7 research outputs found

    Performance analysis of dynamic acoustic source separation in reverberant rooms

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    Informed algorithms for sound source separation in enclosed reverberant environments

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    While humans can separate a sound of interest amidst a cacophony of contending sounds in an echoic environment, machine-based methods lag behind in solving this task. This thesis thus aims at improving performance of audio separation algorithms when they are informed i.e. have access to source location information. These locations are assumed to be known a priori in this work, for example by video processing. Initially, a multi-microphone array based method combined with binary time-frequency masking is proposed. A robust least squares frequency invariant data independent beamformer designed with the location information is utilized to estimate the sources. To further enhance the estimated sources, binary time-frequency masking based post-processing is used but cepstral domain smoothing is required to mitigate musical noise. To tackle the under-determined case and further improve separation performance at higher reverberation times, a two-microphone based method which is inspired by human auditory processing and generates soft time-frequency masks is described. In this approach interaural level difference, interaural phase difference and mixing vectors are probabilistically modeled in the time-frequency domain and the model parameters are learned through the expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm. A direction vector is estimated for each source, using the location information, which is used as the mean parameter of the mixing vector model. Soft time-frequency masks are used to reconstruct the sources. A spatial covariance model is then integrated into the probabilistic model framework that encodes the spatial characteristics of the enclosure and further improves the separation performance in challenging scenarios i.e. when sources are in close proximity and when the level of reverberation is high. Finally, new dereverberation based pre-processing is proposed based on the cascade of three dereverberation stages where each enhances the twomicrophone reverberant mixture. The dereverberation stages are based on amplitude spectral subtraction, where the late reverberation is estimated and suppressed. The combination of such dereverberation based pre-processing and use of soft mask separation yields the best separation performance. All methods are evaluated with real and synthetic mixtures formed for example from speech signals from the TIMIT database and measured room impulse responses

    A frequency-based BSS technique for speech source separation.

