4 research outputs found

    CHOP: adaptive filter-based DRAM caching for CMP server platforms

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    Journal ArticleAs manycore architectures enable a large number of cores on the die, a key challenge that emerges is the availability of memory bandwidth with conventional DRAM solutions. To address this challenge, integration of large DRAM caches that provide as much as 5Ă— higher bandwidth and as low as 1/3rd of the latency (as compared to conventional DRAM) is very promising. However, organizing and implementing a large DRAM cache is challenging because of two primary tradeoffs: (a) DRAM caches at cache line granularity require too large an on-chip tag area that makes it undesirable and (b) DRAM caches with larger page granularity require too much bandwidth because the miss rate does not reduce enough to overcome the bandwidth increase. In this paper, we propose CHOP (Caching HOt Pages) in DRAM caches to address these challenges. We study several filter-based DRAM caching techniques: (a) a filter cache (CHOP-FC) that profiles pages and determines the hot subset of pages to allocate into the DRAM cache, (b) a memory-based filter cache (CHOPMFC) that spills and fills filter state to improve the accuracy and reduce the size of the filter cache and (c) an adaptive DRAM caching technique (CHOP-AFC) to determine when the filter cache should be enabled and disabled for DRAM caching. We conduct detailed simulations with server workloads to show that our filter-based DRAM caching techniques achieve the following: (a) on average over 30% performance improvement over previous solutions, (b) several magnitudes lower area overhead in tag space required for cache-line based DRAM caches, (c) significantly lower memory bandwidth consumption as compared to page-granular DRAM caches. Index Terms-DRAM cache; CHOP; adaptive filter; hot page; filter cache

    BADCO: Behavioral Application-Dependent Superscalar Core Models

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    International audienceMicroarchitecture research and development rely heavily on simulators. The ideal simulator should be simple and easy to develop, it should be precise, accurate and very fast. But the ideal simulator does not exist, and microarchitects use different sorts of simulators at different stages of the development of a processor, depending on which is most important, accuracy or simulation speed. Approximate microarchitecture models, which trade accuracy for simulation speed, are very useful for research and design space exploration, provided the loss of accuracy remains acceptable. Behavioral superscalar core modeling is a possible way to trade accuracy for simulation speed in situations where the focus of the study is not the core itself. In this approach, a superscalar core is viewed as a black box emitting requests to the uncore at certain times. A behavioral core model can be connected to a detailed uncore model. Behavioral core models are built from detailed simulations. Once the time to build the model is amortized, important simulation speedups can be obtained. We describe and study a new method for defining behavioral models for modern superscalar cores. The proposed Behavioral Application-Dependent Superscalar Core model, BADCO, predicts the execution time of a thread running on a superscalar core with an error less than 10% in most cases. We show that BADCO is qualitatively accurate, being able to predict how performance changes when we change the uncore. The simulation speedups we obtained are typically between one and two orders of magnitude

    Data Pump Architecture Simulator and Performance Model

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    The Data Pump Architecture (DPA) is a novel non-von-Neumann computer architecture emphasizing efficient use of on-chip SRAM and off-chip DRAM bandwidth. The DPA is parameterized by local memory size, memory bandwidth, vector length, and number of compute processors, allowing the architecture configuration to be balanced for a given set of computations. The Data Pump Architecture Simulator and Performance Model is a functional simulator providing an implementation of the DPA as a software library. Simulation at this level provides the user with the ability to test algorithms for correctness as well as performance. A hardware designer may then use the Simulator as a tool to experimentally determine the effects of architecture parameters and software algorithms through performance data provided by the Simulator's model. The benefit of the approach described here compared to alternatives such as logic/gate level or RTL/HDL software emulation is primarily a reduction in the time needed for 1) a designer to modify and compile a HDL design and 2) to perform the simulation. The Simulator serves as a bridge between the application specific hardware and software design. The result is the ability to use the simulator as part of a framework for rapidly investigating the construction of an optimal system architecture for a given set of algorithms. Investigations with the Walsh-Hadamard transform (WHT), a prototypical digital signal processing transform, are shown. The SPIRAL (www.spiral.net) code generation system is used to explore the space of WHT algorithms while the Simulator is used to explore the performance and trade-offs of different DPA configurations.Ph.D., Computer Science -- Drexel University, 201

    XMTSim: A Simulator of the XMT Many-core Architecture

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    This paper documents the features and the design of XMTSim, the cycle-accurate simulator of the Explicit Multi-Threading (XMT) computer architecture. The Explicit Multi-Threading (XMT) is a general-purpose many-core computing platform, with the vision of a 1000-core chip that is easy to program but does not compromise on performance. XMTSim is a primary component in its publicly available toolchain along with an optimizing compiler. Research and experimentation enabled by the toolchain played a central role in supporting the ease-of-programming and performance aspects of the XMT architecture. The compiler and the simulator are also important milestones for an efficient programmer's workflow from PRAM algorithms to programs that run on the shared memory XMT hardware. This workflow is a key component in accomplishing the goal of ease-of-programming and performance. The applicability of the XMT simulator extends beyond specific XMT choices. It can be used to explore the much greater design space of shared memory many-cores by system researchers or by programmers. As the toolchain can practically run on any computer, it provides a supportive environment for teaching parallel algorithmic thinking with a programming component.National Science Foundation grant CCF-081150