59 research outputs found

    Koordinacija više robota za učinkovite pretraživanje prostora

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    This paper addresses the problem of exploration of an unknown environment by developing effective exploration strategies for a team of mobile robots equipped with continuously rotating 3D scanners. The main aim of the new strategies is to reduce the exploration time of unknown environment. Unlike most of other published works, to save time, the laser scanners rotate and scan the environment while robots are in motion. Furthermore, the new strategies are able to explore large outdoor environments as a considerable reduction of the required computations, especially those required for path planning, have been achieved. Moreover, another new exploration strategy has been developed so that robots continuously replan the order to visit the remaining unexplored areas according to the new data (i.e. updated map) collected by the robot in question or by the other team members. This new extension led to further enhancements over the above mentioned ones, but with slightly higher computational costs. Finally, to assess our new exploration strategies with different levels of environment complexity, new set of experiments were conducted in environments where obstacles are distributed according to the Hilbert curve. The results of these experiments show the effectiveness of the proposed technique to effectively distribute the robots over the environment. More importantly, we show how the optimal number of robots is related to the environment complexity.Ovaj članak istražuje problem pretraživanja nepoznatog prostora razvijanjem učinkovite strategije za tim mobilnih robota s rotirajućim 3D laserskim senzorom. Glavni cilj ove nove strategije je smanjenje vremena pretraživanja nepoznatog prostora. Za razliku od većine objavljenih radova, u ovome članku, radi smanjenja vremena, laserski senzori rotiraju i snimaju prostor dok su roboti još u pokretu. Predložene strategije, pošto se njima znatno smanjuje računska složenost, pogotovo za planiranje gibanja, omogućuju pretraživanje i vanjskih prostora prostora velikih dimenzija. Nadalje, razvijena je još jedna strategija pretraživanja koja omogućuje robotima da kontinuirano replaniraju poredak kojim će posjetiti ostatak neistraženog prostora, prema novim podacima (ažuriranoj karti) prikupljenim od njih samih ili drugih članova tima. Ovo novo proširenje nadalje unaprjeđuje performanse algoritma, ali uz nešto veću računsku složenost. Kako bi se u konačnici testirale nove strategije pretraživanja na prostorima različite složenosti, provedeni su eksperimenti s preprekama raspoređenim po Hilbertovoj krivulji. Rezultati eksperimenata pokazuju učinkovitost predložene metode u prostornom raspoređivanju robota. Od posebne je važnosti istaknuti da se u članku također istražuje odnos između broja robota i kompleksnosti prostora

    Efficient 3D Segmentation, Registration and Mapping for Mobile Robots

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    Sometimes simple is better! For certain situations and tasks, simple but robust methods can achieve the same or better results in the same or less time than related sophisticated approaches. In the context of robots operating in real-world environments, key challenges are perceiving objects of interest and obstacles as well as building maps of the environment and localizing therein. The goal of this thesis is to carefully analyze such problem formulations, to deduce valid assumptions and simplifications, and to develop simple solutions that are both robust and fast. All approaches make use of sensors capturing 3D information, such as consumer RGBD cameras. Comparative evaluations show the performance of the developed approaches. For identifying objects and regions of interest in manipulation tasks, a real-time object segmentation pipeline is proposed. It exploits several common assumptions of manipulation tasks such as objects being on horizontal support surfaces (and well separated). It achieves real-time performance by using particularly efficient approximations in the individual processing steps, subsampling the input data where possible, and processing only relevant subsets of the data. The resulting pipeline segments 3D input data with up to 30Hz. In order to obtain complete segmentations of the 3D input data, a second pipeline is proposed that approximates the sampled surface, smooths the underlying data, and segments the smoothed surface into coherent regions belonging to the same geometric primitive. It uses different primitive models and can reliably segment input data into planes, cylinders and spheres. A thorough comparative evaluation shows state-of-the-art performance while computing such segmentations in near real-time. The second part of the thesis addresses the registration of 3D input data, i.e., consistently aligning input captured from different view poses. Several methods are presented for different types of input data. For the particular application of mapping with micro aerial vehicles where the 3D input data is particularly sparse, a pipeline is proposed that uses the same approximate surface reconstruction to exploit the measurement topology and a surface-to-surface registration algorithm that robustly aligns the data. Optimization of the resulting graph of determined view poses then yields globally consistent 3D maps. For sequences of RGBD data this pipeline is extended to include additional subsampling steps and an initial alignment of the data in local windows in the pose graph. In both cases, comparative evaluations show a robust and fast alignment of the input data