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    Ngan Lai Yin.Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2003.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 95-100).Abstracts in English and Chinese.Chapter 1 --- Introduction --- p.1Chapter 1.1 --- Blind Signal Separation (BSS) Methods --- p.4Chapter 1.2 --- Objectives of the Thesis --- p.6Chapter 1.3 --- Thesis Outline --- p.8Chapter 2 --- Blind Adaptive Frequency-Shift (BA-FRESH) Filter --- p.9Chapter 2.1 --- Cyclostationarity Properties --- p.10Chapter 2.2 --- Frequency-Shift (FRESH) Filter --- p.11Chapter 2.3 --- Blind Adaptive FRESH Filter --- p.12Chapter 2.4 --- Reduced-Rank BA-FRESH Filter --- p.14Chapter 2.4.1 --- CSP Method --- p.14Chapter 2.4.2 --- PCA Method --- p.14Chapter 2.4.3 --- Appropriate Choice of Rank --- p.14Chapter 2.5 --- Signal Extraction of Spectrally Overlapped Signals --- p.16Chapter 2.5.1 --- Simulation 1: A Fixed Rank --- p.17Chapter 2.5.2 --- Simulation 2: A Variable Rank --- p.18Chapter 2.6 --- Signal Separation of Speech Signals --- p.20Chapter 2.7 --- Chapter Summary --- p.22Chapter 3 --- Reverberant Environment --- p.23Chapter 3.1 --- Small Room Acoustics Model --- p.23Chapter 3.2 --- Effects of Reverberation to Speech Recognition --- p.27Chapter 3.2.1 --- Short Impulse Response --- p.27Chapter 3.2.2 --- Small Room Impulse Response Modelled by Image Method --- p.32Chapter 3.3 --- Chapter Summary --- p.34Chapter 4 --- Information Theoretic Approach for Signal Separation --- p.35Chapter 4.1 --- Independent Component Analysis (ICA) --- p.35Chapter 4.1.1 --- Kullback-Leibler (K-L) Divergence --- p.37Chapter 4.2 --- Information Maximization (Infomax) --- p.39Chapter 4.2.1 --- Stochastic Gradient Descent and Stability Problem --- p.41Chapter 4.2.2 --- Infomax and ICA --- p.41Chapter 4.2.3 --- Infomax and Maximum Likelihood --- p.42Chapter 4.3 --- Signal Separation by Infomax --- p.43Chapter 4.4 --- Chapter Summary --- p.45Chapter 5 --- Blind Signal Separation (BSS) in Frequency Domain --- p.47Chapter 5.1 --- Convolutive Mixing System --- p.48Chapter 5.2 --- Infomax in Frequency Domain --- p.52Chapter 5.3 --- Adaptation Algorithms --- p.54Chapter 5.3.1 --- Standard Gradient Method --- p.54Chapter 5.3.2 --- Natural Gradient Method --- p.55Chapter 5.3.3 --- Convergence Performance --- p.56Chapter 5.4 --- Subband Adaptation --- p.57Chapter 5.5 --- Energy Weighting --- p.59Chapter 5.6 --- The Permutation Problem --- p.61Chapter 5.7 --- Performance Evaluation --- p.63Chapter 5.7.1 --- De-reverberation Performance Factor --- p.63Chapter 5.7.2 --- De-Noise Performance Factor --- p.63Chapter 5.7.3 --- Spectral Signal-to-noise Ratio (SNR) --- p.65Chapter 5.8 --- Chapter Summary --- p.65Chapter 6 --- Simulation Results and Performance Analysis --- p.67Chapter 6.1 --- Small Room Acoustics Modelled by Image Method --- p.67Chapter 6.2 --- Signal Sources --- p.68Chapter 6.2.1 --- Cantonese Speech --- p.69Chapter 6.2.2 --- Noise --- p.69Chapter 6.3 --- De-Noise and De-Reverberation Performance Analysis --- p.69Chapter 6.3.1 --- Speech and White Noise --- p.73Chapter 6.3.2 --- Speech and Voice Babble Noise --- p.76Chapter 6.3.3 --- Two Female Speeches --- p.79Chapter 6.4 --- Recognition Accuracy Performance Analysis --- p.83Chapter 6.4.1 --- Speech and White Noise --- p.83Chapter 6.4.2 --- Speech and Voice Babble Noise --- p.84Chapter 6.4.3 --- Two Cantonese Speeches --- p.85Chapter 6.5 --- Chapter Summary --- p.87Chapter 7 --- Conclusions and Suggestions for Future Research --- p.88Chapter 7.1 --- Conclusions --- p.88Chapter 7.2 --- Suggestions for Future Research --- p.91Appendices --- p.92A The Proof of Stability Conditions for Stochastic Gradient De- scent Algorithm (Ref. (4.15)) --- p.92Bibliography --- p.9

    Fonctions de coût pour l'estimation des filtres acoustiques dans les mélanges réverbérants

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    On se place dans le cadre du traitement des signaux audio multicanaux et multi-sources. À partir du mélange de plusieurs sources sonores enregistrées en milieu réverbérant, on cherche à estimer les réponses acoustiques (ou filtres de mélange) entre les sources et les microphones. Ce problème inverse ne peut être résolu qu'en prenant en compte des hypothèses sur la nature des filtres. Notre approche consiste d'une part à identifier mathématiquement les hypothèses nécessaires sur les filtres pour pouvoir les estimer et d'autre part à construire des fonctions de coût et des algorithmes permettant de les estimer effectivement. Premièrement, nous avons considéré le cas où les signaux sources sont connus. Nous avons développé une méthode d'estimation des filtres basée sur une régularisation convexe prenant en compte à la fois la nature parcimonieuse des filtres et leur enveloppe de forme exponentielle décroissante. Nous avons effectué des enregistrements en environnement réel qui ont confirmé l'efficacité de cet algorithme. Deuxièmement, nous avons considéré le cas où les signaux sources sont inconnus, mais statistiquement indépendants. Les filtres de mélange peuvent alors être estimés à une indétermination de permutation et de gain près à chaque fréquence par des techniques d'analyse en composantes indépendantes. Nous avons apporté une étude exhaustive des garanties théoriques par lesquelles l'indétermination de permutation peut être levée dans le cas où les filtres sont parcimonieux dans le domaine temporel. Troisièmement, nous avons commencé à analyser les hypothèses sous lesquelles notre algorithme d'estimation des filtres pourrait être étendu à l'estimation conjointe des signaux sources et des filtres et montré un premier résultat négatif inattendu : dans le cadre de la déconvolution parcimonieuse aveugle, pour une famille assez large de fonctions de coût régularisées, le minimum global est trivial. Des contraintes supplémentaires sur les signaux sources ou les filtres sont donc nécessaires.This work is focused on the processing of multichannel and multisource audio signals. From an audio mixture of several audio sources recorded in a reverberant room, we wish to estimate the acoustic responses (a.k.a. mixing filters) between the sources and the microphones. To solve this inverse problem one need to take into account additional hypotheses on the nature of the acoustic responses. Our approach consists in first identifying mathematically the necessary hypotheses on the acoustic responses for their estimation and then building cost functions and algorithms to effectively estimate them. First, we considered the case where the source signals are known. We developed a method to estimate the acoustic responses based on a convex regularization which exploits both the temporal sparsity of the filters and the exponentially decaying envelope. Real-world experiments confirmed the effectiveness of this method on real data. Then, we considered the case where the sources signal are unknown, but statistically independent. The mixing filters can be estimated up to a permutation and scaling ambiguity. We brought up an exhaustive study of the theoretical conditions under which we can solve the indeterminacy, when the multichannel filters are sparse in the temporal domain. Finally, we started to analyse the hypotheses under which this algorithm could be extended to the joint estimation of the sources and the filters, and showed a first unexpected results : in the context of blind deconvolution with sparse priors, for a quite large family of regularised cost functions, the global minimum is trivial. Additional constraints on the source signals and the filters are needed.RENNES1-Bibl. électronique (352382106) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Perceptually motivated blind source separation of convolutive audio mixtures

