11 research outputs found

    Experimental Evaluation of a SIP-Based Home Gateway with Multiple Wireless Interfaces for Domotics Systems

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    In modern houses, the presence of sensors and actuators is increasing, whilecommunication servicesandentertainment systemshad long since settled into everyday life. The utilization of wireless communication technologies, such as ZigBee, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth, is attractive because of their short installation times and low costs. The research is moving towards the integration of the various home appliances and devices into a single domotics system, able to exploit the cooperation among the diverse subsystems and offer the end-user a single multiservice platform. In this scenario, the paper presents the experimental evaluation of a domotics framework centered on a SIP-based home gateway (SHG). While SIP is used to build a common control plane, the SHG is in charge of translating the user commands from and to the specific domotics languages. The analysis has been devoted to assess both the performance of the SHG software framework and the negative effects produced by the simultaneous interference among the three widespread wireless technologies

    Threats and perspective for the Internet of Things

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    Il paradigma di ubiquitous computing sta lentamente entrando nella vita di tutti i giorni, gli utenti sono sempre connessi e una nuova esigenza di monitoraggio e controllo sta nascendo. Dispositivi di comunicazione intelligenti, le reti domestiche multimediali e l’automazione industriale sono alcune coniugazioni possibili del paradigma di ubiquitous computing che sono ora disponibili per l’utente finale. La diffusione di questi sistemi è infatti destinata a crescere, spinta da entrambi i mondi accademico e industriale la quantità di lavoro di ricerca in questo campo è in aumento, e diverse aziende hanno messo le proprie soluzioni sul mercato. Nella visione di molti, l’utente sarebbe poi in grado di godere dei vantaggi di un sistema intelligente e impercettibile che si adatta all’ambiente ed ai suoi bisogni e unisce tutte le applicazioni e i servizi in un unico sistema integrato e facile da controllare. In questo lavoro vengono valutate alcune delle sfide architettoniche di questo nuovo modo di interagire tra l’utente e il suo ambiente circostante. Vengono mostrate la progettazione e la realizzazione di un SIP-based Home Gateway per il controllo remoto di Smart Objects in un ambiente domotico. È presentata anche un’architettura basata sul protocollo SIP per realizzare un sistema di domotica capace di interagire con dispositivi eterogenei e con varie interfacce utente, l’architettura si basa sull’uso del protocollo SIP come piano di controllo comune ed è centrata sul SIP Gateway Home. Per valutare le capacità del sistema descritto abbiamo effettuato anche una valutazione delle prestazioni, considerando i due problemi principali per questo tipo di dispositivi: scalabilita ad un elevato numero di richieste di servizio per secondo e l’interferenza/coesistenza di dispositivi appartenenti a diverse tecnologie/standard (ZigBee, Bluetooth, e Wi-Fi) presenti sullo stesso dispositivo. Sono stati valutati anche i problemi di sicurezza attraverso lo studio sperimentale di un Intrusion Detection System per attenuare tali problemi

    Optimal Domotic Systems Based on Archival Data Trend Analysis

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    Domotics is the integration of technology into building systems. Due to the rapid growth in the use of domotic systems in recent years, the industry is struggling to establish consistency and standardization. The purpose of this archival-based qualitative case study was to identify current trends and patterns in scholarly domotic research to create an instrument to evaluate domotic systems and domotic interrelationships using bibliometric searches. The facilities management and modeling system provided the framework for the study. Archival research data were examined to identify trends and patterns in domotic research and provide visualization of domotic relationships through technology trajectory mapping and technology s-curve charts. Text-mining techniques were used to explore trends and patterns in recent scholarly domotic research. The technology s-curve was used to determine trends and patterns in domotic systems design. The results included a tool for the evaluation of domotic systems, which may provide domotic designers with a tool to evaluate the progress of domotic systems. The study also provided results on trends in domotic technologies, which may be used to improve building design development

