40 research outputs found

    A Review of Social Media Research in Higher English Education

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    Undoubtedly, social media plays a significant role in many people's lives, studies, and work. There is a positive attitude toward using social media among teachers and students in higher education. The outbreak of COVID-19 has prompted all teachers and students to pay attention to social media and effectively use it to prevent the spread of the virus. The main focus of current research in higher English education is the use of social media tools in different countries worldwide. However, there needs to be a universal teaching tool. The purpose of this article is to provide a comprehensive analysis of the development of social media tools over the past 20 years. Additionally, it describes their role in education and disciplinary learning. Social media has become increasingly popular in education, but its limitations need adequate attention, mainly because they are considered positive

    Factores que motivan el uso de las redes sociales por los estudiantes

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    Background: The aim of this research was to identify those factors which motivate the use of social networks by 4th year students in Secondary Education between the ages of 15 and 18. Method: 1,144 students from 29 public and private schools took part. The data were analysed using Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modelling technique. Results: Versatility was confi rmed to be the variable which most infl uences the motivation of students in their use of social networks. The positive relationship between versatility in the use of social networks and educational uses was also signifi cant. Conclusions: The characteristics of social networks are analysed according to their versatility and how this aspect makes them attractive to students. The positive effects of social networks are discussed in terms of educational uses and their contribution to school learning. There is also a warning about the risks associated with misuse of social networks, and fi nally, the characteristics and conditions for the development of good educational practice through social networks are identifiedAntecedentes: el objetivo de esta investigación fue identificar aquellos factores que motivan el uso de redes sociales por parte del alumnado de 4º curso de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria con edades entre los 15 y 18 años. Método: participaron 1.144 estudiantes de 29 centros educativos públicos, privados y concertados. Se utilizó un método de encuesta y los datos fueron analizados en base a la técnica de ecuaciones estructurales “Partial Least Squares”. Resultados: se constata que la versatilidad es la variable que más influye en la motivación de uso de las redes sociales por parte de los estudiantes. También resulta significativa la relación positiva entre la versatilidad en el uso de las redes sociales respecto a la utilidad educativa. Conclusiones: se analizan las características de las redes sociales en cuanto a su versatilidad y cómo ello las hace atractivas a los estudiantes. Se discuten los efectos positivos de las redes sociales en cuanto a su utilidad educativa y su contribución al aprendizaje escolar. Se alerta sobre los peligros que pueden derivarse de un empleo inadecuado de las redes sociales y se identifican los rasgos y condiciones para el desarrollo de buenas prácticas educativas mediante redes socialesS

    Online Resources Utilization of Visual and Performing Arts Undergraduates

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    Abstract Even though the performance-based academic materials are useful for visual and performing arts studies, their availability is comparatively low in virtual space which makes difficult to find appropriate online resources to enrich their theoretical and practical knowledge. This study investigated the online resource utilisation and its barriers among visual and performing arts students of Swami Vipulananda Institute of Aesthetic Studies, Eastern University, Sri Lanka. A questionnaire survey was conducted among 246 randomly selected undergraduates and focus group discussion was conducted among sixteen students. The results revealed that the students mainly use social media, google applications, mobile applications and websites for their academic purposes. These online resources are significantly associated with students’ academic disciplines. Instagram, Google slide share, Google art and culture, Google photo, Google drive, Art Gallery and Museum collection are significantly associated with Visual Technological Art students (p\u3c0.05). Viber and YouTube are significantly associated with the discipline of dance (p\u3c0.05), while Carnatic Music Apps and YouTube are significantly associated with the discipline of music (p\u3c0.05). However, the drama and theatre students mainly use general google search, university and library websites significantly, and YouTube (p\u3c0.05). The major barrier to accessing media content was poor internet connectivity. The loss of traditional teacher-student relationships and creativity were identified as consequences of online resource usage in performance-based studies. The study recommends that the library should play a role in making aware of the appropriate online performance-based resources among students to support the present curricula

    “To Use or Not to Use-That Is the Question!” Using Facebook as an Educational Tool in Recreational Leadership Course

