322,129 research outputs found

    Updates to the Dualized Standard Model on Fermion Masses and Mixings

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    The Dualized Standard Model has scored a number of successes in explaining the fermion mass hierarchy and mixing pattern. This note contains updates to those results including (a) an improved treatment of neutrino oscillation free from previous assumptions on neutrino masses, and hence admitting now the preferred LMA solution to solar neutrinos, (b) an understanding of the limitation of the 1-loop calculation so far performed, thus explaining the two previous discrepancies with data, and (c) an analytic derivation and confirmation of the numerical results previously obtained.Comment: 15 pages, Latex, 1 figure using ep

    Testing the Nambu-Goldstone Hypothesis for Quarks and Leptons at the LHC

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    The hierarchy of the Yukawa couplings is an outstanding problem of the standard model. We present a class of models in which the first and second generation fermions are SUSY partners of pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone bosons that parameterize a non-compact Kahler manifold, explaining the small values of these fermion masses relative to those of the third generation. We also provide an example of such a model. We find that various regions of the parameter space in this scenario can give the correct dark matter abundance, and that nearly all of these regions evade other phenomenological constraints. We show that for gluino mass ~700 GeV, model points from these regions can be easily distinguished from other mSUGRA points at the LHC with only 7 fb^(-1) of integrated luminosity at 14 TeV. The most striking signatures are a dearth of b- and tau-jets, a great number of multi-lepton events, and either an "inverted" slepton mass hierarchy, narrowed slepton mass hierarchy, or characteristic small-mu spectrum.Comment: Corresponds to published versio

    The Standard Model is Natural as Magnetic Gauge Theory

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    We suggest that the Standard Model can be viewed as the magnetic dual of a gauge theory featuring only fermionic matter content. We show this by first introducing a Pati-Salam like extension of the Standard Model and then relating it to a possible dual electric theory featuring only fermionic matter. The absence of scalars in the electric theory indicates that the associated magnetic theory is free from quadratic divergences. Our novel solution to the Standard Model hierarchy problem leads also to a new insight on the mystery of the observed number of fundamental fermion generations by naturally explaining why it has to be at least three.Comment: RevTeX, 5 pages. Version to match the published one. Added several paragraphs suggesting how nonsupersymmetric gauge-gauge duality can work. This work opens the doors to a new way to address the hierarchy problem of the Standard Mode

    Towards an Explanation of the Exponential Distribution of Firm Growth Rates

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    A robust feature of the corporate growth process is the exponential distribution of firm growth rates. This striking empirical regularity has been found to hold for a number of different datasets and at different levels of aggregation. In this paper, we propose a simple theoretical model capable of explaining this observed exponential distribution. We do not attempt to generalize on where growth opportunities come from, but rather we focus on how firms build upon growth opportunities. We borrow ideas from the self-organizing criticality literature to explain how the interdependent nature of discrete resources may lead to the triggering off a series of additions to a firm's resources. In a formal model we consider the case of employment growth in a hierarchy, and observe that growth rates follow an exponential distribution.Firm growth rates, exponential distribution, hierarchy.

    Firms as Bundles of Discrete Resources - Towards an Explanation of the Exponential Distribution of Firm Growth Rates

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    A robust feature of the corporate growth process is the Laplace, or symmetric exponential, distribution of firm growth rates. In this paper, we sketch out a class of simple theoretical models capable of explaining this empirical regularity. We do not attempt to generalize on where growth opportunities comme from, but rather we focus on how firms build upon growth opportunites. We borrow ideas from the self-organizing criticality literature to explain how the interdependent nature of discrete resources may lead to the triggering off of a series of additions to a firm's resources. In a first formal model we consider the case of employment growth in a hierarchy, and observe that growth rates follow an exponential distribution. In a second model we include plant and capital as resources and we are able to reproduce a number of stylized facts about firm growth.Firm growth rates, exponential distribution, hierarchy, growth autocorrelation.

    The Ubiquitous Throat

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    We attempt to quantify the widely-held belief that large hierarchies induced by strongly-warped geometries are common in the string theory landscape. To this end, we focus on the arguably best-understood subset of vacua -- type IIB Calabi-Yau orientifolds with non-perturbative Kaehler stabilization and a SUSY-breaking uplift (the KKLT setup). Within this framework, vacua with a realistically small cosmological constant are expected to come from Calabi-Yaus with a large number of 3-cycles. For appropriate choices of flux numbers, many of these 3-cycles can, in general, shrink to produce near-conifold geometries. Thus, a simple statistical analysis in the spirit of Denef and Douglas allows us to estimate the expected number and length of Klebanov-Strassler throats in the given set of vacua. We find that throats capable of explaining the electroweak hierarchy are expected to be present in a large fraction of the landscape vacua while shorter throats are essentially unavoidable in a statistical sense.Comment: References added, typos fixed. LaTex, 17 pages, 1 figur

    Grammatical number from an ecological perspective, focused on the “Here-Now-I-Real”

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    This article shows, using the example of number agreement, that an ecological perspective with a focus on the situation of the utterance (i.e. here-now-I-real) is an effective way to understand differences in grammar among individual languages and to identify commonalities above and beyond such differences. On the surface, English and Chinese would appear to be exact opposites in terms of whether or not they conform to the rule of number agreement, while the position of Japanese would appear to be ambivalent on this question. But in fact this is not the case. Numerous languages around the world are consistent in the way number distinction is more likely to arise the higher the subject’s position on the animacy hierarchy. Chinese and Japanese are no exceptions. Leaving aside differences in individual circumstances, languages differ only in the boundary lines on the animacy hierarchy where number distinction becomes obligatory. In order to reach the above understanding, it is essential to see animacy from an ecological perspective. Furthermore, an ecological perspective is essential as a principle for explaining levels of not only animacy but also self-expressiveness, esteem, and transitivity. The prevailing view of language as separate from the situation of the utterance requires considerable revision on the subject of grammar

    Neutrino Phenomenology in a Model with Generalized CP symmetry within Type-I seesaw framework

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    We investigate the consequences of generalized CP (GCP) symmetry within the context of the two Higgs doublet model (2HDM), specifically focusing on the lepton sector. Utilizing the Type-I seesaw framework, we study an intriguing connection between the Dirac Yukawa couplings originating from both Higgs fields, leading to a reduction in the number of independent Yukawa couplings and simplifying the scalar and Yukawa sectors when compared to the general 2HDM. The CP3 constraint results in two right-handed neutrinos having equal masses and leads to a diagonal right-handed Majorana neutrino mass matrix. Notably, CP symmetry experiences a soft break due to the phase associated with the vacuum expectation value of the second Higgs doublet. The model aligns well with observed charged lepton masses and neutrino oscillation data, explaining both masses and mixing angles, and yields distinct predictions for normal and inverted neutrino mass hierarchies. It features a novel interplay between atmospheric mixing angle Ξ23\theta_{23} and neutrino mass hierarchy: the angle Ξ23\theta_{23} is below maximal for the normal hierarchy and above maximal for inverted hierarchy. Another interesting feature of the model is inherent CP violation for the inverted hierarchy.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figure