    Privacidade em redes de próxima geração

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    Doutoramento em Engenharia InformáticaIn the modern society, communications and digital transactions are becoming the norm rather than the exception. As we allow networked computing devices into our every-day actions, we build a digital lifestyle where networks and devices enrich our interactions. However, as we move our information towards a connected digital environment, privacy becomes extremely important as most of our personal information can be found in the network. This is especially relevant as we design and adopt next generation networks that provide ubiquitous access to services and content, increasing the impact and pervasiveness of existing networks. The environments that provide widespread connectivity and services usually rely on network protocols that have few privacy considerations, compromising user privacy. The presented work focuses on the network aspects of privacy, considering how network protocols threaten user privacy, especially on next generation networks scenarios. We target the identifiers that are present in each network protocol and support its designed function. By studying how the network identifiers can compromise user privacy, we explore how these threats can stem from the identifier itself and from relationships established between several protocol identifiers. Following the study focused on identifiers, we show that privacy in the network can be explored along two dimensions: a vertical dimension that establishes privacy relationships across several layers and protocols, reaching the user, and a horizontal dimension that highlights the threats exposed by individual protocols, usually confined to a single layer. With these concepts, we outline an integrated perspective on privacy in the network, embracing both vertical and horizontal interactions of privacy. This approach enables the discussion of several mechanisms to address privacy threats on individual layers, leading to architectural instantiations focused on user privacy. We also show how the different dimensions of privacy can provide insight into the relationships that exist in a layered network stack, providing a potential path towards designing and implementing future privacy-aware network architectures.Na sociedade moderna, as comunicações e transacções digitais estão a tornar-se a regra e não a excepção. À medida que permitimos a intromissão de dispositivos electrónicos de rede no nosso quotidiano, vamos construíndo um estilo de vida digital onde redes e dispositivos enrirquecem as nossas interacções. Contudo, ao caminharmos para um ambiente digital em rede, a nossa privacidade vai-se revestindo de maior importãncia, pois a nossa informação pessoal passa a encontrar-se cada vez mais na rede. Isto torna-se particularmente relevante ao adoptarmos redes de próxima geração, que permitem acesso ubíquo a redes, serviços e conteúdos, aumentando o impacte e pervasividade das redes actuais. Os ambientes onde a conectividade e os serviços se tornam uma constante, assentam em protocolos de rede que normalmente contemplam poucas considerações sobre privacidade, comprometendo desta forma o utlizador. O presente trabalho centra-se nos aspectos de privacidade que dizem respeito à rede devido à forma como os protocolos são utilizados nas diferentes camadas, e que resultando em ameaças à privacidade do utilizador. Abordamos especificamente os identificadores presentes nos protocolos de rede, e que são essenciais à sua função. Neste contexto exploramos a possibilidade destes identificadores comprometerem a privacidade do utilizador através da informação neles contida, bem como das relações que podem ser estabelecidas entre identificadores de diferentes protocolos. Após este estudo centrado nos identificadores, mostramos como a privacidade em redes pode ser explorada ao longo de duas dimensões: uma dimensão que acentua as relações verticais de privacidade, cruzando vários protocolos até chegar ao utilizador, e uma dimensão horizontal que destaca as ameaças causadas por cada protocolo, de forma individual, normalmente limitadas a uma única camada. Através destes conceitos, mostramos uma visão integrada de privacidade em redes, abrangendo tanto as interacçoes de privacidade verticais como as horizontais. Esta visão permite discutir vários mecanismos para mitigar ameaças específicas a cada camada de rede, resultando em instânciações arquitecturais orientadas à privacidade do utilizador. Finalmente, mostramos como as diferentes dimensões de privacidade podem fornecer uma visão diferente sobre as relações estabelecidas na pilha protocolar que assenta em camadas, mostrando um caminho possível para o desenvolvimento de futuras arquitecturas de rede com suporte para privacidade


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    A Survey of Assistive Technology (AT) Knowledge and Experiences of Healthcare Professionals in the UK and France: Challenges and Opportunities for Workforce Development

