32 research outputs found

    Senior Citizens’ Self-Efficacy for ICT Use: The Influence of Gender, Social Influence and Social Support

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    As the world becomes more digitally connected and most countries have longer life expectancy and an ageing population, it is critical to understand the factors affecting ICT adoption among the senior citizens. Previous researchers examined how various factors influence ICT adoption among senior citizens, including age, degree of functional impairment, financial resources, education level etc. In addition to the demographic factors, psychological factors such as computer self-efficacy (CSE) is also crucial in understanding ICT adoption among seniors. Building upon the classic psychological theory of self-efficacy, we proposed that CSE is an important mediating factor between social influence, social support and usage. We further posit that gender moderates the effect on social support and CSE among senior citizens. Specifically, the effects on women are augmented. To test the developed hypotheses, we conducted a person-administered survey comprising 503 Singaporeans aged between 55 and 75 years of age. Collected data were analysed using partial least squares. The results confirmed the proposed hypotheses and demonstrated that gender, social influence, social support and CSE are crucial in understanding ICT usage amongst seniors. Specific insights on the use of ICT among senior citizens are revealed

    Gender Differences in Computer Science Education: Lessons Learnt from an Empirical Study at NTNU

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    Research in Computer Science (CS) education has focused on gender differences and there is high interest in increasing female participation in CS. The present study reviews important factors that influence CS students’ decision to complete their studies in CS (retention), and empirically examines how these factors differ for males and females. To this end, we identify cognitive and non-cognitive gains, cognitive and affective engagement, motivation to study, and three different barriers as critical factors in CS students’. We test these factors on 236 Norwegian CS students in order to find any potential gender differences. The findings indicate a gender difference for cognitive gains, affective engagement, motivation to study, and satisfaction with learning effectiveness. On the other hand, no difference was found for non-cognitive gains, cognitive engagement, personal values/teaching quality, and students’ intention to dropout from their studies. The study concludes with implications that will guide both research and practice towards a better understanding of both male and female CS students

    The Online Shopping Behavior of Indonesian Generation X

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    E-commerce is one of the information technologies that influence consumer behavior. Generation X is characterized by a higher internet adoption rate than the previous generation. As digital immigrants, this generation behavior toward using e-commerce is an interesting phenomenon to be studied. Thus, this study aims to examine the acceptance and use of e-commerce among Generation X using Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology 2 (UTAUT2) theory. The research sample was 369 Generation X respondents in Indonesia who used e-commerce and were selected using purposive sampling. The questionnaires were distributed online and then analyzed using structural equation modeling. The findings showed that Generation X acceptance towards e-commerce were influenced by performance expectancy, hedonic motivation, habit, price value, and behavior intention. In contrast, effort expectancy, facilitating condition, and social influences) were not found to be the predictor that influenced Generation X to use e-commerce. This paper offers valuable insights for e-commerce founders in the development and refinement of e-commerce platforms

    Computer Anxiety, Computer Self-efficacy and Attitudes towards the Internet of First Year Students at a South African University of Technology

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    Published ArticleNotwithstanding the benefits that information and communications technology (ICT) offers to learning processes, the majority of learners in rural and township areas in South Africa either do not have access to computers and the internet, or they lack sufficient skills to exploit the benefits of ICT. This lack of skills and access to computers may lead to computer anxiety and low computer self-efficacy among undergraduates entering higher education. Low computer anxiety and high computer self-efficacy levels are important factors in assisting students to be academically successful in the present technological era. This article reports on a study that assessed the computer anxiety, computer self-efficacy and attitude towards the internet among first year students at a South African university of technology. Data collection was done through a five section survey. The research revealed that students suffer from moderate computer anxiety; they have a moderate compute self-efficacy; and their attitude towards the internet is positive. The results, research contributions, and limitations are discussed, and implications for future studies are suggested

    The influence of relevance and computer self-efficacy on students’ behavioral intention in using the digital library

