11 research outputs found

    Multi-population inflationary differential evolution algorithm with adaptive local restart

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    In this paper a Multi-Population Inflationary Differential Evolution algorithm with Adaptive Local Restart is presented and extensively tested over more than fifty test functions from the CEC 2005, CEC 2011 and CEC 2014 competitions. The algorithm combines a multi-population adaptive Differential Evolution with local search and local and global restart procedures. The proposed algorithm implements a simple but effective mechanism to avoid multiple detections of the same local minima. The novel mechanism allows the algorithm to decide whether to start or not a local search. The local restart of the population, which follows the local search, is, therefore, automatically adapted

    Experimental Comparison of Methods to Handle Boundary Constraints in Differential Evolution

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    Abstract. In this paper we show that the technique of handling bound-ary constraints has a significant influence on the efficiency of the Differ-ential Evolution method. We study the effects of applying several such techniques taken from the literature. The comparison is based on ex-periments performed for a standard DE/rand/1/bin strategy using the CEC2005 benchmark. The paper reports the results of experiments and provides their simple statistical analysis. Among several constraint han-dling methods, a winning approach is to repeat the differential mutation by resampling the population until a feasible mutant is obtained. Cou-pling the aforementioned method with a simple DE/rand/1/bin strategy allows to achieve results that outperform in many cases results of almost all other methods tested during the CEC2005 competition, including the original DE/rand/1/bin strategy.

    Experimental results for the special session on real-parameter optimization at CEC 2005: A Simple, Continuous EDA

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    A comprehensive set of experiments was conducted with a continuous EDA on 25 test problems provided in the real-parameter optimization special session. It is expected that the results presented here could be used to gain some deeper understanding of the performance of the EDA as well as facilitate the comparison across different algorithms

    Experimental Results for the Special Session on Real-Parameter Optimization at CEC 2005: A Simple, Continuous EDA

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    Abstract- A comprehensive set of experiments was conducted with a continuous EDA on 25 test problems provided in the real-parameter optimization special session. It is expected that the results presented here could be used to gain some deeper understanding of the performance of the EDA as well as facilitate the comparison across different algorithms.

    Differential Evolution with Population and Strategy Parameter Adaptation

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    Differential evolution (DE) is simple and effective in solving numerous real-world global optimization problems. However, its effectiveness critically depends on the appropriate setting of population size and strategy parameters. Therefore, to obtain optimal performance the time-consuming preliminary tuning of parameters is needed. Recently, different strategy parameter adaptation techniques, which can automatically update the parameters to appropriate values to suit the characteristics of optimization problems, have been proposed. However, most of the works do not control the adaptation of the population size. In addition, they try to adapt each strategy parameters individually but do not take into account the interaction between the parameters that are being adapted. In this paper, we introduce a DE algorithm where both strategy parameters are self-adapted taking into account the parameter dependencies by means of a multivariate probabilistic technique based on Gaussian Adaptation working on the parameter space. In addition, the proposed DE algorithm starts by sampling a huge number of sample solutions in the search space and in each generation a constant number of individuals from huge sample set are adaptively selected to form the population that evolves. The proposed algorithm is evaluated on 14 benchmark problems of CEC 2005 with different dimensionality

    Use of the q-Gaussian mutation in evolutionary algorithms

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    Copyright @ Springer-Verlag 2010.This paper proposes the use of the q-Gaussian mutation with self-adaptation of the shape of the mutation distribution in evolutionary algorithms. The shape of the q-Gaussian mutation distribution is controlled by a real parameter q. In the proposed method, the real parameter q of the q-Gaussian mutation is encoded in the chromosome of individuals and hence is allowed to evolve during the evolutionary process. In order to test the new mutation operator, evolution strategy and evolutionary programming algorithms with self-adapted q-Gaussian mutation generated from anisotropic and isotropic distributions are presented. The theoretical analysis of the q-Gaussian mutation is also provided. In the experimental study, the q-Gaussian mutation is compared to Gaussian and Cauchy mutations in the optimization of a set of test functions. Experimental results show the efficiency of the proposed method of self-adapting the mutation distribution in evolutionary algorithms.This work was supported in part by FAPESP and CNPq in Brazil and in part by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) of the UK under Grant EP/E060722/1 and Grant EP/E060722/2

    Linearized biogeography-based optimization with re-initialization and local search

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    Biogeography-based optimization (BBO) is an evolutionary optimization algorithm that uses migration to share information among candidate solutions. One limitation of BBO is that it changes only one independent variable at a time in each candidate solution. In this paper, a linearized version of BBO, called LBBO, is proposed to reduce rotational variance. The proposed method is combined with periodic re-initialization and local search operators to obtain an algorithm for global optimization in a continuous search space. Experiments have been conducted on 45 benchmarks from the 2005 and 2011 Congress on Evolutionary Computation, and LBBO performance is compared with the results published in those conferences. The results show that LBBO provides competitive performance with state-of-the-art evolutionary algorithms. In particular, LBBO performs particularly well for certain types of multimodal problems, including high-dimensional real-world problems. Also, LBBO is insensitive to whether or not the solution lies on the search domain boundary, in a wide or narrow basin, and within or outside the initialization domain