1,094 research outputs found

    A heuristic-based approach to code-smell detection

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    Encapsulation and data hiding are central tenets of the object oriented paradigm. Deciding what data and behaviour to form into a class and where to draw the line between its public and private details can make the difference between a class that is an understandable, flexible and reusable abstraction and one which is not. This decision is a difficult one and may easily result in poor encapsulation which can then have serious implications for a number of system qualities. It is often hard to identify such encapsulation problems within large software systems until they cause a maintenance problem (which is usually too late) and attempting to perform such analysis manually can also be tedious and error prone. Two of the common encapsulation problems that can arise as a consequence of this decomposition process are data classes and god classes. Typically, these two problems occur together – data classes are lacking in functionality that has typically been sucked into an over-complicated and domineering god class. This paper describes the architecture of a tool which automatically detects data and god classes that has been developed as a plug-in for the Eclipse IDE. The technique has been evaluated in a controlled study on two large open source systems which compare the tool results to similar work by Marinescu, who employs a metrics-based approach to detecting such features. The study provides some valuable insights into the strengths and weaknesses of the two approache

    Co-Occurrence of Design Patterns and Bad Smells in Software Systems: An Exploratory Study

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    A design pattern is a general reusable solution to a recurring problem in software design. Bad smells are symptoms that may indicate something wrong in the system design or code. Therefore, design patterns and bad smells represent antagonistic structures. They are subject of recurring research and typically appear in software systems. Although design patterns represent good design, their use is often inadequate because their implementation is not always trivial or they may be unnecessarily employed. The inadequate use of design patterns may lead to a bad smell. Therefore, this paper performs an exploratory study in order to identify instances of co-occurrences of design patterns and bad smells. This study is performed over five systems and discovers some co-occurrences between design patterns and bad smells. For instance, we observed the co-occurrences of Command with God Class and Template Method with Duplicated Code. The results of this study make it possible to understand in which situations design patterns are misused or overused and establish guidelines for their better use

    Mining and Managing Big Data Refactoring for Design Improvement: Are We There Yet?

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    Refactoring is a set of code changes applied to improve the internal structure of a program, without altering its external behavior. With the rise of continuous integration and the awareness of the necessity of managing technical debt, refactoring has become even more popular in recent software builds. Recent studies indicate that developers often perform refactorings. If we consider all refactorings performed across all projects, this consists of the refactoring knowledge that represents a rich source of information that can be useful for both developers and practitioners to better understand how refactoring is being applied in practice. However, mining, processing, and extracting useful insights, from this plethora of refactorings, seems to be challenging. In this book chapter, we take a dive into how refactoring can be mined and preprocessed. We discuss all design concepts and structural metrics that can also be mined along with refactoring operations to understand their impact better. We further investigate the many practical challenges for such extraction. The volume, velocity, and variety of extracted data require careful planning. We outline the appropriate techniques from a large number of available technologies for such system implementation

    Achieving Quality through Software Maintenance and Evolution: on the role of Agile Methodologies and Open Source Software

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    Agile methodologies, open source software development, and emerging new technologies are at the base of disruptive changes in software engineering. Being effort estimation pivotal for effective project management in the agile context, in the first part of the thesis we contribute to improve effort estimation by devising a real-time story point classifier, designed with the collaboration of an industrial partner and by exploiting publicly available data on open source projects. We demonstrate that, after an initial training on at least 300 issue reports, the classifier estimates a new issue in less than 15 seconds with a mean magnitude of relative error between 0.16 and 0.61. In addition, issue type, summary, description, and related components prove to be project-dependent features pivotal for story point estimation. Since story points are the most popular effort estimation metric in the agile context, in the second study presented in the thesis we investigate the role of agile methodologies in software maintenance and evolution, and prove its undoubted influence on the refactoring research field over the last 15 years. In the later part of the thesis, we focus on recent technologies to understand their impact on software engineering. We start by proposing a specialized blockchain-oriented software engineering, on the basis of the peculiar challenges the blockchain sector must confront with and statistical data retrieved from a corpus of open source blockchain-oriented software repositories, identified relying upon the 2016 Moody’s Blockchain Report. We advocate the need for new professional roles, enhanced security and reliability, novel modeling languages, and specialized metrics, along with new research directions focusing on collaboration among large teams, testing, and specialized tools for the creation of smart contracts. Along with the blockchain, in the later part of this work we also study the growing mobile sector. More specifically, we focus on the relationships between software defects and the use of the underlying system API, proving that our findings are aligned with those in the literature, namely, that the applications which are more connected to API classes are also more defect-prone. Finally, in the last work presented in the dissertation, we conducted a statistical analysis of 20 open source object-oriented systems, 10 written in the highly popular language Java and 10 in the rising language Python. We leveraged two statistical distribution functions–the log-normal and the double Pareto distributions–to provide good fits, both in Java and Python, for three metrics, namely, the NOLM, NOM, and NOS metrics. The study, among other findings, revealed that the variability of the number of methods used in Python classes is lower than in Java classes, and that Java classes, on average, feature fewer lines of code than Python classes


