124 research outputs found

    Appropriate Design of Parallel Manipulators

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    International audienceAlthough parallel structures have found a niche market in many applications such as machine tools, telescope positioning or food packaging, they are not as successful as expected. The main reason of this relative lack of success is that the study and hardware of parallel structures have clearly not reached the same level of completeness than the one of serial structures. Among the main issues that have to be addressed, the design problem is crucial. Indeed, the performances that can be expected from a parallel robot are heavily dependent upon the choice of the mechanical structure and even more from its dimensioning. In this chapter, we show that classical design methodologies are not appropriate for such closed-loop mechanism and examine what alternatives are possible

    Low Mobility Cable Robot with Application to Robotic Warehousing

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    Cable-based robots consist of a rigid mobile platform connected via flexible links (cables, wires, tendons) to a surrounding static platform. The use of cables simplifies the mechanical structure and reduces the inertia, allowing the mobile platform to reach high motion acceleration in large workspaces. These attributes give, in principle, an advantage over conventional robots used for industrial applications, such as the pick and place of objects inside factories or similar exterior large workspaces. However, unique cable properties involve new theoretical and technical challenges: all cables must be in tension to avoid collapse of the mobile platform. In addition, positive tensions applied to cables may affect the overall stiffness, that is, cable stretch might result in unacceptable oscillations of the mobile platform. Fully constrained cable-based robots can be distinguished from other types of cable-based robots because the motion and force generation of the mobile platform is accomplished by controlling both the cable lengths and the positive cable tensions. Fully constrained cable-based robots depend on actuator redundancy, that is, the addition of one or more actuated cables than end-effector degrees of freedom. Redundancy has proved to be beneficial to expand the workspace, remove some types of singularities, increase the overall stiffness, and support high payloads in several proposed cable-based robot designs. Nevertheless, this strategy demands the development of efficient controller designs for real-time applications. This research deals with the design and control of a fully constrained cable-based parallel manipulator for large-scale high-speed warehousing applications. To accomplish the design of the robot, a well-ordered procedure to analyze the cable tensions, stiffness and workspace will be presented to obtain an optimum structure. Then, the control problem will be investigated to deal with the redundancy solution and all-positive cable tension condition. The proposed control method will be evaluated through simulation and experimentation in a prototype manufactured for testing

    Modeling, Control and Estimation of Reconfigurable Cable Driven Parallel Robots

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    The motivation for this thesis was to develop a cable-driven parallel robot (CDPR) as part of a two-part robotic device for concrete 3D printing. This research addresses specific research questions in this domain, chiefly, to present advantages offered by the addition of kinematic redundancies to CDPRs. Due to the natural actuation redundancy present in a fully constrained CDPR, the addition of internal mobility offers complex challenges in modeling and control that are not often encountered in literature. This work presents a systematic analysis of modeling such kinematic redundancies through the application of reciprocal screw theory (RST) and Lie algebra while further introducing specific challenges and drawbacks presented by cable driven actuators. It further re-contextualizes well-known performance indices such as manipulability, wrench closure quality, and the available wrench set for application with reconfigurable CDPRs. The existence of both internal redundancy and static redundancy in the joint space offers a large subspace of valid solutions that can be condensed through the selection of appropriate objective priorities, constraints or cost functions. Traditional approaches to such redundancy resolution necessitate computationally expensive numerical optimization. The control of both kinematic and actuation redundancies requires cascaded control frameworks that cannot easily be applied towards real-time control. The selected cost functions for numerical optimization of rCDPRs can be globally (and sometimes locally) non-convex. In this work we present two applied examples of redundancy resolution control that are unique to rCDPRs. In the first example, we maximize the directional wrench ability at the end-effector while minimizing the joint torque requirement by utilizing the fitness of the available wrench set as a constraint over wrench feasibility. The second example focuses on directional stiffness maximization at the end-effector through a variable stiffness module (VSM) that partially decouples the tension and stiffness. The VSM introduces an additional degrees of freedom to the system in order to manipulate both reconfigurability and cable stiffness independently. The controllers in the above examples were designed with kinematic models, but most CDPRs are highly dynamic systems which can require challenging feedback control frameworks. An approach to real-time dynamic control was implemented in this thesis by incorporating a learning-based frameworks through deep reinforcement learning. Three approaches to rCDPR training were attempted utilizing model-free TD3 networks. Robustness and safety are critical features for robot development. One of the main causes of robot failure in CDPRs is due to cable breakage. This not only causes dangerous dynamic oscillations in the workspace, but also leads to total robot failure if the controllability (due to lack of cables) is lost. Fortunately, rCDPRs can be utilized towards failure tolerant control for task recovery. The kinematically redundant joints can be utilized to help recover the lost degrees of freedom due to cable failure. This work applies a Multi-Model Adaptive Estimation (MMAE) framework to enable online and automatic objective reprioritization and actuator retasking. The likelihood of cable failure(s) from the estimator informs the mixing of the control inputs from a bank of feedforward controllers. In traditional rigid body robots, safety procedures generally involve a standard emergency stop procedure such as actuator locking. Due to the flexibility of cable links, the dynamic oscillations of the end-effector due to cable failure must be actively dampened. This work incorporates a Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) based feedback stabilizer into the failure tolerant control framework that works to stabilize the non-linear system and dampen out these oscillations. This research contributes to a growing, but hitherto niche body of work in reconfigurable cable driven parallel manipulators. Some outcomes of the multiple engineering design, control and estimation challenges addressed in this research warrant further exploration and study that are beyond the scope of this thesis. This thesis concludes with a thorough discussion of the advantages and limitations of the presented work and avenues for further research that may be of interest to continuing scholars in the community

