82 research outputs found

    Supply chain risk management: capabilities and performance

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    Growing environmental turbulence and increasingly complex supply chain networks have resulted in greater supply chain disruptions. Firm supply chain risk management performance varies due to differences in recognition of the need for and ability to cultivate supply chain risk management capabilities. This study helps to identify which capabilities have the greatest effect in supply chain risk management and firm performance as well as describes how to achieve them. A meta-analysis of empirical supply chain risk management studies reveals the confounding state of the field and points toward future work which can provide consensus and progress. A multiple case study describes organizational learning from supply chain disruption and identifies a new construct of bracketing necessary to deviate from firm risk dominant logic and respond to changes in the environment

    Strategies to Succeed in an Increasingly Technology-Based Environment: A Study of the Automotive Industry

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    This dissertation investigates how firms embedded in an increasingly technology-based industry change their vertical integration and product development strategies in order to remain competitive and increase value capture. The first essay is a theoretical development integrating concepts of industry structure, organizational governance form and innovation in order to disentangle past research’s disagreements and guide future studies. Firms are seen as proactive actors that also have their decisions strongly shaped by structural (architectural) factors. The second essay focus on analyzing how module suppliers achieve a sustained competitive advantage by increasing their focus on modular products and innovations as well as managing their vertically related operations. Results from the global automotive industry reveal that suppliers are capable of capturing more value from modules when investing in modular innovations, integrating manufacturing operations via M&As and strengthening downstream relationships through strategic alliances. Lastly, the third essay investigates the great complexities involved in the manufacture of automobiles. By acknowledging the important strategic implications of managing product failures to the overall performance and reputation of organizations, this essay attempts to fill a gap in the literature by investigating how increased product, process and supplier changes affect product failure rates, and how firms manage product redesigns and learning from past product failures to increase quality reputation. Results indicates that in complex product industries such as automotive, firms find it very difficult to increase product changes without incurring also in more product failures. The results also highlight the importance of strong supplier involvement and integration as a means to reduce product failure rates. This study also demonstrates that quality reputation is better assessed by consumers when manufacturers invest more in model redesigns. Yet, it shows that experience with voluntary recalls helps firms to learn how to improve their new products and increase quality reputation

    A Tough Pill to Swallow? The Lessons Learned from Mandatory RFID Adoption

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    On some occasions, information technology (IT) is mandated rather than voluntary. However, the impact of mandatory IT adoption receives little attention in the operations management literature, and the literature shows divergent predictions about how mandatory IT affects financial performance. Using the case of mandatory radio-frequency identification (RFID) adoption in manufacturing industries, this study applies long-horizon event study to examine 95 U.S. listed firms that have adopted mandatory RFID. The resultsshow that firms achieve significantly strong financial performance from mandatory adoption. Mandatory RFID is particularly beneficial for firms with good financial health, late adopters and high-clockspeed firms.The current study provides a deeper understanding of supplier benefits from mandatory systems supported by dominant customers. Based on the lessons learned from past mandatory RFID adoption, the present study can serve as guidance for future projects and contribute to the literature on operations management and information system

    Exploring the Relationship between Supply Network Configuration, Interorganizational Information Sharing and Performance

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    ABSTRACT EXPLORING THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SUPPLY NETWORK CONFIGURATION, INTER-ORGANIZATIONAL INFORMATION SHARING AND PERFORMANCE By MARCIA DALEY August 2008 Committee Chair: Dr. Subhashish Samaddar Major Department: Decision Science Critical to the success of a firm is the ability of managers to coordinate the complex network of business relationships that can exist between business partners in the supply network. However many managers are unsure on how best to leverage their resources to capitalize on the information sharing opportunities that are available in such networks. Although there is significant research on information sharing, the area of inter-organizational information sharing (IIS) is still evolving and there is limited research on IIS in relation to systemic factors within supply networks. To help fill this gap in the literature, a primary focus of this dissertation is on the relationship between the design of the supply network and IIS. The design of the supply network is characterized by the supply network configuration which is comprised of (1) the network pattern, (2) the number of stages in the supply network, and (3) where the firm is located in that supply network. Four different types of IIS are investigated, herein. These types of IIS are a function of the frequency with which information is shared and the scope of information shared. Type 1 (Type 2) IIS is the low (high) frequency state where only operational information is shared. Similarly, Type 3 (Type 4) is the low (high) frequency state where strategic information is shared. The argument is that the type of IIS varies depending on the configuration of the supply network and that this relationship is influenced by the coordination structure established between firms in the network. The second focus of this dissertation deals with the relationship between IIS and performance. Research findings on the benefits to be gained from IIS have been ambiguous, with some researchers claiming reduced cost in the supply network with IIS, and others finding minimal or no benefits. To add clarity to these findings, the role that uncertainty plays in the relationship between IIS and performance is examined. The thesis presented is that the positive relationship between IIS types and the performance of the supply network is impacted by process uncertainty (i.e. the variability in process outcomes and production times), and partner uncertainty. Social network theory and transaction cost economics provide the theoretical lens for this dissertation. A model is developed and will be empirically validated in a cross-sectional setting, utilizing a sampling frame randomly selected and comprised of supply management executives from various industries within the United States