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    Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis penerimaan atau penolakan pengguna terhadap digital library dan mengidentifikasi faktor yang mempengaruhi niat mahasiswa dalam menggunakan digital library. Penelitian dilakukan pada mahasiswa Jurusan Pendidikan Ekonomi Angkatan 2019 dengan jumlah sampel 140 dari jumlah populasi 218 mahasiswa yang ditentukan menggunakan table krejcie dengan taraf signifikasi 0,05. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu Structural Equation Modeling-Generalized Structured Component Analysis (SEM-GSCA) dengan menggunakan aplikasi GSCA pro. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa relevance memiliki pengaruh positif signifikan terhadap perceived usefulness digital library unesa. Computer self-efficacy berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap perceived ease of use. Perceived usefulness dan perceived ease of use berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap behavioral intention. Penelitian ini dapat memberikan wawasan terhadap pengelola sistem digital library agar menyediakan sistem yang memiliki perceived ease of use dan perceived usefulness karena 2 faktor tersebut sangat mempengaruhi niat mahasiswa dalam menggunakan digital library.Abstract: This study aims to analyze user acceptance or rejection of digital libraries and identify factors influencing students' intentions to use digital libraries. This study involved 140 students out of a population of 218 students from the 2019 Economics Department. The determination of the sample used the krejcie table with a significance level of 0.05. Data were analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling-Generalized Structured Component Analysis (SEM-GSCA) with the help of the GSCA pro application. The results of this study indicate that relevance has a significant positive effect on the perceived usefulness of the digital library of Surabaya State University. Computer self-efficacy has a significant positive effect on perceived ease of use. Perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use have a significant positive effect on behavioral intention. This study provides insight into digital library system managers in order to provide a system that has perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness, as these two factors greatly influence students' intentions to use the digital library


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    Technology acceptance model (TAM) is arguably the most widely used intention theory that explains the individual’s acceptance of a certain technology.  Since Davis introduced TAM in 1986, it has been applied and validated in a variety of disciplines, including educational sciences. However, scholars note that depending on a specific context, the original TAM needs to be extended, which has been done by introducing external variables and other theories. Despite the existent TAM2 and TAM3, numerous scholars still opt for the original TAM, extending it with the variables and theories that are relevant to the specific context of their study. The aim of the present paper is to provide an overview of validated TAM extensions, which might later help to further the understanding of educational technology acceptance, which is a prerequisite of its adoption. Since interdisciplinarity in various contexts is becoming more and more common, the overview presents TAM extensions that come from a number of different disciplines. The overview is based on 108 papers that were retrieved from the Web of Science (Clarivate Analytics) by searching for the keywords ‘extended Technology Acceptance Model’, ‘extended TAM’, and ‘TAM extension’.

    Teachers’ Perception of Factors Affecting Integration of Information and Communication Technology for Instructional Purposes in Secondary Schools in Kenya

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    This research determined the perception of secondary school teachers on the effect of teacher-related factors on the integration of information and communication technology (ICT) for instructional purposes. The study was conducted in 40 secondary schools of the North Rift Valley region of Kenya that had computers. Likert-type scale for each technology acceptance variable (Computer self-efficacy, teacher efficacy, attitude towards computer, Social influence, and Constructivist beliefs) was developed/ adopted for the study. These scales were established to have adequate reliability through a pilot study. Usable data from 400 respondents was collected and used to test the hypotheses. T-test, ANOVA and Fisher’s LSD post hoc analyses were conducted on the data collected using SPSS version 20.0. The results show that voluntariness and computer experience were the two main variables that determined teachers’ perception of factors affecting the integration of Information and Communication Technology for instructional purposes. On the other hand, subject specialization, gender and teaching experience had marginal or no significant influence on teachers’ perception of factors affecting the integration of Information and Communication Technology for instructional purposes. Therefore, it should be understood that a number of factors interact to produce a significant effect on ICT integration in pedagogy