13,075 research outputs found

    A Distance-Based Test of Association Between Paired Heterogeneous Genomic Data

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    Due to rapid technological advances, a wide range of different measurements can be obtained from a given biological sample including single nucleotide polymorphisms, copy number variation, gene expression levels, DNA methylation and proteomic profiles. Each of these distinct measurements provides the means to characterize a certain aspect of biological diversity, and a fundamental problem of broad interest concerns the discovery of shared patterns of variation across different data types. Such data types are heterogeneous in the sense that they represent measurements taken at very different scales or described by very different data structures. We propose a distance-based statistical test, the generalized RV (GRV) test, to assess whether there is a common and non-random pattern of variability between paired biological measurements obtained from the same random sample. The measurements enter the test through distance measures which can be chosen to capture particular aspects of the data. An approximate null distribution is proposed to compute p-values in closed-form and without the need to perform costly Monte Carlo permutation procedures. Compared to the classical Mantel test for association between distance matrices, the GRV test has been found to be more powerful in a number of simulation settings. We also report on an application of the GRV test to detect biological pathways in which genetic variability is associated to variation in gene expression levels in ovarian cancer samples, and present results obtained from two independent cohorts

    Comparative Analysis Association and Prediction of Various Phenotypic Traits of Oryza Sativa

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    Understanding the genotype-phenotype relationship and accurately predicting breeding values are crucial aspects of crop improvement programs. This paper investigates the genetic basis ,association of phenotypic trait height and yield and predicts the phenotypic traits of Oryza Sativa (rice) through a comprehensive approach encompassing genome-wide association studies (GWAS), phylogenetic analysis, machine learning algorithms, and the development of a graphical user interface (GUI) application. Genotypic and phenotypic data were collected from the RiceVarMap database. The genotypic information consisted of gene variation IDs, while the phenotype data included plant height. Data preprocessing involved the creation of a sequence. fasta file and multiple sequence alignment using the ClustalW tool. A phylogenetic tree was then constructed to analyse the subpopulations of Oryza Sativa. Clustering techniques were applied to further explore the genetic relationships among the samples. A GWAS file was generated to identify associations between genotype and phenotype. Subsequently, machine learning algorithms were employed for the classification and prediction of genomic estimated breeding values (GEBV) for height and yield traits. Random Forest emerged as the most accurate algorithm with 85% accuracy. To facilitate user interaction and data exploration, a GUI application was developed using Flask, allowing users to access the phylogenetic tree, height, and yield information, GWAS results, and make predictions.  We explored there is a strong positive association between phenotypic trait height and yield

    A Strategy analysis for genetic association studies with known inbreeding

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    Background: Association studies consist in identifying the genetic variants which are related to a specific disease through the use of statistical multiple hypothesis testing or segregation analysis in pedigrees. This type of studies has been very successful in the case of Mendelian monogenic disorders while it has been less successful in identifying genetic variants related to complex diseases where the insurgence depends on the interactions between different genes and the environment. The current technology allows to genotype more than a million of markers and this number has been rapidly increasing in the last years with the imputation based on templates sets and whole genome sequencing. This type of data introduces a great amount of noise in the statistical analysis and usually requires a great number of samples. Current methods seldom take into account gene-gene and gene-environment interactions which are fundamental especially in complex diseases. In this paper we propose to use a non-parametric additive model to detect the genetic variants related to diseases which accounts for interactions of unknown order. Although this is not new to the current literature, we show that in an isolated population, where the most related subjects share also most of their genetic code, the use of additive models may be improved if the available genealogical tree is taken into account. Specifically, we form a sample of cases and controls with the highest inbreeding by means of the Hungarian method, and estimate the set of genes/environmental variables, associated with the disease, by means of Random Forest. Results: We have evidence, from statistical theory, simulations and two applications, that we build a suitable procedure to eliminate stratification between cases and controls and that it also has enough precision in identifying genetic variants responsible for a disease. This procedure has been successfully used for the betathalassemia, which is a well known Mendelian disease, and also to the common asthma where we have identified candidate genes that underlie to the susceptibility of the asthma. Some of such candidate genes have been also found related to common asthma in the current literature. Conclusions: The data analysis approach, based on selecting the most related cases and controls along with the Random Forest model, is a powerful tool for detecting genetic variants associated to a disease in isolated populations. Moreover, this method provides also a prediction model that has accuracy in estimating the unknown disease status and that can be generally used to build kit tests for a wide class of Mendelian diseases

    The Population Genetic Signature of Polygenic Local Adaptation

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    Adaptation in response to selection on polygenic phenotypes may occur via subtle allele frequencies shifts at many loci. Current population genomic techniques are not well posed to identify such signals. In the past decade, detailed knowledge about the specific loci underlying polygenic traits has begun to emerge from genome-wide association studies (GWAS). Here we combine this knowledge from GWAS with robust population genetic modeling to identify traits that may have been influenced by local adaptation. We exploit the fact that GWAS provide an estimate of the additive effect size of many loci to estimate the mean additive genetic value for a given phenotype across many populations as simple weighted sums of allele frequencies. We first describe a general model of neutral genetic value drift for an arbitrary number of populations with an arbitrary relatedness structure. Based on this model we develop methods for detecting unusually strong correlations between genetic values and specific environmental variables, as well as a generalization of QST/FSTQ_{ST}/F_{ST} comparisons to test for over-dispersion of genetic values among populations. Finally we lay out a framework to identify the individual populations or groups of populations that contribute to the signal of overdispersion. These tests have considerably greater power than their single locus equivalents due to the fact that they look for positive covariance between like effect alleles, and also significantly outperform methods that do not account for population structure. We apply our tests to the Human Genome Diversity Panel (HGDP) dataset using GWAS data for height, skin pigmentation, type 2 diabetes, body mass index, and two inflammatory bowel disease datasets. This analysis uncovers a number of putative signals of local adaptation, and we discuss the biological interpretation and caveats of these results.Comment: 42 pages including 8 figures and 3 tables; supplementary figures and tables not included on this upload, but are mostly unchanged from v