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    Developers often perform copy-and-paste activities. This practice causes the similar code fragment (aka code clones) to be scattered throughout a code base. Refactoring for clone removal is beneficial, preventing clones from having negative effects on software quality, such as hidden bug propagation and unintentional inconsistent changes. However, recent research has provided evidence that factoring out clones does not always reduce the risk of introducing defects, and it is often difficult or impossible to remove clones using standard refactoring techniques. To investigate which or how clones can be refactored, developers typically spend a significant amount of their time managing individual clone instances or clone groups scattered across a large code base. To address the problem, this research proposes two techniques to inspect and validate refactoring changes. First, we propose a technique for managing clone refactorings, Pattern-based clone Refactoring Inspection (PRI), using refactoring pattern templates. By matching the refactoring pattern templates against a code base, it summarizes refactoring changes of clones, and detects the clone instances not consistently factored out as potential anomalies. Second, we propose Refactoring Investigation and Testing technique, called RIT. RIT improves the testing efficiency for validating refactoring changes. RIT uses PRI to identify refactorings by analyzing original and edited versions of a program. It then uses the semantic impact of a set of identified refactoring changes to detect tests whose behavior may have been affected and modified by refactoring edits. Given each failed asserts, RIT helps developers focus their attention on logically related program statements by applying program slicing for minimizing each test. For debugging purposes, RIT determines specific failure-inducing refactoring edits, separating from other changes that only affect other asserts or tests

    A large-scale empirical exploration on refactoring activities in open source software projects

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    Refactoring is a well-established practice that aims at improving the internal structure of a software system without changing its external behavior. Existing literature provides evidence of how and why developers perform refactoring in practice. In this paper, we continue on this line of research by performing a large-scale empirical analysis of refactoring practices in 200 open source systems. Specifically, we analyze the change history of these systems at commit level to investigate: (i) whether developers perform refactoring operations and, if so, which are more diffused and (ii) when refactoring operations are applied, and (iii) which are the main developer-oriented factors leading to refactoring. Based on our results, future research can focus on enabling automatic support for less frequent refactorings and on recommending refactorings based on the developer's workload, project's maturity and developer's commitment to the project

    Feedback Driven Annotation and Refactoring of Parallel Programs

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    Recognising object-oriented software design quality : a practitioner-based questionnaire survey

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    Design quality is vital if software is to be maintainable. What practices do developers actually use to achieve design quality in their day-to-day work and which of these do they find most useful? To discover the extent to which practitioners concern themselves with object-oriented design quality and the approaches used when determining quality in practice, a questionnaire survey of 102 software practitioners, approximately half from the UK and the remainder from elsewhere around the world was used. Individual and peer experience are major contributors to design quality. Classic design guidelines, well-known lower level practices, tools and metrics all can also contribute positively to design quality. There is a potential relationship between testing practices and design quality. Inexperience, time pressures, novel problems, novel technology, and imprecise or changing requirements may have a negative impact on quality. Respondents with most experience are more confident in their design decisions, place more value on reviews by team leads and are more likely to rate design quality as very important. For practitioners, these results identify the techniques and tools that other practitioners find effective. For researchers, the results highlight a need for more work investigating the role of experience in the design process and the contribution experience makes to quality. There is also the potential for more in-depth studies of how practitioners are actually using design guidance, including Clean Code. Lastly, the potential relationship between testing practices and design quality merits further investigation
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