14 research outputs found

    Modelo de experiencia en la comunidad virtual desde la perspectiva de la cocreación

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    La proliferación de las comunidades virtuales ha favorecido la experiencia de cocreación del consumidor. El trabajo plantea un modelo teórico en el que la comunidad virtual funciona como un ecosistema del servicio donde los participantes (consumidores, empresas de servicio alojadas en la plataforma y la propia plataforma) cocrean valor a través de diferentes comportamientos que comprenden (1) la búsqueda de información publicada por otros participantes (2) la elaboración de conocimiento compartido y transmitido a otros participantes y 3) el codiseño con las empresas de servicio alojadas en la plataforma y con la comunidad virtual, para innovar y mejorar sus diferentes servicios. Asimismo, se plantea la relación entre la cocreación de valor y el valor percibido de la comunidad virtual en términos de valor funcional, hedónico, social y de aprendizaje. La investigación se contrastará empíricamente para la comunidad virtual de Tripadvisor. En esta investigación se aúnan dos líneas de investigación (la definición y medición de la cocreación y los consecuentes de la cocreación para la comunidad virtual) y se examina por primera vez el efecto de los diferentes comportamientos de cocreación sobre las diversas dimensiones del valor percibido en el contexto de las comunidades virtuales gestionadas por terceros.The proliferation of virtual communities has favored the consumer cocreation experience. The present study presents a theoretical model in which the virtual community functions as an ecosystem of service in which participants (consumers, service companies hosted on the platform and the platform itself) cocreate value through the following behaviors: 1) the information search, 2) the shared and transmitted knowledge and 3) the codesign that improve the services of the companies hosted in the virtual community, as well as of the community itself. Likewise, the relationship between value cocreation behaviors and perceived value in terms of functional, hedonic, social and learning value is discussed. The research will be tested empirically for Tripadvisor virtual community. This research combines two separated lines of research until the moment (the definition and measurement of cocreation behaviors and the consequences of cocreation) and examines the relative influence of cocreation behaviors on the different dimensions of perceived value in the context of third-party managed virtual communities.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad ECO2015-69103-

    Post-Adoption Beliefs Influencing Continued Participation in Virtual Communities

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    This study aims to investigate what motivates individuals to continue to participate in virtual communities A comprehensive model that incorporates the antecedents of individuals behavioral intention to continued participation in virtual communities is proposed and empirically tested The data for this study were collected through a Web survey and analyzed using structural equation modeling The results indicate that attitude toward participating in virtual communities is a significant predictor of continuance intention The strongest influence on attitude toward participation was found for perceived enjoyment Perceived usefulness and subjective norm were found to have significant positive influences on attitude toward participation The implications of the results of this study are expected to contribute to identifying key predictors of individuals continued intentions to participate in virtual communities and provide insights into effective strategies to vitalize virtual communities in the postadoption stag

    Post-Adoption Beliefs Influencing Continued Participation in Virtual Communities

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    This study aims to investigate what motivates individuals to continue to participate in virtual communities A comprehensive model that incorporates the antecedents of individuals behavioral intention to continued participation in virtual communities is proposed and empirically tested The data for this study were collected through a Web survey and analyzed using structural equation modeling The results indicate that attitude toward participating in virtual communities is a significant predictor of continuance intention The strongest influence on attitude toward participation was found for perceived enjoyment Perceived usefulness and subjective norm were found to have significant positive influences on attitude toward participation The implications of the results of this study are expected to contribute to identifying key predictors of individuals continued intentions to participate in virtual communities and provide insights into effective strategies to vitalize virtual communities in the postadoption stag

    Investigating the Role of Network Exteranlities and Perceived Value in User Loyalty Toward a SNS Site: Integrating Network Externalities and VTSL Model

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    As the number of SNSs increases, it is challenging for SNS providers to obtain and retain user loyalty toward a SNS site. By integrating both network externalities theory and VTSL (Value-Trust-Satisfaction-Loyalty) model, we propose a research model to investigate how perceived value derived from network externalities affects trust in SNS site and user satisfaction, which further lead to user loyalty. Data analysis was conducted using a total of 267 responses. The results show that perceived network size and perceived complementarity exert significant effect on functional, emotional, and social value. It is also shown that functional and social value influence positively on trust in SNS site, but emotional value is not related to trust. Functional and emotional value are found to be significant determinants of user satisfaction, however social value is not related to user satisfaction. User satisfaction is found to be a strong determinant of user loyalty. Given the findings, SNS providers need to increase network size and accommodate complementary services, applications, and supporting tools to obtain and retain user loyalty


