1,655 research outputs found

    SOMvisua: Data Clustering and Visualization Based on SOM and GHSOM

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    Text in web pages is based on expert opinion of a large number of people including the views of authors. These views are based on cultural or community aspects, which make extracting information from text very difficult. Search in text usually finds text similarities between paragraphs in documents. This paper proposes a framework for data clustering and visualization called SOMvisua. SOMvisua is based on a graph representation of data input for Self-Organizing Map (SOM) and Growing Hierarchically Self-Organizing Map (GHSOM) algorithms. In SOMvisua, sentences from an input article are represented as graph model instead of vector space model. SOM and GHSOM clustering algorithms construct knowledge from this article

    Augmenting Latent Dirichlet Allocation and Rank Threshold Detection with Ontologies

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    In an ever-increasing data rich environment, actionable information must be extracted, filtered, and correlated from massive amounts of disparate often free text sources. The usefulness of the retrieved information depends on how we accomplish these steps and present the most relevant information to the analyst. One method for extracting information from free text is Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA), a document categorization technique to classify documents into cohesive topics. Although LDA accounts for some implicit relationships such as synonymy (same meaning) it often ignores other semantic relationships such as polysemy (different meanings), hyponym (subordinate), meronym (part of), and troponomys (manner). To compensate for this deficiency, we incorporate explicit word ontologies, such as WordNet, into the LDA algorithm to account for various semantic relationships. Experiments over the 20 Newsgroups, NIPS, OHSUMED, and IED document collections demonstrate that incorporating such knowledge improves perplexity measure over LDA alone for given parameters. In addition, the same ontology augmentation improves recall and precision results for user queries

    Role based behavior analysis

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    Tese de mestrado, Segurança Informática, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2009Nos nossos dias, o sucesso de uma empresa depende da sua agilidade e capacidade de se adaptar a condições que se alteram rapidamente. Dois requisitos para esse sucesso são trabalhadores proactivos e uma infra-estrutura ágil de Tecnologias de Informacão/Sistemas de Informação (TI/SI) que os consiga suportar. No entanto, isto nem sempre sucede. Os requisitos dos utilizadores ao nível da rede podem nao ser completamente conhecidos, o que causa atrasos nas mudanças de local e reorganizações. Além disso, se não houver um conhecimento preciso dos requisitos, a infraestrutura de TI/SI poderá ser utilizada de forma ineficiente, com excessos em algumas áreas e deficiências noutras. Finalmente, incentivar a proactividade não implica acesso completo e sem restrições, uma vez que pode deixar os sistemas vulneráveis a ameaças externas e internas. O objectivo do trabalho descrito nesta tese é desenvolver um sistema que consiga caracterizar o comportamento dos utilizadores do ponto de vista da rede. Propomos uma arquitectura de sistema modular para extrair informação de fluxos de rede etiquetados. O processo é iniciado com a criação de perfis de utilizador a partir da sua informação de fluxos de rede. Depois, perfis com características semelhantes são agrupados automaticamente, originando perfis de grupo. Finalmente, os perfis individuais são comprados com os perfis de grupo, e os que diferem significativamente são marcados como anomalias para análise detalhada posterior. Considerando esta arquitectura, propomos um modelo para descrever o comportamento de rede dos utilizadores e dos grupos. Propomos ainda métodos de visualização que permitem inspeccionar rapidamente toda a informação contida no modelo. O sistema e modelo foram avaliados utilizando um conjunto de dados reais obtidos de um operador de telecomunicações. Os resultados confirmam que os grupos projectam com precisão comportamento semelhante. Além disso, as anomalias foram as esperadas, considerando a população subjacente. Com a informação que este sistema consegue extrair dos dados em bruto, as necessidades de rede dos utilizadores podem sem supridas mais eficazmente, os utilizadores suspeitos são assinalados para posterior análise, conferindo uma vantagem competitiva a qualquer empresa que use este sistema.In our days, the success of a corporation hinges on its agility and ability to adapt to fast changing conditions. Proactive workers and an agile IT/IS infrastructure that can support them is a requirement for this success. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. The user’s network requirements may not be fully understood, which slows down relocation and reorganization. Also, if there is no grasp on the real requirements, the IT/IS infrastructure may not be efficiently used, with waste in some areas and deficiencies in others. Finally, enabling proactivity does not mean full unrestricted access, since this may leave the systems vulnerable to outsider and insider threats. The purpose of the work described on this thesis is to develop a system that can characterize user network behavior. We propose a modular system architecture to extract information from tagged network flows. The system process begins by creating user profiles from their network flows’ information. Then, similar profiles are automatically grouped into clusters, creating role profiles. Finally, the individual profiles are compared against the roles, and the ones that differ significantly are flagged as anomalies for further inspection. Considering this architecture, we propose a model to describe user and role network behavior. We also propose visualization methods to quickly inspect all the information contained in the model. The system and model were evaluated using a real dataset from a large telecommunications operator. The results confirm that the roles accurately map similar behavior. The anomaly results were also expected, considering the underlying population. With the knowledge that the system can extract from the raw data, the users network needs can be better fulfilled, the anomalous users flagged for inspection, giving an edge in agility for any company that uses it

