13 research outputs found

    What Factors Affect General Aviation Pilot Adoption of Electronic Flight Bags?

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    Why do some pilots choose to use electronic flight bags (EFBs) in their flight operations, yet others continue to rely on traditional avionics and paper charts? Does the use of EFBs differ by age, gender, or flight experience? EFBs, now a common tool in aviation, can display navigational charts, weather, and traffic information, and automate calculation of critical fuel and aircraft performance data. Research that uses EFBs as interactive nodes to exchange data with the System-Wide Information Management (SWIM) network is underway. Understanding what factors may explain differences in pilot adoption and use of EFB technology could shape regulations governing EFB development and design, and could influence how EFBs are integrated into flight operations. Insights into whether EFB adoption differs by demographic factors like age, gender, or flight experience could illuminate whether some adoption factors are more important to different groups of pilots. Such knowledge could impact development of training strategies that address diverse pilot views on EFB use, or inform product sales and marketing strategies. An overview of an ongoing research project using leading theories of technology acceptance will be presented, with a focus on how technology acceptance research could contribute to our understanding of EFB usage trends. Factors to be considered include pilot expectations of the utility of EFBs, how difficult they are to use, available support, social influences, price value, habit, and the pleasure derived from using EFBs

    Heuristic Theorizing in Software Development: Deriving Design Principles for Smart Glasses-based Systems

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    Design knowledge on smart glasses-based systems is scarce. Utilizing literature analysis on software development publications, insights from the design and implementation of four smart glasses-based systems and expert interviews, we elicited 16 design principles to provide guidance in the development of future service support systems. Heuristic Theorizing is an abductive Design Science Research method, hitherto far too little known or little noticed, which was applied to conduct the research. We contribute to theory and practice with applicable design principles to support the development of smart glasses-based systems. Phenomena known to have an impact on the adoption of smart glasses are addressed by these design principles

    Exploring the Role of \u27Price Value\u27 for Understanding Consumer Adoption of Technology: A Review and Meta-analysis of UTAUT2 based Empirical Studies

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    Price value is important theoretical addition to the extended unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT2) as individuals bear monetary cost in using technology in consumer setting. A preliminary review of 650 UTAUT2 citations revealed majority of the studies utilized UTAUT2 in combination with external theories omitting some of original UTAUT2 constructs and rarely included moderators. Only 147 studies utilized at least one UTAUT2 construct in their research model. Thus, the aim of this study is to identify usage of price value construct in UTAUT2 based studies and their reason for inclusion or omission. The findings from 79 UTAUT2 empirical studies revealed only 32 studies (41%) utilized price value while the remaining 47 studies (59%) excluded the construct from their research model. The major reason for exclusion was studies examined technologies such as mobile applications and social networking sites that are available to individuals at free of cost

    Explaining Adoption of Pervasive Retail Systems with a Model based on UTAUT2 and the Extended Privacy Calculus

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    The advent of e-commerce puts traditional retail companies under a lot of pressure. A way retailers try to attract more customers to their physical stores is by offering online services on the retail sales floor. Such services are enabled through pervasive retail systems. These systems, however, do not only offer new opportunities but also bear risks for retailers because they heavily depend on privacy-related data, which customers could perceive as a potential privacy threat. In the present paper, we thus investigate the antecedents of customers’ usage intention towards such systems and the trade-off between the perceived benefits and the perceived privacy costs that are associated with their use. To this end, we propose a model based on the most recent version of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT2) and the Extended Privacy Calculus Theory. We validate our model considering a smart fitting room application and show that the model is able to explain 67.1% of the variance in the behavioral intention to use the system and 43.1% of the variance in a person’s willingness to disclose private information. Our results can be leveraged to design pervasive systems that are perceived as valuable instead of privacy threatening

    Use of ‘Habit’ is not a habit in understanding individual technology adoption: A review of UTAUT2 based empirical studies

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    yes‘Habit’ was the most important theoretical addition into UTAUT2 to challenge the role of behavioural intention as a lone predictor of technology use. However, systematic review and meta-analysis of Price value the other UTAUT2 additional construct revealed major inconsistency of the model with just 41% UTAUT2 based studies including the construct in their research. Thus, the aim of this research is to understand the appropriateness of ‘habit’ construct usage among UTAUT2 based empirical studies and their reason for omission or inclusion. The findings from 66 empirical studies revealed only 23 studies a meagre (35%) utilised ‘habit’ construct and the remaining massive 43 studies (65%) excluded the construct from their research model. The major reason for studies not including “habit” construct was they were examining users of new technology at early stage of adoption where sufficient time hasn’t elapsed for users to form habit. Moreover this study caution the use of experience as an alternative for habit. Since experience can be gained under mandatory settings which is not sufficient enough to form habit that occurs more naturally under voluntary settings. This study also provided number of recommendations for theory and practice based on the findings

    The battle of Brain vs. Heart: A literature review and meta-analysis of "hedonic motivation" use in UTAUT2