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    Background: Assistive Technologies (AT) in healthcare can increase independence and quality of life for users. Concurrently, new AT devices offer opportunities for individualised care solutions. Nonetheless, AT remains under-utilised and is poorly integrated in practice by healthcare professionals (HCPs). Although occupational therapists (OTs), physiotherapists and speech and language therapists (SLTs) consider that AT solutions can offer problem-solving approaches to personalised care, they have a lesser understanding of application of AT in their practice. In this paper, we report findings of a survey on AT knowledge and experiences of HCPs in UK and France. Training needs also explored in the survey are presented in a separate paper on development of online training for the ADAPT project. Method: A survey of 37 closed/open questions was developed in English and French by a team of healthcare researchers. Content was informed by published surveys and studies. Email invitations were circulated to contacts in Health Trusts in UK and France ADAPT regions and the survey was hosted on an online platform. Knowledge questions addressed AT understanding and views of impact on user’s lives. Experience questions focussed on current practices, prescription, follow-up, abandonment and practice standards. 429 HCPs completed the survey (UK = 167; FR = 262) between June and November 2018. Key results: Participants were mainly female (UK 89.2%; FR 82.8%) and qualified 10+ years (UK 66.5%; FR 62.2%). A key group in both countries were OTs (UK 34.1%; FR 46.6%), with more physiotherapists and SLTs in UK (16.8%, 16.8%; vs. FR 6.5%, 2.3%), and more nurses in France (22.1% Vs. UK 10.8%). More HCPs were qualified to degree level in France (75.2%; UK 48.5%, p < 0.001). In terms of knowledge, all HCPs agreed that AT helps people complete otherwise difficult or impossible tasks (UK 86.2%; FR 94.3%) and that successful AT adoption always depends on support from carers, family and professionals (UK 52.7%; FR 66.2%). There were some notable differences between countries that require further exploration. For example, more French HCPs thought that AT is provided by trial and error (84.7%, UK 45.5%, p < 0.001), while more UK HCPs believed that AT promotes autonomous living (93.4%; FR 42.8%, p < 0.001). Also, more French HCPs considered that AT refers exclusively to technologically advanced electronic devices (71.8%, UK 28.8%, p <0.001). In both countries, top AT prescribers were OTs, physiotherapists and SLTs. Respondents had little/no knowledge in comparing/choosing AT (UK 86.8%; FR 76.7%) and stated they would benefit from interdisciplinary clinical standards (UK 80.8%; FR 77.1%). A third of HCPs did not know if AT users had access to adequate resources/support (UK 34.1%; FR 27.5%) and rated themselves as capable to monitor continued effective use of AT (UK 38.9%; FR 34.8%). Conclusion: Knowledge and application of AT was varied between the two countries due to differences in health care provision and support mechanisms. Survey findings suggest that HCPs recognised the value of AT for users’ improved care, but had low confidence in their ability to choose appropriate AT solutions and monitor continued use, and would welcome AT interdisciplinary clinical standards

    Training Needs and Development of Online AT Training for Healthcare Professionals in UK and France

