24 research outputs found

    TALplanner in IPC-2002: Extensions and Control Rules

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    TALplanner is a forward-chaining planner that relies on domain knowledge in the shape of temporal logic formulas in order to prune irrelevant parts of the search space. TALplanner recently participated in the third International Planning Competition, which had a clear emphasis on increasing the complexity of the problem domains being used as benchmark tests and the expressivity required to represent these domains in a planning system. Like many other planners, TALplanner had support for some but not all aspects of this increase in expressivity, and a number of changes to the planner were required. After a short introduction to TALplanner, this article describes some of the changes that were made before and during the competition. We also describe the process of introducing suitable domain knowledge for several of the competition domains

    Progress in AI Planning Research and Applications

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    Planning has made significant progress since its inception in the 1970s, in terms both of the efficiency and sophistication of its algorithms and representations and its potential for application to real problems. In this paper we sketch the foundations of planning as a sub-field of Artificial Intelligence and the history of its development over the past three decades. Then some of the recent achievements within the field are discussed and provided some experimental data demonstrating the progress that has been made in the application of general planners to realistic and complex problems. The paper concludes by identifying some of the open issues that remain as important challenges for future research in planning

    Exploiting a graphplan framework in temporal planning

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    Graphplan (Blum and Furst 1995) has proved a popular and successful basis for a succession of extensions. An extension to handle temporal planning is a natural one to consider, because of the seductively time-like structure of the layers in the plan graph. TGP (Smith and Weld 1999) and TPSys (Garrido, OnaindĆ­a, and Barber 2001; Garrido, Fox, and Long 2002) are both examples of temporal planners that have exploited the Graphplan foundation. However, both of these systems (including both versions of TPSys) exploit the graph to represent a uniform flow of time. In this paper we describe an alternative approach, in which the graph is used to represent the purely logical structuring of the plan, with temporal constraints being managed separately (although not independently). The approach uses a linear constraint solver to ensure that temporal durations are correctly respected. The resulting planner offers an interesting alternative to the other approaches, offering an important extension in expressive power

    Cross organisational compatible workflows generation and execution

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    With the development of internet and electronics, the demand for electronic and online commerce has increased. This has, in turn, increased the demand for business process automation. Workflow has established itself as the technology used for business process automation. Since business organisations have to work in coordination with many other business organisations in order to succeed in business, the workflows of business organisations are expected to collaborate with those of other business organisations. Collaborating organisations can only proceed in business if they have compatible workflows. Therefore, there is a need for cross organisational workflow collaboration. The dynamism and complexity of online and electronic business and high demand from the market leave the workflows prone to frequent changes. If a workflow changes, it has to be re-engineered as well as reconciled with the workflows of the collaborating organisations. To avoid the continuous re-engineering and reconciliation of workflows, and to reuse the existing units of work done, the focus has recently shifted from modeling workflows to automatic workflow generation. Workflows must proceed to runtime execution, otherwise, the effort invested in the build time workflow modeling is wasted. Therefore, workflow management and collaboration systems must support workflow enactment and runtime workflow collaboration. Although substantial research has been done in build-time workflow collaboration, automatic workflow generation, workflow enactment and runtime workflow collaboration, the integration of these highly inter-dependent aspects of workflow has not been considered in the literature. The research work presented in this thesis investigates the integration of these different aspects. The main focus of the research presented in this thesis is the creation of a framework that is able to generate multiple sets of compatible workflows for multiple collaborating organisations, from their OWLS process definitions and high level goals. The proposed framework also supports runtime enactment and runtime collaboration of the generated workflows

    An AI planning-based tool for scheduling satellite nominal operations

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    Satellite domains are becoming a fashionable area of research within the AI community due to the complexity of the problems that satellite domains need to solve. With the current U.S. and European focus on launching satellites for communication, broadcasting, or localization tasks, among others, the automatic control of these machines becomes an important problem. Many new techniques in both the planning and scheduling fields have been applied successfully, but still much work is left to be done for reliable autonomous architectures. The purpose of this article is to present CONSAT, a real application that plans and schedules the performance of nominal operations in four satellites during the course of a year for a commercial Spanish satellite company, HISPASAT. For this task, we have used an AI domain-independent planner that solves the planning and scheduling problems in the HISPASAT domain thanks to its capability of representing and handling continuous variables, coding functions to obtain the operators' variable values, and the use of control rules to prune the search. We also abstract the approach in order to generalize it to other domains that need an integrated approach to planning and scheduling.Publicad

    Hybrid Mission Planning with Coalition Formation

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    Efficient Automated Planning with New Formulations

