10 research outputs found

    On the reduction of the available bandwidth estimation error through clustering with K-means

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    There are different tools to estimate the end to end available bandwidth (AB). These tools use techniques which send pairs of packets to the network and observe changes in dispersion or propagation delays to infer the value of the AB. Given the fractal nature of Internet traffic, these observations are prompt to errors affecting the accuracy of the estimation. This article presents the application of a clustering technique to reduce the estimation error due to wrong observations of the available bandwidth in the network. The clustering technique used is K-means which is applied to a tool called Traceband that is originally based on a Hidden Markov Model to perform the estimation. It is shown that using K-means in Traceband can improve its accuracy in 67.45 % when the cross traffic is about 70% of the end-to-end capacity

    Available Bandwidth Estimation Tools Metrics, Approaches and Performance

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    The estimation of the available bandwidth (av bw) between two end nodes through the Internet, is an area that has motivated researchers around the world in the last twenty years, to have faster and more accurate tools; Due to the utility it has in various network applications; Such as routing management, intrusion detection systems and the performance of transport protocols. Different tools use different estimation techniques but generally only analyze the three most used metrics as av bw, relative error and estimation time. This work expands the information regarding the evaluation literature of the current Available Bandwidth Estimation Tools (ABET’s), where they analyze the estimation techniques, metrics, different generation tools of cross-traf?c and evaluation testbed; Concentrating on the techniques and estimation methodologies used, as well as the challenges faced by open-source tools in high-performance networks of 10Gbps or higher

    Available Bandwidth Estimation Tools Metrics, Approaches and Performance

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    The estimation of the available bandwidth (av_bw) between two end nodes through the Internet, is an area that has motivated researchers around the world in the last twenty years, to have faster and more accurate tools; Due to the utility it has in various network applications; Such as routing management, intrusion detection systems and the performance of transport protocols. Different tools use different estimation techniques but generally only analyze the three most used metrics as av_bw, relative error and estimation time. This work expands the information regarding the evaluation literature of the current Available Bandwidth Estimation Tools (ABET's), where they analyze the estimation techniques, metrics, different generation tools of cross-traffic and evaluation testbed; Concentrating on the techniques and estimation methodologies used, as well as the challenges faced by open-source tools in high-performance networks of 10 Gbps or higher

    Overhead in available bandwidth estimation tools: Evaluation and analysis

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    Current Available Bandwidth Estimation Tools (ABET) insert into the network probing packets to perform a single estimation. The utilization of these packets makes ABET intrusive and prone to errors since they consume part of the available bandwidth they are measuring. This paper presents a comparative of Overhead Estimation Tools (OET) analysis of representative ABET: Abing, Diettopp, Pathload, PathChirp, Traceband, IGI, PTR, Assolo, and Wbest. By using Internet traffic, the study shows that the insertion of probing packets is a factor that affects two metrics associated to the estimation. First, it is shown that the accuracy is affected proportionally to the amount of probing traffic. Secondly, the Estimation Time (ET) is increased in high congested end-to-end links when auto-induced congestion tools are use

    Overhead in Available Bandwidth Estimation Tools: Evaluation and Analysis

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    The current Available Bandwidth Estimation Tools (ABET's) to perform an estimation, using probes packets are inserted into the network. The utilization These packages, makes ABET's are intrusive and consumes part of which is measuring bandwidth to noise known as "Overhead Estimation Tools" (OET); it’s can produce negative effects on measurements performed by the ABET. This paper presents a complete and comparative analysis of behavior of Available Bandwidth (av_bw), of the ABET's most representative, as well as: Abing, Diettopp, Pathload, PathChirp, Traceband, IGI, PTR, Assolo and Wbest. The study with real Internet traffic, shows the percentage of test that is a factor packets affecting two main aspects of the estimation. The first, the accuracy, and increased indicating that EOT is directly proportional to the percentage of RE, reaching up to 70% in the tool evaluated with most of 30% of Cross-Traffic (CT). And second, the techniques used to send probes packets highly influences the Estimation Time (ET), where some tools that use slops spend up to 240s to converge when there is 60% CT in the network, ensuring that the estimate this technique av_bw highly congested channel, OET as much is used, resulting in inaccuracies in measurement

    eChirp: Measuring Available Bandwidth for the Internet Using Multiple Chirp Packet Trains

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    Measuring available bandwidth over a network path in the Internet is a challenging research problem. In this thesis we have studied this problem and developed a new technique called "eChirp". First, the effectiveness of pathChirp [1] is studied in terms of model performance of chirp packet train structure, actual bandwidth, queuing delay and excursion segmentation. Then we remodeled the chirp train structure. The eChirp can measure the available bandwidth over a network path efficiently and accurately with heavy and light load links. To measure the available bandwidth, the packet probing rate configuration used in pathChirp technique is modified by changing its chirp train structure. The modified structure uses multiple chirp trains (three trains) that provides better probing rate configuration and ultimately gives better bandwidth measurement. Per-packet available bandwidth is calculated using weighted average of per-packet bandwidth of three trains. We also determined the bounds of probing rate parameter which was questionable in pathChirp and affects the available bandwidth measurement accuracy. The eChirp technique has been experimented with numerous network path topologies with low and high link loads with CBR cross-traffic conditions using NS-2 simulated network and results are compared with most recent pathChirp technique. Simulation results show that the proposed eChirp technique is better than pathChirp scheme in terms of estimating available bandwidth

