5 research outputs found

    New taxonomy of easy-to-understand access services

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    The Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities states that access to information through written and electronic communications is essential for personal development and full participation in society. In digital scenarios, media services, such as audio descriptions, subtitles, or sign language, facilitate access to content with a focus on sensory barriers. Still, there are shortcomings in addressing other needs, such as cognitive ones. This article aims to suggest a taxonomy of the emerging easy-to-understand access services that cater for the needs of audiences who struggle with understanding audiovisual content for varied reasons, such as low literacy, reading or learning difficulties, temporary impairments, or insufficient language skills. The taxonomy uses Gottlieb’s (2005) semiotically-based classification to define E2U access services within the landscape of Audiovisual translation and to classify them according to their semiotic identity as compared to the standard access services.La Convención sobre los Derechos de las Personas con Discapacidad establece que el acceso a la información escrita y electrónica es esencial para el desarrollo personal y una participación social plena. En escenarios digitales, los servicios de accesibilidad como la audiodescripción, el subtitulado o la lengua de signos facilitan dicho acceso, especialmente en el caso de barreras sensoriales. Sin embargo, en el ámbito cognitivo aún quedan barreras por salvar. Este artículo presenta una taxonomía de servicios de accesibilidad que usan métodos de simplificación para facilitar el acceso a personas con dificultades de comprensión, ya sea por problemas de lectura, aprendizaje, discapacidad temporal o niveles insuficientes de lengua. La taxonomía presentada utiliza la clasificación semiótica de Gottlieb (2005) para ubicar estos servicios de accesibilidad dentro de la traducción audiovisual y para clasificarlos según su identidad semiótica en comparación con los servicios de accesibilidad estándar.This article has been partially funded by the EU project IMAC grant number 761974, EASIT 2018-1-ES01-KA203-050275, RAD PGC2018-096566-B-I00 and the Catalan Research Council grant number SGR113

    Lexical simplification for the systematic support of cognitive accessibility guidelines

