1,999 research outputs found

    Lower Bounds for (Non-Monotone) Comparator Circuits

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    Comparator circuits are a natural circuit model for studying the concept of bounded fan-out computations, which intuitively corresponds to whether or not a computational model can make "copies" of intermediate computational steps. Comparator circuits are believed to be weaker than general Boolean circuits, but they can simulate Branching Programs and Boolean formulas. In this paper we prove the first superlinear lower bounds in the general (non-monotone) version of this model for an explicitly defined function. More precisely, we prove that the n-bit Element Distinctness function requires ?((n/ log n)^(3/2)) size comparator circuits

    Span Programs and Quantum Space Complexity

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    While quantum computers hold the promise of significant computational speedups, the limited size of early quantum machines motivates the study of space-bounded quantum computation. We relate the quantum space complexity of computing a function f with one-sided error to the logarithm of its span program size, a classical quantity that is well-studied in attempts to prove formula size lower bounds. In the more natural bounded error model, we show that the amount of space needed for a unitary quantum algorithm to compute f with bounded (two-sided) error is lower bounded by the logarithm of its approximate span program size. Approximate span programs were introduced in the field of quantum algorithms but not studied classically. However, the approximate span program size of a function is a natural generalization of its span program size. While no non-trivial lower bound is known on the span program size (or approximate span program size) of any concrete function, a number of lower bounds are known on the monotone span program size. We show that the approximate monotone span program size of f is a lower bound on the space needed by quantum algorithms of a particular form, called monotone phase estimation algorithms, to compute f. We then give the first non-trivial lower bound on the approximate span program size of an explicit function

    Representations of Monotone Boolean Functions by Linear Programs

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    We introduce the notion of monotone linear-programming circuits (MLP circuits), a model of computation for partial Boolean functions. Using this model, we prove the following results. 1. MLP circuits are superpolynomially stronger than monotone Boolean circuits. 2. MLP circuits are exponentially stronger than monotone span programs. 3. MLP circuits can be used to provide monotone feasibility interpolation theorems for Lovasz-Schrijver proof systems, and for mixed Lovasz-Schrijver proof systems. 4. The Lovasz-Schrijver proof system cannot be polynomially simulated by the cutting planes proof system. This is the first result showing a separation between these two proof systems. Finally, we discuss connections between the problem of proving lower bounds on the size of MLPs and the problem of proving lower bounds on extended formulations of polytopes

    Arithmetic Circuits and the Hadamard Product of Polynomials

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    Motivated by the Hadamard product of matrices we define the Hadamard product of multivariate polynomials and study its arithmetic circuit and branching program complexity. We also give applications and connections to polynomial identity testing. Our main results are the following. 1. We show that noncommutative polynomial identity testing for algebraic branching programs over rationals is complete for the logspace counting class \ceql, and over fields of characteristic pp the problem is in \ModpL/\Poly. 2.We show an exponential lower bound for expressing the Raz-Yehudayoff polynomial as the Hadamard product of two monotone multilinear polynomials. In contrast the Permanent can be expressed as the Hadamard product of two monotone multilinear formulas of quadratic size.Comment: 20 page

    Adventures in Monotone Complexity and TFNP

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    Separations: We introduce a monotone variant of Xor-Sat and show it has exponential monotone circuit complexity. Since Xor-Sat is in NC^2, this improves qualitatively on the monotone vs. non-monotone separation of Tardos (1988). We also show that monotone span programs over R can be exponentially more powerful than over finite fields. These results can be interpreted as separating subclasses of TFNP in communication complexity. Characterizations: We show that the communication (resp. query) analogue of PPA (subclass of TFNP) captures span programs over F_2 (resp. Nullstellensatz degree over F_2). Previously, it was known that communication FP captures formulas (Karchmer - Wigderson, 1988) and that communication PLS captures circuits (Razborov, 1995)

    Bounds on the maximum multiplicity of some common geometric graphs

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    We obtain new lower and upper bounds for the maximum multiplicity of some weighted and, respectively, non-weighted common geometric graphs drawn on n points in the plane in general position (with no three points collinear): perfect matchings, spanning trees, spanning cycles (tours), and triangulations. (i) We present a new lower bound construction for the maximum number of triangulations a set of n points in general position can have. In particular, we show that a generalized double chain formed by two almost convex chains admits {\Omega}(8.65^n) different triangulations. This improves the bound {\Omega}(8.48^n) achieved by the double zig-zag chain configuration studied by Aichholzer et al. (ii) We present a new lower bound of {\Omega}(12.00^n) for the number of non-crossing spanning trees of the double chain composed of two convex chains. The previous bound, {\Omega}(10.42^n), stood unchanged for more than 10 years. (iii) Using a recent upper bound of 30^n for the number of triangulations, due to Sharir and Sheffer, we show that n points in the plane in general position admit at most O(68.62^n) non-crossing spanning cycles. (iv) We derive lower bounds for the number of maximum and minimum weighted geometric graphs (matchings, spanning trees, and tours). We show that the number of shortest non-crossing tours can be exponential in n. Likewise, we show that both the number of longest non-crossing tours and the number of longest non-crossing perfect matchings can be exponential in n. Moreover, we show that there are sets of n points in convex position with an exponential number of longest non-crossing spanning trees. For points in convex position we obtain tight bounds for the number of longest and shortest tours. We give a combinatorial characterization of the longest tours, which leads to an O(nlog n) time algorithm for computing them
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