107 research outputs found

    Simplicial and Cellular Trees

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    Much information about a graph can be obtained by studying its spanning trees. On the other hand, a graph can be regarded as a 1-dimensional cell complex, raising the question of developing a theory of trees in higher dimension. As observed first by Bolker, Kalai and Adin, and more recently by numerous authors, the fundamental topological properties of a tree --- namely acyclicity and connectedness --- can be generalized to arbitrary dimension as the vanishing of certain cellular homology groups. This point of view is consistent with the matroid-theoretic approach to graphs, and yields higher-dimensional analogues of classical enumerative results including Cayley's formula and the matrix-tree theorem. A subtlety of the higher-dimensional case is that enumeration must account for the possibility of torsion homology in trees, which is always trivial for graphs. Cellular trees are the starting point for further high-dimensional extensions of concepts from algebraic graph theory including the critical group, cut and flow spaces, and discrete dynamical systems such as the abelian sandpile model.Comment: 39 pages (including 5-page bibliography); 5 figures. Chapter for forthcoming IMA volume "Recent Trends in Combinatorics

    Combinatorial Optimization

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    Combinatorial Optimization is a very active field that benefits from bringing together ideas from different areas, e.g., graph theory and combinatorics, matroids and submodularity, connectivity and network flows, approximation algorithms and mathematical programming, discrete and computational geometry, discrete and continuous problems, algebraic and geometric methods, and applications. We continued the long tradition of triannual Oberwolfach workshops, bringing together the best researchers from the above areas, discovering new connections, and establishing new and deepening existing international collaborations

    On some problems related to 2-level polytopes

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    In this thesis we investigate a number of problems related to 2-level polytopes, in particular from the point of view of the combinatorial structure and the extension complexity. 2-level polytopes were introduced as a generalization of stable set polytopes of perfect graphs, and despite their apparently simple structure, are at the center of many open problems ranging from information theory to semidefinite programming. The extension complexity of a polytope P is a measure of the complexity of representing P: it is the smallest size of an extended formulation of P, which in turn is a linear description of a polyhedron that projects down to P. In the first chapter, we examine several classes of 2-level polytopes arising in combinatorial settings and we prove a relation between the number of vertices and facets of such polytopes, which is conjectured to hold for all 2-level polytopes. The proofs are obtained through an improved understanding of the combinatorial structure of such polytopes, which in some cases leads to results of independent interest. In the second chapter, we study the extension complexity of a restricted class of 2-level polytopes, the stable set polytopes of bipartite graphs, for which we obtain non-trivial lower and upper bounds. In the third chapter we study slack matrices of 2-level polytopes, important combinatorial objects related to extension complexity, defining operations on them and giving algorithms for the following recognition problem: given a matrix, determine whether it is a slack matrix of some special class of 2-level polytopes. In the fourth chapter we address the problem of explicitly obtaining small size extended formulations whose existence is guaranteed by communication protocols. In particular we give an algorithm to write down extended formulations for the stable set polytope of perfect graphs, making a well known result by Yannakakis constructive, and we extend this to all deterministic protocols

    Matroid theory for algebraic geometers

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    This article is a survey of matroid theory aimed at algebraic geometers. Matroids are combinatorial abstractions of linear subspaces and hyperplane arrangements. Not all matroids come from linear subspaces; those that do are said to be representable. Still, one may apply linear algebraic constructions to non-representable matroids. There are a number of different definitions of matroids, a phenomenon known as cryptomorphism. In this survey, we begin by reviewing the classical definitions of matroids, develop operations in matroid theory, summarize some results in representability, and construct polynomial invariants of matroids. Afterwards, we focus on matroid polytopes, introduced by Gelfand-Goresky-MacPherson-Serganova, which give a cryptomorphic definition of matroids. We explain certain locally closed subsets of the Grassmannian, thin Schubert cells, which are labeled by matroids, and which have applications to representability, moduli problems, and invariants of matroids following Fink-Speyer. We explain how matroids can be thought of as cohomology classes in a particular toric variety, the permutohedral variety, by means of Bergman fans, and apply this description to give an exposition of the proof of log-concavity of the characteristic polynomial of representable matroids due to the author with Huh.Comment: 74 page

    Geometric, Algebraic, and Topological Combinatorics

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    The 2019 Oberwolfach meeting "Geometric, Algebraic and Topological Combinatorics" was organized by Gil Kalai (Jerusalem), Isabella Novik (Seattle), Francisco Santos (Santander), and Volkmar Welker (Marburg). It covered a wide variety of aspects of Discrete Geometry, Algebraic Combinatorics with geometric flavor, and Topological Combinatorics. Some of the highlights of the conference included (1) Karim Adiprasito presented his very recent proof of the gg-conjecture for spheres (as a talk and as a "Q\&A" evening session) (2) Federico Ardila gave an overview on "The geometry of matroids", including his recent extension with Denham and Huh of previous work of Adiprasito, Huh and Katz

    Neighborly and almost neighborly configurations, and their duals

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    This thesis presents new applications of Gale duality to the study of polytopes with extremal combinatorial properties. It consists in two parts. The first one is devoted to the construction of neighborly polytopes and oriented matroids. The second part concerns the degree of point configurations, a combinatorial invariant closely related to neighborliness. A d-dimensional polytope P is called neighborly if every subset of at most d/2 vertices of P forms a face. In 1982, Ido Shemer presented a technique to construct neighborly polytopes, which he named the "Sewing construction". With it he could prove that the number of neighborly polytopes in dimension d with n vertices grows superexponentially with n. One of the contributions of this thesis is the analysis of the sewing construction from the point of view of lexicographic extensions. This allows us to present a technique that we call the "Extended Sewing construction", that generalizes it in several aspects and simplifies its proof. We also present a second generalization that we call the "Gale Sewing construction". This construction exploits Gale duality an is based on lexicographic extensions of the duals of neighborly polytopes and oriented matroids. Thanks to this technique we obtain one of the main results of this thesis: a lower bound of ((r+d)^(((r+d)/2)^2)/(r^((r/2)^2)d^((d/2)^2)e^(3rd/4)) for the number of combinatorial types of neighborly polytopes of even dimension d and r+d+1 vertices. This result not only improves Shemer's bound, but it also improves the current best bounds for the number of polytopes. The combination of both new techniques also allows us to construct many non-realizable neighborly oriented matroids. The degree of a point configuration is the maximal codimension of its interior faces. In particular, a simplicial polytope is neighborly if and only if the degree of its set of vertices is [(d+1)/2]. For this reason, d-dimensional configurations of degree k are also known as "(d-k)-almost neighborly". The second part of the thesis presents various results on the combinatorial structure of point configurations whose degree is small compared to their dimension; specifically, those whose degree is smaller than [(d+1)/2], the degree of neighborly polytopes. The study of this problem comes motivated by Ehrhart theory, where a notion equivalent to the degree - for lattice polytopes - has been widely studied during the last years. In addition, the study of the degree is also related to the "generalized lower bound theorem" for simplicial polytopes, with Cayley polytopes and with Tverberg theory. Among other results, we present a complete combinatorial classification for point configurations of degree 1. Moreover, we show combinatorial restrictions in terms of the novel concept of "weak Cayley configuration" for configurations whose degree is smaller than a third of the dimension. We also introduce the notion of "codegree decomposition" and conjecture that any configuration whose degree is smaller than half the dimension admits a non-trivial codegree decomposition. For this conjecture, we show various motivations and we prove some particular cases
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