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the use of the Social networking site “Facebook” in “recreational leadership course” as an educational tool to facilitate the learning environment for sport management students. In this study qualitative research design and action research approach (emancipating/enhancing/critical science mode) were used. This research was based on the “by doing-experiencing” concept and focused on the usage of a Facebook group (as a closed group between students-lecturer/student-student) and on sharing course related topics inside and outside of the class under the supervision of the lecturer. The research was carried out with a total of 31 university students who participated in a “recreational leadership” elective course during the fall semester of 2015-2016. The data was collected both from the evaluation notes which were kept by the students at the end of the semester, and from observation notes of the researcher. According to the results based on the analysis of the evaluation notes of the students and the observation notes of the lecturer it appeared that “Facebook” as an educational tool in “recreational leadership course” was perceived mostly positive by students and the lecturer. In addition, according to the students’ evaluation notes, four themes were established: 1. Personal Development, 2. Emotional Development, 3. Performance Development and 4. Cognitive Development. On the other hand, the analysis of the notes of the lecturer revealed four main themes as gains:1. Improving the Quality of Class Management, 2. Systematic Application of Technology, 3. Improving the Quality of Education/Students, and 4. Learning by doing

    Use of Social Networking Sites (SNS) by Undergraduates of Federal University Oye Ekiti, Nigeria

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    Purpose: The revolution of social networking sites (SNS) is a global phenomenon, and has become an inseparable part of daily activities, especially among university students. This study examined pattern of use of SNS by undergraduates of Federal University Oye-Ekiti (FUOYE), Nigeria. Design/methodology/approach: The study employed descriptive survey research design. Multistage sampling procedure was employed to select sample from the total population. The questionnaire method was used as instrument of data collection. Descriptive statistical tools of frequency count, percentage and mean score were employed for the data analysis.Findings: Findings revealed that 98.3% of respondents used Facebook, 95.1% Whatsapp and 86.1% YouTube. For intensity of use, Whatsapp, Facebook, YouTube and Twitter were the most frequently used SNS. The SNS were used more for non-academic engagements (social interactions and daily activities) than for academic related purposes. The students spent average of 4.8 hours per day on SNS. Identified challenges were lack of efficient internet access and too much time spent using SNS. Originality/value: The paper provides useful empirical insight unique to FUOYE on usage of SNS by undergraduates

    Social media for learning: perceptions and behaviors

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    Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a particular interest in integrating social media as an educational tool to support the distance learning process. The main problem with this study is the way students invest in networking opportunities for learning. Special emphasis is placed on the Everyday Informal Learning. An electronic questionnaire was distributed to 284 students registered at the University of Sharjah and King Saud University. The results indicate that the participants' extensive use of social media pushes them to easily experience Everyday Informal Learning; The sample appreciates the role of social media in facilitating communication and interaction among colleagues, and acknowledges its usefulness despite some perceived limitations such as the occasional lack of credibility and the ease of switching from educational to personal use; These results are in line with the concept of Online Cooperative Learning Theory as it confirms that the best way to learn through these networks is through collective participation methods. Given these results, the authors consider the idea of including social media as a Formal tool for Learning in educational institutions has become very suggestive, especially in this era in which the efficiency of online space has been demonstrated to preserve education in times of epidemics. Besides, the cost of integrating some advanced educational platforms like Learning Management Systems in some countries in the world makes social networks a better alternative; some countries like Bulgaria have turned to learning via social media during times of quarantine due to the Coronavirus. Therefore, the authors recommend that more research should be done on social media as Formal Learning tools to ask about their suitability for the courses and programs offered by universities in the world, in various disciplines

    The Effectiveness of Distance Learning Using Social Media during the Pandemic Period of COVID-19: A Case in Universitas Kristen Indonesia

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    Pandemic covid-19 has made the learning system on campus forced to change drastically from face-to-face meetings to distance learning online. Many campuses that do not yet have online learning infrastructure are forced to conduct online lectures amid the existing limitations. This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of distance learning using social media during the Covid-19 Pandemic. This study used a survey method using a questionnaire conducted online to 250 students who were then analyzed using the Multi- Attribute Utility Theory (MAUT). Indonesian Christian University supports the policy of learning from home by imposing online learning using social media such as Facebook, Instagram, and Youtube to provide lecture material and assignments to students. The results of testing the effectiveness of distance learning using social media concluded that distance learning using social media is only effective for theoretical and theoretical practical courses, whereas in practice courses and distance field courses using social media is felt to be less effective

