243 research outputs found

    Particle-In-Cell Simulation using Asynchronous Tasking

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    Recently, task-based programming models have emerged as a prominent alternative among shared-memory parallel programming paradigms. Inherently asynchronous, these models provide native support for dynamic load balancing and incorporate data flow concepts to selectively synchronize the tasks. However, tasking models are yet to be widely adopted by the HPC community and their effective advantages when applied to non-trivial, real-world HPC applications are still not well comprehended. In this paper, we study the parallelization of a production electromagnetic particle-in-cell (EM-PIC) code for kinetic plasma simulations exploring different strategies using asynchronous task-based models. Our fully asynchronous implementation not only significantly outperforms a conventional, synchronous approach but also achieves near perfect scaling for 48 cores.Comment: To be published on the 27th European Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing (Euro-Par 2021

    On the benefits of tasking with OpenMP

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    Tasking promises a model to program parallel applications that provides intuitive semantics. In the case of tasks with dependences, it also promises better load balancing by removing global synchronizations (barriers), and potential for improved locality. Still, the adoption of tasking in production HPC codes has been slow. Despite OpenMP supporting tasks, most codes rely on worksharing-loop constructs alongside MPI primitives. This paper provides insights on the benefits of tasking over the worksharing-loop model by reporting on the experience of taskifying an adaptive mesh refinement proxy application: miniAMR. The performance evaluation shows the taskified implementation being 15–30% faster than the loop-parallel one for certain thread counts across four systems, three architectures and four compilers thanks to better load balancing and system utilization. Dynamic scheduling of loops narrows the gap but still falls short of tasking due to serial sections between loops. Locality improvements are incidental due to the lack of locality-aware scheduling. Overall, the introduction of asynchrony with tasking lives up to its promises, provided that programmers parallelize beyond individual loops and across application phases.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Introducing the Task-Aware Storage I/O (TASIO) Library

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    Task-based programming models are excellent tools to parallelize and seamlessly load balance an application workload. However, the integration of I/O intensive applications and task-based programming models is lacking. Typically, I/O operations stall the requesting thread until the data is serviced by the backing device. Because the core where the thread was running becomes idle, it should be possible to overlap the data query operation with either computation workloads or even more I/O operations. Nonetheless, overlapping I/O tasks with other tasks entails an extra degree of complexity currently not managed by programming models’ runtimes. In this work, we focus on integrating storage I/O into the tasking model by introducing the Task-Aware Storage I/O (TASIO) library. We test TASIO extensively with a custom benchmark for a number of configurations and conclude that it is able to achieve speedups up to 2x depending on the workload, although it might lead to slowdowns if not used with the right settings.This project is supported by the European Union's Horizon 2021 research and innovation programme under the grant agreement No 754304 (DEEP-EST), the Ministry of Economy of Spain through the Severo Ochoa Center of Excellence Program (SEV-2015-0493), by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (contract TIN2015-65316-P) and by the Generalitat de Catalunya (2017-SGR- 1481). Also, the authors would like to acknowledge that the test environment (Cobi) was ceded by Intel Corporation in the frame of the BSC - Intel collabo- ration.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Self-adaptive OmpSs tasks in heterogeneous environments

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    As new heterogeneous systems and hardware accelerators appear, high performance computers can reach a higher level of computational power. Nevertheless, this does not come for free: the more heterogeneity the system presents, the more complex becomes the programming task in terms of resource management. OmpSs is a task-based programming model and framework focused on the runtime exploitation of parallelism from annotated sequential applications. This paper presents a set of extensions to this framework: we show how the application programmer can expose different specialized versions of tasks (i.e. pieces of specific code targeted and optimized for a particular architecture) and how the system can choose between these versions at runtime to obtain the best performance achievable for the given application. From the results obtained in a multi-GPU system, we prove that our proposal gives flexibility to application's source code and can potentially increase application's performance.This work has been supported by the European Commission through the ENCORE project (FP7-248647), the TERAFLUX project (FP7-249013), the TEXT project (FP7-261580), the HiPEAC-3 Network of Excellence (FP7-ICT 287759), the Intel-BSC Exascale Lab collaboration project, the support of the Spanish Ministry of Education (CSD2007- 00050 and FPU program), the projects of Computación de Altas Prestaciones V and VI (TIN2007-60625, TIN2012-34557) and the Generalitat de Catalunya (2009-SGR-980).Peer ReviewedPostprint (author’s final draft

    UPIR: Toward the Design of Unified Parallel Intermediate Representation for Parallel Programming Models

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    The complexity of heterogeneous computing architectures, as well as the demand for productive and portable parallel application development, have driven the evolution of parallel programming models to become more comprehensive and complex than before. Enhancing the conventional compilation technologies and software infrastructure to be parallelism-aware has become one of the main goals of recent compiler development. In this paper, we propose the design of unified parallel intermediate representation (UPIR) for multiple parallel programming models and for enabling unified compiler transformation for the models. UPIR specifies three commonly used parallelism patterns (SPMD, data and task parallelism), data attributes and explicit data movement and memory management, and synchronization operations used in parallel programming. We demonstrate UPIR via a prototype implementation in the ROSE compiler for unifying IR for both OpenMP and OpenACC and in both C/C++ and Fortran, for unifying the transformation that lowers both OpenMP and OpenACC code to LLVM runtime, and for exporting UPIR to LLVM MLIR dialect.Comment: Typos corrected. Format update

    Selection of Task Implementations in the Nanos++ Runtime

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    New heterogeneous systems and hardware accelerators can give higher levels of computational power to high performance computers. However, this does not come for free, since the more heterogeneity the system presents, the more complex becomes the programming task in terms of resource utilization. OmpSs is a task-based programming model and framework focused on the automatic parallelization of sequential applications. We present a set of extensions to this framework: we show how the application programmer can expose different specialized versions of tasks (i.e. pieces of specific code targeted and optimized for a particular architecture) and how the framework will choose between these versions at runtime to obtain the best performance achievable for the given application. From our results, obtained in a multi-GPU system, we can prove that our project gives flexibility to application's source code and can potentially increase application’s performance
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