33 research outputs found

    Test of preemptive real-time systems

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    Time Petri nets with stopwatches not only model system/environment interactions and time constraints. They further enable modeling of suspend/resume operations in real-time systems. Assuming the modelled systems are non deterministic and partially observable, the paper proposes a test generation approach which implements an online testing policy and outputs test results that are valid for the (part of the) selected environment. A relativized conformance relation named rswtioco is defined and a test generation algorithm is presented. The proposed approach is illustrated on an example

    Formal Verification of Real-time Systems with Preemptive Scheduling

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    International audienceIn this paper, we propose a method for the verification of timed properties for real-time systems featuring a preemptive scheduling policy: the system, modeled as a scheduling time Petri net, is first translated into a linear hybrid automaton to which it is time-bisimilar. Timed properties can then be verified using HyTech. The efficiency of this approach leans on two major points: first, the translation features a minimization of the number of variables (clocks) of the resulting automaton, which is a critical parameter for the efficiency of the ensuing verification. Second, the translation is performed by an over-approximating algorithm, which is based on Difference Bound Matrix and therefore efficient, that nonetheless produces a time-bisimilar automaton despite the over-approximation. The proposed modeling and verification method are generic enough to account for many scheduling policies. In this paper, we specifically show how to deal with Fixed Priority and Earliest Deadline First policies, with the possibility of using Round-Robin for tasks with the same priority. We have implemented the method and give some experimental results illustrating its efficiency

    Conformance Testing of Preemptive Real-Time Systems

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    The paper presents an approach for model-based black-box conformance testing of preemptive real-time systems using Labeled Prioritized Time Petri Nets with Stopwatches (LPrSwTPN). These models not only specify system/environment interactions and time constraints. They further enable modelling of suspend/resume operations in real-time systems. The test specification used to generate test primitives, to check the correctness of system responses and to draw test verdicts is an LPrSwTPN made up of two concurrent sub-nets that respectively specify the system under test and its environment. The algorithms used in the TINA model analyzer have been extended to support concurrent composed subnets. Relativized stopwatch timed input/output conformance serves as the notion of implementation correctness, essentially timed trace inclusion taking environment assumptions into account. Assuming the modelled systems are non deterministic and partially observable, the paper proposes a test generation and execution algorithm which is based on symbolic techniques and implements an online testing policy and outputs test results for the (part of the) selected environment

    Improving the construction of the DBM over approximation of the state spce of real-time preemptive systems

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    We present in this paper an algorithm allowing an efficient computation of the tightest DBM over-approximation of the state space of preemptive systems modeled by using Time Petri Nets with inhibitor arcs. First of all, we propose an algorithm that reduces the effort of computing the tightest DBM over-approximated graph. For this effect, each class of this graph is expressed as a pair (M, D), where M is a marking and D is the system of all DBM inequalities even the redundant ones. We thereby make it possible to compute the system D straightforwardly in its normal form, without requiring to compute the intermediary polyhedra. Hence, we succeed to remove the errors reported in the implementation of other DBM approximations. Then we show that by relaxing a bit in the precision of the DBM approximation, we can achieve to construct more compact graphs while reducing still more the cost of their computation. We provide for this abstraction a suitable equivalence relation that contract yet more the graphs. The experimental results comparing the defined constructions with other approaches are reported

    Verification and Parameter Synthesis for Real-Time Programs using Refinement of Trace Abstraction

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    We address the safety verification and synthesis problems for real-time systems. We introduce real-time programs that are made of instructions that can perform assignments to discrete and real-valued variables. They are general enough to capture interesting classes of timed systems such as timed automata, stopwatch automata, time(d) Petri nets and hybrid automata. We propose a semi-algorithm using refinement of trace abstractions to solve both the reachability verification problem and the parameter synthesis problem for real-time programs. All of the algorithms proposed have been implemented and we have conducted a series of experiments, comparing the performance of our new approach to state-of-the-art tools in classical reachability, robustness analysis and parameter synthesis for timed systems. We show that our new method provides solutions to problems which are unsolvable by the current state-of-the-art tools

    Acta Cybernetica : Volume 20. Number 3.

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    Efficient Analysis and Synthesis of Complex Quantitative Systems

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