61 research outputs found


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    This paper reports an analysis of students’ perception on the impact e-learning assessment using portfolios on writing engagement. This research employed a case study approach. Questionnaires were used as data collection instruments. The participant of this study was students of Islamic High School of grade 10 in Garut and the data collection was obtained from the questionnaire with EFL Students. The results showed that the use of e-learning assessment through portfolio was very influential on students in collecting assignments. The results also show that the student's perception of e-learning assessment through the portfolio is very influential on students ' writing engagement

    Analisis Kebijakan E-procurement Di Pemerintah Provinsi Gorontalo Menggunakan Metode Technology Acceptance Model Dan End User Computing Satisfaction

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keberhasilan implementasi e-procurement di Provinsi Gorontalo dengan menggunakan Metode Model Akselerasi Teknologi (TAM dari Davis) dan Kepuasan Pengguna Akhir (EUCS dari Doll dan Torkzadeh). Evaluasi difokuskan pada komponen inti dalam keberhasilan implementasi e-procurement yaitu kualitas informasi, kualitas sistem, kualitas layanan, kepuasan pengguna, penggunaan sistem, dan manfaat bersih. Pengaruh dan hubungan antar komponen ini diuji dengan menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan analisis pemodelan persamaan struktural (SEM) dengan menggunakan AMOS. Instrumen yang digunakan untuk mengukur dimensi yang mempengaruhi keberhasilan pelaksanaan e-procurement adalah kuesioner yang dekat dari persepsi pengguna dengan menggunakan skala Likert 1 sampai 5. Ada sebanyak 187 sampel yang kembali diantara 225 sampel e-procurement. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa kualitas informasi berpengaruh signifikan terhadap penggunaan sistem dan kepuasan pengguna. kemudahan penggunaan, isi, keakuratan, format, kemudahan, ketepatan waktu memiliki pengaruh positif kepuasan kepuasan pengguna yang signifikan. Dalam penelitian ini review terhadap analisa teknikal juga dilakukan dengan membandingkan keberhasilan implementasi e-procurement dari persepsi pengguna terhadap kondisi aktual implementasi teknis e-procurement


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keberhasilan implementasi e-procurement di Provinsi Gorontalo dengan menggunakan Metode Model Akselerasi Teknologi (TAM dari Davis) dan Kepuasan Pengguna Akhir (EUCS dari Doll dan Torkzadeh). Evaluasi difokuskan pada komponen inti dalam keberhasilan implementasi e-procurement yaitu kualitas informasi, kualitas sistem, kualitas layanan, kepuasan pengguna, penggunaan sistem, dan manfaat bersih. Pengaruh dan hubungan antar komponen ini diuji dengan menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan analisis pemodelan persamaan struktural (SEM) dengan menggunakan AMOS. Instrumen yang digunakan untuk mengukur dimensi yang mempengaruhi keberhasilan pelaksanaan e-procurement adalah kuesioner yang dekat dari persepsi pengguna dengan menggunakan skala Likert 1 sampai 5. Ada sebanyak 187 sampel yang kembali diantara 225 sampel e-procurement. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa kualitas informasi berpengaruh signifikan terhadap penggunaan sistem dan kepuasan pengguna. kemudahan penggunaan, isi, keakuratan, format, kemudahan, ketepatan waktu memiliki pengaruh positif kepuasan kepuasan pengguna yang signifikan. Dalam penelitian ini review terhadap analisa teknikal juga dilakukan dengan membandingkan keberhasilan implementasi e-procurement dari persepsi pengguna terhadap kondisi aktual implementasi teknis e-procurement

    Determinants of Computerized Accounting Information System Adoption by Hospitals in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

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    The purpose of this study is to investigate factors that affect adoption of computerized accounting information system by hospitals in Addis Ababa. It examines the effect of cost-benefit perception, perceived ease of use, human resource, firm size and management commitment on computerized accounting information system adoption. The study adopts explanatory research design along with census survey of all of 52 hospitals in Addis Ababa. Primary data was collected from these hospitals. The main findings indicate that adoption of computerized accounting information system is significantly affected by perceived ease of use, human resource and management commitment. Furthermore, cost-benefit perception and firm size are not significantly related to adoption of computerized accounting information system. The study recommends that hospitals should attempt to employ qualified and competent personnel; accounting information system vendors should provide packages that are easy to use and management to support accounting information system implementation. Keywords: Computerized accounting information system, perceived ease of use, Addis Abab

    Determinants of Computerized Accounting Information System Adoption by Hospitals in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

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    The purpose of this study is to analyze factors that have an effect on the adoption of computerized accounting information system by hospitals in Addis Ababa. It examines the effect of cost-benefit perception, perceived ease of use, human resource, firm size and management commitment on computerized accounting information system adoption. The study adopts explanatory research design along with census survey of all of 52 hospitals in Addis Ababa. Primary data was collected from these hospitals. The main findings indicate that adoption of computerized accounting information system is significantly affected by perceived ease of use, human resource and management commitment. Furthermore, cost-benefit perception and firm size are not significantly related to adoption of computerized accounting information system. The study recommends that hospitals should attempt to employ qualified and competent personnel; accounting information system vendors should provide packages that are easy to use and management to support accounting information system implementation. Keywords: Computerized accounting information system, perceived ease of use, Addis Abab


