687 research outputs found

    Development and Improvement of Airborne Remote Sensing Radar Platforms

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    With the recent record ice melt in the Arctic as well as the dramatic changes occurring in the Antarctic, the need and urgency to characterize ice sheets in these regions has become a research thrust of both the NSF and NASA. Airborne remote sensing is the most effective way to collect the necessary data on a large scale with fine resolution. Current models for determining the relationship between the world's great ice sheets and global sea-level are limited by the availability of data on bed topography, glacier volume, internal layers, and basal conditions. This need could be satisfied by equipping long range aircraft with an appropriately sensitive suite of sensors. The goal of this work is to enable two new airborne radar installations for use in cryospheric surveying, and improve these systems as well as future systems by addressing aircraft integration effects on antenna-array performance. An aerodynamic fairing is developed to enable a NASA DC-8 to support a 5-element array for CReSIS's MCoRDS radar, and several structures are also developed to enable a NASA P-3 to support a 15-element MCoRDS array, as well as three other radar antenna-arrays used for cryospheric surveying. Together, these aircraft have flown almost 200 missions and collected 550 TB of unique science data. In addition, a compensation method is developed to improve beamforming and clutter suppression on wing-mounted arrays by mitigating phase center errors due to wing-flexure. This compensation method is applied to the MVDR beamforming algorithm to improve clutter suppression by using element displacement information to apply appropriate phase shifts. The compensation demonstrated an average SINR increase of 5-10 dB. The hardware contributions of this work have substantially contributed to the state-of-the-art for polar remotes sensing, as evidenced by new data sets made available to the science community and widespread use and citation of the data. The investigations of aircraft integration effects on antenna-arrays will improve future data sets by characterizing the performance degradation. The wing-flexure compensation will greatly improve beam formation and clutter suppression. Increased clutter suppression in airborne radars is crucial to improving next generation ice sheet models and sea-level rise predictions

    Mutual Coupling in Phased Arrays: A Review

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    The mutual coupling between antenna elements affects the antenna parameters like terminal impedances, reflection coefficients and hence the antenna array performance in terms of radiation characteristics, output signal-to-interference noise ratio (SINR), and radar cross section (RCS). This coupling effect is also known to directly or indirectly influence the steady state and transient response, the resolution capability, interference rejection, and direction-of-arrival (DOA) estimation competence of the array. Researchers have proposed several techniques and designs for optimal performance of phased array in a given signal environment, counteracting the coupling effect. This paper presents a comprehensive review of the methods that model and mitigate the mutual coupling effect for different types of arrays. The parameters that get affected due to the presence of coupling thereby degrading the array performance are discussed. The techniques for optimization of the antenna characteristics in the presence of coupling are also included

    A Localization System for Optimizing the Deployment of Small Cells in 2-Tier Heterogeneous Wireless Networks

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    Due to the ever growing population of mobile device users and expansion on the number of devices and applications requiring data usage, there is an increasing demand for improved capacity in wireless cellular networks. Cell densification and 2-tier heterogeneous networks (HetNets) are two solutions which will assist 5G systems in meeting these growing capacity demands. Small-cell deployment over existing heterogeneous networks have been considered by researchers. Different strategies for deploying these small-cells within the existing network among which are random, cell-edge and high user concentration (HUC) have also been explored. Small cells deployed on locations of HUC offloads traffic from existing network infrastructure, ensure good Quality of Service (QoS) and balanced load in the network but there is a challenge of identifying HUC locations. There has been considerable research performed into techniques for determining user location and cell deployment. Currently localization can be achieved using time dependent methods such as Time of Arrival (ToA), Time Difference of Arrival (TDoA), or Global Positioning Systems (GPS). GPS based solutions provide high accuracy user positioning but suffer from concerns over user privacy, and other time dependent approaches require regular synchronization which can be difficult to achieve in practice. Alternatively, Received Signal Strength (RSS) based solutions can provide simple anonymous user data, requiring no extra hardware within the mobile handset but often rely on triangulation from adjacent Base Stations (BS). In mobile cellular networks such solutions are therefore often only applicable near the cell edge, as installing additional BS would increase the complexity and cost of a network deployment. The work presented in this thesis overcomes these limitations by providing an observer system for wireless networks that can be used to periodically monitor the cell coverage area and identify regions of high concentrations of users for possible small cell deployment in 2-tier heterogeneous networks. The observer system comprises of two collinear antennas separated by λ/2. The relative phase of each antenna was varied using a phase shifter so that the combined output of the two antennas were used to create sum and difference radiation patterns, and to steer the antenna radiation pattern creating different azimuth positions for AoA estimation. Statistical regression analysis was used to develop range estimation models based on four different environment empirical pathloss models for user range estimation. Users were located into clusters by classifying them into azimuth-range classes and counting the number of users in each class. Locations for small cell deployment were identified based on class population. BPEM, ADEM, BUEM, EARM and NLOS models were developed for more accurate range estimation. A prototype system was implemented and tested both outdoor and indoor using a network of WiFi nodes. Experimental results show close relationship with simulation and an average PER in range estimation error of 80% by applying developed error models. Based on both simulation and experiment, system showed good performance. By deploying micro-, pico-, or femto-cells in areas of higher user concentration, high data rates and good quality of service in the network can be maintained. The observer system provides the network manager with relative angle of arrival (AoA), distance estimation and relative location of user clusters within the cell. The observer system divides the cell into a series of azimuthal and range sectors, and determines which sector the users are located in. Simulation and a prototype design of the system is presented and results have shown system robustness and high accuracy for its purpose