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    Problem solving usually strongly relies on how the problem is formulated. This fact also applies to automated planning, a key field in artificial intelligence research. Classical planning used to be dominated by STRIPS formulation, a simple model based on propositional logic. In the recently introduced SAS+ formulation, the multi-valued variables naturally depict certain invariants that are missed in STRIPS, make SAS+ have many favorable features. Because of its rich structural information SAS+ begins to attract lots of research interest. Existing works, however, are mostly limited to one single thing: to improve heuristic functions. This is in sharp contrast with the abundance of planning models and techniques in the field. On the other hand, although heuristic is a key part for search, its effectiveness is limited. Recent investigations have shown that even if we have almost perfect heuristics, the number of states to visit is still exponential. Therefore, there is a barrier between the nice features of SAS+ and its applications in planning algorithms. In this dissertation, we have recasted two major planning paradigms: state space search and planning as Satisfiability: SAT), with three major contributions. First, we have utilized SAS+ for a new hierarchical state space search model by taking advantage of the decomposable structure within SAS+. This algorithm can greatly reduce the time complexity for planning. Second, planning as Satisfiability is a major planning approach, but it is traditionally based on STRIPS. We have developed a new SAS+ based SAT encoding scheme: SASE) for planning. The state space modeled by SASE shows a decomposable structure with certain components independent to others, showing promising structure that STRIPS based encoding does not have. Third, the expressiveness of planning is important for real world scenarios, thus we have also extended the planning as SAT to temporally expressive planning and planning with action costs, two advanced features beyond classical planning. The resulting planner is competitive to state-of-the-art planners, in terms of both quality and performance. Overall, our work strongly suggests a shifting trend of planning from STRIPS to SAS+, and shows the power of formulating planning problems as Satisfiability. Given the important roles of both classical planning and temporal planning, our work will inspire new developments in other advanced planning problem domains

    Postdictive Reasoning in Epistemic Action Theory

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    If an agent executes an action, this will not only change the world physically, but also the agent's knowledge about the world. Therefore the occurrence of an action can be modeled as an epistemic state transition which maps the knowledge state of an agent to a successor knowledge state. For example, consider that an agent in a state s_0 executes an action a. This causes a transition to a state s_1. Subsequently, the agent executes a sensing action a_s, which produces knowledge and causes a transition to a state s_2. With the information which is gained by the sensation, the agent can not only extend its knowledge about s_2, but also infer additional knowledge about the initial state s_0. That is, the agent uses knowledge about the present to retrospectively acquire additional information about the past. We refer to this temporal form of epistemic inference as postdiction. Existing action theories are not capable of efficiently performing postdictive reasoning because they require an exponential number of state variables to represent an agent's knowledge state. The contribution of this thesis is an approximate epistemic action theory which is capable of postdictive reasoning while it requires only a linear number of state variables to represent an agent's knowledge state. In addition, the theory is able to perform a more general temporal form of postdiction, which most existing approaches do not support. We call the theory the h-approximation (HPX) because it explicitly represents historical knowledge about past world states. In addition to the operational semantics of HPX, we present its formalization in terms of Answer Set Programming (ASP) and provide respective soundness results. The ASP implementation allows us to apply HPX in real robotic applications by using off-the-shelf ASP solvers. Specifically, we integrate of HPX in an online planning framework for Cognitive Robotics where planning, plan execution and abductive explanation tasks are interleaved. As a proof-of-concept, we provide a case-study which demonstrates the application of HPX for high-level robot control in a Smart Home. The case-study emphasizes the usefulness of postdiction for abnormality detection in robotics: actions which are performed by robots are often not successful due to unforeseen practical problems. A solution is to verify action success by observing the effects of the action. If the desired effects do not hold after action execution, then one can postdict the existence of an abnormality

    Semantic Based Support for Visualisation in Complex Collaborative Planning Environments

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    Centre for Intelligent Systems and their ApplicationsVisualisation in intelligent planning systems [Ghallab et al., 2004] is a subject that has not been given much attention by researchers. Among the existing planning systems, some well known planners do not propose a solution for visualisation at all, while others only consider a single approach when this solution sometimes is not appropriate for every situation. Thus, users cannot make the most of planning systems because they do not have appropriate support for interaction with them. This problem is more enhanced when considering mixed-initiative planning systems, where agents that are collaborating in the process have different backgrounds, are playing different roles in the process, have different capabilities and responsibilities, or are using different devices to interact and collaborate in the process. To address this problem, we propose a general framework for visualisation in planning systems that will give support for a more appropriate visualisation mechanism. This framework is divided into two main parts: a knowledge representation aspect and a reasoning mechanism for multi-modality visualisation. The knowledge representation uses the concept of ontology to organise and model complex domain problems. The reasoning mechanism gives support to reasoning about the visualisation problem based on the knowledge bases available for a realistic collaborative planning environment, including agent preferences, device features, planning information, visualisation modalities, etc. The main result of the reasoning mechanism is an appropriate visualisation modality for each specific situation, which provides a better interaction among agents (software and human) in a collaborative planning environment. The main contributions of this approach are: (1) it is a general and extensible framework for the problem of visualisation in planning systems, which enables the modelling of the domain from an information visualisation perspective; (2) it allows a tailored approach for visualisation of information in an AI collaborative planning environment; (3) its models can be used separately in other problems and domains; (4) it is based on real standards that enable easy communication and interoperability with other systems and services; and (5) it has a broad potential for its application on the Semantic Web