14 research outputs found


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    Corporate research and development (R&D) activities have long been highly concentrated in some world cities. Tokyo, New York, London, and Paris, are home to not only the largest and most powerful multinational companies, but they are globally important sites for innovative start-up companies that operate in the fastest-growing industries. However, in parallel with the rapid technological changes of our age, corporate R&D activities have shifted towards newly emerged and now globally significant R&D centres, like San Jose, San Francisco, Boston in the United States, and Beijing, Seoul, Shenzhen is East Asia. In this paper a bibliometric analysis is conducted to determine how the position of cities as sites of corporate R&D changed in the period of 1980 and 2014. The bibliometric analysis is based upon a hypothesis according to which there is a close connection between the number of scientific articles published by a given company and the volume of its R&D activity. Results show that companies headquartered in Tokyo, New York, London, and Paris published the largest combined number of scientific articles in the period of 1980 and 2014, but the growth rate of the annual output was much greater in Boston, San Jose, Beijing, Seoul, and some Taiwanese cities. Furthermore, it can also be seen, that those cities have the largest number of articles, i.e. can be considered as the most significant sites of corporate R&D in which companies operate in fast-growing industries, primarily in the pharmaceutical and the information technology industry. Furthermore, some mid-sized cities that are home to globally significant pharmaceutical or information technology companies are also belong to the group of top corporate R&D hubs

    Research Impact of the Iranian Publications on Social Networks in Scopus Indexed

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    Due to the major role of research in the sustainable development of countries all around the world, mapping the scientific production must be designed according to indexed in databases. The purpose of the present study is to analyze Iranian literature on the field of social networks in comparison with the same studies to cross the Middle East and the world level. This is research is a descriptive study. A total of 123,609 documents indexed pertained to this topic were processed from 1970 to the end of 2017 indexed in the Scopus database. Excel software was used to analyze the data. Different study types, characterized by years, city/country of origin, journals and more productive authors, the ratio cooperation between them by country and institutions, cites and H index. Data was collected and analyzed in Microsoft Excel software. The finding showed that United States was the highest producer (% 29.74), followed by China (%11.85) and Iran ranked 31th among the countries of the world and also 3rd among the Middle East countries (H index=23). Although the ratio of scientific production in bibliographical databases, particularly regional, is still relatively impressive then it is necessary to promote more research on it

    Az európai városok tudományos kibocsátásának feltérképezése: egy területi tudománymetria elemzés a Scopus adatbázis alapján

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    Napjainkban a tudomány látványos globalizációjával párhuzamosan fokozatosan gyarapodik a területi tudománymetriai kutatások száma is. Ezen kutatásoknak egy része a városok, vagy városrégiók tudományos kibocsátását vizsgálja különböző szempontok alapján, és arra keresnek választ, hogy mely városok nevezhetők a tudomány globális, regionális központjainak, és milyen tényezők állnak kiemelkedő tudományos kibocsátásuk hátterében. Ebben a cikkben a Scopus adatbázisban található adatok alapján azt vizsgálom meg, hogy 1986 és 2015 között, tehát egy 30 éves periódust figyelembe véve mekkora volt az európai városok tudományos kibocsátása, és milyen jellemező tendenciák mutathatók ki. Továbbá megvizsgálom, hogy a városoknak mely országokkal a legintenzívebb a nemzetközi együttműködése, és a városokban mely tudományterületeken történik a legnagyobb kibocsátás. Az elemzésbe 753 európai várost vontam be, a tudománymetriai adatokat pedig a szabadon elérhető GPS Visualizer program segítségével ábrázoltam térképen. Az eredmények azt mutatják, hogy Európa legnagyobb tudományos kibocsátással rendelkező városai a méretükben is legnagyobb metropoliszok (London, Párizs és Moszkva), a fővárosok (pl. Róma, Madrid, Berlin) és változó mértékben a tipikus egyetemi városok (Cambridge, Oxford, Heidelberg, stb.). A kibocsátás ütemében általában lassulás tapasztalható, ám egyes kelet-európia városok esetében (Moszkva, Kijev, Minszk) ez különösen látványos. Az Egyesült Államok hegemóniáját a tudományokban világosan tükrözi az a tény, hogy az európai városok kétharmadának az Egyesült Államok a legfontosabb együttműködő partnere, hiányában viszont a nyelvi és a történelmi szempontok jelentik a kapcsolódási pontot. A globális trendekkel összhangban, Európában is az orvostudományok a legnagyobb kibocsátással rendelkező tudományterület, ám földrajzi eloszlásában nem mutatható ki jellemző minta. Ezzel szemben más tudományterületeken a legnagyobb kibocsátással rendelkező városok földrajzi eloszlása mögött jól magyarázható okok húzódnak meg

