gradients in nonlinear systems with hundreds of thousands of parameters. However, the classical architecture for backpropagation has severe restrictions. The extension of backpropagation to networks with recurrent connections will be reviewed. It is now possible to efficiently compute the error gradients for networks that have temporal dynamics, which opens applications to a host of problems in systems identification and control

    Environmental Sound Recognition using Masked Conditional Neural Networks

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    Neural network based architectures used for sound recognition are usually adapted from other application domains, which may not harness sound related properties. The ConditionaL Neural Network (CLNN) is designed to consider the relational properties across frames in a temporal signal, and its extension the Masked ConditionaL Neural Network (MCLNN) embeds a filterbank behavior within the network, which enforces the network to learn in frequency bands rather than bins. Additionally, it automates the exploration of different feature combinations analogous to handcrafting the optimum combination of features for a recognition task. We applied the MCLNN to the environmental sounds of the ESC-10 dataset. The MCLNN achieved competitive accuracies compared to state-of-the-art convolutional neural networks and hand-crafted attempts.Comment: Boltzmann Machine, RBM, Conditional RBM, CRBM, Deep Neural Network, DNN, Conditional Neural Network, CLNN, Masked Conditional Neural Net-work, MCLNN, Environmental Sound Recognition, ESR, Advanced Data Mining and Applications (ADMA) Year: 201

    Robust Angular Synchronization via Directed Graph Neural Networks

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    The angular synchronization problem aims to accurately estimate (up to a constant additive phase) a set of unknown angles θ1,…,θn∈[0,2π)\theta_1, \dots, \theta_n\in[0, 2\pi) from mm noisy measurements of their offsets \theta_i-\theta_j \;\mbox{mod} \; 2\pi. Applications include, for example, sensor network localization, phase retrieval, and distributed clock synchronization. An extension of the problem to the heterogeneous setting (dubbed kk-synchronization) is to estimate kk groups of angles simultaneously, given noisy observations (with unknown group assignment) from each group. Existing methods for angular synchronization usually perform poorly in high-noise regimes, which are common in applications. In this paper, we leverage neural networks for the angular synchronization problem, and its heterogeneous extension, by proposing GNNSync, a theoretically-grounded end-to-end trainable framework using directed graph neural networks. In addition, new loss functions are devised to encode synchronization objectives. Experimental results on extensive data sets demonstrate that GNNSync attains competitive, and often superior, performance against a comprehensive set of baselines for the angular synchronization problem and its extension, validating the robustness of GNNSync even at high noise levels

    Neural Fields with Hard Constraints of Arbitrary Differential Order

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    While deep learning techniques have become extremely popular for solving a broad range of optimization problems, methods to enforce hard constraints during optimization, particularly on deep neural networks, remain underdeveloped. Inspired by the rich literature on meshless interpolation and its extension to spectral collocation methods in scientific computing, we develop a series of approaches for enforcing hard constraints on neural fields, which we refer to as Constrained Neural Fields (CNF). The constraints can be specified as a linear operator applied to the neural field and its derivatives. We also design specific model representations and training strategies for problems where standard models may encounter difficulties, such as conditioning of the system, memory consumption, and capacity of the network when being constrained. Our approaches are demonstrated in a wide range of real-world applications. Additionally, we develop a framework that enables highly efficient model and constraint specification, which can be readily applied to any downstream task where hard constraints need to be explicitly satisfied during optimization.Comment: 37th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2023


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    This and individual Final Year Research Project entitle 'Neural Network Control in Heat Exchanger' which carries four credit hours. The main objective of this project is to develop the Neural Network system from the specified industrial scale heat exchanger and implementing it in a simple feedback control system. The four input parameters involved for the heat exchanger which are the temperatures and flow rate for both shell and tube. There are only two outlet parameters studied here in this project, the shell outlet temperature and the tube outlet temperature. There are 3 main stages of this project. The data was taken from PETRONAS Penapsian Melaka, Sdn. Bhd. First with the available data, the network was designed and tested for its performance. Then, the dynamic model of the heat exchanger was designed using ARX method. Finally, both the network and the dynamic model are integrated in a simple Internal Model Control System. This report will highlight the data analysis used on the data obtained for this project. This report will also consist of the Neural Network architecture used for the heat exchanger as well as its performance data. The dynamic model of the heat exchanger also was constructed based on ARX Method. Full detail on the ARX method will be explained in the report. With the dynamic model and the Neural Network, a simple feedback system based on the concept of IMC system was designed and studied. This project will be an extension to the existing controlling strategies used in the industries. This will be the new age in heat exchanger control system which will eventually propagate to other applications in the production areas