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    Based in Teo and Zhou’s Extended Technology Acceptance Model as a useful frame for describing and understanding the beliefs on technology integration of the science teachers. This paper addresses the need for a survey instrument designed to measure the beliefs on integrate technology of the Science Teachers in the physics classrooms. The paper describes survey development process and results from a pilot study on 93 junior high school science teachers. Data analysis procedures included Cronbach’s alpha statistics on the E-TAM constructs and confirmatory factor analysis was conducted in the entire instrument. Results suggest that, with the modification based from content experts’ recommendations and deletion of 9 of the survey items from the initial 30 items, the scale is a reliable and valid instrument that will help education specialist implement a professional development program which could enhance the intention and ultimately the practices on technology integration in Physics classroom.  Article visualizations

    An Examination of Factors that Influence Employees’ Behavioral Intention to Use Electronic Revenue Collection System in Public Hospitals

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    The aim of this paper is to examine the factors that influence the behavioural intention of Nigerian federal hospitals employees to use the e-collection system. Three factors (Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use and Computer Self-efficacy) were considered in determining the behavioural intention of the employee to use the system. In achieving this, survey questionnaire instrument was used in collecting data from 72 e-collection users in some selected federal government hospitals. Smart Partial Least Square (PLS) 2.0 was used to analyze the data from the responses and the findings from the analysis revealed that all the three factors (Perceived Usefulness and Perceived Ease of Use and Computer Self-efficacy) are significant in influencing employees’ intention to use the ecollection system. As such, it is hopeful that the result of this paper will provide an understanding of the underlying factors that influence public sector employees to use new technology in the workplace which will equally provide government with the information on the necessary areas to improve so as to foster its electronic government initiatives in the country

    An Empirical Study on the Use Intention of Electronic Cash Collection System in Nigerian Federal Hospitals

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    It is a well-known fact that the use of electronic systems around the globe has facilitated and enhanced the efficiency in organizations. In light of this, federal hospitals in Nigeria have started using electronic collection system for cash collection purposes. Electronic cash collection system (e-collection) is a computerized system designed to handle cash collections with a view to block revenue leakages that are widespread within the Nigerian public sector organizations. However, the continuous use of the system is being faced with great resistance by those employees that were purposely meant to use it. In view of that, the aim of this paper is to investigate factors that could influence employee’s intention to use e-collection system in the performance of their duties. Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) was adapted with an extension of computer self-efficacy variable with a view to providing additional explanation to the model. Partial Least Square (PLS) was used to analyse 116 responses from e-collection users in investigating the relationship between three independent variables (perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, computer self-efficacy) and the dependent variable (intention). The results of the analysis revealed that positive and significant relationships exist between the independent variables and the dependent variable except between perceived usefulness and intention. Recommendations were made to the hospital authorities to educate and enlighten the concern employees on the usefulness and benefits of the new system

    Covid-19 And Factors Affecting Vietnamese Students’ Readiness For Digital Transformation

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    Education in Vietnam is trying to make use of the values of the digital technology revolution. As one of the eight key fields of National Digital Transformation, education needs to find ways to develop and take advantage of opportunities to be able to shape the future of society with high-quality human resources. As a huge challenge, the Covid-19 pandemic has quickly put pressure on the past predicted trends in education such as the “university of the future”, but, from a positive viewpoint, it also brings a big opportunity for universities to make the transformation, from classic one to the new and trendy university – the digital one. The paper analyzes in-depth the factors affecting the readiness of Vietnamese students for digital transformation in the above context. The research model is built based on the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) theory and corrects necessary variables. The results show that the impact of Covid-19, self-study ability and attitude are the factors that have the most influence on the willingness to shift the learning method towards digitization. According to the result, the authors will propose several recommendations on improving the readiness of Vietnamese students for the digital transformation of education and training. Thereby helping students change to adapt to learning activities when the pandemic appears, and know how to take advantage of digital transformation. Keywords: digital transformation, Covid-19, awareness, attitude, self-study DOI: 10.7176/JEP/12-16-04 Publication date:June 30th 202

    Pengaruh Persepsi dan Sikap Pemain terhadap Niat Menggunakan Mobile Game Menggunakan Technology Acceptance Model

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    Technology Acceptance Model was developed in order to describe therelationship between user\u27sperceptive and their attitude toward an object. This researchmain purpose is to analyze the relationship between mobile game\u27s player\u27s perceptiveand their attitude toward the game and finally how that relationship affect user\u27sintention to use newer game. The research conducted in Indonesia and using purposivesampling, we have collected data from 170 Clash of Clan players. We use Partial LeastSquare (PLS) as our data analysis technique. This research results are user\u27s perceptive(perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use) both has direct significant effecttoward attitude and intention to use. In addition, direct significant effect also foundbetween attitude and intention to use, which made attitude toward use could becomemediated variable between the relationship between users\u27s perceptive and user\u27sintention to use. This research contribution is giving a good description for theimportance role of user\u27s attitude toward product use to improve user\u27s intention to usethe product
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