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    The Internet has come a long way in recent years, contributing to the proliferation of large volumes of digitally available information. Through user interfaces we can access these contents, however, they are not accessible to everyone. The main users affected are people with disabilities, who are already a considerable number, but accessibility barriers affect a wide range of user groups and contexts of use in accessing digital information. Some of these barriers are caused by language inaccessibility when texts contain long sentences, unusual words and complex linguistic structures. These accessibility barriers directly affect people with cognitive disabilities. For the purpose of making textual content more accessible, there are initiatives such as the Easy Reading guidelines, the Plain Language guidelines and some of the languagespecific Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). These guidelines provide documentation, but do not specify methods for meeting the requirements implicit in these guidelines in a systematic way. To obtain a solution, methods from the Natural Language Processing (NLP) discipline can provide support for achieving compliance with the cognitive accessibility guidelines for the language. The task of text simplification aims at reducing the linguistic complexity of a text from a syntactic and lexical perspective, the latter being the main focus of this Thesis. In this sense, one solution space is to identify in a text which words are complex or uncommon, and in the case that there were, to provide a more usual and simpler synonym, together with a simple definition, all oriented to people with cognitive disabilities. With this goal in mind, this Thesis presents the study, analysis, design and development of an architecture, NLP methods, resources and tools for the lexical simplification of texts for the Spanish language in a generic domain in the field of cognitive accessibility. To achieve this, each of the steps present in the lexical simplification processes is studied, together with methods for word sense disambiguation. As a contribution, different types of word embedding are explored and created, supported by traditional and dynamic embedding methods, such as transfer learning methods. In addition, since most of the NLP methods require data for their operation, a resource in the framework of cognitive accessibility is presented as a contribution.Internet ha avanzado mucho en los últimos años contribuyendo a la proliferación de grandes volúmenes de información disponible digitalmente. A través de interfaces de usuario podemos acceder a estos contenidos, sin embargo, estos no son accesibles a todas las personas. Los usuarios afectados principalmente son las personas con discapacidad siendo ya un número considerable, pero las barreras de accesibilidad afectan a un gran rango de grupos de usuarios y contextos de uso en el acceso a la información digital. Algunas de estas barreras son causadas por la inaccesibilidad al lenguaje cuando los textos contienen oraciones largas, palabras inusuales y estructuras lingüísticas complejas. Estas barreras de accesibilidad afectan directamente a las personas con discapacidad cognitiva. Con el fin de hacer el contenido textual más accesible, existen iniciativas como las pautas de Lectura Fácil, las pautas de Lenguaje Claro y algunas de las pautas de Accesibilidad al Contenido en la Web (WCAG) específicas para el lenguaje. Estas pautas proporcionan documentación, pero no especifican métodos para cumplir con los requisitos implícitos en estas pautas de manera sistemática. Para obtener una solución, los métodos de la disciplina del Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural (PLN) pueden dar un soporte para alcanzar la conformidad con las pautas de accesibilidad cognitiva relativas al lenguaje La tarea de la simplificación de textos del PLN tiene como objetivo reducir la complejidad lingüística de un texto desde una perspectiva sintáctica y léxica, siendo esta última el enfoque principal de esta Tesis. En este sentido, un espacio de solución es identificar en un texto qué palabras son complejas o poco comunes, y en el caso de que sí hubiera, proporcionar un sinónimo más usual y sencillo, junto con una definición sencilla, todo ello orientado a las personas con discapacidad cognitiva. Con tal meta, en esta Tesis, se presenta el estudio, análisis, diseño y desarrollo de una arquitectura, métodos PLN, recursos y herramientas para la simplificación léxica de textos para el idioma español en un dominio genérico en el ámbito de la accesibilidad cognitiva. Para lograr esto, se estudia cada uno de los pasos presentes en los procesos de simplificación léxica, junto con métodos para la desambiguación del sentido de las palabras. Como contribución, diferentes tipos de word embedding son explorados y creados, apoyados por métodos embedding tradicionales y dinámicos, como son los métodos de transfer learning. Además, debido a que gran parte de los métodos PLN requieren datos para su funcionamiento, se presenta como contribución un recurso en el marco de la accesibilidad cognitiva.Programa de Doctorado en Ciencia y Tecnología Informática por la Universidad Carlos III de MadridPresidente: José Antonio Macías Iglesias.- Secretario: Israel González Carrasco.- Vocal: Raquel Hervás Ballestero

    Análisis sistemático de pautas para la accesibilidad TIC para personas con discapacidad cognitiva

