905 research outputs found

    Safety verification of asynchronous pushdown systems with shaped stacks

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    In this paper, we study the program-point reachability problem of concurrent pushdown systems that communicate via unbounded and unordered message buffers. Our goal is to relax the common restriction that messages can only be retrieved by a pushdown process when its stack is empty. We use the notion of partially commutative context-free grammars to describe a new class of asynchronously communicating pushdown systems with a mild shape constraint on the stacks for which the program-point coverability problem remains decidable. Stacks that fit the shape constraint may reach arbitrary heights; further a process may execute any communication action (be it process creation, message send or retrieval) whether or not its stack is empty. This class extends previous computational models studied in the context of asynchronous programs, and enables the safety verification of a large class of message passing programs

    Verification of Well-formedness in Message-Passing Asynchronous Systems modeled as Communicating Finite-State Machines

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    Asynchronous systems with message-passing communication paradigm have made major inroads in many application domains in service-oriented computing, secure and safe operating systems and in general, distributed systems. Asynchrony and concurrency in these systems bring in new challenges in verification of correctness properties. In particular, the high-level behavior of message-passing asynchronous systems is modeled as communicating finite-state machines (CFSMs) with unbounded communication buffers/channels. It has been proven that, in general, state-space exploration based automatic verification of CFSMs is undecidable - specifically, reachability and boundedness problems for CFSMs are undecidable. In this context, we focus on an important path-based property for CFSMs, namely well-formedness - every message sent can be eventually consumed. We show that well-formedness is undecidable as well, and present decidable sub-classes for which verification of well-formedness can be automated. We implemented the algorithm for verifying the well-formedness for the decidable subclass, and present our results using several case studies such as service choreographies and Singularity OS contracts

    The Servers of Serverless Computing: A Formal Revisitation of Functions as a Service

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    International audienceServerless computing is a paradigm for programming cloud applications in terms of stateless functions, executed and scaled in proportion to inbound requests. Here, we revisit SKC, a calculus capturing the essential features of serverless programming. By exploring the design space of the language, we refined the integration between the fundamental features of the two calculi that inspire SKC: the λ-and the π-calculus. That investigation led us to a revised syntax and semantics, which support an increase in the expressiveness of the language. In particular, now function names are first-class citizens and can be passed around. To illustrate the new features, we present step-by-step examples and two non-trivial use cases from artificial intelligence, which model, respectively, a perceptron and an image tagging system into compositions of serverless functions. We also illustrate how SKC supports reasoning on serverless implementations, i.e., the underlying network of communicating, concurrent, and mobile processes which execute serverless functions in the cloud. To that aim, we show an encoding from SKC to the asynchronous π-calculus and prove it correct in terms of an operational correspondence

    A formal actor-based model for streaming the future

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    Asynchronous Actor-based programming has gained increasing attention as a model of concurrency and distribution. The Abstract Behavioral Specification (ABS) language is an actor-based programming language that has been developed for both the modeling and formal analysis of distributed systems. In ABS, actors are modeled as concurrent objects that communicate by asynchronous method calls. Return values are also communicated asynchronously via return statements and so-called futures. Many modern distributed software

    Asynchronous programming in the abstract behavioural specification language

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    Chip manufacturers are rapidly moving towards so-called manycore chips with thousands of independent processors on the same silicon real estate. Current programming languages can only leverage the potential power by inserting code with low level concurrency constructs, sacrificing clarity. Alternatively, a programming language can integrate a thread of execution with a stable notion of identity, e.g., in active objects.Abstract Behavioural Specification (ABS) is a language for designing executable models of parallel and distributed object-oriented systems based on active objects, and is defined in terms of a formal operational semantics which enables a variety of static and dynamic analysis techniques for the ABS models.The overall goal of this thesis is to extend the asynchronous programming model and the corresponding analysis techniques in ABS.Algorithms and the Foundations of Software technolog

    A framework for deadlock detection in core ABS

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    We present a framework for statically detecting deadlocks in a concurrent object-oriented language with asynchronous method calls and cooperative scheduling of method activations. Since this language features recursion and dynamic resource creation, deadlock detection is extremely complex and state-of-the-art solutions either give imprecise answers or do not scale. In order to augment precision and scalability we propose a modular framework that allows several techniques to be combined. The basic component of the framework is a front-end inference algorithm that extracts abstract behavioural descriptions of methods, called contracts, which retain resource dependency information. This component is integrated with a number of possible different back-ends that analyse contracts and derive deadlock information. As a proof-of-concept, we discuss two such back-ends: (i) an evaluator that computes a fixpoint semantics and (ii) an evaluator using abstract model checking.Comment: Software and Systems Modeling, Springer Verlag, 201

    Symmetric and Synchronous Communication in Peer-to-Peer Networks

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    Motivated by distributed implementations of game-theoretical algorithms, we study symmetric process systems and the problem of attaining common knowledge between processes. We formalize our setting by defining a notion of peer-to-peer networks(*) and appropriate symmetry concepts in the context of Communicating Sequential Processes (CSP), due to the common knowledge creating effects of its synchronous communication primitives. We then prove that CSP with input and output guards makes common knowledge in symmetric peer-to-peer networks possible, but not the restricted version which disallows output statements in guards and is commonly implemented. (*) Please note that we are not dealing with fashionable incarnations such as file-sharing networks, but merely use this name for a mathematical notion of a network consisting of directly connected peers "treated on an equal footing", i.e. not having a client-server structure or otherwise pre-determined roles.)Comment: polished, modernized references; incorporated referee feedback from MPC'0