262,414 research outputs found

    Sub-ideal causal smoothing filters for real sequences

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    The paper considers causal smoothing of the real sequences, i.e.,discrete time processes in a deterministic setting. A family of causal linear time-invariant filters is suggested. These filters approximate the gain decay for some non-causal smoothing filters with transfer functions vanishing at a point of the unit circle and such that they transfer processes into predictable ones. In this sense, the suggested filters are near-ideal; a faster gain decay would lead to the loss of causality. Applications to predicting algorithms are discussed and illustrated by experiments with forecasting of autoregressions with the coefficients that are deemed to be untraceable

    Experiments with non-linear filters; Discovering excitable regions

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    Nonlinear weighted median filters in dyadic decomposition of images

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    There are many techniques of loss image compression based on dyadic decomposition of images. In these decompositions always linear filters are used. In this paper it is proposed to use nonlinear weighted median filters in the place of linear ones and it is shown how median filters may be used in dyadic decomposition. This technique has been compared with the non-standard wavelet decomposition, in particular with the Haar wavelet filtering. The experiments made show that in the loss image compression case using median filters gave better visual quality of the reconstructed images

    Využití filtrů typu dolní propust při spalování biomasy

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    Quantities measured during biomass combustion experiments are heavily burdened with a considerable noise. Usage of common linear low-pass filters is able to smooth measured time rows but it also introduces typical dynamic delay of filtered data. The article presents comparison of three commonly used linear filters – Butterworth, Bessel and Chebishev. An effort to smooth measured data without introducing dynamic delay led us to use some of less common non-linear filters. The article further presents usage of Threshold and Gaussian weighted average non-linear filters and compares them with the linear ones.Veličiny sledované při experimentech se spalováním biomasy jsou zpravidla významně zatížené silným šumem. Použití běžných lineárních filtrů s dolní propustí sice dokáže vyhladit průběhy měřených veličin, ale zavádí do filtrovaného signálu typické dynamické zpoždění. Tento článek porovnává použití tří běžně používaných lineární filtrů - Butterworthův, Besselův a Čebiševův. Další snaha o vyhlazení měřených dat bez zatížení dynamickým zpožděním vedla autory k použití méně běžných nelineárních filtrů. Článek tedy dále srovnává použití prahového filtru a filtru založeném na Gaussovo křivkou váženém průměru

    Near-ideal causal smoothing filters for the real sequences

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    The paper considers causal smoothing of the real sequences, i.e., discrete time processes in a deterministic setting. A family of causal linear time-invariant filters is suggested. These filters approximate the gain decay for some non-causal ideal smoothing filters with transfer functions vanishing at a point of the unit circle and such that they transfer processes into predictable ones. In this sense, the suggested filters are near-ideal; a faster gain decay would lead to the loss of causality. Applications to predicting algorithms are discussed and illustrated by experiments with forecasting of autoregressions with the coefficients that are deemed to be untraceable

    Two tone response of radiofrequency signals using the voltage output of a Superconducting Quantum Interference Filter

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    In the presence of weak time harmonic electromagnetic fields, Superconducting Quantum Interference Filters (SQIFs) show the typical behavior of non linear mixers. The SQIFs are manufactured from high-T_c grain boundary Josephson junctions and operated in active microcooler. The dependence of dc voltage output V_dc vs. static external magnetic field B is non-periodic and consists of a well pronounced unique dip at zero field, with marginal side modulations at higher fields. We have successfully exploited the parabolic shape of the voltage dip around B=0 to mix quadratically two external time harmonic rf-signals, at frequencies f_1 and f_2 below the Josephson frequency f_J, and detect the corresponding mixing signal at f_1-f_2. When the mixing takes place on the SQIF current-voltage characteristics the component at 2f_2 - f_1 is present. The experiments suggest potential applications of a SQIF as a non-linear mixing device, capable to operate at frequencies from dc to few GHz with a large dynamic range.Comment: 10 pages, 3 Figures, submitted to J. Supercond. (as proceeding of the HTSHFF Symposium, June 2006, Cardiff