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    Este trabajo de investigación presenta los resultados de una revisión sistemática realizada a partir de la recopilación, lectura y análisis de distintas fuentes bibliográficas dentro de un conjunto heterogéneo consistente de 175 estudios que forman la base bibliográfica actual del documento “Cognitive Accessibility User Research” (W3C, 2015a) del W3C. Esta base bibliográfica está compuesta por publicaciones científicas basadas en libros, artículos, conferencias y sitios Web especializados, en los cuales se potencia como objeto particular de análisis, la indagación en la búsqueda de pautas de accesibilidad en las tecnologías Web que apoyen la integración a personas con discapacidad cognitiva. Como parte de este proceso de investigación se ha recopilado y descrito la situación actual, particularmente, de los retos en la utilización de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC) en relación a personas con dificultades de aprendizaje o discapacidades cognitivas, tales como la Dislexia, Afasia, Trastorno de Aprendizaje No verbal, Envejecimiento-Demencia, Trastornos por Déficit de Atención con o sin Hiperactividad, Autismo, Síndrome de Down y Discalculia. Como aporte primordial de este Trabajo Fin de Master (TFM), se intenta trazar una línea de criterios que permitan la evaluación objetiva de este tópico, con miras a ofrecer un enfoque práctico y reciente sobre ésta temática, mostrando de forma esquematizada las pautas existentes y sirviendo de síntesis orientativa para el diseño accesible de las TIC con la finalidad de promover un soporte real a personas con los tipo de discapacidad cognitiva en los que se ha enfocado esta investigación. Logrando obtener como resultado principal de este estudio, 36 pautas generales que agrupan las coincidencias del grupo de discapacidades estudiadas y que han sido distribuidas en categorías: texto, navegación y generales, para su mejor interpretación y manejo de la Accesibilidad en las TIC´S para Personas con Discapacidad Cognitiva.---ABSTRACT---This research presents the results of a systematic review from collecting, reading and analysis of different bibliographic sources within a heterogeneous group consisting of 175 studies that form the basis of current literature document "Accessibility User Cognitive Research" (W3C , 2015th) of the W3C. This bibliographic database is composed of scientific publications based on books, articles, lectures and specialized Web sites, in which is enhanced as a particular object of analysis, the inquiry into the search for accessibility guidelines for Web technologies to support integration of people with cognitive disabilities. As part of this research process, the current situation has been collected and described, particularly the challenges in the use of information and communications technology (ICT) in relation to people with learning disabilities or cognitive disabilities, such as Dyslexia, aphasia, nonverbal learning disorder, aging-Dementia, Attention Deficit Disorders with or without hyperactivity, autism, Down syndrome and dyscalculia. As primary contribution of this Master's Thesis (TFM), it tries to draw a line of criteria to allow an objective assessment of this topic, in order to provide a practical and recent focus on this theme, showing schematically existing guidelines and serving as guidance for accessible design of ICT in order to promote a real support to people with cognitive disabilities where this research has focused on. Managing to obtain the main result of this study, 36 general guidelines that group the set of disabilities studied and have been distributed in categories: text, navigation and general, for better interpretation and management of ICTs for Accessibility people with cognitive disabilities

    Role of images on World Wide Web readability

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    As the Internet and World Wide Web have grown, many good things have come. If you have access to a computer, you can find a lot of information quickly and easily. Electronic devices can store and retrieve vast amounts of data in seconds. You no longer have to leave your house to get products and services you could only get in person. Documents can be changed from English to Urdu or from text to speech almost instantly, making it easy for people from different cultures and with different abilities to talk to each other. As technology improves, web developers and website visitors want more animation, colour, and technology. As computers get faster at processing images and other graphics, web developers use them more and more. Users who can see colour, pictures, animation, and images can help understand and read the Web and improve the Web experience. People who have trouble reading or whose first language is not used on the website can also benefit from using pictures. But not all images help people understand and read the text they go with. For example, images just for decoration or picked by the people who made the website should not be used. Also, different factors could affect how easy it is to read graphical content, such as a low image resolution, a bad aspect ratio, a bad colour combination in the image itself, a small font size, etc., and the WCAG gave different rules for each of these problems. The rules suggest using alternative text, the right combination of colours, low contrast, and a higher resolution. But one of the biggest problems is that images that don't go with the text on a web page can make it hard to read the text. On the other hand, relevant pictures could make the page easier to read. A method has been suggested to figure out how relevant the images on websites are from the point of view of web readability. This method combines different ways to get information from images by using Cloud Vision API and Optical Character Recognition (OCR), and reading text from websites to find relevancy between them. Techniques for preprocessing data have been used on the information that has been extracted. Natural Language Processing (NLP) technique has been used to determine what images and text on a web page have to do with each other. This tool looks at fifty educational websites' pictures and assesses their relevance. Results show that images that have nothing to do with the page's content and images that aren't very good cause lower relevancy scores. A user study was done to evaluate the hypothesis that the relevant images could enhance web readability based on two evaluations: the evaluation of the 1024 end users of the page and the heuristic evaluation, which was done by 32 experts in accessibility. The user study was done with questions about what the user knows, how they feel, and what they can do. The results back up the idea that images that are relevant to the page make it easier to read. This method will help web designers make pages easier to read by looking at only the essential parts of a page and not relying on their judgment.Programa de Doctorado en Ciencia y Tecnología Informática por la Universidad Carlos III de MadridPresidente: José Luis Lépez Cuadrado.- Secretario: Divakar Yadav.- Vocal: Arti Jai