    Developing operational competence in purchasing

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    This paper contributes to the emerging theory of purchasing competence. First, it replicates and cross-validates the construct with five underlying supply-side competence dimensions of Narasimhan, Jayaram and Carter (2001), using telephone survey data from 200 high-turnover European companies. The addition of an IT Competence dimension to the construct is proposed and empirically validated. In response to the growing importance of services, equivalence of the competence construct across manufacturing and financial services contexts was shown using the structural equation technique of invariance analysis. Using set correlation analysis competence dimensions were found to be significant drivers of multiple operational performance measures. All competence dimensions had significant positive impact upon at least one performance measure. IT Competence had the most significant positive impact, driving Quality, Purchase-Order Cycle Time and Professionalism. Certain dimensions had significant negative effects upon performance, providing evidence for the possible existence of "competency trap" phenomena.Operational Competence; Purchasing; Empirical Methods;


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    In a variety of operations management literature, supply flexibility is interpreted as the company's response to supply uncertainty. Although its not a new issue, supply flexibility is still a strategic aspect on operations management, especially in dealing with supply uncertainty in the era of the digital industry (industry 4.0) with its various disruptive effects. The purpose of this study was to reveal the various determinants which strengthen the supply flexibility and its influence on the performance of the supply chain.Fleksibilitas pasokan dalam berbagai litelatur Manajemen Operasi dipahami sebagai respon perusahaan terhadap ketidakpastian pasokan. Walau bukan isu baru, fleksibilitas pasokan masih menjadi isu strategis, khususnya dalam menghadapi ketidakpastian pasokan di era industri digital (industri 4.0) dengan berbagai efek disrupsinya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah ingin mengungkap berbagai determinan yang memperkuat fleksibilitas pasokan serta pengaruhnya terhadap kinerja rantai pasokan. &nbsp

    The impact of teamwork quality on new product development cycle time : Evidence from Saudi Arabia Telecom Industry

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    The research filled a gap in existing knowledge regarding the impact of teamwork quality on new product development (NPD) cycle time through the mediation of internal market orientation in the telecommunication industry in Saudi Arabia. The present research also considered environmental turbulence as a moderator in the relationship between teamwork quality and NPD cycle time. Specifically, this research extended previous effort done by providing evidence that high teamwork quality and internal market orientation could decrease the time taken in producing new products or services. Random sampling was used to select respondents for a survey from among members of NPD teams in Saudi telecommunications firms with total respondents 149 teams and response rate of 88.67 percent. PLS-SEM was used to analyze the direct and indirect relationships between teamwork quality, internal market orientation, environmental turbulence, and NPD cycle time, while path coefficient and assessment of measurement and structural model used to test the research hypotheses. Findings indicate that five out of six teamwork quality factors had significant effects on NPD cycle time but not on communication among teamwork members. Internal market orientation was found to affect positively NPD cycle time. Internal market orientation fully mediated the relationship between balance of member contribution and mutual support, and NPD cycle time. Internal market orientation partially mediated communication, coordination, efforts and cohesion, and NPD cycle time. Environmental turbulence moderated the relationship between two factors of teamwork quality, namely, communication and coordination, and NPD cycle time. Environmental turbulence did not moderate balance of member contribution, mutual support, effort and cohesion. The findings suggest that managers should facilitate an environment conducive to teamwork. The study also provides a theoretical understanding of how teamwork qualities drive new product development cycle time. Recommendations for future research and limitations of the study are also highlighted

    The Impact of Product and Process Strategies on the Service Performance: The Mediating Role of Supply Chain Integrations

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    The main purpose of the current study is to investigate he relationship between product and process strategies and the service performance namely delivery performance and the support performance. In addition to that the study has also examined the mediating role of supply chain integrations namely supplier integration and customer integration in the relationship between product and process strategies and the service performance. In this research, Product Modularity is the specific product and Process Modularity is the process strategy, which has been selected. The performance of service is influenced by these two strategies in a direct and indirect way. The focus of the study is on the evaluation of the level to which the supplier (upstream) as well as customer (downstream) integration mediates the impact of process strategies on performance of services. The study is among the pioneering studies on the issues. So, current study has used SEM-PLS as statistical tool to answer the research questions raised in this study and research objectives envisaged in the current study. The findings of the current study have provided support to with the hypothesized results. This study will be helpful for policymakers and researchers in examining the link between product and process strategies and the service performance namely delivery performance and the support performance

    Effectiveness and Efficiency of Knowledge Transfer in Supplier Development: Key Antecedents and Buyer-Supplier Outcomes

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    There is strong evidence that U.S. organizations are increasingly implementing supplier development programs to help their suppliers improve quality, enhance delivery performance, reduce costs, and in turn improve their own supply chain performance. However, many of these supplier development programs are not successful. This study argues that an understanding of the knowledge transfer process should play a central role in understanding improvements in buyer-supplier performance resulting from supplier development activities. Building on the extant supplier development literature and relevant knowledge transfer literature, this study investigates key antecedents and performance outcomes of knowledge transfer in a supplier development context. Specifically, the study tests the impact of the extent of supplier development involvement, trust (competence and benevolence), shared vision and supplier\u27s learning intent on the effectiveness (comprehension and usefulness) and efficiency (speed and economy) of knowledge transfer and the influence of knowledge transfer on buyer-supplier performance. For this research, 167 U.S. manufacturing firms were used to test the hypotheses. The results show that suppliers\u27 learning intent and benevolence trust positively impact both the effectiveness and efficiency of knowledge transfer. Supplier development involvement was found to have a positive effect on knowledge transfer effectiveness while shared vision and competence trust had positive effect on knowledge transfer efficiency. The findings also show that both effectiveness and efficiency of knowledge transfer have impact on supplier delivery performance but have no direct effect on supplier cost performance. This research makes an important contribution to the literature on the antecedents of successful knowledge transfer in supplier development. First, the research highlights that supplier\u27s learning intent leads to better comprehension, better application and quicker absorption of the new knowledge that is transferred to th
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