    Persepsi Kesesuaian dan Kepuasan Penggunaan Media Sosial pada Perkuliahan: Pengujian Model

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    Penerimaan teknologi merupakan faktor penting, untuk keberlanjutan penggunaan sebuah teknologi. Model-model pengukuran telah banyak dikembangkan, namun belum mempertimbangkan kesesuaian dan kepuasan dalam penggunaan teknologi berkelanjutan. Pada penelitian yang sebelumnya penulis telah mengembangkan model kepuasan dan kesesuaian (Task-fit and Satisfaction Model) untuk mengidentifikasi persepsi dosen terhadap kesesuaian dan kepuasan penggunaan facebook sebagai sarana komunikasi dan informasi pada perkuliahan, namun belum diuji. Artikel ini menyajikan proses pengujian terhadap model tersebut. Responden penelitian ini adalah dosen di indonesia khususnya yang menggunakan facebook. Data penelitian dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan metode survey online. Metode Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) dan Partial Least Square (PLS) digunakan untuk analisis data. Hasil pengujian hipotesis memperlihatkan perceived task-fit, utilization dan satisfaction secara signifikan mempengaruhi continuance intention. Pengujian juga memperlihatkan bahwa Perceived task fit , confirmation, dan Service quality secara signifikan mempengaruhi satisfaction. Terdapat korelasi positif perceived task-fit terhadap utilization, dan service quality terhadap confirmation. Sedangkan pengujian coefficient of determination (R2), memperlihatkan continuance intention memperoleh nilai R2= 0.723, hal ini menunjukkan bahwa perentasi besarnya kemampuan model dalam memprediksi persepsi kesesuaian dan kepuasan dosen terhadap penggunaan facebook dalam perkuliahan sebesar 72.3%.   Abstract Acceptance of technology is an important factor, for the continued use of a technology. Measurement models have been developed, but not many consider perceived of fitness and satisfaction in receiving technology. In the previous research the authors has developed a Task-fit and Satisfaction Model to identify lecturers' perceptions of the suitability and satisfaction of facebook usage as a means of communication and information on lectures, the model have not test yet. This paper aim to present the testing process for this model. Responden this research is a lecturer in Indonesia especially who use facebook. Data collected by online survey method. SEM with PLS approach used to data analysis. The results of hypothesis testing show that perceived task-fit, utilization and satisfaction significantly influence continuance intention. The results also show that Perceived task fit, confirmation, and Service quality significantly affect satisfaction. There is a positive correlation of perceived task-fit to utilization, and service quality to confirmation. While the coefficient of determination test, shows continuance intention obtained the value of R2 = 0.723, This shows that the magnitude of the model's ability to predict perceptions of fitness and lecturer satisfaction towards the use of Facebook in lectures is 72.3%

    Model Persepsi Penggunaan Media Sosial pada Perkuliahan dengan Modifikasi Task Technology Fit dan Expectation Confirmation Theory

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    Penerimaan teknologi informasi di bidang pendidikan menjadi hal yang menarik untuk dibahas. Keberhasilan implementasi teknologi informasi untuk mendukung pembelajaran tergantung pada penggunaan berkelanjutan. Diyakini bahwa ini dipengaruhi oleh kepuasan dan pemilihan  teknologi yang digunakan. Facebook adalah media sosial paling populer di kalangan para siswa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengusulkan model kepuasan dan task-fit perceptions dari penggunaan media sosial dalam pendidikan. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan membahas tentang kerangka teori, identifikasi faktor, mengembangkan model dan instrumen penelitian. Studi ini mengusulkan model yang dikembangkan dengan mengadopsi Task Technology Fit dan Expectation-Confirmation Theory. Untuk membangun model itu, lima konstruk telah dipilih seperti persepsi kesesuaian tugas, pemanfaatan, kualitas layanan, kepuasan dan konfirmasi atas niat untuk terus menggunakan teknologi. Selain itu, mendasari teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini beberapa hipotesis telah dirumuskan