6 research outputs found


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    Siswa dengan integritas akademik rendah cenderung untuk melakukan pelanggaran akademik dan menganggap pelanggaran akademik menjadi hal biasa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji keefektifan strategi bimbingan kelompok melalui training group dalam pengembangan integritas akademik siswa. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode eksperimen dengan desain non equivalent pretest-posttest control group design. Partisipan penelitian berjumlah 24 orang (12 kelompok eksperimen dan 12 kelompok kontrol) yang dipilih secara purposive pada siswa yang memiliki integritas akademik rendah. Instrumen penelitian berupa angket integritas akademik siswa. Data dianalisis menggunakan uji perbedaan (U-Mann-Withney) dengan membandingkan rerata skor pada kelompok eksperimen dan kelompok kontrol. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan strategi bimbingan kelompok melalui training group cukup efektif dalam pengembangan integritas akademik siswa. Kata Kunci : Integritas Akademik, bimbingan kelompok, training group Students who had low academic integrity tend to commit academic violations and consider academic violations to be commonplace. This study aims to test the effectiveness of group guidance strategies through group training in developing students' academic integrity. The method used is an experimental method with a non equivalent pretest-posttest control group design. The number of participants in this study 24 students (12 experimental groups and 12 control groups) selected by purposive from students who had low academic integrity. The instrument used in this study is the academic integrity scale for students. Data were analyzed using the difference test (U-Mann-Whitney) by comparing the mean scores in experimental group and control group. Test results showed the group guidance strategy through group training was quite effective in developing students' academic integrity. Key Word : Academic Integrity, Group Guidance, Training Grou

    Evaluation of 8th Semester Engineering Student’s Perception, Awareness and Behavior towards Plagiarism in BGS Institute of Technology at Adi Chunachangiri University

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    The aim of this study was to assess evaluation of 8th semester engineering student’s perception, awareness and behavior towards plagiarism in BGS Institute of Technology at Adi Chunachangiri University. The used survey design in which questionnaire was used to collect data. Altogether 250 questionnaires were distributed proportionally to respondents and 218 were collected with a response rate of 87.2%. Necessary statistical techniques and methods will be used to analyze the research data. After completion of the analysis the findings will be drawn and they will be presented in the form of report. The findings revealed the engineering college students of BGSIT (BGS Institute of Technology) using plagiarism for various purposes, purposes users using plagiarism is presented in table 7.4. Among the respondents with regard to the using plagiarism of ‘Learn How to Write’, majority of respondents biggest choice 126(57.8%) say ‘strongly agree’; with a highest mean value of 4.9 and SD being .915. The parameter among users in the awareness of ‘Plagiarisma’. It is observed that majority of the users says ‘strongly agree’ mean value of 4.16 and SD being .1.00 (Table-7.5). The respondents with regard to the behavior of ‘Sometimes it is necessary to plagiarize (if you have another important task to do you can plagiarize).’ more number of user biggest choice is 118(54.1) ‘strongly agree’ with highest mean value of 4.11 and SD being .1.26. (Table-7.9), for behaviors of Students about preparing and submitting an assignment in time in B G S Institute of Technology, 8th semester students

    Academic Library Roles in Preventing Plagiarism

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    This collaborative research illustrates the role of UII Yogyakarta Library and UIN Alauddin Makassar Library in preventing plagiarism. The data at UII Yogyakarta were obtained by interviewing 25 students who were compiling their final scientific papers, also through observation and focused discussion. At UIN Alauddin Makassar, the data were obtained by interviewing 8 Turnitin instructors and administrators, also through observation and documentation. The research data were analyzed using quantitative-qualitative descriptive methods. The results showed that the Library of UII Yogyakarta and UIN Alauddin Makassar had an important role in encouraging students to be aware of plagiarism through awareness-raising, honesty fostering, and tutorials on understanding plagiarism itself. This study also found that the students were more proactive with the issue of plagiarism by discussing together and socializing the rules related to plagiarism in these two institutions

    Exploring Junior Secondary Students' Plagiarism Behavior

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