    Snake Robots for Surgical Applications: A Review

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    Although substantial advancements have been achieved in robot-assisted surgery, the blueprint to existing snake robotics predominantly focuses on the preliminary structural design, control, and human–robot interfaces, with features which have not been particularly explored in the literature. This paper aims to conduct a review of planning and operation concepts of hyper-redundant serpentine robots for surgical use, as well as any future challenges and solutions for better manipulation. Current researchers in the field of the manufacture and navigation of snake robots have faced issues, such as a low dexterity of the end-effectors around delicate organs, state estimation and the lack of depth perception on two-dimensional screens. A wide range of robots have been analysed, such as the i2Snake robot, inspiring the use of force and position feedback, visual servoing and augmented reality (AR). We present the types of actuation methods, robot kinematics, dynamics, sensing, and prospects of AR integration in snake robots, whilst addressing their shortcomings to facilitate the surgeon’s task. For a smoother gait control, validation and optimization algorithms such as deep learning databases are examined to mitigate redundancy in module linkage backlash and accidental self-collision. In essence, we aim to provide an outlook on robot configurations during motion by enhancing their material compositions within anatomical biocompatibility standards

    Redundant Hybrid Cable-Driven Robots: Modeling, Control, and Analysis

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    Serial and Cable-Driven Parallel Robots (CDPRs) are two types of robots that are widely used in industrial applications. Usually, the former offers high position accuracy at the cost of high motion inertia and small workspace envelope. The latter has a large workspace, low motion inertia, and high motion accelerations, but low accuracy. In this thesis, redundant Hybrid Cable-Driven Robots (HCDRs) are proposed to harness the strengths and benefits of serial and CDPRs. Although the study has been directed at warehousing applications, the developed techniques are general and can be applied to other applications. The main goal of this research is to develop integrated control systems to reduce vibrations and improve the position accuracy of HCDRs. For the proposed HCDRs, the research includes system modeling, redundancy resolution, optimization problem formulation, integrated control system development, and simulation and experimental validation. In this thesis, first, a generalized HCDR is proposed for the step-by-step derivation of a generic model, and it can be easily extended to any HCDRs. Then, based on an in-plane configuration, three types of control architecture are proposed to reduce vibrations and improve the position accuracy of HCDR. Their performance is evaluated using several well-designed case studies. Furthermore, a stiffness optimization algorithm is developed to overcome the limitations of existing approaches. Decoupled system modeling is studied to reduce the complexity of HCDRs. Control design, simulations, and experiments are developed to validate the models and control strategies. Additionally, state estimation algorithms are proposed to overcome the inaccurate limitation of Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU). Based on these state observers, experiments are conducted in different cases to evaluate the control performance. An Underactuated Mobile Manipulator (UMM) is proposed to address the tracking and vibration- and balance-control problems. Out-of-plane system modeling, disturbance analysis, and model validation are also investigated. Besides, a simple but effective strategy is developed to solve the equilibrium point and balancing problem. Based on the dynamic model, two control architectures are proposed. Compared to other Model Predictive Control (MPC)-based control strategies, the proposed controllers require less effort to implement in practice. Simulations and experiments are also conducted to evaluate the model and control performance. Finally, redundancy resolution and disturbance rejection via torque optimization in HCDRs are proposed: joint-space Torque Optimization for Actuated Joints (TOAJ) and joint-space Torque Optimization for Actuated and Unactuated Joints (TOAUJ). Compared to TOAJ, TOAUJ can solve the redundancy resolution problem as well as disturbance rejection. The algorithms are evaluated using a Three-Dimensional (3D) coupled HCDR and can also be extended to other HCDRs

    Design and Validation of a Variable Stiffness Three Degree of Freedom Planar Robot Arm

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    The need exists for robotic manipulators that can interact with an environment having uncertain kinematic constraints. A robot has been designed and built for proof of concept of a passive variable compliance control strategy that can vary joint stiffness to achieve higher performance dexterous manipulation. This novel planar robot incorporating variable stiffness actuators and common industrial controls allows the robot to comply with its environment when needed but also have high stiffness for precise motion control in free space. To perform both functions well, a high stiffness ratio (max/min stiffness) is required. A stiffness ratio up to 492 was achieved. The robot performance was evaluated with the task of turning a crank to lift a weight despite nominal positioning inaccuracy. The novel variable stiffness robot was able to complete the task faster and with lower constraint forces than a traditional force-controlled stiff robot. The time to complete the task using passive variable stiffness control was twenty-nine times faster with constraint forces less than one fifth those achieved using traditional active compliance control

