27 research outputs found

    Intelligent Packaging Systems: Sensors and Nanosensors to Monitor Food Quality and Safety

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    Indexación: Web of Science y Scopus.The application of nanotechnology in different areas of food packaging is an emerging field that will grow rapidly in the coming years. Advances in food safety have yielded promising results leading to the development of intelligent packaging (IP). By these containers, it is possible to monitor and provide information of the condition of food, packaging, or the environment. This article describes the role of the different concepts of intelligent packaging. It is possible that this new technology could reach enhancing food safety, improving pathogen detection time, and controlling the quality of food and packaging throughout the supply chain.https://www.hindawi.com/journals/js/2016/4046061/cta

    Mitigating supply and production uncertainties with dynamic scheduling using real-time transport information

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    Supply and production uncertainties can affect the scheduling and inventory performance of final production systems. Facing such uncertainties, production managers normally choose to maintain the original production schedule, or follow the first-in-first-out policy. This paper develops a new, dynamic algorithm policy that considers scheduling and inventory problems, by taking advantage of real-time shipping information enabled by today’s advanced technology. Simulation models based on the industrial example of a chemical company and the Taguchi’s method are used to test these three policies under 81 experiments with varying supply and production lead times and uncertainties. Simulation results show that the proposed dynamic algorithm outperforms the other two policies for supply chain cost. Results from Taguchi’s method show that companies should focus their long-term effort on the reduction of supply lead times, which positively affects the mitigation of supply uncertainty

    Sistemas de Información en las redes de suministro desde una perspectiva operacional: una revisión de la literatura

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    [ESP] Un nuevo comportamiento por parte de las organizaciones surge con la creciente colaboración entre empresas pertenecientes a una misma Red de Suministro (RdS). Las Tecnologías de Información (TI) y Sistemas de Información (SI) dan soporte a dicha colaboración, favoreciendo el flujo de información entre diferentes entidades de la RdS sin que éstas modifiquen sus propias soluciones tecnológicas, debido a la existencia de plataformas que permiten vincular SI de diferentes nodos de la RdS. Un Sistema de Información es un conjunto de recursos humanos, materiales, financieros, tecnológicos, normativos y metodológicos, organizado para brindar, a quienes operan y a quienes adoptan decisiones en una organización, la información que requieren (Saroka, 2002). Según Checkland y Holwell (1998) el objetivo básico de un SI es proporcionar de forma adecuada datos e información a la organización, mediante el uso de TI, siendo esta información relevante para las actividades dinámicas tanto de la organización como de sus miembros. Los sistemas de información se pueden clasificar en Sistema de Información de Apoyo a las Operaciones y Sistema de Información de Apoyo Gerencial. Se habla de SI de Apoyo a las Operaciones cuando el SI registra las transacciones del nivel operativo mientras que el SI de Apoyo Gerencial se emplea para tomar decisiones. A pesar de hacer esta distinción, los dos tipos de SI, no deben de tratarse de forma excluyente, ya que siempre existirá flujo de información y datos desde el SI operacional hacia el SI gerencial

    On bullwhip-limiting strategies in divergent supply chain networks

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    The amplification of demand variation in a supply chain network (SCN) is a well-known phenomenon called the bullwhip effect. This effect generates a large volume of inefficiencies as it moves a greater number of units than necessary, increases stock and generates stock-outs. There are two different approaches for avoiding and/or limiting this detrimental phenomenon that have received attention in the literature: Collaboration and information sharing in SCNs on one hand, and the adoption of smoothing replenishment rules on the other. The effectiveness of both approaches have been often analyzed only for “serial linked” SCNs, which is a supply network structure rarely found in real-life. In order to give an insight of how these techniques would perform in more generic SCNs, a divergent SCN has been benchmarked against the classical serial SCN. The computational experience carried out show that the bullwhip effect can be considerably reduced by collaboration or the smoothing replenishment rules in divergent SCNs, but it always performs worse than the serial SCN due to its inherent complexity

    A systematic literature review on the benefit-drivers of RFID implementation in supply chains and its impact on organizational competitive advantage

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    Application of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) in managing supply chains has witnessed significant interest in recent years. However, the current understanding of the potential benefits that act as the motivating factors/drivers in implementing RFID technology (benefit-drivers), its link to competitive advantage, is fragmented and scattered across the literature. This formed the motivation of this study which seeks to address this gap in the literature through a systematic literature review. Based on a rigorous screening of the literature (2006–2018), the study develops a comprehensive understanding of the various 1) corporate-driven and 2) customer-driven benefit-drivers from RFID implementation. The “2 C” categorization of benefit-drivers is novel and should provide more impetus for practitioners to leverage from RFID implementation. Further, the link between the benefit-drivers and competitive advantage is understood and proposed in the form of a conceptual framework. Finally, avenues for future research are highlighted. The study findings and the framework provide a good starting point for academics and practitioners to further explore the opportunities in supply chain afforded by RFID