    Timestamp scheme in the reception of test packets through Netfpga for the estimation of available bandwidth in Traceband

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    Los servicios y aplicaciones que se ofrecen actualmente sobre internet como video bajo demanda, requieren estimación de parámetros que determinen la calidad de una conexión como el ancho de banda disponible. Para la estimación del ancho de banda disponible (ABW) se han desarrollado herramientas de software como Pathload, Spruce y Traceband. Estas herramientas presentan limitaciones en la precisión de la estimación debido a los retardos que sufren los paquetes en los procesos inherentes del sistema operativo. La herramienta requiere precisión en la captura del tiempo de llegada de los paquetes y esto se logra realizando el timestamp a nivel físico. Para ello se utiliza la NetFPGA dado que permite modificar el comportamiento como tarjeta de red adicionando módulos de acuerdo a las necesidades del proyecto. En el diseño del esquema de marcación de los tiempos de llegada de los paquetes de prueba se utiliza la herramienta Traceband, esta se encarga del envío y cálculo del ABW y la NetFPGA se encarga de realizar la marca de tiempo de llegada de los paquetes en la recepción en hardware y basados en este valor se realiza la estimación del ABW. Se diseñaron los módulos Timestamp e Identificación en la NetFPGA, y los cambios requeridos en Traceband para comunicarse con la NetFPGA.The services and applications that are currently offered over the Internet as video on demand, require estimation of parameters that determine the quality of a connection such as the available bandwidth. To estimate the available bandwidth (ABW), software tools such as Pathload, Spruce and Traceband have been developed. These tools present limitations in the precision of the estimation due to the delays suffered by the packets in the inherent processes of the operating system. The tool requires precision in capturing the arrival time of the packets and this is achieved by performing the timestamp at the physical level. For this, the NetFPGA is used since it allows modifying the behavior as a network card by adding modules according to the needs of the project. In the design of the marking scheme for the arrival times of the test packets, the Traceband tool is used, this is in charge of sending and calculating the ABW and the NetFPGA is in charge of making the arrival timestamp of the packets in & nbsp; reception in hardware and based on this value the ABW estimation is made. The Timestamp and Identification modules were designed in the NetFPGA, and the changes required in Traceband to communicate with the NetFPGA

    Esquema de timestamp en la recepción de paquetes de prueba a través de la Netfpga para la estimación de ancho de banda disponible en Traceband

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    Los servicios y aplicaciones que se ofrecen actualmente sobre internet como video bajo demanda, requieren estimación de parámetros que determinen la calidad de una conexión como el ancho de banda disponible. Para la estimación del ancho de banda disponible (ABW) se han desarrollado herramientas de software como Pathload, Spruce y Traceband. Estas herramientas presentan limitaciones en la precisión de la estimación debido a los retardos que sufren los paquetes en los procesos inherentes del sistema operativo. La herramienta requiere precisión en la captura del tiempo de llegada de los paquetes y esto se logra realizando el timestamp a nivel físico. Para ello se utiliza la NetFPGA dado que permite modificar el comportamiento como tarjeta de red adicionando módulos de acuerdo a las necesidades del proyecto. En el diseño del esquema de marcación de los tiempos de llegada de los paquetes de prueba se utiliza la herramienta Traceband, esta se encarga del envío y cálculo del ABW y la NetFPGA se encarga de realizar la marca de tiempo de llegada de los paquetes en la recepción en hardware y basados en este valor se realiza la estimación del ABW. Se diseñaron los módulos Timestamp e Identificación en la NetFPGA, y los cambios requeridos en Traceband para comunicarse con la NetFPGA

    Design a test packet arrival time marking scheme in a bandwidth estimator available through the NETFPGA in order to reduce your estimation error