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    Background: Assistive Technology (AT) solutions for people with disabilities has become part of mainstream care provision. Despite advantages of AT on offer, abandonment and non-compliance are challenges for healthcare professionals (HCPs), introducing this technology to clients. Studies of abandonment reveal that 1/3 of all devices provided to service users end up stored unused. Key need is training to make informed decisions about AT tailored to individual needs and circumstances. In an online survey undertaken by the ADAPT project, HPCs identified AT training needs and barriers. Currently, a programme is being developed aimed at introducing AT concepts and enhancing practices to a wide range of HCPs. Method: Survey questions explored gaps, availability, qualifications and barriers to AT training in England and France. A series of consultation meetings with ADAPT partners took place. An advisory group consisting of longstanding AT users and their formal/informal carers and HCPs (occupational therapist, speech and language therapist, psychologist and biomedical engineer) contributed to the discussions on survey findings, development and evaluation of AT training for HCPs, key content areas and means of delivery. Key results: HCPs had no AT specific qualifications (UK 94.6%; FR 81.3%) nor in-service AT training (UK 65.1%; FR 66.4%). They either did not know of AT courses (UK 63.3%) or knew that none existed (FR 72.5%). Barriers to AT training were mainly local training (UK 62.7%, FR 50%) and funding (UK 62.7%, FR 55.7%). Some training priorities were clearer for French HCPs – overall knowledge of AT devices (82.1%, UK 45.8%), customization of AT (65.3%, UK 30.1%), assessing patient holistically (53.4%, UK 25.3%), educating patient/carers (56.5%, UK 28.3%) (p < 0.001). Variances may be due to differing country-specific HCP education approach. A third of both groups highlighted also abandonment, client follow-up, powered wheelchair training and prescribing AT. To bridge gaps in knowledge and identified training needs of HCPs, the online interactive training programme starts by introducing foundations of AT, including definitions, types/uses of AT, legislation/policies and AT in practice. More specialist units build and expand on specific areas, e.g. AT for mobility, communication, assessment and evidence-based practice. The biopsychosocial model of Health and World Health Organisation’s (WHO) International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) framework underpin development of content. ICF shifts focus from disability to health and functioning, in line with a social model of rehabilitation. E-learning comprises existing videos, AT textbook material and bespoke animated presentations. Selfassessment and evaluation of training are embedded and learners receive certificate of completion. Training was piloted to a group of HCPs trainees and postregistration HCPs who commented on relevance of AT content, clarity, accessibility of presentation, and usefulness. Users found training very useful, especially legislation/policies and AT literature. Conclusion: Overall, survey results suggest that both UK and French HCPs’ training on AT solutions is limited and highly variable. There is need for crosschannel AT professional competencies, availability of work-based training and funding support. Development of online, interactive training aims to increase professional confidence and competence in this area as well as the evidence base for AT

    A Literature Review of the Challenges Encountered in the Adoption of Assistive Technology (AT) and Training of Healthcare Professionals

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    Background: Long-term disabilities often result in loss of autonomy and social interaction. Accordingly, there is a demand for Assistive Technology (AT) devices to enable individuals to live independently for as long as possible. However, many people experience difficulties in obtaining and using AT. This paper presents findings from a narrative literature review undertaken as part of the development of AT training for healthcare professionals, one of the work areas of the ADAPT project (Assistive Devices for Empowering Disabled People through Robotic Technologies), funded by EU INTERREG France (Channel) England. The results of the review informed the design of a survey of healthcare professionals regarding their views and experiences of AT and the development of AT training. Method: The review sought to understand challenges encountered in the adoption and use of AT as well as how training of healthcare professionals in AT takes place. A narrative approach was adopted as the most appropriate way to synthesise published literature on this topic and describe its current state-of-art. Narrative reviews are considered an important educational tool in continuing professional development. An initial search was conducted via databases in the UK and France, including CINAHL, Academic Search Index, Social Sciences Citation Index, BDSP (Base de données en Santé Publique), Documentation EHESP/MSSH (Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Santé Publique/Maison des Sciences Sociales et Handicap), Cairn, Google Scholar and Pubmed. Inclusion criteria for the review included: covering issues relating to AT provision and training, English or French language, and published from 1990 onwards. Application of these criteria elicited 79 sources, including journal papers (48), reports (11), online sources (11), books (6) and conference papers (3). Sources were thematically analysed to draw out key themes. Key results: The majority of papers were from USA and Canada (27), then UK (20) and France (19). Others were from Europe (7), Australia (3), country unknown (2), and one joint UK/France publication. The main source of literature was journal papers (48), of which the most common types were practice reports (18), evaluation surveys (10) and qualitative studies (9). The review uncovered a number of key challenges related to the adoption of devices, including: difficulty defining AT across disciplines, lack of knowledge of healthcare professionals and users, obtrusiveness and stigmatisation AT users can experience when using devices, and shortfalls in communication amongst professional groups and between professionals and users. These issues can lead to abandonment of AT devices. Furthermore, substantial barriers to healthcare professionals exist, including inconsistent provision and quality of training, lack of evaluation of training, lack of resources and funding, shortage of qualified professionals to teach, and the increasingly rapid development of the technologies. Conclusion: Support, training and education for prescribers, distributors, users, and their carers is vital in the adoption and use of AT. Evidence indicates a need for comprehensive education in the AT field, as well as ongoing assessment, updates and evaluation which is embedded in programmes