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    Amaç: Küresel rekabet ve dinamik pazar koşulları lojistik işletmelerinin operasyonel faaliyetlerinde hızla değişimlerin meydana gelmesine imkân sağlamıştır. Maliyetleri düşürmeyi, ürün ve hizmet süreçlerini yenilemeyi amaç edinen lojistik işletmeleri, tedarik zinciri performansını değerlendirmek için Radyo Frekansı Tanımlama (RFID) teknolojisini kapsamlı bir biçimde ele almaya başlamışlardır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, RFID teknolojisinin alt boyutlarının tedarik zinciri performansının üzerindeki etkisini incelemektir. Yöntem: Araştırmanın evrenini, Uluslararası Nakliyatlar Derneğine (UND) üye olan 85 lojistik işletmesi oluşturmaktadır. Kolayda Örnekleme Yöntemi ile 364 lojistik çalışanından anket aracılığıyla veriler toplanmıştır. Bulgular: Araştırmanın sonucunda RFID’nin teknolojik boyutunun finansal performansı, lojistik performansı ve müşteri hizmetleri performansını pozitif yönde etkilediği tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca RFID’nin organizasyonel boyutu lojistik performansının ve müşteri hizmetleri performansının artmasına kaynaklık etmektedir. Buna karşın, RFID’nin çevresel boyutu finansal performansı ve müşteri hizmetleri performansı üzerinde negatif bir etkisinin olduğu kanıtlanmıştır. Özgünlük: RFID teknolojisinin tedarik zincir performansı üzerindeki etkisini inceleyen farklı çalışmalar olmasına karşın, Türk lojistik sektöründe benzer doğrultuda yapılan bir çalışmaya rastlanmamıştır. Bu çalışma, bu önemli konudaki boşluğu doldurmayı amaçlamaktadır


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    This research study takes a look at the sustainable attitude/awareness level and practices of over-the-road logistics companies operating in Indiana. It has a descriptive study design, providing information in an area that has not been previously analyzed. As the world adopts a greener mindset with the purpose of reducing the carbon footprint, this study helps lead the way towards this goal. It allows for the performance of further research into the reasons certain companies focus on sustainable practices more than others. Eventually, the hope is to increase the amount of companies operating sustainably. The research study included an in-depth literature review of the current transportation business in Indiana and of studies assessing companies\u27 sustainable attitudes, awareness, and practices. A web-based survey was used to gather information from 42 respondents. At least 25 different companies were represented in the study. The results from the survey displayed the respondents\u27 demographic information as well as their responses to 18 sustainability practice and awareness questions incorporating a 5-point Likert scale. The sample consisted of participants with varying levels of sustainable logistics knowledge and awareness. Companies\u27 respondents showed a high priority in economic sustainability practices and a low priority in societal sustainability practices. Larger companies, which employed 10,000 or more people, appeared to have better overall sustainability awareness and practices than smaller companies. As a whole, the sample\u27s sustainability commitment was low. Government policies need to be implemented to instigate change in a positive direction. Companies must adopt a sustainable mindset for significant changes to take effect

    A framework for collaborative planning, forecasting and replenishment (CPFR): state of the art

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    Purpose– Although many papers purport the significant value attributable to supply chain performance from the use of Collaborative Planning, Forecasting and Replenishment (CPFR), the question of ‘what are the main constructs and efficient framework for successful implementation of CPFR?’ remains largely unanswered. This question will be addressed by identifying and analysing the main constructs for successful implementation of CPFR. This paper attempts first to seek answers to this question. Second, to review the scope and value of CPFR using a devised state-of-the-art taxonomy for the classification of selected bibliographical references and third, to develop a conceptual framework by identifying areas which need more research. Design/methodology/approach– The method underlying this paper followed the steps of a systematic literature review process outlined by Soni and Kodali (2011). The review is based on a total of 93 papers published from 1998 to 2013 on CPFR. Findings– Four main constructs for successful implementation of CPFR have been identified: CPFR enablers, CPFR barriers, trading partner selection and incentive alignment. The findings indicate that there is a need for better understanding of the amount and level of information sharing as an important function of CPFR implementation. The paper also illustrates a number of shortcomings in the current literature and provides suggestions to guide future research on implementing CPFR in different industries. Practical implications– This paper is of interest to both academicians and practitioners as it helps to better understand the concept and role of CPFR in supply chain integration and its implementation results, enablers and inhibitors. The proposed framework in this paper can be used to give insight for future research and practice. Originality/value– The paper offers a framework for the review of previous research on CPFR and identifies the most important shortcomings that need to be addressed in future research. In addition, this review is both greater in scope than previous reviews and is broader in its subject focus