9 research outputs found

    Exploiting statically schedulable regions in dataflow programs

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    International audienceDataflow descriptions have been used in a wide range of Digital Signal Processing (DSP) applications, such as multi-media processing, and wireless communications. Among various forms of dataflow modeling, Synchronous Dataflow (SDF) is geared towards static scheduling of computational modules, which improves system performance and predictability. However, many DSP applications do not fully conform to the restrictions of SDF modeling. More general dataflow models, such as CAL [1], have been developed to describe dynamically-structured DSP applications. Such generalized models can express dynamically changing functionality, but lose the powerful static scheduling capabilities provided by SDF. This paper focuses on detection of SDF-like regions in dynamic dataflow descriptions -- in particular, in the generalized specification framework of CAL. This is an important step for applying static scheduling techniques within a dynamic dataflow framework. Our techniques combine the advantages of different dataflow languages and tools, including CAL [1], DIF [2] and CAL2C [3]. The techniques are demonstrated on the IDCT module of MPEG Reconfigurable Video Coding (RVC)

    Automatic Hierarchical Discovery of Quasi-Static Schedules of RVC-CAL Dataflow Programs

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    International audienceRVC-CAL is an actor-based dataflow language that enables concurrent, modular and portable description of signal processing algorithms. RVC-CAL programs can be compiled to implementation languages such as C/C++ and VHDL for producing software or hardware implementations. This paper presents a methodology for automatic discovery of piecewise-deterministic (quasi-static) execution schedules for RVC-CAL program software implementations. Quasi-static scheduling moves computational burden from the implementable run-time system to design-time compilation and thus enables making signal processing systems more efficient. The presented methodology divides the RVC-CAL program into segments and hierarchically detects quasi-static behavior from each segment: first at the level of actors and later at the level of the whole segment. Finally, a code generator creates a quasi-statically scheduled version of the program. The impact of segment based quasi-static scheduling is demonstrated by applying the methodology to several RVC-CAL programs that execute up to 58 % faster after applying the presented methodology

    Reconfigurable Video Coding : Objectives and Technologies

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    The main objective of the MPEG Reconfigurable Video Coding (RVC) standard is to establish a framework for a more flexible usage of standard video coding technology. The framework not only supports multiple standards and new coding configurations, but also provides an incremental and modular approach to innovation in video compression development and design. This paper provides an overview of the main objectives of RVC, standard accompanied with a presentation of the components of the framework for both normative parts and supporting tools useful for the final implementation of RVC codecs. These elements include: the Video Tool Library (VTL), the new standard RVC–CAL language used for the specification of the library, the Bitstream Syntax Description (BSD) used for the specification of the compressed bitstreams, as well as the Functional unit Network Description (FND) that constitutes the specification of a modular library. Technologies and tools that support the RVC standard are also briefly introduced

    Reconfigurable Video Coding on multicore : an overview of its main objectives

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    International audienceThe current monolithic and lengthy scheme behind the standardization and the design of new video coding standards is becoming inappropriate to satisfy the dynamism and changing needs of the video coding community. Such scheme and specification formalism does not allow the clear commonalities between the different codecs to be shown, at the level of the specification nor at the level of the implementation. Such a problem is one of the main reasons for the typically long interval elapsing between the time a new idea is validated until it is implemented in consumer products as part of a worldwide standard. The analysis of this problem originated a new standard initiative within the International Organization for Standardization (ISO)/ International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) Moving Pictures Experts Group (MPEG) committee, namely Reconfigurable Video Coding (RVC). The main idea is to develop a video coding standard that overcomes many shortcomings of the current standardization and specification process by updating and progressively incrementing a modular library of components. As the name implies, flexibility and reconfigurability are new attractive features of the RVC standard. Besides allowing for the definition of new codec algorithms, such features, as well as the dataflow-based specification formalism, open the way to define video coding standards that expressly target implementations on platforms with multiple cores. This article provides an overview of the main objectives of the new RVC standard, with an emphasis on the features that enable efficient implementation on platforms with multiple cores. A brief introduction to the methodologies that efficiently map RVC codec specifications to multicore platforms is accompanied with an example of the possible breakthroughs that are expected to occur in the design and deployment of multimedia services on multicore platforms

    Exploiting Statically Schedulable Regions in Dataflow Programs

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    Dataflow descriptions have been used in a wide range of Digital Signal Processing (DSP) applications, such as multi-media processing, and wireless communications. Among various forms of dataflow modeling, Synchronous Dataflow (SDF) is geared towards static scheduling of computational modules, which improves system performance and predictability. However, many DSP applications do not fully conform to the restrictions of SDF modeling. More general dataflow models, such as CAL (Eker and Janneck 2003), have been developed to describe dynamically-structured DSP applications. Such generalized models can express dynamically changing functionality, but lose the powerful static scheduling capabilities provided by SDF. This paper focuses on the detection of SDFlike regions in dynamic dataflow descriptions— in particular, in the generalized specification framework of CAL. This is an important step for applying static scheduling techniques within a dynamic dataflow framework. Our techniques combine th


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    The emergence of software-defined radio follows the rapidly evolving telecommunicationdomain. The requirements in both performance and dynamicity has engendered softwaredefined-radio-dedicated MPSoCs. Specialization of these MPSoCs make them difficult toprogram and verify. Dataflow models of computation have been suggested as a way to mitigatethis complexity. Moreover, the need for flexible yet verifiable models has led to thedevelopment of new parametric dataflow models.In this thesis, I study the compilation of parametric dataflow applications targetingsoftware-defined-radio platforms. After a hardware and software state of the art in this field, Ipropose a new refinement of dataflow scheduling, and outline its application to buffer size’sverification. Then, I introduce a new high-level format to define dataflow actors and graph,with the associated compilation flow. I apply these concepts to optimised code generation fortheMagali software-defined-radio platform. Compilation of parts of the LTE protocol are usedto evaluate the performances of the proposed compilation flow.Le développement de la radio logicielle fait suite à l’évolution rapide du domaine destélécommunications. Les besoins en performance et en dynamicité ont donné naissance à desMPSoC dédiés à la radio logicielle. La spécialisation de cesMPSoC rend cependant leur programmationet leur vérification complexes. Des travaux proposent d’atténuer cette complexitépar l’utilisation de paradigmes tels que lemodèle de calcul flot de données. Parallèlement, lebesoin demodèles flexibles et vérifiables a mené au développement de nouveaux modèlesflot de données paramétriques.Dans cette thèse, j’étudie la compilation d’applications utilisant un modèle de calcul flotde données paramétrique et ciblant des plateformes de radio logicielle. Après un état de l’artdu matériel et logiciel du domaine, je propose un raffinement de l’ordonnancement flot dedonnées, et présente son application à la vérification des taillesmémoires. Ensuite, j’introduisun nouveau format de haut niveau pour définir le graphe et les acteurs flot de données, ainsique le flot de compilation associé. J’applique ces concepts à la génération de code optimisépour la plateforme de radio logicielle Magali. La compilation de parties du protocole LTEpermet d’évaluer les performances du flot de compilation proposé