332 research outputs found


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    This research aims to examine the effect of behavioural intention using the Grab Health application during the Covid-19 pandemic. Variables that support the formation of behavioral intentions are attitudes. The formation of attitudes in use is caused by perceived enjoyment, social influence, and perceived vulnerability in using Grab Health applications. Data was obtained from questionnaires were distributed to the general public who use health applications Grab Health. The sampling technique used is non probability sampling, that is convenience sampling technique. The sample used in the study was 200 respondents who used the health applications Grab Health. Hypothesis testing is done by the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis method using the AMOS program. The results of this research indicate that attitudes have a significant effect on behavioral intentions, positive perceptions of perceived enjoyment are significant to attitudes, social influences have a significant influence on attitudes, and perceptions of vulnerability do not significantly influence attitudes in the use of health applications Grab Health

    Analysis of Russian and global game studies: ludology vs. narratology

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    The author reviews the past-to-present academic literature on game studies from the perspective of ludology and narratology. The academic study of video games has grown substantially since 2001 - the year Game Studies started publishing its first articles. Yet both ludology and narratology remain a particularly new field, especially in the Russian academic field, and many of its discussed themes have yet to attain widespread recognition. The academic articles published between 2017 and 2022 were reviewed to provide understanding of the current state of the research on ludology and narratology in various research areas. The corpus was gathered by searching publications in international database Scopus. Each article was categorized according to the type of database, period of time, the country of publication, the field of study and the frequency of citations. The applied method of quantitative research allows tracking the development of research within five years in the field of game studies. Several proposals for further research in this field were put forward. The main hypothesis of this work is that one type of methodology is more applicable than the other, considering the background. The author concludes that one type of methodology can prevail in research - depending on the region of the published article

    Preferring print: The planned behavior and preferences of first-generation college students in the academic library

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    Background: Academic libraries have been adapting and changing their collections with technology. Often this technology has accompanied a transition from physical collections, such as print books, to electronic collections and electronic books. Understanding how this shift away from print formats might affect certain campus populations is essential as electronic collections continue to grow and expand in various academic institutions. Methods: This mixed methods case study aimed to understand how first-generation college students at a public research university use print books versus electronic books. Data was collected in two phases, with the first phase consisting of a Likert scale survey distributed to 4419 potential participants. The second phase was a qualitative semi-structured interview with 19 self-identified participants from the survey. Results: The survey did not indicate a strong preference for print books over electronic books. However, the qualitative interviews did indicate that first-generation students preferred using print to facilitate their reading styles. Conclusion: The study showed that students prefer to use print books over electronic formats daily at their academic institutions for various factors, including the ability to focus and review information. However, the primary reason first-generation college students prefer print books is that it helps them retain information for classes better than electronic books

    Hospital Waste Management Practices: Explanation from Medical Personnel

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    Today, the healthcare industry has become more important with the increasing number of hospitals due to the rise of patients. This signifies the world is facing more critical issues towards hospital waste due to its impact on the environment. The increase of waste generation from the hospital is not only to the environment but to an organisation such as cost of disposal. Current research fails to provide a manager behaviour view on the solution to reduce waste from their organization. Thus, this study explores the current hospital waste practices at the hospital, to examine depth understanding of recycling factor behaviour among medical personnel and the impacts from recycling hospital waste. This study used the semi-structured interview with hospital managers to address The result shows, respondents are willing to recycle hospital waste with factors such as government support, top management involvement through providing training, awareness, knowledge, facilities and incentives. This study will contribute to both bodies of knowledge and practice among hospital managers

    Serious Gaming for Behaviour Change: A Systematic Review

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    Over the years, there has been a significant increase in the adoption of game-based interventions for behaviour change associated with many fields such as health, education, and psychology. This is due to the significance of the players’ intrinsic motivation that is naturally generated to play games and the substantial impact they can have on players. Many review papers measure the effectiveness of the use of gaming on changing behaviours; however, these studies neglect the game features involved in the game design process, which have an impact of stimulating behaviour change. Therefore, this paper aimed to identify game design mechanics and features that are reported to commonly influence behaviour change during and/or after the interventions. This paper identified key theories of behaviour change that inform the game design process, providing insights that can be adopted by game designers for informing considerations on the use of game features for moderating behaviour in their own games

    Essential Drivers of Payment Gateway Continuance Intention: The Moderating Role of Usage Rate