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    YesMuch of the scholarly debate on the extrinsic-intrinsic motivation dichotomy to date has focused on organisational context. However, the recent upsurge of technology use amongst individuals in non-organisational context has led to consumer-focused research model such as extended unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT2). The objective of this study is to bring back much needed focus on motivation dichotomy from the consumer perspective. This involved a systematic review and meta-analysis of hedonic motivation an affective construct in UTAUT2 studies. The findings from 79 UTAUT2 empirical studies revealed that only 46 studies (58%) utilised hedonic motivation while the remaining 33 studies (42%) omitted the construct. Extrinsic motivation was the major driver of non-hedonic and non-significant hedonic motivation studies with individuals using technologies for utilitarian outcomes. Unlike UTAUT2, moderators association of hedonic motivation were non-significant in determining consumer intention to use technology. The findings also revealed an important association between hedonic motivation and effort expectancy, in addition to fruitful directions for research and practice

    Factors influencing first year pre-service teachers’ acceptance and use of a synchronous collaborative online application

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    Abstract : Technological tools and online platforms seems to be developing swiftly in the 21st century. For example, online applications are being created, developed and designed. Furthermore, learning technologies, new and emerging are repeatedly disconnecting and disrupting the teaching and learning discourse. As such, students’ acceptance and use of technologies introduced in the academic learning ecosystems is of great importance as this helps to determine their successful use. Through the utilisation of Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology 2 (UTAUT2) this research seeks to identify factors influencing first year preservice teachers’ acceptance and use of the VIA application (VIA app) as a synchronous collaborative online application. An online questionnaire was employed to gather data from the XZ Institute for Higher Education (XZ) preservice teachers in this research. The questionnaire tested six of the UTAUT2 constructs to determine acceptance using a 5-point Likert scale. The constructs performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, facilitating conditions, hedonic motivation and habit were used. Price value as a construct was excluded partly because technological devices such as laptops or tablets are the facilitating means to the solution of acceptance of the VIA app, and free Wi-Fi coverage is available at all of the campuses. Data was processed through the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS version 25). Furthermore, the justification for the use of Mann Whitney U test and Kruskal–Wallis H test was explored in this study. Factors that influence the acceptance and use of a VIA app as a synchronous collaborative online application of first year undergraduate pre-service teachers at XZ were explored. Analysis shows that performance expectancy significantly influences the use and acceptance of VIA app. In addition, findings suggest that effort expectancy, social influence, facilitating conditions, hedonic motivation and habit partially satisfies the influence towards the use of VIA amongst the respondents in this study. For this reason, it can be established that the UTAUT2 is a relevant instrument as far as the conceptualisation and identification of vi factors which influence the use of technological tools such as the VIA app. It also seems reasonable to conclude from the analysis of findings that gender is a significant determinant that contributes to influence the use and acceptance of pre-service teachers towards the synchronous and collaborative VIA app.M.Ed. (Educational Psychology

    BeitrÀge zur Untersuchung der informationellen Privatheit im Rahmen des Experiential Computing

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    Durch pervasive computing und bedienerfreundliche Anwendungen durchdringen Informationssysteme die Gesellschaft. Digitale GerĂ€te wie beispielsweise vernetzte GegenstĂ€nde, Wearables, Smart Homes und Smartphones unterstĂŒtzen durch bedienerfreundliche Anwendungen den Alltag von beruflichen und privaten Nutzern. Über Smart Mobile Devices und mobile Applikationen verfĂŒgt die breite Masse von Nutzern ĂŒber hochleistungsfĂ€hige und weltweit vernetzte Informationssysteme, welche die Möglichkeiten und FĂ€higkeiten eines jeden Einzelnen erweitern. Diese rapide Entwicklung hin zu Nutzer-zentrierten Informationssystemen ist ausschließlich unter der starken Einbindung der Nutzer selbst verwirklichbar, wodurch die Möglichkeiten der Aufnahme, Verarbeitung und Speicherung von persönlichen Informationen massiv ausgeweitet werden. Die vorliegende Dissertation nimmt mit der EinfĂŒhrung des experiential computing einen Perspektivenwechsel hin zum neuen Nutzer von Informationssystemen vor. Dieser stellt in Nutzer-zentrierten Systemen, die in Smart Mobile Devices und mobilen Applikationen zu sehen sind, einen selbstĂ€ndigen Teil des Informationssystems dar. Der dadurch substantielle Wertbeitrag von Nutzern in Informationssystemen, vornehmlich durch die Preisgabe persönlicher Daten, fĂŒhrt zu weitreichenden individuellen gesellschaftlichen Herausforderungen hinsichtlich deren Privatheit. Die vorliegende Dissertation trĂ€gt zur Untersuchung des Privatheitsverhaltens bei und leistet einen Forschungsbeitrag zur ErklĂ€rung des vermeintlich paradoxen Nutzungsverhaltens. Die Arbeit nimmt sich der zugrundeliegenden ĂŒbergeordneten Forschungsfrage an: Welche Einflussvariablen bedingen Privatheitsentscheidungen beim Bezug und der Nutzung von mobilen Applikationen? Informationelle Privatheit wird im Rahmen der Dissertation definitorisch eingeordnet und in Bezug zu relevanten Forschungsarbeiten der ForschungsdomĂ€ne des Information Systems Research gesetzt. Zentrale Elemente der Privatheitsforschung, wie die Privatheitsbedenken, das PrivatheitskalkĂŒl und das Privatheitsparadox werden aufgearbeitet und durch bestehende Makromodelle in Bezug zueinander gesetzt. Um zur Beantwortung der aufgeworfenen Forschungsfrage beizutragen werden acht BeitrĂ€ge zur Untersuchung der informationellen Privatheit im Rahmen des experiential computing in einem Forschungsrahmen strukturiert und vorgestellt. Im Rahmen von drei ForschungsbeitrĂ€gen wird der Entscheidungskontext von Privatheit in mobilen Ökosystemen untersucht. Hierbei werden Forschungsergebnisse hinsichtlich möglicher Wahrnehmungsverzerrungen und dem Informations-SuchVerhalten von Nutzern in mobilen Ökosystemen erzielt. Zwei ForschungsbeitrĂ€ge tragen zu einem besseren VerstĂ€ndnis des wahrgenommenen Werts der Privatheit durch die Nutzer bei. Aufgrund der Beschaffenheit von Privatheit kann deren Wert als abstrakt klassifiziert werden. Die Nutzer sehen in der Wahrung ihrer Privatheit ein kaufrelevantes Attribut von mobilen Applikationen. Im Rahmen von drei weiteren ForschungsbeitrĂ€gen wird der Bereich der Privatheitsbedenken und deren Einflussfaktoren erforscht. Hierbei kann ein an den Entscheidungskontext angepasstes Messinstrument vorgestellt und verschiedene Einflussfaktoren auf die Privatheitsbedenken identifiziert werden. Die Dissertation schließt mit einer kritischen Reflexion und identifizierten Forschungsbedarfen