    Exploring the position of cities in global corporate research and development: a bibliometric analysis by two different geographical approaches

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    Global cities are defined, on the one hand, as the major command and control centres of the world economy and, on the other hand, as the most significant sites of the production of innovation. As command and control centres, they are home to the headquarters of the most powerful MNCs of the global economy, while as sites for the production of innovation they are supposed to be the most important sites of corporate research and development (R&D) activities. In this paper, we conduct a bibliometric analysis of the data located in the Scopus and Forbes 2000 databases to reveal the correlation between the characteristics of the above global city definitions. We explore which cities are the major control points of the global corporate R&D (home city approach), and which cities are the most important sites of corporate R&D activities (host city approach). According to the home city approach we assign articles produced by companies to cities where the decision-making headquarters are located (i.e. to cities that control the companies’ R&D activities), while according to the host city approach we assign articles to cities where the R&D activities are actually conducted. Given Sassen's global city concept, we expect global cities to be both the leading home cities and host cities. The results show that, in accordance with the global city concept, Tokyo, New York, London and Paris surpass other cities as command points of global corporate R&D (having 42 percent of companies’ scientific articles). However, as sites of corporate R&D activities to be conducted, New York and Tokyo form a unique category (having 28 percent of the articles). The gap between San Jose and Boston, and the global cities has consistently narrowed because the formers are the leading centres of the fastest growing innovative industries (e.g. information technology and biotechnology) in the world economy, and important sites of international R&D activities within these industries. The emerging economies are singularly represented by Beijing; however, the position of Chinese capital (i.e. the number of its companies’ scientific articles), has been strengthening rapidly

    Ciencia y sociedad: un nuevo reto para los profesionales de la documentación

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    Various models of scientific knowledge production have recently highlighted that the scientific community holds a growing responsibility towards society, both for establishing scientific priorities and for producing useful knowledge. However, the information science community, despite promoting open access to the scientific literature, keeps sticking to an elitist concept of scientific information sources, as they are conceived within a scientific communication system which is closed and intended to sustain information exchange among peers. This article analyzes four possible scenarios in which science and society may get closer, and propose for each of them a possible role for information professionals. To this end, we revise briefly the growing literature on citizens accessing scientific information.Los nuevos modelos de producción de conocimiento científico vienen enfatizando desde hace un par de décadas la creciente responsabilidad de la comunidad científica ante la sociedad, tanto por lo que se refiere a las prioridades de investigación como en cuanto a los requisitos de utilidad del conocimiento generado. Sin embargo, la comunidad documental, a pesar de promover el acceso abierto a la literatura científica, sigue adhiriéndose a un concepto “elitista” de fuentes de información científica pues las concibe dentro de un sistema de comunicación científica cerrado y destinado principalmente al intercambio informativo entre pares. En este artículo, planteamos cuatro posibles vías de acercamiento entre sociedad y ciencia, proponiendo para cada de ellas un posible rol de los profesionales de la documentación. Para eso revisamos brevemente la creciente literatura sobre el acceso cada vez más importante de los ciudadanos a la información científica.

    A spatial scientometric analysis of the publication output of cities worldwide

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    In tandem with the rapid globalisation of science, spatial scientometrics has become an important research sub-field in scientometric studies. Recently, numerous spatial scientometric contributions have focused on the examination of cities’ scientific output by using various scientometric indicators. In this paper, I analyse cities’ scientific output worldwide in terms of the number of journal articles indexed by the Scopus database, in the period from 1986 to 2015. Furthermore, I examine which countries are the most important collaborators of cities. Finally, I identify the most productive disciplines in each city. I use GPS Visualizer to illustrate the scientometric data of nearly 2,200 cities on maps. Results show that cities with the highest scientific output are mostly located in developed countries and China. Between 1986 and 2015, the greatest number of scientific articles were created in Beijing. The international hegemony of the United States in science has been described by many studies, and is also reinforced by the fact that the United States is the most important collaborator to more than 75 percent of all cities. Medicine is the most productive discipline in two-thirds of cities. Furthermore, cities having the highest scientific output in specific disciplines show well-defined geographical patterns