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    Drawing upon the social capital theory (SCT), this study integrates social capital factors with the perspectives of consumer hedonic participation and platform capability of online group buying sites to explore how they af ect consumer value creation toward online group buying (OGB). Data from 663 valid responses were obtained using an online large-scale survey. The conceptual framework was validated by using the partial least squares (PLS) technique. The research findings show that 1) the consumers’ value created by engaging in OGB is contributed collectively by social capital factors (i.e., social interaction tie, trust, and shared value), hedonic participation and OGB platform capabilities; 2) the social capital enhances consumers’ value creation by increasing their hedonic participation; 3) The OGB platform capabilities has a positive impact on social capital, hedonic participation and value creation. The proposed research model explains 64.1 % of variance for consumers’ value creation, 52.6 % of variance for their hedonic participation and 46.1% of variance for social capital in OGB. Our findings provide insights into how OGB administrators can govern OGB initiatives to expand OGB members’ social capital and OGB platform capability, thereby leading to ef ective consumer value creation

    Herd Behavior In Global Online Shopping Carnival

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    We have witnessed the magnificent power of herd behavior exhibited by the frantic crowd during the Alibaba’s global online shopping carnival (OSC) which has made 9 Ginness world’s records within 24 hours. This study explores the cognitive herding process and the critical factors facilitating herd behavior in OSC. Meanwhile, applying the theory of carnival, this study identifies three OSC behaviors which spread through the OSC herd. Using 473 samples from OSC participants, the hypotheses are supported by the empirical results. Information incentive (e.g. promotion motivation and review information) and social influence (e.g. peer mimicry and endorsement influence) are two crucial preconditions for herd behavior; participation, interaction and playfulness capture the essence of OSC behavior. The results provide insights to: (1). the cognitive process of herd behavior; (2). the critical factors facilitating herd behavior in OSC; (3) the important OSC behavior imitated during the herding process

    Does the host match the content? A taxonomical update on online consumption communities

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    This article proposes a taxonomy of online consumption communities in order to address this rather ambiguously conceptualised research field. Specifically, intercommunity differences are investigated with regard to how content focus (brand vs activity) and its congruency with the type of host (doubled vs mixed) affect consumers’ posting behaviour. Based on an online survey (n = 888), a series of regressions of various benefits on posting behaviour supports the usability of the proposed taxonomy. In particular, social benefits had the strongest effect on consumers’ posting behaviour across all communities, while the effects of functional, altruistic and sharing benefits varied in significance and direction of influence when accounting for the different community characteristics. These findings help marketing managers to design online communities and motivate consumers to contribute. © 2015, Westburn Publishers Ltd


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    Abstract As the number of SNSs increases, it is challenging for SNS providers to obtain and retai

    Factors influencing user participation in social media: Evidence from twitter usage during COVID-19 pandemic in Saudi Arabia

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    With increasing frequency, people are using social media sites to obtain timely information about the world's grand challenges and this phenomenon is amplified during crises. However, little research has been conducted to determine how people participate and how their involvement can be promoted on social media sites, although the critical role played by those sites has been well documented. Based on the theory of planned behavior (TPB), this study develops and tests a theoretical model to establish the effect of several factors with survey data collected during the COVID-19 pandemic, in Saudi Arabia. The relationship was verified on a sample of 213 respondents active on Twitter, using Partial Least Square (PLS). The study found that attitude, perceived behavioural control and subjective norm affect Twitter users' active participation significantly within the context of a time of crisis. It also found a positive effect of utilitarian and hedonic values and trust. These results will provide a more comprehensive evaluation of Twitter users in grand challenges (and more specifically during a crisis) and furnish academics and managers with instructive guidance. © 2021 Elsevier Lt

    What makes hosts trust Airbnb? Antecedents of hosts’ trust towards Airbnb and its impact on continuance intention

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    Sharing economy platforms are growing at an unprecedented rate. Travel and tourism scholars have been focusing on customers’ sharing intention, yet the literature has largely overlooked what makes sharing service providers trust a sharing economy platform and decide to continue using it. Drawing on sociotechnical theory and the information systems success model, in conjunction with privacy concerns and economic value perspectives, this study develops an integrated model of antecedents and consequences of trust toward sharing economy platforms. Data from 606 Airbnb hosts were analyzed through structural equation modeling. Our research documents the importance of social antecedents (i.e., social value orientation and social utility), technical antecedents (i.e., system quality, service quality, and information quality), economic antecedents (i.e., monetary rewards) and privacy assurance antecedents (i.e., perceived effectiveness of privacy policy) in shaping hosts’ trust toward Airbnb, thereby enhancing their continuance intention with regard to using the platform