    Extending UTAUT2 to Explore Pervasive Information Systems

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    The increasing emergence of pervasive information systems requires a clearer understanding of the underlying characteristics in relation to user acceptance. Based on the integration of UTAUT2 and three pervasiveness constructs, we derived a comprehensive research model to account for pervasive information systems. Data collected from 346 participants in an online survey was analyzed to test the developed model using structural equation modeling and taking into account multigroup analysis. The results confirm the applicability of the integrated UTAUT2 model to measure pervasiveness. Implications for research and practice are discussed together with future research opportunities

    Influence of big-data based digital media on spiritual goal strivings and well-being: a media richness theory perspective

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    A thesis submitted to the University of Bedfordshire in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of PhilosophyBig-Data characteristics and spirituality are seldom discussed together in the context of assistances provided by big-data based digital media on spiritual goal strivings (SGS). This study’s main aim is to investigate the significance of this relationship between big-data based digital media characteristics and SGS outcomes, and its impact on well-being. A theoretical integrated framework was developed underpinned by Media Richness Theory (MRT) to capture the influence of big-data based digital media characteristics on SGS outcomes. The research design of this epistemological study adopted positivism type of scientific enquiry; employing a deductive approach confining under quantitative research methods and used survey data collection technique. Non-probability self-selection sampling was used and a total of 987 valid responses were analysed by applying statistical tests and techniques following rigorous statistical Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) techniques using IBM AMOS. The results revealed the existence of significant relationship between the big-data based digital media characteristics and SGS outcomes. The study also reveals that digital media characteristics influences successes in SGS outcomes where certain aspects of digital media characteristics are shown to assist SGS towards accomplishments while some have shown to cause hindrances for SGS to be accomplished. The results also confirmed that success in SGS accomplishments increased vitality aspect of well-being. This information is vital for decision making, implementing and planning for various spiritual stakeholders mainly spiritual seekers, spiritual organisations and user experience (UX) - user interface (UI) designers of big-data based digital media developers. With this knowledge contribution, the stakeholders are able to make informed decisions and look for efficient strategies that would provide effective, reliable and sustainable assistances towards SGS accomplishments. The study provides theoretical contribution to the body of IS literature with an integrated and extended MRT conceptual framework providing the foundation for exploring the extended MRT instrument for future studies in similar thematic contexts by other researchers. Further, this study’s empirically validated evidence provides practical contribution in its effort to spiritual stakeholders with the confidence to adopt and develop effective strategies to implement big-data based digital systems in organisations with selective configuring and tuning to utilise the accelerating aspects of the medium for effective SGS accomplishments. UX and UI stakeholders will benefit significantly to be able to design and develop digital systems supporting SGS based on a deeper understanding of the certain factors from this study which indicates significant influence on SGS and to look for effective strategies in their development phase to accommodate the revealed concerns and assistances that would provide efficient, consistent and sustainable spiritual goal outcomes. Overall the findings in this study provide optimistic future for utilising the assistances provided by big-data based digital media capabilities for SGS accomplishments. Overall statistical results reveal that the advantages of assistances provided towards SGS outcomes outweighed the disadvantages of hindrances towards SGS outcomes