    Semi-supervised learning of hierarchical latent trait models for data visualisation

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    An interactive hierarchical Generative Topographic Mapping (HGTM) ¸iteHGTM has been developed to visualise complex data sets. In this paper, we build a more general visualisation system by extending the HGTM visualisation system in 3 directions: bf (1) We generalize HGTM to noise models from the exponential family of distributions. The basic building block is the Latent Trait Model (LTM) developed in ¸iteKabanpami. bf (2) We give the user a choice of initializing the child plots of the current plot in either em interactive, or em automatic mode. In the interactive mode the user interactively selects ``regions of interest'' as in ¸iteHGTM, whereas in the automatic mode an unsupervised minimum message length (MML)-driven construction of a mixture of LTMs is employed. bf (3) We derive general formulas for magnification factors in latent trait models. Magnification factors are a useful tool to improve our understanding of the visualisation plots, since they can highlight the boundaries between data clusters. The unsupervised construction is particularly useful when high-level plots are covered with dense clusters of highly overlapping data projections, making it difficult to use the interactive mode. Such a situation often arises when visualizing large data sets. We illustrate our approach on a toy example and apply our system to three more complex real data sets

    Multilingual Lexicon Extraction under Resource-Poor Language Pairs

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    In general, bilingual and multilingual lexicons are important resources in many natural language processing fields such as information retrieval and machine translation. Such lexicons are usually extracted from bilingual (e.g., parallel or comparable) corpora with external seed dictionaries. However, few such corpora and bilingual seed dictionaries are publicly available for many language pairs such as Korean–French. It is important that such resources for these language pairs be publicly available or easily accessible when a monolingual resource is considered. This thesis presents efficient approaches for extracting bilingual single-/multi-word lexicons for resource-poor language pairs such as Korean–French and Korean–Spanish. The goal of this thesis is to present several efficient methods of extracting translated single-/multi-words from bilingual corpora based on a statistical method. Three approaches for single words and one approach for multi-words are proposed. The first approach is the pivot context-based approach (PCA). The PCA uses a pivot language to connect source and target languages. It builds context vectors from two parallel corpora sharing one pivot language and calculates their similarity scores to choose the best translation equivalents. The approach can reduce the effort required when using a seed dictionary for translation by using parallel corpora rather than comparable corpora. The second approach is the extended pivot context-based approach (EPCA). This approach gathers similar context vectors for each source word to augment its context. The approach assumes that similar vectors can enrich contexts. For example, young and youth can augment the context of baby. In the investigation described here, such similar vectors were collected by similarity measures such as cosine similarity. The third approach for single words uses a competitive neural network algorithm (i.e., self-organizing mapsSOM). The SOM-based approach (SA) uses synonym vectors rather than context vectors to train two different SOMs (i.e., source and target SOMs) in different ways. A source SOM is trained in an unsupervised way, while a target SOM is trained in a supervised way. The fourth approach is the constituent-based approach (CTA), which deals with multi-word expressions (MWEs). This approach reinforces the PCA for multi-words (PCAM). It extracts bilingual MWEs taking all constituents of the source MWEs into consideration. The PCAM 2 identifies MWE candidates by pointwise mutual information first and then adds