    Analysis and mitigation of site-dependent effects in static and kinematic GNSS applications

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    Satellitensignale unterliegen auf ihrem Weg von der Satelliten- zur Empfangsantenne einer Vielzahl an Einflüssen die zu Abweichungen führen. Heutzutage stellen in vielen Anwendungsbereichen insbesondere die stationsspezifischen Anteile, welche sich in Mehrwegeeffekte aus dem Fernfeld, NLOS-Empfang und Signalbeugung, den Einfluss der Satellitengeometrie und Antennennahfeldeffekte untergliedern lassen, einen der genauigkeitsbegrenzenden Faktoren in der satellitengestützten Positionsbestimmung dar. Dies ist dadurch begründet, dass durch die Abhängigkeit von der individuell vorliegenden Antennenumgebung eine Minimierung der Einflüsse erheblich erschwert wird und etablierte Strategien, wie beispielsweise die Differenzbildung in relativen Positionierungsansätzen, in der Regel nicht anwendbar sind. Obwohl diese Effekte bereits seit den frühesten Entwicklungen auf dem Gebiet der satellitengestützten Positionsbestimmung untersucht wurden, ist eine vollumfängliche Lösungsstrategie auch in der heutigen Zeit noch nicht verfügbar. Daher hat diese Thematik nicht an Relevanz verloren und es besteht noch immer der Bedarf an weiteren Untersuchungen zur Vertiefung des Verständnisses und zur Erweiterung des Portfolios an verfügbaren Minimierungsansätzen. In dieser Arbeit werden die vier unterschiedlichen Effekte vor dem Hintergrund der hochpräzisen Positionsbestimmung in statischen und kinematischen GNSS-Anwendungen adressiert. Der wesentliche Fokus der Untersuchungen liegt hierbei auf der Detektion und Elimination betroffener Satellitensignale durch die Einbindung detaillierter Umgebungsmodelle aus terrestrischen Messverfahren. Auf Basis dieser methodischen und empirischen Analysen lassen sich für die einzelnen Effekte vier Hauptaspekte herausstellen: (1) Da Antennennahfeldeffekte primär den Messsensor selbst beeinflussen und folglich die angestrebte Detektion und Elimination zur Minimierung nicht geeignet ist, wird alternativ die Minimierung des Einflusses durch spezielle Antennenaufbauten empirisch analysiert. Daraus resultierend werden mit exakt identischen Antennenaufbauten erreichbare Genauigkeiten im Submillimeterbereich nachgewiesen. (2) Der Einfluss auf die Positionsgenauigkeit der potentiell durch eine Signalelimination hervorgerufenen Verschlechterung der Satellitengeometrie kann durch Simulationen generischer Abschattungsszenarien als unkritisch identifiziert werden. Darüber hinaus wird eine Methode zur Integration der Qualität der Satellitengeometrie in die Wegpunktplanung von UAVs entwickelt, welche sowohl in der Planungsphase, als auch während des UAV-Fluges eine Anpassung und Optimierung der Flugroute ermöglicht. (3) Auf Basis mittels terrestrischer Laserscanner erzeugter Punktwolken wird eine Methode zur Erzeugung von Elevationsmasken entwickelt, welche adaptiv gegenüber der vorliegenden Antennenumgebung sind und eine effektive Detektion und Elimination von Satellitensignalen erlauben, die NLOS-Empfang oder Signalbeugung unterliegen. Diese Minimierungsstrategie ist sowohl in statischen, als auch kinematischen Anwendungen einsetzbar und ermöglicht bei zusätzlicher Einbindung von Fresnel Zonen auch die Berücksichtigung der Ausbreitungseigenschaften elektromagnetischer Wellen. (4) Als vorbereitender Schritt für die Entwicklung von Methoden zur Detektion und Eliminierung von Fernfeld-Mehrwegeeffekten werden die Voraussetzungen für die Entstehung der Effekte untersucht. Durch Vergleich simulierter und beobachteter SNR-Zeitreihen und der Berücksichtigung von Fresnel Zonen kann eine Überlappung von 50% zwischen Fresnel-Zone und Reflektorfläche als bereits ausreichend für eine potentielle Mehrwegebelastung identifiziert werden. In der Gesamtbetrachtung liefern die in dieser Arbeit gewonnenen Erkenntnisse und entwickelten Methoden einen relevanten Beitrag zu dem übergeordneten Ziel einer ganzheitlichen Minimierung stationsspezifischer Abweichungen und ermöglichen so eine signifikante Verbesserung der Positionsgenauigkeit unter schwierigen GNSS-Bedingungen. Darüber hinaus nimmt diese Arbeit den in den letzten Jahren forcierten Trend von einer