5,890 research outputs found

    Locally Adaptive Dynamic Networks

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    Our focus is on realistically modeling and forecasting dynamic networks of face-to-face contacts among individuals. Important aspects of such data that lead to problems with current methods include the tendency of the contacts to move between periods of slow and rapid changes, and the dynamic heterogeneity in the actors' connectivity behaviors. Motivated by this application, we develop a novel method for Locally Adaptive DYnamic (LADY) network inference. The proposed model relies on a dynamic latent space representation in which each actor's position evolves in time via stochastic differential equations. Using a state space representation for these stochastic processes and P\'olya-gamma data augmentation, we develop an efficient MCMC algorithm for posterior inference along with tractable procedures for online updating and forecasting of future networks. We evaluate performance in simulation studies, and consider an application to face-to-face contacts among individuals in a primary school

    A Review of Modeling and Diagnostic Techniques for Eccentricity Fault in Electric Machines

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    Research on the modeling and fault diagnosis of rotor eccentricities has been conducted during the past two decades. A variety of diagnostic theories and methods have been proposed based on different mechanisms, and there are reviews following either one type of electric machines or one type of eccentricity. Nonetheless, the research routes of modeling and diagnosis are common, regardless of machine or eccentricity types. This article tends to review all the possible modeling and diagnostic approaches for all common types of electric machines with eccentricities and provide suggestions on future research roadmap. The paper indicates that a reliable low-cost non-intrusive real-time online visualized diagnostic method is the trend. Observer-based diagnostic strategies are thought promising for the continued research

    Towards Multi-perspective Conformance Checking with Fuzzy Sets

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    Nowadays organizations often need to employ data-driven techniques to audit their business processes and ensure they comply with laws and internal/external regulations. Failing in complying with the expected process behavior can indeed pave the way to inefficiencies or, worse, to frauds or abuses. An increasingly popular approach to automatically assess the compliance of the executions of organization processes is represented by alignment-based conformance checking. These techniques are able to compare real process executions with models representing the expected behaviors, providing diagnostics able to pinpoint possible discrepancies. However, the diagnostics generated by state of the art techniques still suffer from some limitations. They perform a crisp evaluation of process compliance, marking process behavior either as compliant or deviant, without taking into account the severity of the identified deviation. This hampers the accuracy of the obtained diagnostics and can lead to misleading results, especially in contexts where there is some tolerance with respect to violations of the process guidelines. In the present work, we discuss the impact and the drawbacks of a crisp deviation assessment approach. Then, we propose a novel conformance checking approach aimed at representing actors’ tolerance with respect to process deviations, taking it into account when assessing the severity of the deviations. As a proof of concept, we performed a set of synthetic experiments to assess the approach. The obtained results point out the potential of the usage of a more flexible evaluation of process deviations, and its impact on the quality and the interpretation of the obtained diagnostics

    Kompresija slika bez gubitaka uz iskorištavanje tokovnog modela za izvođenje na višejezgrenim računalima

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    Image and video coding play a critical role in present multimedia systems ranging from entertainment to specialized applications such as telemedicine. Usually, they are hand–customized for every intended architecture in order to meet performance requirements. This approach is neither portable nor scalable. With the advent of multicores new challenges emerged for programmers related to both efficient utilization of additional resources and scalable performance. For image and video processing applications, streaming model of computation showed to be effective in tackling these challenges. In this paper, we report the efforts to improve the execution performance of the CBPC, our compute intensive lossless image compression algorithm described in [1]. The algorithm is based on highly adaptive and predictive modeling, outperforming many other methods in compression efficiency, although with increased complexity. We employ a high–level performance optimization approach which exploits streaming model for scalability and portability. We obtain this by detecting computationally demanding parts of the algorithm and implementing them in StreamIt, an architecture–independent stream language which goal is to improve programming productivity and parallelization efficiency by exposing the parallelism and communication pattern. We developed an interface that enables the integration and hosting of streaming kernels into the host application developed in general–purpose language.Postupci obrade slikovnih podataka su iznimno zastupljeni u postojećim multimedijskim sustavima, počev od zabavnih sustava pa do specijaliziranih aplikacija u telemedicini. Vrlo često, zbog svojih računskih zahtjeva, ovi programski odsječci su iznimno optimirani i to na niskoj razini, što predstavlja poteškoće u prenosivosti i skalabilnosti konačnog rješenja. Nadolaskom višejezgrenih računala pojavljuju se novi izazovi kao što su učinkovito iskorištavanje računskih jezgri i postizanje skalabilnosti rješenja obzirom na povećanje broja jezgri. U ovom radu prikazan je novi pristup poboljšanja izvedbenih performansi metode za kompresiju slika bez gubitaka CBPC koja se odlikuje adaptivnim modelom predviđanja koji omogućuje postizanje boljih stupnjeva kompresije uz povećanje računske složenosti [1]. Pristup koji je primjenjen sastoji se u implementaciji računski zahtjevnog predikcijskog modela u tokovnom programskom jeziku koji omogućuje paralelizaciju izvornog programa. Ovako projektiran predikcijski model može se iskoristiti kroz sučelje koje smo razvili a koje omogućuje pozivanje tokovnih računskih modula i njihovo paralelno izvođenje uz iskorištavanje više jezgri
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