them to input data as single units in order to use the PCA directly. The experimental results show that the proposed approaches generally perform well for resource-poor language pairs, particularly Korean and French–Spanish. The PCA and SA have demonstrated good performance for such language pairs. The EPCA would not have shown a stronger performance than expected. The CTA performs well even when word contexts are insufficient. Overall, the experimental results show that the CTA significantly outperforms the PCAM. In the future, homonyms (i.e., homographs such as lead or tear) should be considered. In particular, the domains of bilingual corpora should be identified. In addition, more parts of speech such as verbs, adjectives, or adverbs could be tested. In this thesis, only nouns are discussed for simplicity. Finally, thorough error analysis should also be conducted.Abstract List of Abbreviations List of Tables List of Figures Acknowledgement Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Multilingual Lexicon Extraction 1.2 Motivations and Goals 1.3 Organization Chapter 2 Background and Literature Review 2.1 Extraction of Bilingual Translations of Single-words 2.1.1 Context-based approach 2.1.2 Extended approach 2.1.3 Pivot-based approach 2.2 Extractiong of Bilingual Translations of Multi-Word Expressions 2.2.1 MWE identification 2.2.2 MWE alignment 2.3 Self-Organizing Maps 2.4 Evaluation Measures Chapter 3 Pivot Context-Based Approach 3.1 Concept of Pivot-Based Approach 3.2 Experiments 3.2.1 Resources 3.2.2 Results 3.3 Summary Chapter 4 Extended Pivot Context-Based Approach 4.1 Concept of Extended Pivot Context-Based Approach 4.2 Experiments 4.2.1 Resources 4.2.2 Results 4.3 Summary Chapter 5 SOM-Based Approach 5.1 Concept of SOM-Based Approach 5.2 Experiments 5.2.1 Resources 5.2.2 Results 5.3 Summary Chapter 6 Constituent-Based Approach 6.1 Concept of Constituent-Based Approach 6.2 Experiments 6.2.1 Resources 6.2.2 Results 6.3 Summary Chapter 7 Conclusions and Future Work 7.1 Conclusions 7.2 Future Work Reference

    Adaptive Visualization for Focused Personalized Information Retrieval

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    The new trend on the Web has totally changed todays information access environment. The traditional information overload problem has evolved into the qualitative level beyond the quantitative growth. The mode of producing and consuming information is changing and we need a new paradigm for accessing information.Personalized search is one of the most promising answers to this problem. However, it still follows the old interaction model and representation method of classic information retrieval approaches. This limitation can harm the potential of personalized search, with which users are intended to interact with the system, learn and investigate the problem, and collaborate with the system to reach the final goal.This dissertation proposes to incorporate interactive visualization into personalized search in order to overcome the limitation. By combining the personalized search and the interac- tive visualization, we expect our approach will be able to help users to better explore the information space and locate relevant information more efficiently.We extended a well-known visualization framework called VIBE (Visual Information Browsing Environment) and implemented Adaptive VIBE, so that it can fit into the per- sonalized searching environment. We tested the effectiveness of this adaptive visualization method and investigated its strengths and weaknesses by conducting a full-scale user study.We also tried to enrich the user models with named-entities considering the possibility that the traditional keyword-based user models could harm the effectiveness of the system in the context of interactive information retrieval.The results of the user study showed that the Adaptive VIBE could improve the precision of the personalized search system and could help the users to find out more diverse set of information. The named-entity based user model integrated into Adaptive VIBE showed improvements of precision of user annotations while maintaining the level of diverse discovery of information