17 research outputs found

    Exploring the Performance Benefits of End-to-End Path Switching

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    This paper explores the feasibility of improving the performance of end-to-end data transfers between different sites through path switching. Our study is focused on both the logic that controls path switching decisions and the configurations required to achieve sufficient path diversity. Specifically, we investigate two common approaches offering path diversity – multi-homing and overlay networks – and investigate their characteristics in the context of a representative wide-area testbed. We explore the end-to-end delay and loss characteristics of different paths and find that substantial improvements can potentially be achived by path switching, especially in lowering end-to-end losses. Based on this assessment, we develop a simple path-switching mechanism capable of realizing those performance improvements. Our experimental study demonstrates that substantial performance improvements are indeed achievable using this approach

    On the Potential of Flow-Based Routing in Multihomed Environments

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    The data rates provisioned by broadband Internet access connections continue to fall short of the requirements posed by emerging applications. Yet the potential of statistical multiplexing of the last mile broadband connections remains unexploited even as the average utilization of these connections remains low. Despite recent work in this area [15, 20], two key questions remain unanswered: a) What is the attainable benefit of broadband access sharing? and b) How much of this benefit is realizable given real-world constraints? In this work we quantify the attainable benefit of a multihomed broadband access environment by proposing and evaluating several flow-based access sharing policies using a custom flow-based simulator. We then analyze how much of the performance benefit is lost due to real-world constraints by migrating from simulations to a test-lab environment employing a wireless network. Our results show that in today’s broadband Internet access scenarios, a significant reduction in download times by up to a factor of 3 is achievable

    Exploiting the Path Propagation Time Differences in Multipath Transmission with FEC

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    We consider a transmission of a delay-sensitive data stream from a single source to a single destination. The reliability of this transmission may suffer from bursty packet losses - the predominant type of failures in today's Internet. An effective and well studied solution to this problem is to protect the data by a Forward Error Correction (FEC) code and send the FEC packets over multiple paths. In this paper we show that the performance of such a multipath FEC scheme can often be further improved. Our key observation is that the propagation times on the available paths often significantly differ, typically by 10-100ms. We propose to exploit these differences by appropriate packet scheduling that we call `Spread'. We evaluate our solution with a precise, analytical formulation and trace-driven simulations. Our studies show that Spread substantially outperforms the state-of-the-art solutions. It typically achieves two- to five-fold improvement (reduction) in the effective loss rate. Or conversely, keeping the same level of effective loss rate, Spread significantly decreases the observed delays and helps fighting the delay jitter.Comment: 12 page

    Exploiting the Path Propagation Time in Multipath Transmission with FEC

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    We consider a transmission of a delay-sensitive data stream from a single source to a single destination. The reliability of this transmission may suffer from bursty packet losses - the predominant type of failures in today's Internet. An effective and well studied solution to this problem is to protect the data by a Forward Error Correction (FEC) code and send the FEC packets over multiple paths. In this paper we show that the performance of such a multipath FEC scheme can often be further improved. Our key observation is that the propagation times on the available paths often significantly differ, usually by 10-100ms. We propose to exploit these differences by appropriate packet scheduling that we call `Spread'. We evaluate our solution with a precise, analytical formulation and trace-driven simulations. Our studies show that Spread substantially outperforms the state-of-the-art solutions. It typically achieves two- to five-fold improvement (reduction) in the effective loss rate. Or conversely, keeping the same level of effective loss rate, Spread significantly decreases the observed delays and helps fighting the delay jitter

    A system for improving the quality of real-time services on the internet

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    Real-time Internet services are becoming more popular every day, and Voice over Internet Protocol (VOIP) is arguably the most popular of these, despite the quality and reliability problems that are so characteristic of VOIP. This thesis proposes to apply a routing technique called Fully Redundant Dispersity Routing to VOIP and shows how this mitigates these problems to deliver a premium service that is more equal to traditional telephony than VOIP is currently.Fully Redundant Dispersity Routing uses the path diversity readily available in the Internet to route complete copies of the data to be communicated over multiple paths. This allows the effect of a failure on a path to be reduced, and possibly even masked completely, by the other paths. Significantly, rather than expecting changes of the Internet that will improve real-time service quality, this approach simply changes the manner in which real-time services use the Internet, leaving the Internet itself to stay the way it is.First, real VOIP traffic in a commercial call centre is measured (1) to establish a baseline of current quality characteristics against which the effects of Fully Redundant Dispersity Routing may be measured, and (2) as a source of realistic path characteristics. Simulations of various Fully Redundant Dispersity Routing systems that adopt the measured VOIP traffic characteristics then (1) show how this routing technique mitigates quality and reliability problems, and (2) quantify the quality deliverable with the VOIP traffic characteristics measured. For example, quantifying quality as a Mean Opinion Score (MOS) estimated from the measurements with the International Telecommunication Union’s E-model, slightly more than 1 in every 23 of the VOIP telephone calls measured in the call centre is likely to be perceived to be of a quality with which humans would be less than very satisfied. Simulations carried out for this thesis show that using just two paths adopting the same measurements, Fully Redundant Dispersity Routing may increase quality to reduce that proportion to slightly less than 1 in every 10 000 VOIP telephone calls