    Nanoscale magnetophotonics

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    This Perspective surveys the state-of-the-art and future prospects of science and technology employing the nanoconfined light (nanophotonics and nanoplasmonics) in combination with magnetism. We denote this field broadly as nanoscale magnetophotonics. We include a general introduction to the field and describe the emerging magneto-optical effects in magnetoplasmonic and magnetophotonic nanostructures supporting localized and propagating plasmons. Special attention is given to magnetoplasmonic crystals with transverse magnetization and the associated nanophotonic non-reciprocal effects, and to magneto-optical effects in periodic arrays of nanostructures. We give also an overview of the applications of these systems in biological and chemical sensing, as well as in light polarization and phase control. We further review the area of nonlinear magnetophotonics, the semiconductor spin-plasmonics, and the general principles and applications of opto-magnetism and nano-optical ultrafast control of magnetism and spintronics

    Refraction interference elimination employing smart arrays at VHF

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    Radio interference from the Middle East is one of the most significant problems plaguing the local radio services in Cyprus today. The issue is particularly noticeable on the highway, where it affects in-car tuners in all coastal areas of the island when the weather is hot and humid. In this work, the problem of interference from the Middle East was explored in the context of field strength variations versus the type of propagation mechanism favouring the radio waves in Band II, allowing them to travel from the Middle East to beyond the horizon in Cyprus. This problem was significant, since no line of sight exists between the two regions. After in-depth analysis adhering to the ITU (International Telecommunications Union) Recommendations, it was demonstrated that interference is caused by “Tropospheric Ducting”, i.e., trapping of the overseas transmitted signals between two layers of the troposphere at different heights. The upper air data were obtained using the Weather Research Forecasting (WRF-ARW version 3.4) model. The results yielded by the present study confirm that this model provides accurate prediction of interference for up to five days in advance. The interference problem is widely recognized, and therefore many attempts have been made to explicate its causes and provide solutions. The aim of the present study was to present a robust solution based on an innovative receiving antenna design. The antenna is a receiver’s component that collects electromagnetic waves from various directions. The rationale behind focusing on a circular array topology is that its tuning ensures that the receiver processes the desired signal only, while rejecting the unwanted interference. This can presently only be achieved by a large directional external antenna that must be steered mechanically in the desired direction. As this arrangement is not practical, an innovative smart antenna was proposed as an alternative. A circular phased array is a very compact antenna that produces a predicted radiation pattern, whereby it receives maximum energy from the desired direction without the need for mechanical control. Circular arrays exhibit high gain as well as immunity to interference, making them ideal for use in high interference environments. This combination allows the antenna to be incorporated into a commercial deck receiver or installed on vehicles

    Diffraction-limited Imaging and Trapping of Ultracold Ytterbium Atoms in Optical Tweezer Arrays

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    A new path for quantum gas experiments with high resolution is a combination of the advantages of highly uniform optical lattices with the flexibility offered by optical tweezer arrays. Those hybrid tweezer lattices require performant microscope objectives that can simultaneously image individual atoms in the optical lattice and generate diffraction-limited optical tweezers for single-site addressing. In this thesis the imaging performance is characterized for two custom made high-resolution objectives at 399 and 532 nm as well as the tweezer-generation capabilities with 532 nm light. To this end, we build and optimize an optical test setup that can perform automated focus scans with sub-wavelength axial step size to test the objective point spread function and optical tweezer generation. We confirm diffraction-limited operation in both cases for each objective and in a field of view of 100x100 μm. Furthermore we generate 2D tweezer arrays using two acousto-optical deflectors in a crossed configuration and characterize their shape in 3D. An in-depth discussion on the error estimates and various compensation techniques used for analysis is presented as well. Finally, we successfully integrate the objective into the main setup including the trapping and imaging of ultracold ytterbium atoms in a 5x5 optical tweezer array

    Novel modulated antennas and probes for millimeter wave imaging applications

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    Microwave and millimeter wave (300 MHz - 300 GHz) imaging techniques have shown great potential for a wide range of industrial and medical applications. These techniques are fundamentally based on measuring relative and coherent electromagnetic fields distributions, e.g., electric fields, around the object to be imaged. Various imaging systems can be devised for measuring relative electric field distributions; each with it own advantages and limitations. This dissertation is focused on addressing critical challenges related to the practical implementation of various microwave and millimeter wave imaging systems. Specifically, this research is meant to achieve three main objectives related to designing efficient modulated imaging methods/array elements, reducing the sensitivity to standoff distance variations in near-field imaging, and designing a simple and accurate vector network analyzer (VNA) for in-situ imaging applications. The concept of modulating millimeter wave antenna and scatterer structures, directly to increase the overall system sensitivity and reduce the image acquisition time, is central to the development presented herein. To improve upon the conventional modulated scatterer technique (MST) based on dipole scatterers; a new multiple loaded scatterer (MLS) method and novel loaded elliptical slot are introduced and analyzed. A unique near-field differential probe based on dual-loaded modulated single waveguide aperture is developed to compensate for and reduce the effect of standoff distance variations in near-field imaging. Finally, a novel vector network analyzer (VNA) design is introduced to meet the rising need for in-situ vector measuring devices. To realize a robust handheld millimeter wave VNA, a custom-designed waveguide phase shifter based on sub-resonant loaded slots is introduced. The proposed MLS method, modulated elliptical slot, dual-loaded modulated aperture probe, and VNA are thoroughly investigated and their efficacy for microwave and millimeter wave imaging is demonstrated --Abstract, page iii