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    El trabajo de investigación titulado “Diseño de un esquema de marcación de tiempos de llegada de paquetes de prueba en un estimador de ancho de banda disponible a través de la NetFPGA con el fin de reducir su error de estimación”, fue desarrollado por la Ing. Nydia Susana Sandoval Carrero bajo la dirección del profesor Cesar Darío Guerrero Santander. Existen en la literatura diversas herramientas que buscan estimar el ancho de banda disponible de extremo a extremo. Estas herramientas basan sus cálculos en las marcaciones de tiempo cuando los paquetes de prueba usados por las herramientas, llegan al receptor de la medición. Dado que esta marcación se realiza a nivel de software, existen diferentes fuentes de error principalmente asociadas a variaciones generadas por otros procesos que toman control del sistema operativo. El propósito de esta investigación es diseñar un mecanismo que permita realizar el marcado de tiempo de los paquetes a nivel de hardware utilizando una tecnología denominada NetFPGA. Esta plataforma permite modificar su comportamiento por los arreglos lógicos programables que esta posee e interactuar con el software de estimación, en este proyecto es la herramienta TRACEBAND. Como resultado de esta investigación, se plantean módulos para realizar el marcado de tiempo o timestamp utilizando la estructura HATS. Se diseñó un módulo de identificación de los paquetes de prueba usando los identificadores de tipo de protocolo y puerto destino. El almacenamiento de los timestamp se realiza en la RAM de la NetFPGA para luego ser leídos desde TRACEBAND. Adicionalmente, se describe la forma en que la NetFPGA y TRACEBAND deben comunicarse a través del módulo REGISTER IO de la NetFPGA y las llamadas IOCTL con sus funciones readreg y writereg en TRACENBAND.LISTA DE FIGURAS 8 LISTA DE ECUACIONES 9 LISTA DE TABLAS 10 ANEXOS 11 ABREVIATURAS 12 RESUMEN 13 ABSTRACT 14 INTRODUCCIÓN 15 1. PLANTEAMIENTO DEL PROBLEMA 16 2. OBJETIVOS 19 2.1 OBJETIVO GENERAL 19 2.2 OBJETIVOS ESPECIFICOS 19 3. MARCO REFERENCIAL 20 3.1 MARCO CONCEPTUAL 20 3.1.1 Redes IP 20 3.1.2 Estimación de parámetros de rendimiento sobre internet 23 Mediciones Pasivas. 23 Mediciones Activas 24 3.1.3 Ancho de banda 25 Medición de ancho de banda disponible (Available Bandwidth Estimations ABW). 28 Modelo de Velocidad de Paquetes PRM 28 Modelo de Separación de Paquetes PGM 29 3.1.4 Plataforma NetFPGA 30 Descripción de la plataforma NetFPGA 31 Diseño de referencia de la NetFPGA de la plataforma NetFPGA 32 Análisis de la plataforma NetFPGA 33 3.1.5 Marca de tiempo en paquetes de datos (TIMESTAMP) 36 3.2 ESTADO DEL ARTE 38 3.2.1 Herramientas de estimación de ancho de banda disponible. 38 3.2.2 Estudios comparativos de las herramientas 41 3.2.3 Descripción de TRACEBAND 43 3.2.4 Utilización del módulo TIMESTAMP en aplicaciones con la NetFPGA 44 4. METODOLOGÍA 50 5. RESULTADOS 52 5.1 MÓDULOS TIMESTAMP Y COMUNICACIÓN EN LA NetFPGA 52 5.1.1 Módulo Timestamp 52 Código módulos encargados del timestamp 55 5.1.3 Módulo Identificación 57 Código en Verilog para el módulo de identificación. 60 5.2 COMUNICACIÓN TRACEBAND CON LA NETFPGA 66 5.2.1 Análisis de TRACEBAND RECEIVER 67 5.2.2 Comunicación entre Traceband_rcv y la NetFPGA 68 6. CONCLUSIONES 72 ANEXOS 74 REFERENCIAS 81MaestríaThe research paper entitled "Designing a scheme dialing arrival times of test packets on an estimate of bandwidth available through NetFPGA order to reduce estimation error" was developed by the Ing. Nydia Susana Sandoval Carrero under the direction of Professor Cesar Dario Guerrero Santander. There are various tools in the literature seeking to estimate the available bandwidth from end to end. These tools base their calculations on the marks of time when the test packets used by tools, arrive at the receiver measurement. Since this marking is done at the software level, there are several sources of error associated with variations mainly generated by other processes that take control of the operating system. The purpose of this research is to design a mechanism for performing marking time of the packets at the hardware level using a technology called NetFPGA. This platform allows you to modify your behavior programmable logic arrays that this has and interact with the software estimation, this project is the TRACEBAND tool. As a result of this investigation, they posed modules for marking time or timestamp using the HATS structure. An identification module test packets using identifiers protocol type and destination port was designed. Storing the timestamp is made in the RAM NetFPGA then be read from TRACEBAND. In addition, the way the NetFPGA and TRACEBAND must communicate through the REGISTER IO module NetFPGA and IOCTL calls with READREG and WRITEREG in TRACENBAND functions described.Modalidad Presencia

    Experimental and Analytical Evaluation of Available Bandwidth Estimation Tools

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    In this paper, we present a low cost and flexible testbed to evaluate the performance of available bandwidth estimation tools in a common and controlled environment. In addition, we include a model based on a network of M/M/1 queues to have an analytical reference to compare the experiments with. We then utilize the proposed testbed and model to evaluate the performance of Pathload, IGI, and Spruce, three well-known bandwidth estimation tools. Our main results indicate that Pathload is the most accurate tool but the slowest to converge. IGI, on the other hand, is the fastest tool but the least accurate. Spruce is the least intrusive tool with intermediate accuracy and convergence time.