    Masked Conditional Neural Networks for sound classification

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    The remarkable success of deep convolutional neural networks in image-related applications has led to their adoption also for sound processing. Typically the input is a time–frequency representation such as a spectrogram, and in some cases this is treated as a two-dimensional image. However, spectrogram properties are very different to those of natural images. Instead of an object occupying a contiguous region in a natural image, frequencies of a sound are scattered about the frequency axis of a spectrogram in a pattern unique to that particular sound. Applying conventional convolution neural networks has therefore required extensive hand-tuning, and presented the need to find an architecture better suited to the time–frequency properties of audio. We introduce the ConditionaL Neural Network (CLNN)1 and its extension, the Masked ConditionaL Neural Network (MCLNN) designed to exploit the nature of sound in a time–frequency representation. The CLNN is, broadly speaking, linear across frequencies but non-linear across time: it conditions its inference at a particular time based on preceding and succeeding time slices, and the MCLNN use a controlled systematic sparseness that embeds a filterbank-like behavior within the network. Additionally, the MCLNN automates the concurrent exploration of several feature combinations analogous to hand-crafting the optimum combination of features for a recognition task. We have applied the MCLNN to the problem of music genre classification, and environmental sound recognition on several music (Ballroom, GTZAN, ISMIR2004, and Homburg), and environmental sound (Urbansound8K, ESC-10, and ESC-50) datasets. The classification accuracy of the MCLNN surpasses neural networks based architectures including state-of-the-art Convolutional Neural Networks and several hand-crafted attempts

    LIPSNN: A Light Intrusion-Proving Siamese Neural Network Model for Facial Verification

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    Facial verification has experienced a breakthrough in recent years, not only due to the improvement in accuracy of the verification systems but also because of their increased use. One of the main reasons for this has been the appearance and use of new models of Deep Learning to address this problem. This extension in the use of facial verification has had a high impact due to the importance of its applications, especially on security, but the extension of its use could be significantly higher if the problem of the required complex calculations needed by the Deep Learning models, that usually need to be executed on machines with specialised hardware, were solved. That would allow the use of facial verification to be extended, making it possible to run this software on computers with low computing resources, such as Smartphones or tablets. To solve this problem, this paper presents the proposal of a new neural model, called Light Intrusion-Proving Siamese Neural Network, LIPSNN. This new light model, which is based on Siamese Neural Networks, is fully presented from the description of its two block architecture, going through its development, including its training with the well- known dataset Labeled Faces in the Wild, LFW; to its benchmarking with other traditional and deep learning models for facial verification in order to compare its performance for its use in low computing resources systems for facial recognition. For this comparison the attribute parameters, storage, accuracy and precision have been used, and from the results obtained it can be concluded that the LIPSNN can be an alternative to the existing models to solve the facet problem of running facial verification in low computing resource devices

    A Novel Systolic Parallel Hardware Architecture for the FPGA Acceleration of Feedforward Neural Networks

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    New chips for machine learning applications appear, they are tuned for a specific topology, being efficient by using highly parallel designs at the cost of high power or large complex devices. However, the computational demands of deep neural networks require flexible and efficient hardware architectures able to fit different applications, neural network types, number of inputs, outputs, layers, and units in each layer, making the migration from software to hardware easy. This paper describes novel hardware implementing any feedforward neural network (FFNN): multilayer perceptron, autoencoder, and logistic regression. The architecture admits an arbitrary input and output number, units in layers, and a number of layers. The hardware combines matrix algebra concepts with serial-parallel computation. It is based on a systolic ring of neural processing elements (NPE), only requiring as many NPEs as neuron units in the largest layer, no matter the number of layers. The use of resources grows linearly with the number of NPEs. This versatile architecture serves as an accelerator in real-time applications and its size does not affect the system clock frequency. Unlike most approaches, a single activation function block (AFB) for the whole FFNN is required. Performance, resource usage, and accuracy for several network topologies and activation functions are evaluated. The architecture reaches 550 MHz clock speed in a Virtex7 FPGA. The proposed implementation uses 18-bit fixed point achieving similar classification performance to a floating point approach. A reduced weight bit size does not affect the accuracy, allowing more weights in the same memory. Different FFNN for Iris and MNIST datasets were evaluated and, for a real-time application of abnormal cardiac detection, a x256 acceleration was achieved. The proposed architecture can perform up to 1980 Giga operations per second (GOPS), implementing the multilayer FFNN of up to 3600 neurons per layer in a single chip. The architecture can be extended to bigger capacity devices or multi-chip by the simple NPE ring extension
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