116 research outputs found


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    The purpose of this research is to find out the factors that affect online players. This study's variables are human-Game Interaction, utilitarian motivation, hedonic motivation, flow experience, perceived enjoyment, attitude, and intention. The researchers observed these variables and put forward four hypotheses to determine the influencing factors. The researchers used China's "League of Legends" as the research model. 300 respondents select this data through a questionnaire survey on two large-scale communication platforms in China. The first platform is the official forum of "League of Legends" in China, and the second platform is the most used game social software "QQ" in China. ". The researchers used convenience sampling and judgmental sampling to investigate. All data were analyzed using statistical software, and linear regression and multiple linear regression were used to find the most significant factors affecting players’ attitudes and intentions. Use descriptive statistics to provide average and demographic percentages. Besides, the researchers use inferential statistics to test the effects of variables. The results show that human-game interaction has a significant positive correlation with utilitarian motivation and hedonic motivation. Utilitarian motivation, hedonic motivation, flow experience, and perceived enjoyment have a positive impact on the player’s attitude. However, flow experience, perceived enjoyment, and attitude have no influence on the intentions of online player

    Differences in intention to use educational RSS feeds between Lebanese and British students: A multi‑group analysis based on the technology acceptance model

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    Really Simple Syndication (RSS) offers a means for university students to receive timely updates from virtual learning environments. However, despite its utility, only 21% of home students surveyed at a university in Lebanon claim to have ever used the technology. To investigate whether national culture could be an influence on intention to use RSS, the survey was extended to British students in the UK. Using the Technology Adoption Model (TAM) as a research framework, 437 students responded to a questionnaire containing four constructs: behavioral intention to use; attitude towards benefit; perceived usefulness; and perceived ease of use. Principle components analysis and structural equation modelling were used to explore the psychometric qualities and utility of TAM in both contexts. The results show that adoption was significantly higher, but also modest, in the British context at 36%. Configural and metric invariance were fully supported, while scalar and factorial invariance were partially supported. Further analysis shows significant differences between perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use across the two contexts studied. Therefore, it is recommended that faculty demonstrate to students how educational RSS feeds can be used effectively to increase awareness and emphasize usefulness in both contexts

    What kind of Chatbot do Millennials prefer to interact with? The role of Communication Style and Avatar in predicting Millennials' Intention to use Chatbots

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    Being a relatively new digital platform, perfectly meshing with the way in which young consumers socially interact with the world, chatbots’ perceptions knowledge turns out to be a key factor to address business efforts in enhancing young customers experience with companies’ technologies. This study applies a between-participants factorial design to explore the extent to which the conversational style (social-oriented vs task-oriented) and the visual cue (avatar presence vs avatar absence), influence perceived social presence of the interaction with the chatbot and how this perception, in turn, influences the Millennials’ intention to adopt them. To conduct the study, a survey method was employed, and data were collected from a snowball sample of 193 Millennials. Findings from the study reveal that a social-oriented communication style increases users’ perception of social presence, which in turn predicts the intention to use it via perceived enjoyment and attitude toward the chatbot.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Online Lecturing: Suitable for all Courses?

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    Universities worldwide are rapidly embracing online technologies to make their courses more convenient for today’s tech savvy students. Consequently, academics are suddenly met with increased workload and the need to learn new technologies. Thus, to ensure the success and continual use of this new technology, it is important to gauge academics’ acceptance of online lecturing. However, the suitability of online lecturing may not be suitable for all courses. Building on Davis’s (1989) TAM model and Daft and Lengel’s (1986) media richness theory, this study provides empirical evidence for the effects of perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use and perceived media richness on the academics’ choice to adopt online video lecturing in differing courses

    Development of an instrument to measure smart card technology acceptance

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    Recently smart card is used all over the world in different applications such as financial, telecommunication, network, and physical access where the security is considered very crucial. User acceptance is very significant in successful implementation of smart card technology. Thus, in order to investigate the user adoption of the technology, the instrument to identify the user acceptance is needed.The aim of this study is to develop an instrument to measure the user acceptance of smart card technology in Iran environment. Factors which can affect on user acceptance are presented and discussed

    The intention to use e-money transaction in Indonesia: Conceptual framework

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    The issue of behavioral intention to use electronic transaction is backed up with rapid change in all types of traditional transactions. Electronic money (e-money) exists as new technology for electronic transaction.However, it is still ineffective in Indonesia where majority of the consumer prefer to use manual transaction business in the Bank and using cash notes.This is a potential for crime when they bring a lot of money to the Bank and thus have impact the Indonesian economy.E-money is a stored value or prepaid products that had recorded the funds or value and it can be done in online and offline transaction. Behavioral intention is a process in any type of actual behavior with giving the expression in making decision to the adoption of behavioral intention. This study attempts to explain consumers’ intentions to participate in the e-money transaction through the model that integrates the TPB (Theory of Planned Behavior) and the TAM (Technology Acceptance Model). Five major variables or focus of the concept and practice of e-money transaction have been studied in this article.The conceptual framework of e-money transactions were reviewed to understand behavioral intention of consumers from perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, perceived risks, security and encouraging a learning system transaction. The proposed framework and hypotheses were presented in this article. Quantitative method will be utilized as sources of data collection.A total of one thousand and five hundred respondents will be selected using purpose sampling method in Medan, Indonesia. Descriptive analysis and Multiple Regression analysis will be conducted to analyze the data. The article ended with suggestion for future studies

    The role of trust in e-commerce relational exchange: A unified model

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    Recently, studies of B2C e-commerce have used intention theory to understand the role of trust of Internet transactions but most have investigated only a component of e-commerce (e.g., initial adoption or continuance) and neglected the role of good relations with the consumer in ensuring a successful sustained relationship. Therefore, a model that went beyond intention and included key relational concepts (satisfaction, value, loyalty, etc.) was developed. Trust and its components are a major part of this model, which was based on strong theoretical foundations. Fifteen hypotheses were formulated. Data on the constructs were collected from 420 respondents and analyzed using elliptical re-weighted least squares as the estimation method to test model validity and the hypotheses. An additional relationship between satisfaction and customer loyalty was investigated. Implications for researchers and practitioners are discussed

    Modelling the Impact of Perceived Connectivity on the Intention to Use Social Media: Discovering Mediating Effects and Unobserved Heterogeneity

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    Early research examined the direct effect of perceived connectivity (PC) on intention to adopt information systems. In this study, we extend that research stream by examining the mediating effects of perceived enjoyment (PE) and perceived playfulness (PP) on the relationship between PC and the intention to use social media within the workplace. To test our proposed model, we collected data from 2,556 social media users from Australia, Canada, India, the UK, and the US. We applied the REBUS-PLS algorithm, a response-based method for detecting unit segments in PLS path modelling and assessing the unobserved heterogeneity in the data sample. Based on the strength of effects, the algorithm automatically detected two groups of users sharing the same intentions to use social media. A post hoc analysis of each group was done using contextual and demographic variables including geographic location, country, age, education and gender. Implications for practice and research are discussed
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