5 research outputs found

    Expressiveness and static analysis of extended conjunctive regular path queries

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    We study the expressiveness and the complexity of static analysis of extended conjunctive regular path queries (ECRPQs), introduced by Barcel贸 et al. (2010) [3]. ECRPQs are an extension of conjunctive regular path querie s (CRPQs), a well-studied language for querying graph structured databases. Our first main result shows that query containment and equivalence of a CRPQ in an ECRPQ are undecidable. This settles one of the main open problems posed by Barcel贸 et al. As a second main result, we prove a non-recursive succinctness gap between CRPQs and the CRPQ-expressible fragment of ECRPQs. Apart from this, we develop a tool for proving inexpressibility results for CRPQs and ECRPQs. In particular, this enables us to show that there exist queries definable by regular expressions with backreferencing, but not expressible by ECRPQs. 漏 2013 Elsevier Inc

    Expressiveness and static analysis of extended conjunctive regular path queries

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    We study the expressiveness and the complexity of static analysis of extended conjunctive regular path queries (ECRPQs), introduced by Barcel贸 et al. (PODS '10). ECRPQs are an extension of con- junctive regular path queries (CRPQs), a well-studied language for querying graph structured databases. Our first main result shows that query containment and equivalence of a CRPQ in an ECRPQ is undecidable. This settles one of the main open problems posed by Barcel贸 et al. As a second main result, we prove a non-recursive succinctness gap between CRPQs and the CRPQ-expressible fragment of ECRPQs. Apart from this, we develop a tool for proving inexpressibility results for CRPQs and ECRPQs. In particular, this enables us to show that there exist queries definable by regular expressions with backreferencing, but not expressible by ECRPQs

    Expressiveness and static analysis of extended conjunctive regular path queries

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    This paper is a full version of the authors' conference contribution from the 5th Alberto Mendelzon International Workshop on Foundations of Data Management (AMW2011), Santiago, Chile, May 9-12, 2011.We study the expressiveness and the complexity of static analysis of extended conjunctive regular path queries (ECRPQs), introduced by Barcel贸 et al. (2010) [3]. ECRPQs are an extension of conjunctive regular path querie s (CRPQs), a well-studied language for querying graph structured databases. Our first main result shows that query containment and equivalence of a CRPQ in an ECRPQ are undecidable. This settles one of the main open problems posed by Barcel贸 et al. As a second main result, we prove a non-recursive succinctness gap between CRPQs and the CRPQ-expressible fragment of ECRPQs. Apart from this, we develop a tool for proving inexpressibility results for CRPQs and ECRPQs. In particular, this enables us to show that there exist queries definable by regular expressions with backreferencing, but not expressible by ECRPQs. 漏 2013 Elsevier Inc

    Document spanners: from expressive power to decision problems

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    We examine document spanners, a formal framework for information extraction that was introduced by Fagin, Kimelfeld, Reiss, and Vansummeren (PODS 2013, JACM 2015). A document spanner is a function that maps an input string to a relation over spans (intervals of positions of the string). We focus on document spanners that are defined by regex formulas, which are basically regular expressions that map matched subexpressions to corresponding spans, and on core spanners, which extend the former by standard algebraic operators and string equality selection. First, we compare the expressive power of core spanners to three models {namely, patterns, word equations, and a rich and natural subclass of extended regular expressions (regular expressions with a repetition operator). These results are then used to analyze the complexity of query evaluation and various aspects of static analysis of core spanners. Finally, we examine the relative succinctness of different kinds of representations of core spanners and relate this to the simplification of core spanners that are extended with difference operators

    A logic for document spanners

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    Document spanners are a formal framework for information extraction that was introduced by Fagin, Kimelfeld, Reiss, and Vansummeren (PODS 2013, JACM 2015). One of the central models in this framework are core spanners, which formalize the query language AQL that is used in IBM鈥檚 SystemT. As shown by Freydenberger and Holldack (ICDT 2016, ToCS 2018), there is a connection between core spanners and ECreg, the existential theory of concatenation with regular constraints. The present paper further develops this connection by defining SpLog, a fragment of ECreg that has the same expressive power as core spanners. This equivalence extends beyond equivalence of expressive power, as we show the existence of polynomial time conversions between SpLog and core spanners. Consequences and applications include an alternative way of defining relations for spanners, a pumping lemma for core spanners, and insights into the relative succinctness of various classes of spanner representations and their connection to graph querying languages. We also briefly discuss the connection between SpLog with negation and core spanners with a difference operator