punktweisen zu einer flächenhaften Objekterfassung an, indem das Potenzial einer detaillierten und effizienten Erfassung der Antennenumgebung mittels terrestrischer Laserscanner zur Minimierung und Analyse stationsspezifischer Abweichungen bei der satellitengestützten Positionsbestimmung aufzeigt und genutzt wird.Satellite signals are subject to various error sources on their way from the satellite to the receiving antenna. Nowadays, in many fields of application, the site-dependent parts, which can be separated into far-field multipath, NLOS reception and signal diffraction, the influence of the satellite geometry and antenna near-field effects, are one of the accuracy limiting factors in satellite-based positioning. This is due to the fact that the dependence on the individual antenna environment considerably impedes a minimization of the influences and established strategies, such as double-differencing in relative positioning approaches, are generally not applicable. Although these effects have been subject to scientific research since the earliest developments in the field of satellite-based positioning, an all-embracing solution is still lacking. Therefore, this topic has not lost its relevance and there is still a need for further investigations to deepen the understanding and expanding the portfolio of available mitigation techniques. In this dissertation, the four different effects are addressed against the background of high-precision static and kinematic GNSS applications. In this context, the main focus of the investigations is on the detection and exclusion of affected satellite signals, by integrating detailed environment models derived from terrestrial measurements. Based on these methodological and empirical analyses, four main aspects can be highlighted for the different effects: (1) Since antenna near-field effects primarily affect the measuring sensor itself, and thus, the striven detection and exclusion for mitigation is not applicable in this case, alternatively the mitigation of the influence by special antenna setups is empirically analyzed. As a result, achievable accuracies in the sub-millimeter range can be demonstrated using exactly identical antenna setups. (2) By simulating generic obstruction scenarios, the influence on the positional accuracy of the deterioration of the satellite geometry, potentially caused by an elimination of satellite signals, can be identified as uncritical. Furthermore, a method for integrating measures for the quality of the satellite geometry in the waypoint planning of UAVs is developed, which enables the adaption and optimization of the flight route in the planning phase, as well as during the UAV flight. (3) Based on point clouds of terrestrial laser scanners, a method for the determination of elevation masks that are adaptive to the present antenna environment is developed, which enables an effective detection and exclusion of signals that are subject to NLOS reception or signal diffraction. This mitigation strategy can be applied to static and kinematic GNSS applications and by additionally integrating Fresnel zones, also the propagation characteristics of electromagnetic waves are considered. (4) As a preparatory step for the development of methods for detecting and excluding far-field multipath, the prerequisites for the occurrence of the effect are investigated. By comparison of simulated and observed SNR time series and by considering Fresnel zones, an overlap of 50% between Fresnel zone and reflecting surface can be identified as already being sufficient for potential far-field multipath influences. In the overall view, the findings and methods developed in this dissertation represent a relevant contribution to the superordinate goal of a holistic mitigation of site-dependent effects, and thus, enable a significant improvement of the positional accuracy under difficult GNSS conditions. In addition, this thesis adopts the currently forced trend from a pointwise to an area-based object acquisition by revealing and exploiting the potential of a detailed and efficient acquisition of the antenna environment by terrestrial laser scanners for mitigating and analyzing site-dependent effects in satellite based positioning applications

