51 research outputs found

    Sustainable and Dynamic Supply Chain in world Business: Recent Trends

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    By moving from the "integrated" to the "dynamic" supply chain model, businesses may see their supply chains as flexible ecosystems of people, processes, capital assets, technology, and data. In the rapidly evolving corporate world, effective supply chain management (SCM) is a critical issue. Dynamic SCM necessitates good decision information synchronization and integrated decision-making among autonomous chain partners. Complex supply chains (SCs), which are part of globalised economic systems, must be managed to minimize sustainability-related risks and to manage environmental and social impacts in accordance with the expectations of many stakeholders. The analysis of recent trends has highlighted the fact that use of quantitative modelling techniques for sustainable supply chain management (SSCM) is increasingly becoming more and more popular. Secondly, simulation techniques are underrepresented in SSCM compared to analytical models and mathematical programming. For organizations that are looking to infuse a fresh breath in there SCM operations inclusion of system dynamics (SD) modelling for simulating and analyzing complex and dynamic systems as well as for assisting long-term, strategic decision-making will pay rich dividends.

    The Potential Moderating Role of Supply Chain Capabilities on the Relationship between Supply Chain Technology and Concurrent Engineering in Product Design

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    Todays business and competitive environment put pressures on firms to adopt new technologies, processes, and competences. Firms with strong technological capabilities generates more value from technology investment and achieve higher order of collaborative gains in product design. The aim of this paper is to improve a conceptual framework of the influential determinant of product design in supply chain. Through an intensive literature review, the paper develops a conceptual model of the relationships between supply chain technology, capabilities, and concurrent engineering in new product design. The study has practical implications to managers and practitioners in supply chain management. The study also contributes to existing literature and theory of product design and development. Key words: Supply chain technology, advanced manufacturing technology, information technology, supply chain capabilities, concurrent engineering, product design Paper type: Conceptual pape

    What and how about customer-driven product development

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    How to measure Innovative Supply Chain Strategies (ISCS) in the context of SCM? -Construct development and measurement validation

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    CAHIER DE RECHERCHE n°2014-01 E5Nowadays, organizations have to innovate either in product or in management (Damanpour and Aravind, 2012). Ifinnovations in product are largely studied (Garcia and Calantone, 2002), managerial innovations are seldom studied(Soosay et al., 2008; Arlbjørn et al., 2011). Simultaneously, organizations develop Supply Chain Management(SCM) to manage their inter-organizational relationships with their partners (Chen and Paulraj, 2004). SCM“constitutes an interesting potential area for creating competitive advantages through innovations” (Prahalad andKrishnan, 2008, p.14) e.g. VMI, CPFR and supply Kanban systems.Our interest is to underline and discuss the key dimensions explaining the performance of inter-organizationalmanagerial innovations in the context of SCM. From a large literature review, three dimensions emerge to measurethese innovations: (1) the conditions and context for their deployment, (2) the involved organization’s capacity for innovation and (3) the performance of these innovations. Nevertheless, no pertinent measurement scale exists to evaluate these three dimensions. In this perspective, the aim of this research is to develop and validate a scale measurement for each of them. The supporting methodology is quantitative. A structural equation modeling is applied to the data from a questionnaire to 170 inter-organizational anagerial innovations in the context of SCM in France. The three measurement scales resulting from this research represent major methodological and theoretical contributions to the field. Consequently, supply chain managers are able to identify the main issues and factors to perform interorganizational managerial innovations in the context of SCM

    Customer-driven Product Development:A Demand Chain Management perspective

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    Expanding the unit of analysis from firms to supply networks

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    Purpose: There is strong interest in new supply chain management (SCM) constructs as contemporary academic writers call for more theory and more multidisciplinary research. There is, however, little guidance on how to develop relevant SCM constructs, and one problem is that current SCM research addresses different units of analysis, ranging from transactions to entire supply networks. The choice of unit of analysis has implications for the relevance of SCM-research, and the purpose of this article is to increase researchers and practitioners’ awareness of this issue. Approach: Conceptual analysis of current SCM research with special emphasis on SCM constructs, their variability assumptions, and the explanatory purpose of research. Findings: Suggestions on how to develop appropriate SCM constructs at the supply network level. Propositions apt at guiding further study are suggested. Implications: To improve the relevance of SCM-research it is time for studying supply network characteristics, and this requires developing new constructs taking the supply network as the unit of analysis. In practise, one opportunity for SCM-research is to develop new constructs or adopt constructs from related fields taking firm networks as the unit of analysis, and collect data on supply network characteristics from key-informants. Originality/value of paper: This article addresses two gaps in the SCM literature: (a) the failure to consider the entire supply network as the unit of analysis, and (b) the lack of guidance in SCM-literature on how to expand the unit of analysis from one firm to the entire supply network. Keywords: supply chain management, supply networks, unit of analysis, industrial marketing, business marketingsubmittedVersio

    Exploring the impact of innovation implementation on supply chain configuration

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    Considering the foreseen digital transformation and rapid dissemination of technological innovations, this paper investigates what happens along the supply chain (SC) when process and product innovation practices are implemented. The research examines the SC strategy and configuration of four product families; it considers the configuration to incorporate the whole range of SC functions and relationships. The paper addresses the little attention paid to the process innovation dimension in SC literature, and develops a framework capturing the dynamics between innovation implementation and configuration decisions and settings. The provided analyses guide practitioners on better management of innovation implementation along the supply chain

    Customer-oriented model of service management

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    У статті досліджено особливості управління сервісним підприємством у сучасних умовах господарювання. Розкрито сутність клієнтоорієнтованого підходу в управлінні підприємством. Запропоновано авторське уточнення дефініції понять сервіс-менеджмент та клієнтоорієнтованість, а також авторську модель сервіс-менеджменту на основі принципів клієнто-орієнтованості та процесного підходу. Охарактеризовано основні складові системи сервіс-менеджменту. Особливу увагу приділено таким складовим системи як формування позитивного клієнтського досвіду та споживчої лояльності.В статье исследованы особенности управления сервисным предприятием в современных условиях хозяйствования. Раскрыта сущность клиентоориентированного подхода в управлении предприятием. Предложены авторское уточнение дефиниции понятий сервис-менеджмент и клиентоориентированность, а также авторская модель сервис-менеджмента на основе принципов клиентоориентированности и процессного подхода. Охарактеризованы основные составляющие системы сервис-менеджмента. Особое внимание уделено таким составляющим системы, как формирование положительного клиентского опыта и потребительской лояльности.The paper dwells on the features of service enterprises management in the modern business environment. The essence of a customer-oriented approach to an enterprise management has been revealed. The author has specified the definition of the concepts of both service and customer-oriented management. The service management model based on the principles of customer-oriented and process-based approach has been introduced. The main components of the service management system have been scrutinised. A particular attention has been paid to such components of the model as creating a positive customer’s experience and loyalty