267,815 research outputs found

    A cybernetics approach to inclusive growth analysis: a case of one district

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    Societal transformation towards greater quality of life and well-being requires an inclusive perspective of development. Existing perspectives toward inclusive growth are mainly static. As such, applications of the existing static models are limited as they do not capture the dynamic nature of growth. This problem can be remedied by viewing inclusive growth from a dynamic perspective by means of explaining the dynamic elements of growth and its constraints. Using a cybernetics approach, we illustrate an application of a dynamic inclusive growth analysis of a district. In this study, we define the system-in-focus (inclusive growth in a district) to be viewed from a human activity system. This cybernetics analysis is found to be useful in identifying the growth constraints variables in the district as well as the relationships between them

    A resource-advantage perspective on pricing: shifting the focus from ends to means-end in pricing research?

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    This paper contributes to a long-lasting debate between practitioners who argue that academia is unable to understand what pricing is all about and academics who criticize practitioner pricing approaches for lacking rigor or rationality. The paper conceptualizes a resource-advantage (R-A) perspective on pricing by drawing on the R-A theory of competition. After a review of R-A theory, the paper integrates the price discretion concept and pricing as a spanning competence by introducing a separation between resources that create and resources that extract value, thereby expanding R-A theory to pricing. The perspective aims to shed light on how the process of competition helps organizations to learn/benefit from pricing capabilities. The research shifts the focus of pricing research from an equilibrium-based static view to a dynamic, disequilibrium-provoking pricing competence. In this way, it draws attention to what is perhaps most relevant to pricing in practice: the actual means necessary to determine price

    (WP 2020-01) The Sea Battle Tomorrow: The Identity of Reflexive Economic Agents

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    This paper develops a conception of reflexive economic agents as an alternative to the standard utility conception, and explains individual identity in terms of how agents adjust to change in a self-organizing way, an idea developed from Herbert Simon. The paper distinguishes closed equilibrium and open process conceptions of the economy, and argues the former fails to explain time in a before-and-after sense in connection with Aristotle’s sea battle problem. A causal model is developed to represent the process conception, and a structure-agency understanding of the adjustment behavior of reflexive economic agents is illustrated using Merton’s self-fulfilling prophecy analysis. Simon’s account of how adjustment behavior has stopping points is then shown to underlie how agents’ identities are disrupted and then self-organized, and the identity analysis this involves is applied to the different identity models of Merton, Ross, Arthur, and Kirman. Finally, the self-organization idea is linked to the recent ‘preference purification’ debate in bounded rationality theory regarding the ‘inner rational agent trapped in an outer psychological shell,’ and it is argued that the behavior of self-organizing agents involves them taking positions toward their own individual identities

    On Selfish Memes: culture as complex adaptive system

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    We present the formal definition of meme in the sense of the equivalence between memetics and the theory of cultural evolution. From the formal definition we find that culture can be seen analytically and persuade that memetic gives important role in the exploration of sociological theory, especially in the cultural studies. We show that we are not allowed to assume meme as smallest information unit in cultural evolution in general, but it is the smallest information we use on explaining cultural evolution. We construct a computational model and do simulation in advance presenting the selfish meme powerlaw distributed. The simulation result shows that the contagion of meme as well as cultural evolution is a complex adaptive system. Memetics is the system and art of importing genetics to social sciences

    Globalisation and the mix of wage and profit taxes

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    This paper analyses the development of the ratio of corporate taxes to wage taxes using a simple political economy model with internationally mobile and immobile firms. Among other results, our model predicts that countries reduce their corporate tax rate, relative to the wage tax, either when preferences for public goods increase or when a rising share of capital is employed in multinational firms. The predicted relationships are tested using panel data for 23 OECD countries for the period 1980 through 2001. The results of the empirical analysis support our central hypotheses

    "Is My Crown Better than Your Euro? Exchange Rates and Public Opinion on the European Single Currency"

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    The No to the euro in referendums in Denmark and Sweden has been characterized as a public rebellion against an elite project and a sign of a general Euroscepticism among the citizens. However, it is often ignored that support for the euro fluctuates significantly over time in these countries, and hence analysing referendum outcomes simply in terms on static factors will provide only part of the explanation. In contrast to existing studies, this paper provides an analysis of the short-term dynamics in public support for the euro in the period leading up to the referendums. We thus address the question of why public attitudes towards monetary integration vary over time. We argue that at least part of the answer can be found in exchange rate fluctuations. Existing studies have neglected the fact that the national currency is not only a purely monetary indicator, but also carries symbolic weight. The public is therefore less likely to surrender their national currency when it is strong than when it is weak. They are also less willing to accept a replacement currency (e.g. the euro) when it is seen as weak vis-à-vis other world currencies. Our analysis of the two euro campaigns lends credence to our proposition that exchange rates matter. Moreover, we test impact of exchange rate changes on support of the euro using time series analysis. We find that the rapid fall in the value of the euro vis-à-vis the dollar contributed to the Danish rejection of the euro, whereas the strength of the Swedish currency made the Swedes more reluctant to relinquish their crown

    Service quality in multichannel fashion retailing:an exploratory study

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    Purpose Consumer purchasing behaviour has changed substantially in the light of recent developments in E-commerce. So-called ‘multichannel customers’ tend to switch retail channels during the purchasing process. In order to address changing consumer behaviour, multichannel fashion retailing companies must continue to learn how to provide excellent service to such customers. The overall aim of this paper, therefore, is to contribute to the interpretation of multichannel service quality by explaining it from the perspective of the so-called ‘multichannel customers’. Design/Methodology/Approach Drawing on social influence theory, this paper aims to investigate these issues from the perspective of multichannel customers. In contrast with dualist and objectivist studies this paper uses a constructivist epistemology and ethnographic methodology. Such an approach is associated with an interpretivist ontological worldview, which postulates the existence of ‘multiple realities’. The sample size for this research consisted of 34 in-depth interviews and two focus groups comprising ten focus group participants. Findings The data analysis fundamentally found that multichannel customers tended to continually adjust choices regarding retailer and retail channel when making purchases. The perspective of this paper is different from mainstream positivist service quality research which sees service quality as static, objectively measurable and dualistic. As an alternative, this paper acknowledges service quality as a dynamic, subjective and pluralistic phenomenon. Originality/Value This paper contributes to the interpretation of multichannel service quality with a new concept that explains the phenomenon from the perspective of customers and thus considers it necessary for multichannel retailers to adopt strategies relating to customers’ changing behaviour

    Regional Wage Differentials: Static And Dynamic Approaches

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    This work aims at studying regional wage differentials both in a static and in a dynamic perspective. Previous studies have typically studied this issue using the Blinder and Oaxaca static decomposition. This approach does not provide clear information about the sources explaining the change in regional wage differentials along the years. To overcome this problem this study also uses Junh, Murphy and Pierce (1991,1993) decomposition. We analyse the case of Portugal for 1995 and 2002. Our results show that, although there are small changes in the interregional wage inequality, particularly between the region of Lisboa and the other regions, there are important and counteracting factors shaping this outcome. In fact, Lisboa has reinforced its position as the region with more qualified workers, but the gap in unobserved characteristics has decreased.Regions, Wage Differentials, Wage Gap Decompositions