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    Enhanced independent vector analysis for speech separation in room environments

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    PhD ThesisThe human brain has the ability to focus on a desired sound source in the presence of several active sound sources. The machine based method lags behind in mimicking this particular skill of human beings. In the domain of digital signal processing this problem is termed as the cocktail party problem. This thesis thus aims to further the eld of acoustic source separation in the frequency domain based on exploiting source independence. The main challenge in such frequency domain algorithms is the permutation problem. Independent vector analysis (IVA) is a frequency domain blind source separation algorithm which can theoretically obviate the permutation problem by preserving the dependency structure within each source vector whilst eliminating the dependency between the frequency bins of di erent source vectors. This thesis in particular focuses on improving the separation performance of IVA algorithms which are used for frequency domain acoustic source separation in real room environments. The source prior is crucial to the separation performance of the IVA algorithm as it is used to model the nonlinear dependency structure within the source vectors. An alternative multivariate Student's t distribution source prior is proposed for the IVA algorithm as it is known to be well suited for modelling certain speech signals due to its heavy tail nature. Therefore the nonlinear score function that is derived from the proposed Student's t source prior can better model the dependency structure within the frequency bins and thereby enhance the separation performance and the convergence speed of the IVA and the Fast version of the IVA (FastIVA) algorithms. 4 5 A novel energy driven mixed Student's t and the original super Gaussian source prior is also proposed for the IVA algorithms. As speech signals can be composed of many high and low amplitude data points, therefore the Student's t distribution in the mixed source prior can account for the high amplitude data points whereas the original su- per Gaussian distribution can cater for the other information in the speech signals. Furthermore, the weight of both distributions in the mixed source prior can be ad- justed according to the energy of the observed mixtures. Therefore the mixed source prior adapts the measured signals and further enhances the performance of the IVA algorithm. A common approach within the IVA algorithm is to model di erent speech sources with an identical source prior, however this does not account for the unique characteristics of each speech signal. Therefore dependency modelling for di erent speech sources can be improved by modelling di erent speech sources with di erent source priors. Hence, the Student's t mixture model (SMM) is introduced as a source prior for the IVA algorithm. This new source prior can adapt according to the nature of di erent speech signals and the parameters for the proposed SMM source prior are estimated by deriving an e cient expectation maximization (EM) algorithm. As a result of this study, a novel EM framework for the IVA algorithm with the SMM as a source prior is proposed which is capable of separating the sources in an e cient manner. The proposed algorithms are tested in various realistic reverberant room environments with real speech signals. All the experiments and evaluation demonstrate the robustness and enhanced separation performance of the proposed algorithms

    Content-based music classification, summarization and retrieval

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