    Kinematic analysis and optimization of a planar parallel compliant mechanism for self-alignment knee exoskeleton

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    Misalignment between the instantaneous center of rotation (ICR) of human joint and the ICR of wearable robotic exoskeleton widely exists among most of exoskeletons widely used in rehabilitation, which results in discomfort, even endangers human safety. In order to alleviate it, this study focuses on the solution of misalignment in knee joint of lower limb exoskeletons, and proposes a compliant five-bar parallel mechanism, which offers two mobility in sagittal plane, as well as the torsional springs mounted on this mechanism, have the potential to automatically adjust the ICR of output link connected to thigh with respect to the basis link connected to shank. To reach this goal, we build the stiffness model of the mechanism and optimize its variables. And the self-alignment of the compliant five-bar parallel mechanism is verified via experimental investigations.</p

    Parallel Manipulators

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    In recent years, parallel kinematics mechanisms have attracted a lot of attention from the academic and industrial communities due to potential applications not only as robot manipulators but also as machine tools. Generally, the criteria used to compare the performance of traditional serial robots and parallel robots are the workspace, the ratio between the payload and the robot mass, accuracy, and dynamic behaviour. In addition to the reduced coupling effect between joints, parallel robots bring the benefits of much higher payload-robot mass ratios, superior accuracy and greater stiffness; qualities which lead to better dynamic performance. The main drawback with parallel robots is the relatively small workspace. A great deal of research on parallel robots has been carried out worldwide, and a large number of parallel mechanism systems have been built for various applications, such as remote handling, machine tools, medical robots, simulators, micro-robots, and humanoid robots. This book opens a window to exceptional research and development work on parallel mechanisms contributed by authors from around the world. Through this window the reader can get a good view of current parallel robot research and applications

    Cable-driven parallel mechanisms for minimally invasive robotic surgery

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    Minimally invasive surgery (MIS) has revolutionised surgery by providing faster recovery times, less post-operative complications, improved cosmesis and reduced pain for the patient. Surgical robotics are used to further decrease the invasiveness of procedures, by using yet smaller and fewer incisions or using natural orifices as entry point. However, many robotic systems still suffer from technical challenges such as sufficient instrument dexterity and payloads, leading to limited adoption in clinical practice. Cable-driven parallel mechanisms (CDPMs) have unique properties, which can be used to overcome existing challenges in surgical robotics. These beneficial properties include high end-effector payloads, efficient force transmission and a large configurable instrument workspace. However, the use of CDPMs in MIS is largely unexplored. This research presents the first structured exploration of CDPMs for MIS and demonstrates the potential of this type of mechanism through the development of multiple prototypes: the ESD CYCLOPS, CDAQS, SIMPLE, neuroCYCLOPS and microCYCLOPS. One key challenge for MIS is the access method used to introduce CDPMs into the body. Three different access methods are presented by the prototypes. By focusing on the minimally invasive access method in which CDPMs are introduced into the body, the thesis provides a framework, which can be used by researchers, engineers and clinicians to identify future opportunities of CDPMs in MIS. Additionally, through user studies and pre-clinical studies, these prototypes demonstrate that this type of mechanism has several key advantages for surgical applications in which haptic feedback, safe automation or a high payload are required. These advantages, combined with the different access methods, demonstrate that CDPMs can have a key role in the advancement of MIS technology.Open Acces

    Kinematics and Robot Design II (KaRD2019) and III (KaRD2020)

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    This volume collects papers published in two Special Issues “Kinematics and Robot Design II, KaRD2019” (https://www.mdpi.com/journal/robotics/special_issues/KRD2019) and “Kinematics and Robot Design III, KaRD2020” (https://www.mdpi.com/journal/robotics/special_issues/KaRD2020), which are the second and third issues of the KaRD Special Issue series hosted by the open access journal robotics.The KaRD series is an open environment where researchers present their works and discuss all topics focused on the many aspects that involve kinematics in the design of robotic/automatic systems. It aims at being an established reference for researchers in the field as other serial international conferences/publications are. Even though the KaRD series publishes one Special Issue per year, all the received papers are peer-reviewed as soon as they are submitted and, if accepted, they are immediately published in MDPI Robotics. Kinematics is so intimately related to the design of robotic/automatic systems that the admitted topics of the KaRD series practically cover all the subjects normally present in well-established international conferences on “mechanisms and robotics”.KaRD2019 together with KaRD2020 received 22 papers and, after the peer-review process, accepted only 17 papers. The accepted papers cover problems related to theoretical/computational kinematics, to biomedical engineering and to other design/applicative aspects
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