21,613 research outputs found

    Geometry of the quantum universe

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    A universe much like the (Euclidean) de Sitter space-time appears as background geometry in the causal dynamical triangulation (CDT) regularization of quantum gravity. We study the geometry of such universes which appear in the path integral as a function of the bare coupling constants of the theory.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figures. Typos corrected. Conclusions unchange

    Black Holes as Quantum Gravity Condensates

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    We model spherically symmetric black holes within the group field theory formalism for quantum gravity via generalised condensate states, involving sums over arbitrarily refined graphs (dual to 3d triangulations). The construction relies heavily on both the combinatorial tools of random tensor models and the quantum geometric data of loop quantum gravity, both part of the group field theory formalism. Armed with the detailed microscopic structure, we compute the entropy associated with the black hole horizon, which turns out to be equivalently the Boltzmann entropy of its microscopic degrees of freedom and the entanglement entropy between the inside and outside regions. We recover the area law under very general conditions, as well as the Bekenstein-Hawking formula. The result is also shown to be generically independent of any specific value of the Immirzi parameter.Comment: 22 page

    Oscillating Shells and Oscillating Balls in AdS

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    It has recently been reported that certain thin timelike shells undergo oscillatory motion in AdS. In this paper, we compute two-point function of a probe field in the geodesic approximation in such an oscillating shell background. We confirm that the two-point function exhibits an oscillatory behaviour following the motion of the shell. We show that similar oscillatory dynamics is possible when the perfect fluid on the shell has a polytropic equation of state. Moreover, we show that certain ball like configurations in AdS also exhibit oscillatory motion and comment on how such a solution can be smoothly matched to an appropriate exterior solution. We also demonstrate that the weak energy condition is satisfied for these oscillatory configurations.Comment: 23 pages, 5 figures; v2: refs added; v3: JHEP versio

    Conoids and Hyperbolic Paraboloids in Le Corbusier’s Philips Pavilion

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    The Philips Pavilion at the Brussels World Fair is the first of Le Corbusier’s architectural works to connect the evolution of his mathematical thought on harmonic series and modular coordination with the idea of three-dimensional continuity. This propitious circumstance was the consequence of his collaboration with Iannis Xenakis, whose profound interest in mathematical structures was improved on his becaming acquainted with the Modulor, while at the same time Le Corbusier encountered double ruled quadric surfaces. For the Philips Pavilion—the Poème Électronic—Corbusier entrusted Xenakis with a “mathematical translation” of his sketches, which represented the volume of a rounded bottle with a stomach-shaped plan. The Pavilion was designed as if it were an orchestral work in which lights, loudspeakers, film projections on curved surfaces, spectators’ shadows and their expression of wonder, objects hanging from the ceiling and the containing space itself were all virtual instrument

    Static and dynamic properties of shell-shaped condensates

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    Static, dynamic, and topological properties of hollow systems differ from those that are fully filled as a result of the presence of a boundary associated with an inner surface. Hollow Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs) naturally occur in various ultracold atomic systems and possibly within neutron stars but have hitherto not been experimentally realized in isolation on Earth because of gravitational sag. Motivated by the expected first realization of fully closed BEC shells in the microgravity conditions of the Cold Atomic Laboratory aboard the International Space Station, we present a comprehensive study of spherically symmetric hollow BECs as well as the hollowing transition from a filled sphere BEC into a thin shell through central density depletion. We employ complementary analytic and numerical techniques in order to study equilibrium density profiles and the collective mode structures of condensate shells hosted by a range of trapping potentials. We identify concrete and robust signatures of the evolution from filled to hollow structures and the effects of the emergence of an inner boundary, inclusive of a dip in breathing-mode-type collective mode frequencies and a restructuring of surface mode structure across the transition. By extending our analysis to a two-dimensional transition of a disk to a ring, we show that the collective mode signatures are an essential feature of hollowing, independent of the specific geometry. Finally, we relate our work to past and ongoing experimental efforts and consider the influence of gravity on thin condensate shells. We identify the conditions under which gravitational sag is highly destructive and study the mode-mixing effects of microgravity on the collective modes of these shells.Comment: 26 pages, 13 figure