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    This study aims to analyze the effect of functional and economic benefit on the perceived value of payment gateway, elaborate the role of perceived value, subjective norm, and behavior control on continuance intention, and identify the moderating role of usage rate on the relationship. The study employed Partial Least Squares to test the proposed model and corresponding hypotheses. Using the purposive sampling technique, the data collection was from 460 survey samples of Fintech payment gateway users in Indonesia. Analysis data used Two-step SEM, inner model, and outer model analysis. The findings showed that functional and economic benefits influence the perceived value of payment gateway. Moreover, perceived value, subjective norm, and behavioral control effects continuance intention. This study shows the importance of the moderating role of usage level on the relationship of subjective norm and perceived behavior control with continuance intention on payment gateway. This study recommends payment getaway providers to manage customer value, promote sustainable intentions, and consider usage rates to encourage subjective norms and behavioral control. Therefore, this study enables a better understanding of the Theory of Plan Behavior (TPB) and Expectation Disconfirmation Theory (EDT) in the payment gateway context

    Social Factors Influence on Accounting Students Attitude to Use Games Based Learning

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    The general objective of this article is to analyze the impacts of a gamified resource created (Accountingame) as learning tools to teach the curricular unit of Accounting. Theory of Planned Behaviour was used to investigate social factors such as Social Influence, Recognition and Reciprocal Benefits, which are predictors of Attitude to use this kind of game like a learning accounting tool. The relevance of this study is due to the lack of empirical studies that analyze the application, viability, and effectiveness of gamified resources in the teaching areas of knowledge, such as Accounting. The game was used by students of Accounting (n = 816) for the first time in the scope of Higher Education in Portugal in the academic year 2018/2019. Results of this research suggest the importance of these resources to increase Attitude, Continued Use Intention and Intention to Word of Mouth related to Games Based Learning as an effective method of support for the learning process of accounting students. We believe that this study can be a contributor to researchers in this area to understand why the study of Accounting is genuinely challenging for students. This research will be enabling managers of Higher Education Institutions, professors and other educational agents to decide on the best strategies to use in order to increase student involvement in Accounting learning

    Understanding the Values of Blockchain Based Games from Users’ Perspectives: A Value-focused Thinking Approach

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    This study aims to explore the values of blockchain based games from users’ perspectives in China. To address this, we employed the Value-Focused Thinking (VFT) approach to derive the values of blockchain based games with users in China. Eleven active users of blockchain based games were interviewed in China. Based on the data collected from the interviews, we developed a means-ends objective network describing the values of blockchain based games from users’ perspectives in China. According to the results, maximize enjoyment, maximize profit, maximize blockchain beliefs, and minimize risk of holding cryptocurrency were derived as the fundamental objectives to maximize values of blockchain based games from users’ perspectives

    Identifying the Factors of Online Game Acceptance Using Technology Acceptance Model

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    In the last two decades, many companies create online games. Online game is a game that is connected to the internet, where players can play and communicate with other players in different places at the same time. There are many types of game, such as adventure, strategy, cooking, make up, and so on. That is why a lot of people love to play online game. This study tries to identify the factors that support online game acceptance by students of Atma Jaya Yogyakarta University, because many students at this university play online games. The method used for this analysis is Technology Acceptance Model, which has main construct, namely Perceived ease-of-use (PEOU), Perceived usefulness (PU), Attitude toward use (ATU), Intention to use (ITU) and Actual Use (AU), and additional variables of Social Influence (SI), Personal (P) and Excitement (E) added by researcher. The data obtained to conduct this analysis using a questionnaire addressed to students. There are eleven hypotheses that serve as a reference in analyzing the relationship between variables. Each variable proves that each of these variables has a significant relationship in online game acceptance

    Student's opinions on online educational games for learning programming introductory

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    Use of educational games is an approach that has potential to change the existing educational method. This is due to games popularity among younger generation as well as engagement and fun features of games compared to conventional learning method. In addition, games are among the most widespread media amongst younger generation or so-called "digital natives" apart from movie, music and internet technology. Game play activities is an important issue to be thoroughly understood due to the facts that many of them are addicted to game play activity. In contrast, conventional learning approaches are not interesting enough to the younger generation. Thus, integration of games technology into education is potentially believed to increase student interest and motivation to learn. This study developed and evaluates an online educational game for learning Programming Introductory course at a university in Malaysia. A total of 180 undergraduate students from computer and engineering background participate in the study. Findings shows that about 80% of students have positive attitude towards the games with around 84% of them find that the games is a fun way to learn, at the same time, an average of 80% agreed that the game provide them with opportunity to learn. Furthermore, about 75% of the students agreed that the game make them able to do self-assessment for Programming course. It was interesting to find that almost 85% of the student said that they will want to use educational games as their future learning approach. Despite many more evidence will be needed especially in Malaysia context, this study is important to rationalize that games can be one of the new learning approaches in the future
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