    Aerial Vehicles

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    This book contains 35 chapters written by experts in developing techniques for making aerial vehicles more intelligent, more reliable, more flexible in use, and safer in operation.It will also serve as an inspiration for further improvement of the design and application of aeral vehicles. The advanced techniques and research described here may also be applicable to other high-tech areas such as robotics, avionics, vetronics, and space

    Rapid development of applications for the interactive visual analysis of multimodal medical data

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    Multimodale medizinische Volumendaten gewinnen zunehmend an Verbreitung. Wir diskutieren verschiedene interaktive Applikationen welche den Nutzer bei der Analyse dieser Daten unterstützen. Alle Applikationen basieren auf Erweiterungen des Voreen Frameworks, welche ebenfalls in dieser Dissertation diskutiert werden. With multimodal volumetric medical data sets becoming more common due to the increasing availability of scanning hardware, software for the visualization and analysis of such data sets needs to become more efficient as well in order to prevent overloading the user with data. This dissertation presents several interactive techniques for the visual analysis of medical volume data. All applications are based on extensions to the Voreen volume rendering framework, which we will discuss first. Since visual analysis applications are interactive by definition, we propose a general-purpose navigation technique for volume data. Next, we discuss our concepts for the interactive planning of brain tumor resections. Finally, we present two systems designed to work with images of vasculature. First, we discuss an interactive vessel segmentation system enabling an efficient, visually supported workflow. Second, we propose an application for the visual analysis of PET tracer uptake along vessels

    Optimization of Operation Sequencing in CAPP Using Hybrid Genetic Algorithm and Simulated Annealing Approach

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    In any CAPP system, one of the most important process planning functions is selection of the operations and corresponding machines in order to generate the optimal operation sequence. In this paper, the hybrid GA-SA algorithm is used to solve this combinatorial optimization NP (Non-deterministic Polynomial) problem. The network representation is adopted to describe operation and sequencing flexibility in process planning and the mathematical model for process planning is described with the objective of minimizing the production time. Experimental results show effectiveness of the hybrid algorithm that, in comparison with the GA and SA standalone algorithms, gives optimal operation sequence with lesser computational time and lesser number of iterations

    Optimization of Operation Sequencing in CAPP Using Hybrid Genetic Algorithm and Simulated Annealing Approach

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    In any CAPP system, one of the most important process planning functions is selection of the operations and corresponding machines in order to generate the optimal operation sequence. In this paper, the hybrid GA-SA algorithm is used to solve this combinatorial optimization NP (Non-deterministic Polynomial) problem. The network representation is adopted to describe operation and sequencing flexibility in process planning and the mathematical model for process planning is described with the objective of minimizing the production time. Experimental results show effectiveness of the hybrid algorithm that, in comparison with the GA and SA standalone algorithms, gives optimal operation sequence with lesser computational time and lesser number of iterations

    Autonomous Navigation of Automated Guided Vehicle Using Monocular Camera

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    This paper presents a hybrid control algorithm for Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV) consisting of two independent control loops: Position Based Control (PBC) for global navigation within manufacturing environment and Image Based Visual Servoing (IBVS) for fine motions needed for accurate steering towards loading/unloading point. The proposed hybrid control separates the initial transportation task into global navigation towards the goal point, and fine motion from the goal point to the loading/unloading point. In this manner, the need for artificial landmarks or accurate map of the environment is bypassed. Initial experimental results show the usefulness of the proposed approach.COBISS.SR-ID 27383808