    Mathematical Models and Algorithms for Network Flow Problems Arising in Wireless Sensor Network Applications

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    We examine multiple variations on two classical network flow problems, the maximum flow and minimum-cost flow problems. These two problems are well-studied within the optimization community, and many models and algorithms have been presented for their solution. Due to the unique characteristics of the problems we consider, existing approaches cannot be directly applied. The problem variations we examine commonly arise in wireless sensor network (WSN) applications. A WSN consists of a set of sensors and collection sinks that gather and analyze environmental conditions. In addition to providing a taxonomy of relevant literature, we present mathematical programming models and algorithms for solving such problems. First, we consider a variation of the maximum flow problem having node-capacity restrictions. As an alternative to solving a single linear programming (LP) model, we present two alternative solution techniques. The first iteratively solves two smaller auxiliary LP models, and the second is a heuristic approach that avoids solving any LP. We also examine a variation of the maximum flow problem having semicontinuous restrictions that requires the flow, if positive, on any path to be greater than or equal to a minimum threshold. To avoid solving a mixed-integer programming (MIP) model, we present a branch-and-price algorithm that significantly improves the computational time required to solve the problem. Finally, we study two dynamic network flow problems that arise in wireless sensor networks under non-simultaneous flow assumptions. We first consider a dynamic maximum flow problem that requires an arc to transmit a minimum amount of flow each time it begins transmission. We present an MIP for solving this problem along with a heuristic algorithm for its solution. Additionally, we study a dynamic minimum-cost flow problem, in which an additional cost is incurred each time an arc begins transmission. In addition to an MIP, we present an exact algorithm that iteratively solves a relaxed version of the MIP until an optimal solution is found

    Provider and peer selection in the evolving internet ecosystem

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    The Internet consists of thousands of autonomous networks connected together to provide end-to-end reachability. Networks of different sizes, and with different functions and business objectives, interact and co-exist in the evolving "Internet Ecosystem". The Internet ecosystem is highly dynamic, experiencing growth (birth of new networks), rewiring (changes in the connectivity of existing networks), as well as deaths (of existing networks). The dynamics of the Internet ecosystem are determined both by external "environmental" factors (such as the state of the global economy or the popularity of new Internet applications) and the complex incentives and objectives of each network. These dynamics have major implications on how the future Internet will look like. How does the Internet evolve? What is the Internet heading towards, in terms of topological, performance, and economic organization? How do given optimization strategies affect the profitability of different networks? How do these strategies affect the Internet in terms of topology, economics, and performance? In this thesis, we take some steps towards answering the above questions using a combination of measurement and modeling approaches. We first study the evolution of the Autonomous System (AS) topology over the last decade. In particular, we classify ASes and inter-AS links according to their business function, and study separately their evolution over the last 10 years. Next, we focus on enterprise customers and content providers at the edge of the Internet, and propose algorithms for a stub network to choose its upstream providers to maximize its utility (either monetary cost, reliability or performance). Third, we develop a model for interdomain network formation, incorporating the effects of economics, geography, and the provider/peer selections strategies of different types of networks. We use this model to examine the "outcome" of these strategies, in terms of the topology, economics and performance of the resulting internetwork. We also investigate the effect of external factors, such as the nature of the interdomain traffic matrix, customer preferences in provider selection, and pricing/cost structures. Finally, we focus on a recent trend due to the increasing amount of traffic flowing from content providers (who generate content), to access providers (who serve end users). This has led to a tussle between content providers and access providers, who have threatened to prioritize certain types of traffic, or charge content providers directly -- strategies that are viewed as violations of "network neutrality". In our work, we evaluate various pricing and connection strategies that access providers can use to remain profitable without violating network neutrality.Ph.D.Committee Chair: Dovrolis, Constantine; Committee Member: Ammar, Mostafa; Committee Member: Feamster, Nick; Committee Member: Willinger, Walter; Committee Member: Zegura, Elle